Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)
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Jax doesn't waste any time at all that night we're sleeping in our new beds. We packed a few nights worth of clothing with plans to bring the rest of our belongings the next day.

Finley had trouble going to sleep at first. Not because he was scared or anything but because he was too excited. He loves his new room so much that he wanted to get up and find more or sit in his den. I will probably find him there in the morning.

When Jax and I finally go to bed, he pulls me against him when I lie down beside him.

"You've done such a good job with the house baby."

I smile shyly.

"I'm glad you like it. I was so nervous."

He shakes his head.

"How could I not love it?"

He kisses me softly.

"I love you Kendal."

The look in his eyes takes my breath away.

"I love you too."

The next kiss he gives me isn't so soft. It's hard and full of sexual need. My underwear is soon ripped off with such urgency that I gasp.

"Jax! That was my favorite bra!"

"I'll buy you ten more."

He flicks my nipple with his tongue which makes me forget all about my bra. I reach down between us and grab hold of his pulsing hard cock. Jax then places his hand in between my legs and dips his finger into me.

"You're so wet."

He growls which does delicious things to my body.

"It’s all for you."

I sigh and as soon as I say those words he has me on my back. I'm pinned under his mouthwatering body. When he leans down and continues our kiss I grab onto his hair. Jax rams himself into my wetness with so much force that I can't help but scream into his mouth. He continues to slam into me, my eyes rolling back in bliss. My climax soon takes control of my body then Jax flips me onto my hands and knees as I'm still twitching from the intense orgasm.


I claim Kendal from behind while she's still clenching from her orgasm and it feels so fucking good. I almost come right then but her little whimpers of pleasure spur me on. I slip my thumb into her tight rosette and I hear Kendal sharply inhale.

"Oh God Jax."

I feel her body tense and I know she's already close again and I'm not surprised by how fast I'm taking her but I can't help it. I need her. I let my body relax and let the pleasure of Kendal take over me. I know when she comes again because her walls squeeze me tight and milks me as I fill her with my cum.

After we're cleaned up, I hold her tight against me. I gently run my fingers through her hair because I know she loves it. Kendal soon falls asleep in my arms where she belongs. I look down at her, she looks so beautiful. My heart beats so hard it fucking hurts because she means so much to me. Both Kendal and Finley do.

I carefully untangle my arms from around Kendal so I don't wake her up. I pull on my boxers and quietly walk down the large hallway. Two doors down from mine and Kendal's room is Finley's room. I open his door and frown when I see his bed. Finley's not in it and neither is his quilt. I see the light is on in his den through the little window. When I get into his little den I stop and smile. Lying in the middle of the floor, surrounded by his toys is Finley. He's fast asleep, with his quilt over him.

I chuck his quilt down the stairs from his den and carry Finley to his bed. When I tuck him in I stand and look at his perfect little face and give him a soft kiss on the forehead before I go and rejoin my girl in bed.

Chapter 19

One month later

Today is the day Decoy will perform in the festival. Everyone is coming to watch and after there will be a barbecue at Rhys and Sophie’s.

This past month has been one of the best months in my life. Living together as a family at last has been amazing. Since moving here
Finley hasn't ran into our bedroom and bounced on the bed in the morning. Instead when we wake up we find him in his den. I made sure to make good use of nearly all the rooms in our new house with Kendal. I look forward to Finley's bedtime so I can finally have my way with her
because lately she loves teasing me all day so as soon as Finley is fast asleep I literally jump her.

We have to be at the festival for 10:00 and as the management have arranged for a limo to take us
everyone is able to ride with us in the limo.

I am sat at the kitchen table with Finley, waiting for Kendal so we can tell Finley where we are going today. We decided to not tell him when I told Kendal what Rhys had told me. If we had told Finley he would have asked about a hundred times a day for the month. He does it with everything that you tell him in advance
and it can be very annoying. So to save us a month of never ending questions we said we would wait until the day.

Kendal gives me a little smile as she places mine and Finley's bacon sandwiches down in front of us.


He looks up at me as he begins to bite into his food.

"We're going somewhere special today."

Finley has a big mouthful of food so he's unable to talk. Kendal sits down at the table beside us and smiles excitedly at Finley.

"We're going to watch daddy play on a big stage."

Finley quickly swallows his food and stares at me wide eyed.

"With Decoy?"

I laugh.

"Yes Finley."

He jumps up and down in his seat nearly squealing.



Kendal answers as she picks up Finley's dropped sandwich on the floor.

All the while Kendal and I get ready to leave; Finley asks again and again when ‘’is time to go?’’ When the limo buzzes at the house gates I feel like cheering.

I shout for Kendal to let her know and when I see her running down stairs to meet me and Finley at the door, I can't help but stare at her. She looks so fucking sexy that I almost tell her to go and get changed. Almost, I'm not an idiot. She has on a loose fitted black lace jumper, little shorts and her biker boots. Kendal's legs look amazing and as I stare, images of me gliding my tongue along them from last night come to mind. By the time she's beside me I'm panting like a dog.

Luckily Finley breaks my attention away when he sees the limo and he starts to shout and jump about.

On the drive to the festival I listen proudly as he talks excitedly about seeing us play. I can't fucking wait.


When we sat down in the limo
I sat in between Leo and Sophie. Jax sat straight opposite me, Finley wanted to sit with Rhys and Max at the back.

Throughout the drive to the festival I could feel Jax's eyes on me. Lately I have been finding fun in teasing him all day long
so when we go to bed at night or sometimes as soon as Finley has gone to sleep he can't control himself a minute longer. I know how much he likes my legs so today I wore my little denim shorts to flaunt them. I knew by the way he looked at me when I came downstairs that I had been right to wear them.

While I knew I was holding his gaze I innocently lick my lips. I fight to hold back my smile because then my little innocent act will be over. I cross my legs and include myself in Sophie and Jessica's conversation. I run my hand over one of my legs down to my ankle, just looking like I'm brushing something off my leg. Then because I can still feel his sight on me I adjust my boobs in my bra, making them jiggle a little and bite on my bottom lip.

I can't help but take a little peak at him from the corner of my eye, his jaw looks tense and his eyes are narrowed on me. The look on his face makes me smile and as soon as I do Jax has moved Leo from next to me and sat himself beside me instead.

"You fucking little tease."

He quietly growls into my ear causing all sorts of dangerous reactions to my body.

When we drive into the performing entrance to the festival I'm surprised to see screaming fans holding posters and banners jumping about behind a little fence.

The limo stops beside a huge black bus
I'm guessing it's Decoy's tour bus. I can still see and hear the fans and I can't help but start to feel a little insecure. As each band member stands out the cheering gets louder but when Jax steps out its insane. He turns and holds his hand out for me to help me out the limo. One step away from the limo door Jax pulls me towards him and kisses me. It calms my nerves even though the fans have started screaming and cheering louder. Finley runs from Rhys to hold onto mine and Jax's hands. I can now even hear a few shouts of Finley's name. Being Jax's charming son, Finley just waves a single hand in the air and carries on walking with one hand in mine. Finley isn't affected by this at all.

The tour bus is huge and very modern. When Jax told me we would be waiting on their tour bus until it was time for the band to make their way to the stage area, I wasn't too thrilled.

I had images of a dirty unkempt, dark bus. I expected a totally stinking mess if I'm totally honest, but I was pleasantly surprised. As I sat down next to Maisy I couldn't help but think about what kind of things that probably have happened on this bus. But as soon as I do start thinking I have to stop myself.

It's not that long when their manager Spencer, a short and round man, informs us that it's time to make our way to the stage area. We all walk together to the sounds of bands and the loud crowds, John and Paul flanking us. Finley holds Jax's hand all the way, jumping along at his side. It's so incredible to watch them both; and I feel so happy for Jax. He hasn't stopped talking about how excited he is for Finley to finally watch him.

We reach the stage area, there are a number of people running around the vicinity and a few security guards scattered about. The loud noise of the band currently on stage fills the entire area. Jax is handed his guitar and begins talking to a roadie. Max, Leo and Rhys do the same and then eventually talk to each other, making themselves into a little circle as they talk privately. I've seen this so many times that it feels like I've returned home.

Finley is now holding onto my hand.

"What are they doing?"

"They're getting ready."

"When are they going on that stage?"

He points to a gap where you can see the stage from the side angle.

"When that band has finished."

It seems only five minutes passes when the band announces that it's their last song. Toward the middle of the song Jax runs over to us and gives me a hard kiss.

"So happy I have you by my side again baby."

He crouches down to Finley's level and holds him in a hug.

"I'm so happy you can watch me Fin."

Finley laughs as he attacks his face with a number of kisses. The band on stage finish and I see a woman walk on stage as the band exits. I hear Jax tell Finley he loves him just as the woman on stage shouts "Decoy!" He gives me a quick kiss on my forehead, tells me that he loves me and runs towards the stage. As the other band leaves and their people follow, we can move closer to watch Jax and the guys perform from the side of the stage.

Jax is absolutely amazing; his energy on stage is just as it always has been. The crowd loves them all; as they cheer loudly, the guys absorb the fans energy and feed of it. In return they are jumping and bouncing about, giving the people all of their sweat and energy. It's amazing to watch, but I can't keep my eyes away from Jax. Finley is beside me jumping around like crazy, singing the words and trying to copy Jax.

Jax's voice sends chills all over my body and I didn't realise how much I missed this but being here I see I missed it so fucking much.

As the show comes to an end my vision is blurred by my tears.

"Daddy is the best rock star mummy!"

Finley shouts and I swear Jax heard him because he turns toward us and smiles. I pick Finley up
kiss his cheek then I silently apologise for keeping him away from this. We watch the last song with Finley in my arms. We both sing the words together along with Jax. When Jax ends Decoys set he turns to face me and Finley and shouts into his mike.

"I love you!"

The crowd screams and I smile back at him as he walks back towards us.

Chapter 20


When our set has finished at the festival, we all head home. We might have stayed a little longer if it wasn't for Finley being there and with Sophie and Rhys wanting to have a barbecue.

During Decoy's performance on stage I couldn't help but to keep looking over at my two favourite people. I was so fucking happy to see Kendal back where she belonged, at my side backstage and cheering me on. I have always loved being on stage
giving the crowd my all but when I looked over and saw Kendal with Finley in her arms as they sang my lyrics
I wanted to run off stage and be with them.

On our walk back to the waiting limo, which was parked near our tour bus
I didn't miss the way men looked over to Kendal as she passed. If Finley wasn't here
I'd be shouting abuse over at them
letting them know what I would do to them if I saw them looking at my girl like that again. My son is here though so I have to make do and give the fuckers a death glare. When they catch me glaring there way
they look away quickly and practically run off.
Yeah that's what I thought, she's Jax Parker's woman.

The limo takes me, Kendal and Finley back to our house while everyone else goes to Rhys and Sophie's. I take a quick shower, and we get in the Mercedes together. I know Rhys' is only around the corner but I can't be dealing with paparazzi right now.

Kendal sets Finley in his seat and gets in beside me. Her delicious legs are still on show so when she is sat next to me I reach out and touch her bare thigh. She gives me a knowing smile the cheeky little minx. She has been teasing me all day.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

Finley shouts from behind us.

"Yeah! You were a rock star daddy!"

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