Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (33 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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“Cursed Ryakuls.” Captain Nathaniel Morgan grumbled speaking in low tones with one of his officers. He turned toward Aaron and the others as they entered the wheel house. “I hope you have more tricks up that sleeve of yours. Markus!” The Captain barked. “Signal below to charge auxiliary engine burst.”

“What’s happening?” Aaron asked seeing the crossbow turrets rise from the depths of the ship.

“The watch reports that Ryakuls are following this ship. They are off the stern and on either side staying just out of crossbow range.” Replied Captain Morgan.

“They are herding us.” Vaughn replied.

“Yes but to where.” Aaron answered. “Are they keeping us from Shandara?”

“No, but having them so close and not attacking is enough to set everyone on edge. This is not normal for Ryakul.” Morgan said.

Aaron and Sarah exchanged glances. “The Drake. It can control the Ryakul.”

“Yeah but wouldn’t it want to prevent you from reaching Shandara?” Sarik asked.

“If it’s herding this ship then he forces you to get there at a time of its choosing.” Sarah said.

Aaron suppressed a shiver as he felt a familiar stirring underneath the surface. He held off the blood lust of his ancestors only barely at the camp and now the Drake was closing.

“Aaron?” Verona asked.

“This changes nothing. We head to Shandara as planned. We should stay on guard in case the Ryakuls change their mind and attack. How much longer till we get there?” Aaron asked.

“According to the charts, the towers of the White Rose should be visible in the next few hours or so.” Captain Morgan replied.

Aaron looked out the windows at the gathering Ryakuls crowding the already darkening skies. At this rate they weren’t going to make it and saw that fact reflected in all of his companions eyes. “Can we outrun them?”

“Only in short bursts. The auxiliary engine burst releases energy stored in the power crystals which will surge the ship forward, but the Ryakuls will catch up eventually.” Captain Morgan answered.

“How many bursts can they handle?” Aaron asked.

“Depends on how quickly the Ryakuls catch up. Sequentially maybe five before they’re blown and then we’re either blown up or stranded. They are an emergency measure at best.” The Captain answered.

Aaron was silent for a moment considering. To come this far and die within sight of Shandara would be such a waste.

“Then we fight,” he said. “Captain do the controlled bursts, but don’t blow the engines. Perhaps there will be a place within the city walls where we can put down and hold out against the Ryakuls.”

“There might be a place if it’s still standing," Garret spoke up for the first time, “The Dragon Hall. If we set down within its walls maybe we could use some of the defenses there.”

“The Dragon Hall is big enough for this ship to land in?” Aaron asked unable to keep the disbelief from his voice.

Vaughn nodded, “You could put the whole of the palace of Rexel within its walls. That is of course if it’s still standing.”

They were interrupted by a shrieking Ryakul that rattled the windows at it passed. “We’re out of time. Garret and Vaughn stay in the wheel house. Help the Captain find the Dragon Hall.” Aaron said.

“Good hunting Shandarian.” The Captain said saluting with his fist across his heart addressing him in the ancient form for those of the Royal House of Shandara. Aaron nodded back and left the room.

Aaron headed toward the bow of the ship with the rune marked staff in hand surveying the number of Ryakuls surrounding the ship. They could really use some help right now. Sailors rushed with practiced efficiency manning their stations.

“I hope you have a plan my friend," Verona said notching one of the special arrows glowing with crystalized dust as Sarik did the same.

“How about not dying.” Aaron answered with a sardonic smile.

The floor beneath their feet shook and they turned to see the wings extend from the main hull of the ship. Spaced every ten feet were pods swinging into position. The pod caps opened in unison revealing rows of glowing crystals. Aaron gabbed hold of the side and followed the sailors examples as they all tied life lines around their waists. He called Zeus over and tied a life line to the wolf putting crossing loops around his chest so the line wouldn’t hurt if it had to be used.

The Ryakuls circled their quarry with ruthless enthusiasm patiently waiting for the perfect time to strike. Aaron focused himself, drawing upon the energy around them and his perceptions sharpened. He scanned the sky looking for some sign of the Drake.

An alarm bell ringing in increments of two from the wheel house went off then the Raven shuddered, groaning under the force of the engines.

“The first burst," Verona shouted over the roaring wind.

The Ryakuls moved in a frenzy to block the advancing ship swooping dangerously close to the lines securing the balloons and the wings. Aaron grabbed one of the small curved axes given to him by Armel and tracked the approaching group of Ryakuls. He sucked in the energy from the wind feeling it rapidly spread throughout his limbs, never taking his eyes from the lead Ryakul. The black beast closed in aiming its talons for the ship’s wing. Aaron unleashed the small curved axe sending it streaking towards his target, using the wind energy to give it blinding speed. The ax shattered the armored tusk below the mouth causing a small explosion of black blood. The lead Ryakul spun in midair screaming in pain and the small group that followed collided sending a tangled mess towards the surface.

The sailors cheered as the Ryakul fell behind and the ship broke free of the dark beasts. A call spread amongst the men on the deck.
Alenzar’seth! Alenzar’seth! Alenzar’seth!
The call spread throughout the entire ship and Aaron turned to face the men and thrust up his arm holding the rune marked staff in triumph. When the chanting stopped, Aaron could see Jopher making his way through the crowd holding something in his hand. He knelt before Aaron holding a broken shard which he recognized as the remains of the axe he just threw. Aaron thanked Jopher who bowed and took a few steps back watching Aaron with wide eyes.

“That was one hell of a shot," Verona said. “Picked up a new trick while you were away?”

“You like that? Unfortunately I only have one more left," Aaron replied.

“Well, keep it handy.”

The engine burst lasted for another twenty minutes and the Ryakuls became lost in the darkening skies behind them. Verona assured him that the crystals would recharge over time which earned them some breathing room. Aaron stayed at the bow of the ship and thought he could see the faint outline of buildings in the perpetual twilight. His hand traced the rune carved staff remembering the dying dragon and his message.

The land needs a champion. Time is short and already the sickness spreads, Ryakuls are just the beginning of what was unleashed at the last Safanarion.

The dragon, even Tarimus, warned him of the path of vengeance. He was so filled with molten anger that it consumed him and now? He looked back at Sarah with her long blond hair cascading in the wind, glowing with a light all her own. Was she the reason? Daughter of the High King, who along with Mactar were largely responsible for the destruction of the very place where he was destined to go. Who even at this very moment hunted them. Would this fight that he would wage tear them apart? Cut their hearts until only bitterness and regret remained? He hoped not, but at the same time he knew he couldn’t run from this. Fate was indeed pulling on his strings, and when fate pulled on your strings, there was no choice but to play the game. Walking away was never an option. He knew it when he went through the portal leaving everything behind to come here.

Sarah tied back her hair and turned toward him with those eyes of hers that stilled his heart. It wasn’t fair to think about what he would alter if he could go back and change the course of time, and he shouldn’t feel guilty for finding love, but part of him did. As if finding a shred happiness was an affront to all those who had paid the ultimate price that lead him here. They silently gazed at each other speaking volumes, but not saying a word at all.

“Stay close,” Aaron said quietly.

“I will,” she answered.

Aaron released his breath and nodded to himself then waved over to Verona and the others. “When Verona and I encountered the dragon it took us to a fountain with a statue of the Goddess. The dragon showed me images saying it was the Goddess’s message. A glowing white tree standing amidst the ruins of a castle is where we will find Colind’s prison. There is a tower with a massive carved relief of the Alenzar’seth’s family symbol. A dragon caressing a single rose.”

“We could use the help of a few dragons.” Verona said looking back at the already gaining Ryakul.

“It’s not as if they were numerous to begin with.” Sarik said.

“Do you know of the tower?” Verona asked Eric and Braden.

“The towers were part of the main complex of buildings and if they are still standing then we should be able to see them.” Braden replied.

“Have you ever been there?” Aaron asked.

“No but our parents told us stories. They were amongst those who escaped the fall, but they believed that the Alenzar’seth would return and that they would be called upon to serve again," Erik replied. Once again Aaron was impressed by the level of loyalty and belief the people of Shandara had for the Alenzar’seth. Even when they had disappeared for over twenty years they still persevered believing that they would one day return.

They decided to spread out and keep an eye on the horizon. Verona divided the explosive arrows between him and Sarik. Aaron kept tracing his fingers along the rune carved staff. He had felt the stirrings of power emanating from it when he first picked it up and again at the fountain of the Goddess, but nothing since.
Not that he had much time to spend with it.

He kept thinking about the White Tree and finding the tower. The landscape thus far held the bones of trees and hardly any vegetation, but Aaron could feel energy coiling beneath the surface wanting to break the bonds that held the trappings of winter firmly in place. A winter without the cold. Colind had said his soul was stripped from his body, which was in an earthen tomb. Was there a way to reunite both body and soul and set him free from this prison?

He focused himself drawing the energy within as he invoked the bladesong in his mind’s eye. The image of the White Tree was brought to the forefront along with his need to find it. The runes on his staff flared brilliantly sending a beam of light out slightly north of their current westerly heading.

A solitary spot amidst a land in twilight was bathed in a lone shaft of sunlight. The Ryakul’s howls were close now and the rear mounted crossbows unleashed a volley of special bolts courtesy of Hatly, who was becoming legendary among the Raven’s crew. The bolts tore through the sky streaking into the Ryakuls and exploded.

The beam of light coming from the rune carved staff stopped, but the runes retained their glow. Aaron could feel tendrils of energy along the staff and the Ryakul’s guttural roars pierced the sky as the shadowy mass of tusk and teeth enveloped the ship. For every Ryakul shot down more took its place.

A Ryakul emerged from beneath the ship poised on the railing. The Drake’s call sawed through the air with such force that all activity on deck ceased. It locked its glowing yellow eyes upon Aaron and its dark armor drank the light. It clutched a giant twin bladed axe that any normal man could barely lift with two hands. Verona and Sarik fired two glowing arrows, which it deflected sending them flying harmlessly away from the ship. A soldier dropped from above swinging his sword in a deadly arc, but the Drake swung its ax up biting into his armor and sent the already dead soldier over the side.

Aaron felt the dragon tattoo twinge along the edges and the medallion grow warm against his chest. A single alarm bell rang through the silence. He yelled to Eric and Braden to step back.

“This is not your fight,” he said thundering passed, clutching the rune carved staff. Aaron stepped down to the main deck where the Drake waited, poised as Doom’s Herald. The ancestral voices began to stir, but Aaron clamped his will down not giving their blood lust any footing.

“Here I am," Aaron shouted and another alarm bell rang in the background.
One more.

The Ryakul lashed out with its great tusked head at the end of it’s long neck. Zeus leaped at the same instant, his jaws locking onto the Ryakul’s throat holding on for all he was worth, while the Ryakul thrashed about.

The Drake swung down from the Ryakul’s back and hammered at the wolf with the heft of his ax. Zeus cried out as the blow sent him across the deck. Aaron brought up the staff, but didn’t attack. The Drake studied him with one hand on the Ryakul as it shook its head with dark blood gushing from its wound.

God this thing is big.

The Drake was a head taller than Aaron who was usually among the tallest wherever he went. The third and final alarm bell rang signaling the imminent engine burst and the Raven lurched forward.

Aaron flourished the staff, the glowing runes streaking in view snatching the Drake’s attention. At the same moment two explosive arrows plunged into the Ryakul just as the ship shuttered gaining speed. The explosive crystalized dust blew the Ryakul from the deck snatching the Drake over the side. Aaron rushed to where Zeus struggled to his feet, took a step and dropped back down to the deck.

“It’s okay, you got him," Aaron said gently rubbing the wolf halfbreed behind his ears. Zeus came to his feet once again and favoring one side stood ready to go. Aaron gently grazed his hand over Zeus’s ribs and Zeus cried out.

“He must have broken some of his ribs," Aaron said to Sarah who came to his side. Seeing Zeus hurt made a lump grow in his throat. He couldn’t lose Zeus, who had been his companion since the beginning.

“Aaron, come up here you must see this," Verona called.

Sarah nodded for Aaron to go and stayed with Zeus. He leaped up the steps to the bow of the airship. The Ryakuls were in complete disarray falling behind as the Raven sped away. The great towers of Shandara reached towards the sky. Some were jagged and cut short like the spires of a broken crown, but even at this distance Aaron could see that the capital city of Shandara was immense. The city stretched out desolate and without a hint of life and he wondered what the place must have been like when it was bustling with activity. In another life he would have been born here.

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