Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (13 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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“Oh yes it’s him. I was there the night that Tye was killed. I’ve faced him before,” Darven paused for a moment. “Seth,” Darven called and one of the guardsman detached himself from the rest. “Follow them, they are taking the same road as you to meet up with your party.”

“My identity might be compromised,” Seth replied, but Darven cared little for the pitiful doings of an average guardsman.

Fixing the man with a rocky gaze, “Risk is part of the job.”

The iciness of his tone betrayed nothing of the empty feeling he felt in his gut, the heir of Shandara should be dead, he shouldn’t have been able to come through the crossroads not with the safeguards Mactar had in place. He watched Seth’s eyes flash briefly in anger, but schooled his emotions soon enough. Darven brought out two small crystals both alike in appearance and handed one to Seth. These crystals were a marvel, when keyed properly they allowed the bearer to communicate with whoever had the crystal’s twin. “I want regular reports, but be wary of that man,” he said gesturing to the road. “His name is Aaron and he is very dangerous.” Before the other could raise any questions, “Mactar has plans for him. That is all.” He gave a brief salute and Seth turned and stalked off.

Darven turned back to the Elitesman. “There are forces at work here beyond you and I. We must inform the right people and complete our mission.” He said making a silent prayer for the legendary Elitesman singular purpose to not manifest itself today. He knew what the Elitesman wanted and it wasn’t as simple as Aaron’s blood. Master Elitesman were ever seekers of those who could be brought to their order or the alternative which was the challenge of the hunt. They were a class above men and their order was a mystery even to Darven who had been cast out, but he knew enough to show respect and a small amount of fear to those of the Elite order.

“Very well,” the Elitesman said tearing his eyes away from the road. He closed his eyes for a moment, his brow wrinkled in concentration, then brought his hands to his mouth and blew out a single melodious note. A raven appeared and shot forth in a blurring dark streak across the sky. “The Elite council will be informed and will pass the information on to the High King.” He said to a very stunned Darven. “Let’s go,” he commanded. The guardsman and Darven wasted no time in making for the road for it was unwise to dally when an Elitemen’s patience was being stretched.



ZEUS KEPT THE pace easily gliding along through the surrounding forest, but he also kept his distance appearing briefly ahead of them in silent beckoning. How long would Zeus stay with him? He had helped Aaron through the crossroads to Safanar, shouldn’t he seek to be with his own kind? Although Colind professed that the bond between them was strong, the mystery surrounding such a bond left Aaron wondering if the wolf would be better off with his own pack. They had been riding a short while when Verona asked if he thought they were being followed.

“Probably,” Aaron answered, with his luck it would be a certainty.

Verona eyed him for a moment, “Well let’s hope my luck proves true this day friend," he said as if hearing Aaron’s thoughts.

“Thanks for your help back there,” said Aaron.

“You seemed to have things well at hand, although why you would choose to tangle with an Elitesman is beyond me, but I’m glad you did. You’ve brought hope to that small town and allowed a father and son to escape the poorness of their timing.” Verona said stealing a glance behind them frowning.

Aaron wanted to ask the obvious question about what an Elitesman was, but doing so would only confirm his own proverbial ‘not from around these parts’. Verona appeared to be close to his own age and his instincts told him that Verona could be a friend. What would it cost Verona to be his friend Aaron wondered darkly? He would gain nothing by being closed and he needed help if he was going to find this Prince Cyrus. Oh,
where was Colind?
He had hoped to meet him when he came through.

“I am Aaron Jace,” he said extending his hand, but in his mind he whispered
of the house Alenzar’seth.

“Well met, Aaron.” Verona said shaking his hand firmly. “It seems as if luck is not with us at least in regards to avoiding pursuit,” Verona continued gesturing behind them to the distinct dust plum pursuing a number of riders who were now on their trail. “Well they won’t find this fox such easy quarry. Are you with me Aaron?”

“I’m the one being hunted perhaps it would be better for you if we went our separate ways,” he answered.

“Nonsense,” Verona replied shaking his head. “I’ve got my fair share of trouble following me and besides how can I abandon the first person in a generation to take down an Elite. You intrigue me Master Jace and its not mere happenstance that fate put us in the pot.”

Aaron looked doubtful as the dust cloud from the riders loomed ever closer. They needed to get moving.

“Colind sent me to find you, I can explain more later, but we have to go now.”

“Colind?” Aaron said, “Let’s go,” his doubts banished.

They kept a sturdy pace for a time occasionally walking their horses to conserve their strength in case they really had to run. The forest grew thick around them and the road faded to a barely discernible path in some places, but still they pressed forward. A shadow engulfed the sky above them and then disappeared just as quickly.

“Did you see it?” Verona asked glancing up at the sky.

“No, but earlier I heard the Elitesman refer to something called a Ryakul flying the skies,” replied Aaron. “The guardsman believed it to be a Dragon.”

“I see, no definitely not a Dragon. The Ryakul have indeed grown bold if they venture here.” Verona said, “Come I’ll tell you on the way. I’m due to meet with some friends in a couple of days and we must keep moving.” Verona took out his longbow and rested it in his lap.

After walking a short distance, Zeus came up silently and nuzzled Aaron’s hand. Verona gasped catching sight of the wolf and Aaron quickly assured him that Zeus was a friend.

“There are not many a men that a wolf would befriend,” Verona remarked. “It’s an allegiance that has faded with the passage of time I’m afraid. And I fear our loss from it is greater than theirs.”

“He was my grandfather’s and has been with me since he died.”

Verona nodded in understanding. “There are more knowledgeable people who can tell you a great deal about the Ryakul, but since they are absent I will shamefully attempt to use my meager knowledge to shed some light on the subject.”

Aaron couldn’t help, but smirk a bit at the short speech, the man certainly had energy.

“The Ryakul kill indiscriminately whether man or beast. Dragons appear to be their mortal enemy, but there are few dragons left and many Ryakul remain and no one knows for sure the reason why. They do not belong here, there are stories that the Ryakuls came from another world and were released during the fall of Shandara.” Verona paused coming around some branches. “Many things were released during that time, but most were imprisoned by Reymius Alenzar’seth before he died at Shandara.”

Aaron nearly tripped at the casual mention of his grandfather, the man he thought he knew, but it was clear there was a great deal he didn’t know about him.

“You know of Reymius,” Verona asked.

“I know him,” Aaron replied, but before Verona could note the distinction, “Tell me about Colind please.”

“Ah yes Colind,” Verona said his eyes hardening. “Do you believe in ghosts Aaron, because I would doubt the validity of my own perceptions if I didn’t see what I saw with my own eyes.”

“Its not a matter of belief for me anymore, recently the unexplained appear to have a knack of finding me,” said Aaron dryly
and so does death,
he said to himself.

“It was not three nights gone when Colind appeared to me, but at the time I didn’t know it was him. You see Colind, like Reymius, is a man upon which legends have been made and he’s been gone for a long time. He didn’t seem like the man that all the stories said he was. He was withered and stooped with haunted eyes, but I swear I saw strength in them still and anticipation. He told me that a new hope was coming to this land and I should watch for it at Duncan’s port. A stranger would appear and that I should offer my aid to him. When I saw you in the town I knew it was you,” Verona said watching Aaron. “He said he didn’t have much time, but had a message for you and these are his words exactly, ‘Beware the beast that has slept with your family’s leaving, for it will wake yearning for the hunt upon your arrival.’ That was all. I’m hoping that it makes more sense to you than it does to me.”

Aaron stood in silence taking in the message that both Colind and Daverim, his ancestor, had warned him about…that he would be hunted, “I had hoped that Colind would be here.”

“He found us once perhaps he will find us again. What did Colind say to you?” Verona asked.

“A great deal,” Aaron sighed. “But not enough it seems. The last thing he said to me was to seek out Prince Cyrus, but I don’t know who or where he is.”

Verona’s eyes widened at the mention of Prince Cyrus, “Do you have any idea why he wanted you to seek him out?”

He wasn’t sure how much he should tell Verona who was all but a stranger to him, but how could he expect Verona to help him if he didn’t know at least something? It had all happened to him and he still couldn’t believe it sometimes. “I am a stranger to this place, but I think it would be safer for both our sakes if we didn’t delve too much into this right now. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. Look, I appreciate all of your help, but if you want to change your mind and go on your own way I will understand. Just point me in the general direction so I can find this Prince Cyrus and I will make my own way.”

Verona stared at him for a moment with a look of honest bewilderment. “What kind of man would I be if I abandoned you out here?” he said sweeping his hand out gesturing to the forest around them. “A man out of legend asks for my help, which will probably be one of the most significant events to happen in my life and you ask me if I want to walk away? A charge has been given to me by Colind of the Safanarion Order to help you on your journey. Fate has called upon me Aaron, who am I not to heed her call. I promise. Nay I pledge,” he said with his fist across his heart. “That I will see this through to the end and stand by your side as a friend.”

The offer hung in the air between them, “You don’t even know me. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. Are you willing to risk your life for the words of a ghost,” said Aaron.

“In this you are mistaken my friend. I’ve seen your quality when you stood up to the injustice at the town of Duncan’s Port and spared a father and son a horrible end. The winds of change are upon us and I know it in my heart that they have to do with you, so where you go I follow. As for the trouble that will come of it, well” he paused with a small inviting smile. “Trouble has a way of finding us all.”

The look of conviction in Verona’s eyes left little doubt in Aaron’s mind that he meant every word. Back home his reaction would be that Verona was crazy, but here in this place he didn’t have the luxury of time, nor beating around the bush. Life and death were present in everyday life, but here out in this world it seemed to be brought to the forefront. He had a feeling that Verona would prove to be the best friend he would ever know.

“Hard times are indeed easier to bear when in the company of friends,” Aaron said shaking Verona’s hand firmly. “You honor me with your offer of friendship and I am inclined to do the same, my friend.” In that single moment, Aaron felt some of the weight lift from his shoulders with the comfort that only companionship could give.

A short while later with the sun ebbing the afternoon away, they came upon a clearing where the stillness had become so apparent that it gave them pause. The woodland around them seemed to draw in it’s breath in silent anticipation while Aaron’s horse snorted nervously, pawing at the ground. An ear piercing roar shrieked across the clearing rattling the trees in its wake making them jump. A cavernous roar answered and what could only be a Dragon launched itself into the air with four Ryakuls in pursuit, their giant bat like wings whooshing through the air.

The Dragon in all his majesty and savage beauty reflected the sun blazing like a star in the sky, and the Ryakuls pursued swallowing up the light. The Ryakul were the antithesis of the Dragon sharing powerful arms and talons, but that was where the similarities ended. The hide of the Ryakul was a glossy black and its long neck ended in gaping saber tusked maw in direct contrast to the Dragon’s proud head. The Dragon turned in mid air roaring its challenge, which the Ryakuls eagerly answered, rising up for their quarry. Aaron’s heart thundered in his chest, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the Dragon. The tattoo on his chest began to throb and the medallion grew warm against his skin. The battle that ensued had a ferocious brutality like nothing Aaron had ever seen. Two of the Ryakuls were brought down in a twisted heap, but not before extracting their toll on the Dragon in the form of large gashes along his golden hide. The Dragon fought with agility and blinding speed, flourishing teeth and talon alike. The ground shook with its landing and the remaining two Ryakuls approached warily.

The Dragon’s gaze found Aaron and he paused with his eyes fixed on him. Aaron took a step forward enamored in the Dragon’s gaze and feeling utterly exposed at the same time. The Ryakuls lunged toward the Dragon breaking his eye contact with Aaron and without a thought Aaron drew his Falcons and charged. As he swept across the clearing the wind raced passed his swords and a few notes of the bladesong were released. The Ryakuls stopped instantly and turned, with their terrible green eyes fixed upon Aaron who stopped in his tracks. A small breeze tugged at Aaron’s cloak. He was rooted in place feeling nothing but the burning of the Dragon tattoo on his chest and the stirring of power from the medallion. He began to wield the Falcons with a savage need to smite the abomination before him. The melodic tune from the bladesong bewitched the Ryakuls long enough for the Dragon to seize the opportunity to strike. A powerful swipe with the end of its armored tail nearly severed a Ryakul in half, but instead of blood, black vapor hissed free.

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