Road to Redemption

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Authors: Piper Davenport

Tags: #Dogs, #motorcycle, #piper

BOOK: Road to Redemption
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2015 Piper Davenport

Copyright © 2015 by Piper Davenport

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States


Road to Redemption
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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Alex ‘Hawk’ James has a sordid and violent past, one that, in part, leaves him the single father of a little girl. His only solace is the world he’s made within the Dogs of Fire Motorcycle Club.
Payton Williams has everything under control. Her neat little world is as she has made it and she’s happy with the life she’s leading. But when a chance encounter with a gorgeous biker upends her tidy plans, she finds herself confronting things she’d been happy to gloss over... until now.

Will Hawk and Payton’s different worlds collide in chaos, or will they come together and heal the wounds of the past?


Will a threat from someone out of Hawk’s past destroy the trust he and Payton are building?

For “Linda”

Your insight makes me a better writer, and your snark and humor make me a better friend.

I couldn’t do what I do without you.







STOOD STARING at the copious amounts of wine choices in the downtown Portland Safeway store. My best friend Macey and I had been invited to a Dogs of Fire compound get together tonight by Danielle Carver who was a relatively new friend and married to one of the officers in the club.

Funnily enough, she was a kindergarten teacher in the same school district I worked for. Different enough schools where we hadn’t run into each other, but we had quite a bit in common and I loved our occasional ‘solve the problems of the world’ conversations in regards to children.

Her husband was not at all who you’d expect Dani to be married to, but when you met him, you also weren’t surprised. Austin ‘Booker’ Carver was gorgeous, sweet, and wholly devoted to his wife. She’d been kidnapped a few months ago, and he’d rained down hell on the people who did it and I liked that.

Macey had a man like that and my sister-in-law had my brother, who was totally a man like that, so I figured there was hope for me somewhere in the world. If it started with meeting a few sexy bikers, I wasn’t going to complain.


I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of a little girl’s voice and thought nothing of it until she appeared at the end of the wine aisle, her blonde hair pulled into uneven pigtails and tears streaming down her face.

“Daddy!” she called out, sobbing.

I rushed to her immediately, dropping my basket and purse as I knelt in front of her. “Hi, sweetie. Did you lose your dad?”

She nodded, her lower lip out in a cute but pathetic little pout.

“What’s your daddy’s name?” I asked.


I forced myself not to giggle, because this little girl was unbelievably adorable, from her leather vest with pink flowers on it, right down to her little motorcycle boots. “Okay. What’s your name?”


“Lily?” At her nod, I smiled. “That’s such a pretty name.”

“Fank you.”

“Okay, honey, let’s see if we can find your daddy.” I grabbed my purse, left the basket where it lay, and stood. Lily slipped her tiny little hand in mine like she’d known me forever, and we started to walk the aisles.

It wasn’t long before I heard a deep voice calling her name, so we followed the sound. We turned down the coffee aisle and Lily tugged her hand out of mine and made a run for the best looking man I’d ever seen. Seriously.
. Tall and muscular with sandy blond hair and a handlebar moustache that rivaled Sam Elliott’s in pretty much every movie he’d ever made… except Roadhouse where he had more of a beard, but still the handlebar moustache is imprinted on those of us who love him, so you still saw that moustache even when it wasn’t really there. Yeah, he was sexy like that.


The man faced her and after a fleeting look of frustration and anger, his face melted into one of unconditional love as he bent down and scooped her into his arms. “Lily! I told you
to run off like that.”

She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “I sowwy daddy.”

Holy cow, this little girl knew how to work her cuteness. I was transfixed momentarily and turned to walk away when he caught my eye.

“You found her?” he asked.

I smiled. “She found me, actually.”

“Yeah, she does that.” He gave his daughter a squeeze and then offered me a slow smile. “Thanks for helping her.”

My heart raced and I was sure my panties were fighting to stay on as I nodded. “No problem. Okay, well, I should go.”

“’Bye, babe,” he said, his voice low and sexy.

“’Bye,” I squeaked, and continued to stand there.

He chuckled and it brought me back to my body. “You got somewhere to be?” he asked.

I didn’t answer. Just turned on my heel and made a rush for the wine aisle again, deciding I’d bring one to the party and buy another six to try to forget my inability to form a coherent sentence.

Never… and I mean,
… had this happened to me. Not even when public speaking. I was a teacher and used to addressing crowds. People, no matter their age, didn’t scare me. I liked people. They fascinated me. It’s why I chose teaching. Impacting the lives of young people while watching them grow into useful members of society made me feel happy and fulfilled. It gave me purpose, and I believe it had given me a confidence no other job could have. I also had parents, not to mention siblings, who loved me. Nurtured me. Teased me mercilessly, but had my back and protected me always. Especially my brother, Brock.

But in that moment, none of my training or love or confidence was of any use. In a matter of seconds, I’d turned into a blithering idiot because of a man. Gah! I couldn’t hate myself more if I’d stripped naked and offered myself to him in the middle of the store.

Grabbing the wine, I hightailed it out of the store and into my car as fast as I could. I was comforted by the fact that since I didn’t live here, ergo didn’t typically shop at the Safeway in downtown Portland, it meant there was little to no chance of running into him again, and I was grateful for small mercies.

Macey and I used to be roommates, but I moved out just before she married Dallas. Coincidentally, Dani and Booker lived in the same building, so we would all be going to the club together. I’d known Booker insomuch as we knew each other’s names and chatted while getting the mail, but until he’d met and married Dani, I’d never really had a conversation with him. All I knew was that he was the hot guy in 8C.

After I’d moved out of the apartment, I moved back to Vancouver to live with my parents. It was supposed to be temporary, but I kind of liked coming home to my parents every night. Sometimes Mom even had dinner waiting. Sure as hell beat living in an apartment all by myself with no one but the walls to talk to, and as long as I followed the house rules (which were now pretty nonexistent now that I was an adult) and texted regularly so Mom knew I wasn’t dead on the side of the road kind of thing, it was an ideal situation. Especially since they charged me a ridiculously low amount of rent and I essentially had the basement to myself, provided I save. So I did. A lot. Who knew having no overhead meant I could save over a grand a month?

Arriving at my old building, I used Macey’s code to the parking garage and slid into her extra space. Dallas was an FBI agent, along with my brother, and they were on an all-nighter, so we were going to the party and then I was going to stay at her place.

Grabbing the wine, I rode the elevator to the lobby and checked in with the guard before being given clearance to head on up to my old place. One of the best things about the building is the safety… and the million dollar view of the water. Oh, how I missed that view.

I had a key to the apartment but it was for emergencies, so I rang the doorbell and waited for Macey to answer. My phone buzzed and I glanced down to see a text from her.

*Use your key*

I rolled my eyes and dug my keys out and let myself in. “Hey,” I called.

“Bedroom,” Macey called back.

I locked up, set everything on the sofa, and headed to the master bedroom where I found Macey standing in front of the mirror wearing jeans and a bra and holding a shirt to her chest. “What do you think?”

“What are you going for?” I asked.

She turned to me and shrugged. “I’m married to a badass law man, so I’m taken and you better not mess with me or my man will fuck you up?”

Macey could only be described as stunning. Long auburn hair, light blue eyes, and a body to die for, she was sweet and caring as well as beautiful. Her career as a nurse provided a flexible schedule for the most part, which is why she was able to join me tonight.

I laughed. “I take it Dallas said something similar before he left?”

Macey sighed. “Pretty much.”

“I think you should wear your Jason Maxx T-shirt. Then no one will bug you.”

She giggled. “Bikers don’t listen to country?”

“I have no freakin’ clue, but I’d venture a guess if they did, they sure as hell wouldn’t listen to

“I don’t know why I’m even making an effort. I’m happy to stay home with wine and a movie.”

“But I need my wingman tonight.” I grinned. “What did Dallas say on the subject?”

,” she said. “But he likes Booker and I guess they had a conversation about making sure everyone knew I was off-limits.”

“He didn’t!”

“Ohmigod, he so did.” Macey opened a dresser drawer and pulled out her Jason Maxx T-shirt, pulling it over her head. “He also said something about me texting him every thirty minutes with an update of how I was.”

“He’s ridiculous.”

“Unbelievably,” she agreed with a grin. “Which is why—” Before she could finish her thought her phone pealed and she glanced at the screen. “Speak of the devil. Hi, baby.” She smiled at me. “Yep, she’s here. We’re meeting Dani in twenty minutes. Uh… yeah. Sure. Dallas,
. You’re an idiot. I love you, but you’re an idiot.” Macey gave me her ‘I might kill him’ look and took a deep breath. “Honey, I’ll be with Payton, Dani,
Booker. I’ll be fine. No. No, baby. Every thirty minutes is unrealistic. Well, then you text
every thirty minutes and let me know you’re okay, and I’ll respond,” she snapped. “Why yes you
kind of pissing me off, Mr. Stone.” She turned away from me, but not before I caught her blush.

I left her to her conversation and headed to the kitchen. Opening the fridge I grabbed a pop and sipped, my thoughts turning to the hottie in the store. Silly, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t get him off my mind.

“Sorry, Pay.” Macey dragged me from my thoughts as she strolled into the kitchen.

I smiled. “No worries. All good with Dallas?”

“Yes.” She giggled. “But he’s still ridiculous. I see you grabbed wine. Did you stop at Freddie’s?”

I shook my head. “No, I went to Safeway down here.”


“And what?”

Macey grinned. “I feel like you’re holding back.”

I sighed. “I just kind of met the hottest guy on the planet.”

“Shut up.” She sat at one of the bar stools. “Tell me… details, missy. None of your vague, two-word answers.”

“Don’t get too excited, Mase. He’s obviously married. His little girl got lost in the store and I helped her find him.” I groaned. “Why are all the good ones taken?”

Macey wrinkled her nose. “Oooh, sorry, buddy. That sucks.”

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