Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (38 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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Aaron pressed the attack, but the Drake hooked his staff and twisted it from his grasp. It tossed his staff to the side and swung its weapon savagely with a satisfied sneer across its face as Aaron scrambled out of the way. The Drake raised his staff with the twin blades ready to strike, but was knocked to the side as Sarah struck from behind. The creature quickly spun and caught her blade in his armored hands and grabbed her by the neck lifting her from the ground. Molten yellow eyes narrowed as it looked from Sarah to Aaron on the ground.

Aaron launched himself from the ground drawing his Falcons at the same time. The Drake swung Sarah between them freezing him in his tracks. Sarah struggled helplessly. The Drake drew her closer and breathed a noxious green vapor into her face and Sarah went limp. Aaron rolled to the side and swung with all his might severing the arm that held Sarah. The Drake cried out in pain stumbling backwards as Sarah landed roughly upon the ground.

Aaron moved between Sarah and the Drake as it clutched the stump of its arm to its chest. The Ryakuls swooped down and landed all around them hissing and growling. More were circling over head. Aaron took a step toward the Drake which almost sent the Ryakuls into a frenzy so he stopped.

A bright flash of light illuminated the sky overhead followed by a thunderous crash. The Raven had arrived. Two smaller crafts hovered next to it by no visible means of propulsion. The crafts were the likes of which Aaron had never seen before on any world. They charged ahead streaking gold and fired golden bolts, scattering the swarming Ryakuls.

The Drake watched as the crafts weaved through the Ryakul. Then it collapsed the staff and leaped atop of the nearest dark beast. Aaron heard Sarah stir behind him and he chanced turning around. Her face was contorted in pain and her skin paled to the point where she looked like death’s mistress.


Her eyes were squeezed shut and she shook her head violently. Aaron tried to approach her, but when she heard him she lashed out with her sword. Finally she stopped writhing and stood smoothly to her feet. Sarah opened her eyes and Aaron stepped back in horror as molten yellow eyes stared back at him through Sarah’s beautiful face.

Aaron tried to step forward, but Sarah growled like a rabid beast shaking her head in confusion. The Drake let out another howl and Sarah jumped over Aaron to land next to the Ryakul that the Drake rode upon.


Aaron’s heart sank to his feet as he watched the woman he loved leap upon the back of the Ryakul behind the Drake. Too stunned to even move, he stood there as they launched into the air and began to fly away from him. The remaining Ryakuls started to press in around him snapping him back to reality. Aaron sheathed his swords and sprinted to the rune carved staff, dodging tusk and claw. Screaming Sarah’s name he drew energy from the staff and launched into the air. He landed upon the highest buildings and launched again moving passed the Raven. A passing glance showed him Verona and the others were already on board.

Aaron focused on the Ryakul carrying Sarah who briefly glanced back at him with those alien yellow eyes. For the briefest of moments something vaguely like a human expression played upon her features, but it was gone as quickly as it came. The air was full of Ryakuls snapping with their great tusked jaws that he barely avoided. Then a clawed talon ripped his skin along his back like liquid fire.

Aaron plummeted toward the ground, spinning as he fell. Fiery pain blazed down his back, so much that he couldn’t draw upon the staff’s energy to do anything. Not even to save himself.

A golden craft swooped under and strong hands grabbed him pulling him inside. They laid him down upon a cushioned bench. Aaron opened his eyes and jerked in surprise as he was surrounded by people with golden eyes peering back at him.

“It’s alright son of Shandara,” one said in a smooth voice.

Aaron blinked trying to stay conscious, but the pain was too much, “He has her,” he gasped feeling the blood pool under his back. He heard insistent muttering in a language that he couldn’t understand.

“Who are you?” He asked drawing their attention.

“You would know us as the Hythariam and we are most pleased to meet the lost scion of Alenzar’seth. I am called Iranus," An older man said peeking over the shoulder of the one checking his wounds.

Aaron guessed he was older because he was the only one with white hair, but his chiseled facial features were smooth hardly showing any signs of age at all. The golden eyes were unsettling. They were too close to that of the Drake. Dark spots began to crowd the edges of his vision and Aaron could feel his consciousness slipping away.

“Please," he whispered, “The Drake has one of my friends...captured.”

One of the Hythariam whispered to Iranus who nodded back. “Be still.” Iranus said. “We need to tend to your wounds.”

Aaron couldn’t help closing his eyes. He reached out with his senses focusing on Sarah from the bond in his heart. He felt her momentary shock and confusion at his touch and the cold bitter refusal as she shut him out. He flinched inwardly at the icy sting of rejection.
You won’t be rid of me that easily love,
he was thinking until the black abyss pulled him away from his thoughts as he passed out.


Aaron had been brought onboard the Raven and carried to his cabin. They had gathered around his bed, but the haggard expression on his friend’s face filled Verona with dread.

“Will he make it?” Verona asked staring at the unconscious form of his friend before him.

“We got to him in time I think," Iranus answered, “The claws of the Ryakuls are poisonous, which would kill a normal man within minutes...I think we both will agree that he is anything but normal.”

“That’s not how Aaron would describe himself,” Verona answered tersely. “What about Sarah?”

“I’m afraid she is under the influence on the Drake now," Colind answered.

“He’ll want to go after her.”

“I know Verona, I know," Colind sighed. “It’s how the Drake hunted down the Alenzar’seth. He would turn those that they loved into assassins. Forcing them to either die by the hands of a loved one or kill them.”

“Is there no way we can help her?” Verona asked.

“I don’t know," Colind said after a few moments staring down at Aaron’s unconscious body.

“Aaron will find a way. He won’t give up on her," Verona insisted.

Colind sighed again, “Thats what I’m afraid of," he whispered.

“Why?” Verona demanded shushing anyone who dared speak besides Colind.

Colind didn’t answer right away. He stood there studying Aaron and then looked up at those who had crowded the small room. More stood in the hallway.

“Because we’re the reason the Drake hunt the Alenzar’seth in the first place," Iranus said. “The Hythariam are from the same world as the Drake and it’s army is poised to invade your world. Should they succeed this place will burn as ours did. The Hythariam were once many. A proud people. Aaron, with the power of the bladesong can control the rift between realms allowing the horde to ravage this world.” Iranus said his golden eyes haunted and cold.

“Aaron wouldn’t let that happen," Verona replied.

“Grief has a way dooming the souls of good men," Iranus answered.

“You don’t know him," Verona snapped.

The stillness hung in the air straining the patience of all.

“Come. We’ve done all we can. We should let him rest.” Colind said ushering people from the room. “Verona, please," Colind said, but Verona shook his head and instead pulled a chair next to Aaron’s bed, waiting silently. Eric and Braden closed the door and stood guard outside as the anxious group left the room.

Verona sat in his chair and Colind sat across from him lost in his own thoughts. His faith in his friend was unparalleled to anything else, even in Colind’s experience. Both waited silently while Aaron recovered from his wounds. Praying for it to be speedy for the world of Safanar hung in the balance.

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The story continues in Book Two of the Safanarion Order, which picks up a few days after the end of Book One. Find out what Aaron, Sarah, Verona, Colind, and many others are up to and learn about the mysterious golden eyed alien race, the Hythariam and their ties to Shandara and the Alenzar’seth in particular.

To give you a taste of what’s to come, here’s the first chapter from Book Two of the Safanarion Order - enjoy!

Chapter One

Aaron slipped in and out of consciousness and time passed in a blur of whispers from voices both familiar and not. The common sounds of the airship and its steady rise and fall as it rode the winds were gone. He forced his eyes open again, ignoring their determination to remain shut. He was in a room with a balcony. The doors were swung wide open with sunlight and a gentle breeze oozing its way in. The harsh burning on his back where the Ryakul had clawed him faded to a dull ache. He slowly turned his head stretching his neck, trying to wake up. Stiff limbs quickly yielded to movement as he sat up in bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He was almost naked except where his wounds had been cleaned and bound. Mostly he was bruised. He saw a robe hanging near a metallic chest across the room. The rune marked staff rested on the wall near the chest along with his medallion hanging from its leather cord. He swung his feet to the floor and bit back a groan as the burning on his back increased. The tiled floor warmed beneath his feet which felt good. He took a steadying breath and moved more slowly so it wouldn’t hurt as much. The more he moved the less his body protested. Aaron put on the robe and tied it off at his waist. His mind still felt muddled as if he didn’t have the energy to form more than simple thoughts. He stepped out onto the balcony, allowing the sun to caress his face and he closed his eyes soaking in its warmth. Sarah was out there somewhere under the influence of the Drake. Flashes of the battle flashed in his mind like white lightening. He wanted to reach out to her, but didn’t have the strength. How could the Drake control her so easily? And the yellow eyes looking back at him from Sarah’s face. He suppressed a shiver and opened his eyes to clear skies to stop seeing those yellow eyes, but this last image of Sarah was burned into his mind. He hadn’t anticipated the Drake taking a prisoner, believing that it only meant to come for him. His pulse quickened while his hands clutched at the railings.

“You’re awake?” Verona said coming into room through a metallic door that slid silently into the wall. “They said it would be a few more days.” He poured some water and handed the cup to Aaron.

“Thanks,” Aaron said, “How long have I been out?”

“Three days. It was touch and go there for a while. The Ryakul’s claws are quite poisonous,” said Verona.

“Sarah?” Aaron asked fearing the answer in his friend’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, but we haven’t seen her nor the Drake since Shandara.” Verona said.

Aaron nodded slowly expecting as much. He sipped the water which had the faint taste of cinnamon and he felt his stomach tighten for a moment.

“It’s medicine that will help purge the remaining poison from your body.”

Aaron remained standing allowing the queasiness to pass. “Where are we?” He asked.

“We’re with the Hythariam north of Shandara in a place called Hathenwood,” answered Verona.

“Is everyone…Did everyone else make it?” Aaron asked.

“Yes. Some bumps and bruises and a few shallow cuts. The Hythariam helped with those as well. The repairs to the Raven will be complete in the next day or so. The Hythariam are installing some extra things that will help against the Ryakuls.” Verona said.

Aaron sighed in relief. He stretched his neck and rolled his shoulders still feeling the affects of the medicine. He needed a clear head and the medicine didn’t appear to be helping with that. “I’d like to take a walk.”

Verona looked as if he were about to protest and then gave a small nod. “There is clothing in there,” he said pointing to the metallic chest. “I’ll give you a few minutes to change and then we should get some food in you.”

Verona left the room by placing his hand on a pad near the door. The door slid silently into the adjourning wall. More technology, Aaron was thinking. He came to the chest that didn’t have any handles, so he place his palm on top and a drawer extended from the bottom. The clothes were loose fitting and actually felt good on his skin. He pulled on black boots that molded itself to contours of his foot. He stood up and noted how comfortable they felt while being both sturdy and almost weightless as the same time. He hung the medallion around his neck and grabbed the rune marked staff. It was a good walking stick after all.

Aaron exited the room to a quiet hallway with Verona waiting outside. His room was at the end of a long hallway. His stomach rumbled noisily giving Verona the audible clue he needed to lead the way. As they made their way down the hallway, a Hythariam appeared heading in their direction. His golden eyes flashed briefly in surprise. Then with a nod to Verona he turned and practically ran the way he had come.

“We’ve had you on constant watch since we arrived the other day,” Verona said. “Eric and Braden had only just left your door earlier today at my insistence.” After Aaron nodded he continued, “I know you want answers and you’ll get them. But I must tell you that it’s really good to see you awake.”

“Was it that bad? The poison I mean,” Aaron asked.

“Lethal to most people almost immediately. Even the Hythariam will die if they don’t get help in time.”

“Colind?” Aaron asked.

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