Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (16 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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“So there really is a wolf,” said Garret walking beside Aaron who nodded back at him.

“How did you end up traveling with Verona?” Garret asked.

“I met up with Verona in a small town south of here a few days ago.” Aaron replied. “He helped me get out of some trouble.”

“Well that sounds about right. Verona can hardly resist a bit of mischief when the opportunity presents itself.” Garret replied in a knowing sort of way. “Is that trouble still following you?”

The question was simple, direct, and straight to the point, which Aaron liked. “Yes,” he answered looking Garret straight in the eye.

Garret nodded as if he had expected nothing less. “Not to worry Aaron, trouble has a way of finding us all from time to time and it usually doesn’t let up easily once it has arrived.”

Thats putting it mildly
. Aaron thought to himself and he could already hear the echo of his father saying that you couldn’t always avoid trouble when it came, but you could do your part to prepare for it as best you can.

They traveled swiftly until they came upon the camp where Aaron was introduced to two more men, Erik and Braden who were brothers. Both men were like picturesque warriors taken straight from a Greek sculpture, towering above most men and wore their swords with the graceful ease of one married to the blade. There was no arrogance in their eyes or mannerisms, which instantly commanded Aaron’s respect.

Sarik made it back shortly after them and luck was with him, Aaron noted, since there was a good sized deer being prepared for dinner. Aaron had worried that he would be looked upon with suspicion as a newcomer to the group, but all of them trusted Verona and it was by his leave that they reserved their judgment which he thought was fair enough. When they all sat down to dinner around the fire Zeus boldly stepped out of the twilight, his eyes locked upon Sarik who was portioning out the meal. There was no mistaking the wolf’s intent. He expected his share and it was Garret who directed Sarik to set some aside for the wolf. When Zeus devoured his meal he moved to Aaron’s side and lay by his feet.

“So Aaron, Verona tells us that you took down a member of the Elite order.” Braden said casually and the rest hushed to an abrupt silence.

“I stopped some men from hurting a father and his son. I’ve never heard of this Elite Order before I met Verona.” Aaron answered absently stroking Zeus’s fur. Most of them masked their surprised reactions well, but all stole a quick glance at Verona who gave no reaction at all.

“You must be among the luckiest of men,” said Braden who took out a dagger and began sharpening it, his powerful arms making precise thrusts with the stone.

“Luck had nothing to do with it of that I can assure you,” Verona put in quickly. “There is another Elitesman who has been tracking us, so with all possible speed our road must take us to Rexel.”

The men all spoke at once, but it was Vaughn who silenced them. “The Prince advised, no warned you, to not return, family or not. We should consider heeding this warning for the time being.” Vaughn advised.

“Oh come on now Vaughn, it has already been a while perhaps the old man is in a forgiving mood.” Verona smiled mischievously.

“Not long enough I think. He had the guards chase us out of the city the last time.” Vaughn said smiling and the others laughed a little in reminiscence of the event. “Why there? Why to the Prince? What business is so important that it requires us to go back there?” He asked seriously.

“Colind the Guardian is alive,” Verona said, “He has been a prisoner all these long years, but it’s a prison unlike anything I've ever heard before.”

During the ramble of questions it was Garret whose deep voice spoke up above the rest. “Where is he?” The older man asked.

Verona took a long look at Aaron who nodded before he answered and the others noted it. “In
,” he answered.

Pandemonium. Instead of ramble, all agreed that it would be impossible to free Colind from his prison because they could never survive the journey. Absolutely no one in their right mind entered Shandara. Aaron wondered if this would be the reaction of the Prince as well? He hoped not. Colind was certain that the Prince could help in some way, but he never got to say how or why the prince would help him.

“Don’t tell me you honestly mean to trek into Shandara to free him,” Vaughn said. “That is a fool’s errand if ever I heard one, tell him Garret.”

“No it’s not Verona’s intent to trek into Shandara,” Aaron spoke up for the first time and drew all eyes upon him. “It’s mine,” he said letting the words hang there for a moment while he met all of their eyes. “I am going to Shandara to free Colind, but I was advised to seek the counsel of Prince Cyrus before I go, by Colind himself. So if it’s a fool’s errand than I am fortune’s fool for that is my road.”

“And I am going with him,” Verona finished.

The silence was deafening, even Braden stopped sharpening his dagger in mid stroke with his mouth open, but it was Garret who recovered first. Being the oldest among them he seemed to be the most level headed. Aaron did note the concern in Vaughn's eyes, clearly he looked on Verona as an uncle would look upon a nephew and their bond was strong.

“That’s quite a declaration Verona,” Garret said evenly. “Why would you agree to go on what many of us would consider a suicide mission? Are you that eager to face your final judgment?”

“Did you not hear him?” Verona said gesturing toward Aaron. “Colind appeared to him just as he did to me. That’s what took me away to Duncan's Port. That’s where I met Aaron. Colind's own words were that I should offer my aid to a stranger in the town. One who will stand out from the rest and I believe that taking down a member of the Elite Order is enough to announce that
is who Colind had in mind. Tell them Vaughn, you were with me when Colind appeared.”

Vaughn stood staring at the fire for a moment slowly shaking his head, “I saw,” he began. “I came at the end, but I did see an apparition vanish before my eyes and I thought I heard his voice. It could have been Colind.”

“It could have been dark magic,” Garret said. “We've never attracted the notice of the Dark Light Master, but if the Elite have this
notice,” he said gesturing toward Aaron. “Then it will not be long before it brings Mactar's notice as well and the High King for that matter.”

“I won't ask any of you to go further than you will,” said Verona. “But this is where my path goes, with this man for good or ill.” Verona said. “I trust in time if you will allow, that he will earn all of your trust as you have all earned mine. At least travel with us to see the Prince, from there if you feel that we should part ways then I shall bear no ill will against any man who does so.”

There was a brief moment of silence, before Braden sheathed his dagger. “I'm not about to abandon you my lord, and I believe you have good reasons for this. My sword as always, is yours.” And his brother Erik nodded in affirmation.

“As is mine,” echoed Sarik.

“To Rexel then,” said Garret cooly.

“What say you Vaughn?” Verona asked.

Vaughn sighed, “I say you are all fools. We shall go to the Prince at the very least.” Vaughn said lightly, but as his eyes strayed toward Aaron he noticed the hardness within them show for just a moment.

Aaron let out a small sigh and took his leave. He had his work cut out for him if he was going to earn the trust of Verona's companions and find acceptance within the group. All things in time he supposed, but he hoped he was fortunate enough to have the same loyalty and camaraderie that these men have shown to each other.

The next morning the men woke early and ate a quick breakfast before setting out. Zeus set off on his own occasionally coming into view. According to Vaughn, traveling by horseback they were about five days away from Rexel, home to Prince Cyrus. This puzzled Aaron who was wondering what type of technology was available in the world of Safanar. When he was at Duncan's Port he didn't have the time to really take note, but all he had seen so far was people traveling by foot or on horseback. Had the people of this world managed to create anything like a car or plane? Where magic in this world was concerned he was truly at a loss, for him magic was a word synonymous with mystery, which there would always be an explanation. Whether he accepted or understood that explanation would be up to him. He still couldn't explain his emerging abilities, but he had faith that with time an explanation would come. He was able to focus himself as if he were wielding the Falcons and he could hear the echoes of the bladesong singing amongst his thoughts, gathering the energy around him. The medallion bearing the Alenzar’seth’s family crest grew warm against his skin. Other times things came unbidden like when he felt the pursuit of the riders and he supposed there was one of those Elitesman leading the group.
So much for keeping a low profile.
He wasn't sure how he knew they were closing in on them yesterday, but he did and today there was no trace of them at all. Aaron refused to believe that this Elitesman with their apparent reputation would give up so easily. No, he was sure he would be seeing them again. There was something about the Elitesman that gnawed at him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it, like an itch that he couldn't quite reach.

His hand traced the runes along the black staff. A tool against the shadow, but it would also draw their attention. A wizard and his staff, Aaron mused, only he was no wizard. Perhaps the staff wasn't really meant for him at all. He could just be its keeper, but for who Aaron wondered. He hoped Colind would know what he was to do with the staff. He needed Colind if he was going to stop those who were hunting him. It was thoughts such as these that were both alien to him and also becoming a daily occurrence. He was a long way from home and his old life where he would have been at his summer internship at a local engineering firm, but that was someone else’s life. He hoped his sister was safe and had managed to find some peace. With a growing lump in his throat at the thought of his parents he set a firm, purposeful pace.

In the days that followed, their path took them through a gnarled old forest which eventually gave way to grasslands and took them past a few farms along the way. The farmers were friendly enough once they discovered that they were just passing through, which Aaron couldn’t blame them. Living so remote would require that they keep their guard up. It wasn’t until the shoes of his horse broke that they decided to head to a nearby town they had been been told about from one of the farmers.

The mood amongst the men had lightened considerably especially when Garret took it upon himself to teach Aaron the bow, which he had never fired in his life. His grandfather had taught Aaron many weapons, but a bow wasn’t among them and unlike his swords he had no apparent affinity towards the weapon. Good old hard work would have to suffice which suited Aaron just fine, but it did however become a joke amongst the others that he couldn’t fire a bow with any degree of accuracy. Nobody would be standing in front of a tree with an apple on their head as a target for him to shoot at any time soon. They were however, well aware of his accuracy with throwing knives much to Eric and Braden’s delight since they were fond of having contests after supper. Vaughn had adopted the wait and see approach, but he watched Aaron closely and it was becoming increasingly difficult for Aaron to conceal his identity. He began to question Colind’s advice in hiding who he was and he could tell that Verona was caught in the middle. At least there were moments when the anger and pain left him, but they were few and far between. He wondered what would happen if the darkness that was present in his soul consumed him. Who would he become if that happened?

They arrived at a small town by mid-morning and the local blacksmith informed them that he would take care of their horses before mid-day. This gave them time to re-supply and Aaron used the time to explore the town. All streets lead to the town square where merchants had setup their wares, but what was most notable was an old fountain in the middle of the square. A worn statue of a woman stood gazing up to the sky reminding him of the statue that he and Verona encountered in the forest. The hot sun blazed down upon his head feeling like tiny pinpricks on his scalp reminding him of his need to acquire a hat.

“Do you like the fountain?” an old woman asked appearing as if by magic beside him.

“Yes,” replied Aaron politely.

The old woman gazed at him intently. “You have kind eyes child,” she stated. A small smile stole itself onto Aaron’s face at her bluntness. “I’m sorry to see that you bear so much pain. Perhaps being in the presence of the goddess’s fountain will bring comfort to a troubled soul, even if it is only for a moment.”

Some children began playing games around the fountain drawing his attention away. When he looked back the old woman was gone. He gazed at the fountain allowing his eyes to drink in its splendor and for that moment at least he did feel better. He made his way over to a booth where a dusty black wide brimmed hat lay amongst the wares. Aaron shook the hat, patting it against his side then tried it on. If fit perfectly. The woman tending the booth eyed him kindly. He wanted to purchase the hat, but had no idea about the currency used in this world. The paper money he had wouldn’t be worth much except for kindling the campfire, but the quarters he fished out of his pocket brought a broad smile to the woman’s face and they disappeared quicker than Aaron’s eyes could follow. It was good to get the sun off his head.


“Who is
Verona?” Vaughn asked.

“I’ve already told you all I am permitted to say my friend, any more than that would not be appropriate.” Verona replied as he watched Aaron from across the square.

“There is something you’re not telling me about this man.” Vaughn said his hand gesturing toward Aaron. “Any man who attracts the trouble of the Elite Order we should be wary of and perhaps keep our distance from.” He finished with a frustrated sigh.

Verona fixed Vaughn with stern glare, “Aaron will reveal what he wants you to know when he is ready and until then you should respect his wishes. He asks nothing of anyone and offers aid when he can.” His gaze softened a bit as he put his hand on Vaughn’s shoulder. “Perhaps you should consider this, that it is he who is trying to protect us all by only revealing so much. He has his demons to face as do we all, but by and by I’ve pledged my friendship and my word is my bond. What are we without our honor? Nothing but bloodless barbarians and chaos driven at that.”

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