ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (111 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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While the man was climbing into his car, the bear turned to face her. She had been frozen in shock by what she had witnessed, but now she realized she’d been entranced for too long. She was in its sights, and death would likely be coming for her in a way more gruesome than being gunned down.

She trembled and stammered out nonsensically as she began to back up. There would be no time to close the door, but she had a child to protect. No matter what, she would do what she had to in order to try and defend them. She noticed the bear take a step to run towards her, and in response she quickly stepped back to slam the door.

It didn’t work.

The bear was wedged between the door and its frame. Its strength was unfathomable. She wasn’t able to overpower it to close the door, and before long, it was forced open and she was running in the direction of the back entrance. She didn’t have much time to make moves towards it before the bear’s paws were on her and forced her down on her back.

She felt like she might be delirious now as so many frightening things had just taken place. Her heart was pounding and her mind racing, wondering why her out of all the things. Even with this occurring, she could swear the bear was being gentle. It didn’t tackle her, just pushed down lightly enough for her to lose her balance a bit.

It gazed down at her intently, and though her first response was fear, her breathing slowed and her heart did too when she looked into its eyes and noticed a startling familiarity. “…Bryce?” she whispered out, still frightened. She had to be going crazy.

The bear let out a light rumble as it nudged her upward.

She stood upright and noticed the bizarre coat pattern. Grizzlies were quite aggressive and would never do these things with a human. They also weren’t covered in tattoo-like war paint. Its eyes were not completely wild, and yet not very human either.

She didn’t run now. She stood her ground, and in the blink of an eye, the bear transformed from a hulking beast to a hulking man, a very familiar man. Bryce now stood before her, a somewhat angry expression on his features.

“I told you not to move.” He growled.

Casandra was frozen in fear, but she didn’t have time to question what she’d just seen. She could only speak. “I-I only thought, I just…” she stammered out.

He sighed, “We’re leaving. It isn’t safe here anymore. I have a safe house not far from here and that’s where we’re headed. I wasn’t going to use it unless something like this happened. It would be too suspicious if you suddenly vanished.” He said. He scooped up a nearby bag and nodded for her to follow, “I know you have questions but we don’t have time. I don’t mean you any harm and I want you to know that.” He said, his eyes softening a small bit as he looked at her terrified form.

Casandra felt her emotions and confusion welling up into something undiscernible. She didn’t know what else to do, and so instead of questioning the fact that Bryce was actually a bear, and that a bleeding and mauled man was now driving away at the speed of light in his police car, she ran into his embrace and began to sob in his arms.

Bryce didn’t seem to mind at all. He took his arms and wrapped them around her, and just as she imagined, she felt safe and warm. “I-I don’t even care at this point Bryce! You saved me, and that’s all that matters to me right now.” She said as the tears began to pour down her face. “I almost died, and you saved me.”

Bryce was quiet as he held her. His head rested atop of hers and he breathed in her scent. “I promise I won’t let them come for you again. Next time I’ll kill them if they come. You may have paid me to do this, but I feel this strange urge to stay and protect you. If you’ll have me for that Casandra, then I won’t leave your side.” He said.

Casandra didn’t have the bearing to say how happy she was, or how relieved. All she cared about in this moment was feeling the comfort of his arms around her, and the knowledge that she would never be tormented by Keith again as long as Bryce was by her side.


Casandra walked along with Bryce when they got to an area that was up a hill. He had parked his truck in a random spot that had no indication of anything around it. It was literally just a snow covered road with walls of thick foliage on either side. It looked like it wasn’t often traveled.

“We have to walk from here.” He stated as he took her hand and helped her over a log.

Casandra didn’t speak, just looked around her. The woods grew denser the further they went in, and more animal life began to appear, now unchallenged by human interference. The place was wild and thriving to its own rhythm. Something about it was fascinating, and almost made Casandra forget about the strange occurrence back home.

They were about 20 miles away from her house, close to the edge of a national park. The grey zone between the park and the uninhabited rough of Alaska made it the perfect place to stay hidden.

After about a 15 minute walk, they ended up near a small cabin-like home that was perfectly secluded on all sides by large trees. It was self-sufficient, and had no driveway going in or out. Casandra didn’t know how she felt about this. Bryce was loving, protective, and friendly, but he was still a massive bear. What if something went wrong? Her trust issues because of Keith made her worry and she nearly panicked.

Bryce suddenly turned to her as they approached the front door. “Casandra, I can feel your fear.” He said with a frown. “I understand that everything that happened just a bit ago was a lot to take in, but I promise you I’m no Keith.” He reassured.

Casandra looked at him, embarrassed by her behavior. “I’m sorry Bryce. You definitely could have left me for dead back there if you’d wanted, and you didn’t. I’m just being a bit unreasonable. It’s just hard to believe that a bear saved me, and even more shocking that the bear is a person too.” She said softly.

“I can understand. There are actually many of us, though we’re solitary. As you can imagine, we don’t like crossing paths.” He said with a light chuckle. “As powerful as I am, no man nor animal could take me in a fight. My only concern is making sure I’m fed and warm mostly, but I’ve been missing something.” He said looking up.

Casandra was curious about what he meant, but her thoughts were interrupted as he opened his door to reveal a cozy and well-appointed cabin. “I thought you said it had been awhile since you’d been in a warm home.” She said grinning.

He guided her inside and smiled. “I don’t often use it. The last time was four years ago.” He said. “I spent most of my time in my other form. I recently had the place cleaned up because I anticipated it might have to be used with my new occupation. I’m just surprised at how soon.” He finished as he sat down with her on a large tartan sofa that was covered in snug throws and furs.

“But why?” she asked him curiously.

Bryce sighed, “I lost purpose.” He explained. “At first I was content just keeping to myself, but I realized I felt incomplete. I left Alaska to try and figure out what that was, then ended up in Oregon where I met a man who said I would be perfect for a new service he was starting. He told me about it, and at first I laughed it off, but I also considered that I could get something out of it, so I said what the heck, I’ll try it out. Of course he didn’t realize what I am.” He said, but then he got a thoughtful look on his face, “Around this time I realized what I was missing. I’d helped out all kinds of women in similar circumstances like you, but honestly most of the problems were self-inflicted. I tried to protect one woman who would actively go to her ex-husband’s house to provoke him, then come back home to me and expect to be protected. There was another one who lied about her situation so she could use me as an assassin. Needless to say, that one ended pretty quick.” He said laughing.

Casandra giggled, “I can see why. Sounds like they don’t know what real pain is.” She said.

Bryce smiled at Casandra, “Not in the least. When I got you, your situation sounded real. At first I was just happy I’d have a legit job. I was thinking about quitting all this, but meeting you has made me realize what I’m missing.” He said. He gazed into her eyes almost longingly.

Casandra saw the look on his face, and she felt her heart skip a beat. “What’s that Bryce?” she asked.

He took her hand and pulled her closely to him. “A companion. Someone I can share my life with. In you, I have found everything I long for. You’re something I can protect and treasure. The beast in me craves the fight and the hunt, and the man in me desires to not be alone. It’s confusing as hell, but somehow here it is all bundled into one.” He said.

Casandra was in shock, “Bryce…”

“I could feel your need for me the moment I walked into the door. Ever since, I can’t deny that I’ve desired you too, but I was cautious because of your situation, and I didn’t want my instincts to be off.” He explained. “But if you’re still interested Casandra, I can take all of this pain away from you.” He said.

With very little hesitation, Casandra cupped his cheek and smiled up at him, “I’m a bit of a wreck you know?”

“Nothing that can’t be fixed with time.” He said back as his lips came nearer to her own.

Their lips locked into a passionate kiss, and Casandra allowed herself to finally relax. He was surprisingly gentle with her despite his size and true nature. He was right that every bit of pain was leaving her body the longer they shared the kiss.

His hands rested on her sides and then gripped firmly, causing her to squeal a bit in pleasure. He pulled her supple form atop of his own, and she found herself straddling his now erect cock. It surprised her how large the bulge pressing into her was. She was eager to feel it inside of her.

With a rough passion, he removed her clothing easily. She was soon bare for his eyes to take in. It was a little embarrassing to be showing her nude form to him like this. Her rounded belly was somehow an accent to her already voluptuous form. His eyes lingered on her full hips and thighs, then trailed up to small, but perky breasts. His gaze made her blush and she moved her hand to attempt to cover her figure. “Don’t obscure my view. You’re impossibly sexy and I can’t wait to have a taste of you.” He growled out lustfully.

He came towards her once more as his hands experimented with her sensitive nipples, while his lips returned to hers and his tongue invaded her mouth. Her soft mewls seemed to drive him on. He began to flick and pinch her nubs, moaning into the kiss while she straddled the fine line between pain and pleasure. His free hand slid down her stomach and rested there for only a moment before he allowed a few fingers to dip into her sex and tease her. It only went in just far enough, and Casandra found herself writhing in his embrace. “Bryce…!” she cried out as if begging for relief.

No such thing came, and she was instead forced to suffer the cruelty of being hung on the edge of a slowly building orgasm. He let up from the kiss to stare straight into her longing eyes. A smirk began to develop on his features, and at that moment Casandra was well aware of her new fate.

He continued to pump her slowly, but after a moment he suddenly shoved his fingers in as far as they could go, shocking her senses. She let out a gasp and her eyes widened as she rode his fingers while he stroked her and let his thumb play with her swollen clit.

“Bryce! I can’t take it!” she cried out through erotic moans. She didn’t hide a single ounce of her desire. There was no one around to hear her scream, and for some reason she was very happy about that. There was something arousing about being in the bear’s den like this.

“Yes you can Casandra.” He said simply as he stroked faster, but then out of nowhere his strokes slowed and she was nearly let all the way back down. She cried out in both frustration and pleasure. The expression on her face told all, but he wasn’t a good listener.

She suffered through this intense pleasure for quite a while before he let up and suddenly unzipped his pants. Falling free from its prison was a large, throbbing erection, and Casandra was no longer sure she could take him. “Oh god…” she moaned out as she both admired and feared his cock.

He pulled her up until she was straddling him, the head of his manhood now glistening with the proof of his own suffering. He needed her badly, and she was both eager and terrified to oblige. His hands wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her as close as her belly would allow. Casandra only hesitated for a moment before her pussy began to slide down over him, and she felt her walls stretch quite a bit to accommodate the large man.

She let out a cry that was a mixture of emotions as she tried to process what she felt, but in the end she arrived at pure lust and carnal need. She couldn’t bring herself to care what the emotion was anymore, and all she wanted to do was ride his cock and feel her walls saturated in his cum.

The first push down was slow and steady as she adjusted to him. It had been a bit since she’d last had sex considering her circumstances. Her channel was tight and sensitive as a result. Her body trembled in his arms, and he growled out in satisfaction as he threw his head back over the couch in response to all of the sensations he got from her. “Casandra…!” he said through clenched teeth.

Casandra didn’t want to wait any longer, so she pulled her body back up and began to slide down on him in a steady, but rapid rhythm. The sound of their bodies meeting with each downward motion echoed through the small living room, and their lustful cries began to cloud her senses. All she could think about was being fucked by him like some kind of animal. At this point, she might as well have been one.

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