Rocked Down & Out (Rocked #11) (2 page)

BOOK: Rocked Down & Out (Rocked #11)
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A tear slipped out as I shook my head. I'd thought Steven was that person. No, he was. But maybe not anymore. One or both of us had changed, and it meant I was all alone again.


As if on cue, before I could sink any deeper into a pit of misery, there was a knock on the door. I wiped my eyes and heaved myself out of bed, already annoyed with whoever had interrupted my pity party.

I opened the door and wanted to slam it closed again.

Matthew was standing there, looking gorgeous in jeans and a green t-shirt, his hair hanging in his eyes in that way that made my fingers itch to push it back. But he wasn't alone. Becca was next to him, composed and professional.

In contrast, I was in two day old clothes with dirty hair and what I imagined was deadly breath. "Hi guys," I muttered, shuffling stiffly backwards to hopefully keep the stench away from them. "What's up?"

Matthew smiled. "We wanted to see how you're feeling."

"Better, I guess. Um… come in, if you want."

"We shouldn't. I know you need to rest," Becca began. But before she could finish refusing, Matthew had pushed past both of us into my room. He plopped down in the armchair and was twisting off the cap of a bottle of water in seconds.

Becca rolled her eyes and shrugged at me.

I shut the door behind her, choking back a laugh. "What are you doing up so early?"

"We haven't gone to bed yet," Matthew explained.


"Things to do."

Consider how useless that response was, I looked over at Becca. Up closer I could see there were dark circles under her eyes. "Is everything okay?"

She sat down on the side of the bed and crossed her legs. "Maybe. It depends on you."


She nodded. "Yeah. Look, after what happened, I'm sure you understand, the decision was made. We had to pull the plug on your project."

I cleared my throat. "Of course. And I'm really-"

She held up a hand to stop me. "Wait. You don't have to explain. Matthew told us what really happened. I got in touch with Steven, and he confirmed the story."

"He did?"

"Yes." She sighed softly. "I'm sorry we didn't – no, I'm sorry that
didn't believe you."

"It's okay. I mean, you had to do what you had to do." I was trying to be gracious, but I really didn't want to rehash all of it again. "As soon as I can get myself together I'll be out of here. I really appreciate this opportunity and it's been a pleasure working with you."

A noise brought my attention over to Matthew, and I saw he was finishing the bag of chips I'd abandoned, and grinning. I frowned, my mind clearing enough to realize nothing made sense. He was just sitting there chomping down on my food after being so sweet and concerned.

"Wait, wait. Why are you guys here, to say goodbye?"

Becca shot a stern look at Matthew and then smiled at me. "No. The opposite. We're here to brighten your day. If you agree."

"Agree to what?"

"To stay," she said sunnily. "Well, actually, to leave, but with us. Head to the next city. To get back to work. When you're feeling up to it, of course."

My mouth dropped open and I just stared for a long time before a weak, "Huh?" was all I could manage to get out.

Becca smiled and sat down. "Look, it's all been arranged. Val, from your office, and the lawyers are probably finalizing everything now."

"I don't understand. All is just forgiven?"

She sighed and crossed her arms. "No, not at all. Steven will not be allowed to return to the tour, of course. I expect he's already on a plane heading west. But you're still in, like I said, if you want to be."


"I'm sure they'll send another camera guy or whatever. I expect your office will be able to explain the logistics of that end of things."

Still shocked, I rubbed my face a few times. "No, I mean, how did this happen? Why aren't I fired too?"

She tilted her head and gestured at Matthew. "Ask him."

He shrugged. "I just told everyone the truth, once I knew it."

"Told?" Becca added, scoffing. "He practically threatened to murder everyone if they didn't let you come back."

"I did not," Matthew replied, grimacing.

I grinned at him. "I know. What did you say?"

He shrugged again, shoving his hair back out of his eyes in an expression that from anyone else would seem like false modesty, but I knew better. He really didn't think it was a big deal.

"Come on," I wheedled, climbing carefully back into bed. "Tell me."

"Okay, okay." He fidgeted a little and then spoke again. "I just called the guys together and told them everything. Then we pulled in Becca. She got us on the phone with the management folks in New York and they took it from there."

I groaned. "Please, you're clearly leaving out the good parts. What exactly did you say?"

"Um… I might have threatened to leave the tour immediately."

I gasped.

"And," he continued, "I wasn't the only one."


Becca giggled. "Guess."

I glanced at her, baffled. "You?"

"No, although I would have."

I returned my attention to Matthew.

He shook his head. "Rick. He was right there with me. Of course, his part was mostly swearing at everyone."

I wondered for a moment if I hadn't experienced some brain damage when I fell. "Wait, Rick? Rick who hates me? That Rick?"

Matthew got up and came over to stand next to me. "He doesn't hate you. Well, not any more than he hates everyone."

"I'll have to take your word for it. Why would he do that for me?"

Matthew shrugged and sat down on the edge of my bed. "He's been trying to be a better man. Trying to treat people better and this was a big setback for him. I think he just wanted to make amends. And avoid Julia's wrath, of course."

I nodded at the last part. Now that made sense. Julia Clark's temper was legendary, and falling in love with Rick, the band's surly drummer, had done nothing to dampen in. "Well, I guess I have a lot of people to thank."

Becca, after reading something on her phone, stood up. "Not today you don't, Ellie. You're on strict bed rest until tomorrow at least. I checked with your doctor and he cleared you to travel as long as you feel up to it, but only if you behave yourself."

"But I've got a million things to do, especially if I'm not fired."

"I don't care," she said in a tone that made me feel about seven years old. "You're staying in this room all day. No calls, no work, no thanks, nothing except rest." She smiled. "Think of it as a vacation day."

"Fine," I said, fully intending to do whatever the hell I wanted once she left.

"Don't worry, Becca," Matthew interjected. "I'm going to be here to make sure she follows doctor's orders."

"You don't have to babysit me," I grumped.

He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. "I want to."

That soft touch sent every inch of my body tingling and my mind spinning and it didn't have anything to do with hitting my head. I looked up into his kind eyes and nodded. "Okay."

Becca cleared her throat to cover a laugh. "And with that, I'm off. I'll check in on you later."

Before I could even thank her she was at the door with the phone against her ear, back in professional mode.

Matthew took my hand in his. "So, what should we do?"

I frowned. "Well, if I'm not allowed to leave this room that rather limits the choices."

"Oh, there are tons of ways to entertain us in a hotel room."

I giggled and slapped his arm. "Perv."

Matthew's face went completely red. "Oh shit, that is
what I meant."

Enjoying his embarrassment, I slid closer to him. "Why not?"

"For one, you're supposed to be resting."

"So, be gentle." I'd started out kidding to tease him, but as our gazes locked and our fingers entwined, I decided what I really needed was a sweet distraction, and he was absolutely what the doctor ordered.


"Don't say anything. Just kiss me and make it better."

He leaned in and softly pressed his lips against my forehead. "Is that where it hurts?"

"One of the places."

"I see." He wrapped an arm around my waist and tugged me tight against him. He rubbed his cheek against mine like cats do and then inhaled deeply. "You smell amazing."

"So do you," I whispered as every muscle in my body coiled with anticipation.

Matthew lifted my chin with a finger and kissed just to the side of my mouth. "Does it hurt there too?"

"Mm-hmm." My hands fisted behind his back.

"Where else? I don't want to miss a spot."

"Might take a while. How long do you have?"

He kissed the tip of my nose and stayed there so I could feel his breath on my face as he spoke. "As long as you want me."

"That could be a long time."

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Good." His hands slid up my arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. "Where next."

I pressed a finger to my slightly parted lips, and he was so close my skin grazed his.

Matthew's tongue darted out and licked my finger, making both of us laugh. Once the moment had passed he cupped my face between his hands, every long, slim finger gentle but firm against the sides of my head. He pulled me forward and kissed me softly on the lips.

As my eyes drifted shut the image of his big hazel eyes boring deep into me was burned on the inside of my lids. With a sigh I returned the kiss, and pushed still closer to him.

He held my face tighter and deepened the kiss, spreading my lips enough to slip his tongue inside the heat of my mouth. He tasted like citrus and salt, like the perfect margarita.

I considered asking if he'd had one, but then one of his hands slipped down over my shoulder, and then grazed the side of my breast and I didn't have any questions at all. Moaning softly into his mouth I dug my fingers into his back, relishing the feeling of the lean cords of muscle that bunched and flexed there.

Matthew broke off the kiss and licked my lips, then my chin, then my neck before fitting his mouth against the spot where my pulse was pounding. He lapped at my skin and tanged a hand in my hair, holding us so close I could feel his heart beating against my body.

When he spoke, his voice was rough like the feeling of his guitar-callused fingers on my skin. "The last time I kissed you, you ran away."

I chuckled briefly, breathlessly. "I'm not allowed to leave this room all day, remember?"

He ran his hand down my back to rest on my butt. "You're stuck with me, then?"

"There is nowhere else I'd rather be on this earth." It was trite and ridiculous, but entirely true. That realization scared me, but only for a moment.

As if he knew my mind was wandering to negative things, Matthew refocused me on what mattered, as his lips and tongue traced down over the neckline of my shirt and to the spot where just a hint of cleavage peeked out. His lightly stubbled cheek against the tender flesh of my chest was insanely erotic.

I arched my back into him and he palmed my ass, squeezing lightly to keep me in place. As if anything could have made me want to draw away from this perfect moment.

Matthew was gently licking me, his tongue sliding under my shirt to rasp over the lace of my bra.

I groaned and yanked his head up to kiss his mouth. That sweet, soft sensual mouth. Tired of gentle teasing, I told him with my kisses that I wanted more. Wanted all. Our tongues tangled and twisted and tasted as our hands roamed each other. There was no shyness or awkwardness that so often comes with a new partner. Even with the desperate need to touch as much as possible, our limbs and lips worked in perfect harmony, giving and taking, advancing and retreating in just the right way to propel each heated moment into the next.

A million years passed and I wanted a million more to just feel his body against mine, but as he shifted me to wrap my legs around his hips, I felt the throbbing length of him under his jeans and decided there was much more to explore.

With both hands under my ass to grind me against him, Matthew bit down lightly on my lower lip. It didn't hurt, but the sharp sensation sent my excitement soaring. As if there was a direct link from my mouth to my core, I moaned with pleasure.

The sound triggered something primal in him and he let out a sound somewhere between a purr and a growl before flipping us both over in an impressive show of strength so that he was stretched out across the bed and I straddled his slim hips, nestled snugly against the bulge of his cock, that beautiful big cock I could imagine every inch of when I closed my eyes.

Desperate for more I slid my hands under his shirt, digging my fingers into the firm, warm plane of his stomach. I kissed him hard, sucking and nibbling.

One of Matthew's hands mimicked my motion, but continued up until he reached my nipple, pebbled tight inside my bra. As his finger grazed the sensitive tip, I felt everything go blurry. It was a welcome sensation at first, but then the headache I'd pretty much forgotten about came back like an ice pick to my skull.

I yelped from the sudden pain and froze.

Shaking off the haze of desire, Matthew sat us up again quickly, and then winced as I groaned. "Sorry. You okay?"

"Head hurts," I said through gritted teeth.

He slid out from beneath me and settled me back against the pillows. "Where's the prescription the hospital gave you?"

I waved my hand in the general direction of the bedside table without opening my eyes.

Seconds later Matthew slipped a pill between my lips and held out a glass for me to wash it down with.

The cool water seemed to help a bit too. I smiled and opened my eyes. "Thanks. And… sorry."

He sat down next to me, draping an arm over my shoulder. "For what?"

"Killing the mood."

He shrugged. "How long do those take to work?"

"Not long."

He nuzzled gently at my neck and held my hand. "I can wait."

I sighed. "You have the patience of a saint."

He laughed and slid a finger down between my breasts. "Nothing saintly about me, I promise. What I'd like to do with you requires alertness and full attention. Not to mention plenty of stamina."

BOOK: Rocked Down & Out (Rocked #11)
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