Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)
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When the videos end our song, Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden begins to play and a slide show of pictures flash up throughout. Both old and new photos of Jax, Finley and I, some of our friends too. Some pictures are ones that paparazzi had taken and by the end of the song I'm a wet blubbering mess.

The song ends and Jax is on the screen again. God he's so fucking sexy.

"I hope you liked it Kendal. There was never a time when I stopped thinking of you. I've always loved you and I always will. "

His beautiful gray eyes sparkle on the screen.

"Now get of your arse and come and meet me out front. Love you."

The screen goes black. Before I go out there I need to collect myself together, I'm an emotional mess. I can't believe he did all this for me. From the breakfast in bed, the beautiful petals to the magical video he created for me. I can't even begin to think what he has planned next.

All the while I'm walking towards the front of the house I'm smiling. This is my best birthday by far. Not because of what Jax has done but because I'm finally with both of my boys.

I reach the entry room and gather myself before I open the front door. I know they're out there because I can hear Finley laughing.

When I open the front door my eyes widen once again. My mouth drops so far down I think it's going to hit the floor.

Jax and Finley are looking right at me and behind them is a huge white shiny car, the same Mercedes Benz g class as Jax's car but just white and with a big pink bow on the top. Jax has bought me a fucking car for my birthday!

Jax walks up to me because I don't move from the front door, he gives me a cautious soft kiss on the cheek.

"Happy birthday gorgeous, do you like your present?"

"Jax the bedroom and the film were enough.

"I wanted to get you one more present."

I stare at him in disbelief.

"You make the car sound like a box of extra chocolates."

He laughs and takes my hand in his. He leads me closer and closer to the new car on our drive. He looks so excited as he shows it to me. Inside it is all black with little hints of white here and there on the head rest and on the dashboard. It's a stunning car.

"I already have a car though."

Jax and Finley look at each other and then Finley starts to laugh at me.

"Daddy said you would say that."

"Kendal you know how much I hate that thing you drive."

"I love my car!"

"You can still keep the car but I got you one like mine."

There's no reasonable logic to why Jax had gotten me the car. Why would a little family of three need four cars? I can't deny that I am falling in love with the car and it is kind of cute that we will have his and hers cars. I feel sorry for my little Beatle, it's only me that loves that car.

The look on Jax's face as he waits for me to say something makes my decision final. I give Jax a little and I see him relax.

"I love it Jax. Thank you."

"Oh thank God."

He takes me in a tight embrace, he whispers into my ear.

"I thought you were gonna kick me in the balls for a minute."

"I did think about it."

He pulls me back and gives me a heart stopping kiss.

"Do you really like it?"

"I really do. I was just shocked."

"Did you like the flowers mummy."

I kneel down in front of Finley.

"They were lovely."

"I helped daddy."

I kiss him and say thank you. I pick him up and snuggle into Jax's outstretched arm. I can feel tears building.

"The film was amazing."

Jax smiles at me and it's full of love, for me. I see Jax's eyes are glistening a little.

"It was fun making it."

After a quick spin in my new car my parents turn up. They spend a couple of hours with us and when they leave Finley gets his shoes on.

"We're having Finley tonight."

My mum tells me with a knowing smirk.

"You don't need to."

Jax puts his arm around my shoulder.

"I asked them to."

He has that mischievous look on his face so I go along with whatever he wants.

When we're alone I look to Jax for an answer but he just takes my hand and leads me up the stairs. Images of Jax taking me hard in our bedroom gets me all excited and needy but we walk straight past our room. I pout and Jax laughs at me.

Jax stops outside one of the spare bedrooms. He doesn't say anything, just opens the door. I step in but he stays in the doorway.

"You need to be ready in an hour."

I look around the room. There's a dress bag hanging in front of the wardrobe and on the bed are all my hair and make up products. My hair dryer and straighteners and a shoe box. I turn around to face Jax.


"Just get ready Kendal. It's a surprise."

Then he shuts the door on me. I think about running after him but I hear him shout.

"Only an hour!"

From the other side of the door. So I decide to go along with his plan.

Forty-five minutes later I am showered with my hair now dry and straightened. I haven't seen what's in the dress bag yet, so still in my towel I walk over to it and slowly zip it open. My mouth hangs open in shock and awe. The dress is very sexy and glamorous. It's black with the top part looking like it's covered in glitter. The bottom of the dress finishes short above my knees but the back is longer and almost touches the floor. I need heels and my eyes drop to the box on the bed. I lift the lid and hold in a girly squeal. These shoes are fucking gorgeous! Black with a sparkly strap across the ankle. Jax sure knows how to plan everything.

With five minutes to spare I go looking for Jax and stop dead at our bedroom door. Jax never wears a suit, apart from the wedding. So I'm speechless when I see Jax looking right at me. He's in skinny black jeans, black shirt and black blazer jacket and Converse. Yes they're black too and the sight of him with his clothes, piercings, dark eyes and messy hair he looks dangerous and so very very sexy.

I slowly make my way over to him and the closer I get the darker his eyes become with lust. My whole body shivers in response.

"Fucking hell you look sexy."

"I can say the same for you."

He looks so delicious that I could eat him. I know the exact place I want to eat right now and I lick my lips with hunger. Jax closes what's left of the distance between us.

"Don't do that we need to leave but I fucking want you so bad."

"Take me then."

I need him so bad. I can't wait all night.


He warns, his jaw is locked and tense.


I whisper against his neck and he grabs me against my waist.

"I won't lie when they ask why we're late."

He walks over to the bed with me in his arms. Jax puts me down and turns me so I face the bed and bends me over. He quickly lifts my dress and pulls down my thong. I feel his hands stroke along the curve of my bum and I feel like I'm going to scream. I need him in me now! I pant with need as I listen to him as he frees his cock which I know will be thick and ready for me. Without another second his dives straight in which makes me gasp. My eyes roll in the immense pleasure that is Jax. There's nothing soft and romantic at the minute. Right now we need a good hard fuck and that's exactly what he's giving me. I don't care that I'm making so much noise by the sounds of Jax's groaning he loves my screams. We quickly find our releases and fix ourselves back together with very satisfied smiles.

When we finally get out the door there is a limo waiting for us.

Chapter 22

In the limo I find it very hard not to take advantage of Jax. I need him again and how could I not? He looks so fucking sexy right now.

When I see where we have arrived, I'm shocked. The limo has stopped in front of the restaurant Eclipse. I look to Jax with teary eyes. I don't know why this place means so much to me but it just does. It's only a restaurant, but this is where I first met Jax when he came back. I will always love this place now.

Jax comes closer and holds onto either side of my face.

"What's the matter baby?"

The flash from the paparazzi cameras lights up the inside of the limo and I swallow hard.

"This place."

He smiles at me and it tugs on my heart.

"I know, it's special to me to."

He softly kisses my forehead, cheeks and nose.

"This is where my life started again."

He takes my mouth hard which does nothing but intensify the need I have for him. Jax cruelly pulls away and laughs as I moan. He takes hold of my hand and reaches for the door handle.

"Come on, lets go and give them a photo to be proud of."

He flashes me his charming smile and I swoon. Jax with his damn sexy smiles.

Jax steps out when the driver holds the door open and he turns to hold my hand as I step out. The cameras flash like crazy. Instead of Jax holding onto my waist and leading me past them like he usually does, he stops to face them with his arm protectively around my waist. The paparazzi shout out names to make us look at them instead of others and shout stupid questions. I look up at Jax as he smiles proudly, he looks down at me and without warning he attacks my mouth with raw fierceness. The paparazzi love it and I think we definitely got those pictures to be proud of.

When we go inside we are taken to a private room upstairs again and I'm surprised to see my friends are here. So this is why Jax wanted to be on time. Once everyone has said their hellos and birthday wishes, Max grins over at Jax and I.

"So, why were you so late?"

"We weren't late."

Jax laughs beside me and I freeze. He wouldn't, would he? He threatened that he would.

"She couldn't keep her hands off me."

I can feel my face burning.

"So I had to give her what she wanted."

Jax just shrugs it off like it's nothing. I can't look at the guys. I always talk to the girls about this stuff but not the guys! Fucking hell, I'm so embarrassed.

Luckily for me everyone just laughs it off and we're back to normal. Everyone is dressed up, the girls and the guys looking equally sexy. I don't think they realise how happy this makes me, that they're all here. I'm so relived that Mark, Sam and James put their stubbornness behind them and saw Rhys, Max, Leo and Jax like how the rest of us see them. I'm grateful that Tanya is here and ignoring whatever it is that's between her and Leo so that she can enjoy herself with us tonight. That doesn't mean Leo doesn't stop staring at her with longing. Poor guy.

After a fabulous meal full of laughter we all leave together in the limo. I'm thinking that the driver is taking everyone home, until the limo stops outside a loud thumping club. There's strobe lighting surrounding the building, the whole place just screams money. Just from the outside you can tell this is for rich and exclusive people. There isn't even a line of clubbers waiting to go in. You either know you belong here or not, no que needed. I don't feel very comfortable being here but everyone else seems to be eager to get in and Jax is looking at with an adorable expression, so I keep my mouth shut.

I hear Tanya laugh,

"You think we would just take you to dinner for your birthday? Have a little faith."

When we get out there's the usual crowd of paparazzi and we give them a few seconds of what they want.

"That was awesome."

Maisy squeals in my ear.

When we enter the club my fears of posh snobs fades and I enjoy myself. I see a familiar face from time to time. Jax lavishes me with his loving attention all night. I'm so glad I had burned some of my need for him before we left the house because the way he's been grinding himself on me and kissing me I think I would have dragged him away to a dark corner and had my way with him by now.

When Jax is returning with our drinks I see a very pretty and skinny girl approach him. Jax doesn't look very happy to see her which spikes my interest. Usually with strangers he will be friendly or just shrugs them off. He never looks at them like he's looking at this girl, with hatred. I poke Sophie in her back as she's dancing with Rhys.

"Who's that?"

I see her visibly tense which causes Rhys to see what's wrong.

"Oh shit."

Rhys takes his eyes of the mysterious girl and gets Max and Leo's attention and they frown at the sight of her.

I don't understand what the problem is. It's obvious to me that they know her. The way she touches Jax's arm and sweetly smiles at him boils my blood but Jax just shrugs her of like her touch disgusts him and walks over to me, handing me my drink. He secures his now free arm around me as we face the girl and I don't miss the dirty look I receive from her.

"Kendal this is Naomi. Naomi this is my beautiful girlfriend."

"You're Kendal?"

Her scowl deepens. It's plain to see she wants Jax and that she thinks I'm in the way. Yeah well she's not getting him. Jax is mine so she can turn around and fuck off. Too bad bitch, he wants me.

When she turns her attention to everyone else to say hi, it hits who she is. I thought she looked a little familiar, but now I see it. I definitely know who she is. This is Jax's ex girlfriend. The model! I saw pictures of them everywhere, when they were together and it hurt, badly. I look at her closely now in the darkness of the nightclub.

She's fucking stunningly beautiful, how can I compete with that? She's so much prettier than me. The way she carries herself as she walks away, even though she's stomping in a sulk, she still has grace.

I try and forget all about Naomi, but I can feel her eyes on me as I try and enjoy myself. I can't help but feel insecure, comparing the two of us. I just need to stay strong and show her that Jax belongs at my side, not hers. Besides it's not like Jax looked pleased when he saw her, he looked more angry and disgusted. I need to try and forget all about her and enjoy myself.


I watch Kendal laugh and dance with everyone but I know she's not as happy as she is acting. Everybody is trying her cheer her up because like me, they know something isn't right with her.

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