Ricochet (57 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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around his bicep. "Look! I can't get my hand

around it!"

"Mmm… you should see what else you can't

get your hand around." Rick winked at her.

"You're naughty!" She bashed his arm with

her hand.

"And you're pretty."

"And me!" the boy on his knee piped up.

Rick squeezed him close. "You too. You're

both gorgeous."

"Do you like my new butt?" The boy slid off

his lap and bent over in front of him. "I had butt

implants done. I asked the surgeon for the most

spankable butt she could give me!"

"Well, it's definitely spankable." Rick gave it

a little smack to test it, and the boy gave an

insincere squeal in response. "Does it have much

sensation though? There's no fun delivering a

spanking if the sub isn't feeling it."

"Oh, it feels good!" the boy crooned, glancing

up at him from under his hat with a cool, insouciant

air that turned Rick on. "Would you like to spank it

for real?"

Rick grinned. "Hell yeah!"

"Then why are we wasting time here? Let's go

back to your place!"

"Why not?" Rick finished his drink and got

up. He towered over both the subs, as he towered

over most people, and he wrapped an arm around

each of them and took them outside.

They got into a cab, and he laughed as they

swarmed all over him the minute they were inside.

The girl straddled him, placed his hands on

her breasts, and kissed him, while the boy knelt

between his legs, opened his pants, and began

sucking his cock.

"You're beautiful, you're both so beautiful,"

Rick said, untying the girl's blouse and taking hold

of her big, fake tits. She whimpered as he squeezed

on a nipple.

"Hurt me, Master," she cried, throwing back

her head. "I'm yours!"

"You like that?" Rick squeezed down hard,

and she moaned in a throaty voice that she

presumably thought was sexy.

"You're so big, Master," the boy said from

between his legs. "We love serving you, Master."

"Yes, Master. You're so big, and powerful,

and strong," the girl parroted, pushing her breasts

against his face.

Rick had a sudden flashback to how it had felt

to lean over a bound, naked Matt, and take him

down deep into his own sub-space. The sub in

Matt had responded to the dom in him, and there

had been a raw honesty in it that had connected

them and made him feel something, deep inside.

This felt as real as the tits the girl was

shoving at him. None of it was genuine, the way it

had been with Matt. This wasn't being a dom - it

was faking it, and now that he'd tasted the real

thing Rick didn't know how to be satisfied with

faking it anymore.

"Stop the car," he ordered the cab driver. He

pushed the subs away and rearranged his clothing

with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, sweethearts.

You're both beautiful but this isn't for me anymore.

Here." He handed them a wad of cash. "Go back to

the club, find a dom who can give you what you're

looking for, and have a few drinks on me."

"But we're having such a good time," the girl


"And you're so hot." The boy pouted. "And


"You can whip me," the girl said. "I love

being whipped. You can whip me hard!"

"You can fist me," the boy said. "We'll do

anything you like. We do it all." He glanced at his

friend with a wicked smile.

"Oh, I bet you can do anything but really feel

it," Rick said softly.

"You could make us feel it!" the girl said.

"I'd definitely feel that giant cock if you put it

in me," the boy added, stroking Rick's cock through

his pants.

"We could make out with each other - would

you like to watch some sub-on-sub action?" the

girl said, giggling at her companion.

"No, really, that's fine." Rick took the girl's

head between his hands and bestowed a kiss on it.

He did the same with the boy, and then he got out

of the cab and walked home - alone.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Matt had barely spent any time alone with

Rick since his whirlwind romance with Rule had

begun, so he was anxious when he arrived at the

Show Scoop
photo shoot a few days later. He

hated the silence that had built up between himself

and his old friend; every time they talked they

seemed to argue, so it had become easier not to

talk at all.

The shoot was taking place outdoors, in a

pretty yard by a pool, and Matt was excited

because it was his first
Show Scoop
front cover.

A short, excitable looking woman came

running over to them when they arrived.

"Hi guys! I'm Tina, and I'm your photographer

today. As you know, we're calling this edition

Sizzling Subs of Summer
- so I thought we'd set it

at a cookout!"

"Sounds superb," Matt said, deadpan.

"Sensational!" the twins exclaimed.

"Surreal," Rick added. He shot Matt a grin,

which Matt found himself returning, and then they

both looked away again quickly.

"Your outfits are in the pool house - you can

get changed in there too. I've been looking forward

to this job -
Collar Crime
has the prettiest

submissive characters on TV. You guys are just

beautiful." Tina gazed at them happily. "Damn, but

I love my job sometimes!"

They went into the pool house, where Matt

and Rick changed into matching tight denim shorts

and red and white plaid shirts, while the twins put

on short denim skirts that barely covered their

panties and red plaid halter neck tops. They all

wore a cutesy denim collar around their necks,

with a red plaid bow tie attached to the front.

There were white deck shoes to complete the


"This really isn't me," Rick complained to

Tina, gesturing at his outfit, as he stomped back

outside a little while later. Matt had to stifle a

laugh; the tight, denim shorts looked ridiculous on

his big frame, and the red and white plaid shirt

added a wholesome, homespun indignity to the

costume. The collars were the icing on the cake -

he and twins could (just about) pull off the cutesy

look, but it looked absurd on Rick.

"Oh, I think you look gorgeous, sweetheart!"

Tina winked and swatted Rick's ass, and Matt

didn't even try and stifle his laugh this time

because the look on Rick's face was priceless.

Tina was reacting to Rick like he was Alex

Tanner, clearly either not knowing, or not caring,

that he was a dom in real life.

Rick grinned, and Matt could see that he was

going to have fun with this and milk it for all it was

worth. "Hey, Tina - I've got an idea for how to

spice this shoot up a little," he said.

He pulled his shirt over his head, threw it on

the ground, and stood there, naked from the waist

up save for the ridiculous collar. Tina stared at his

firm, muscled chest and his pronounced six-pack,

looking like she'd died and gone to heaven.

"What do you say? How about we shoot me

like this?" Rick posed, one hand on his hip, and

Tina licked her lips. "Or is it too naughty? Maybe

some stern dom should spank some sense into me,

huh?" He thrust his ass out at angle, and Tina eyed

it greedily, clearly wanting to do just that.

Matt couldn't help it; he burst out laughing,

and Rick and the twins joined in. It was so

infectious that soon even Tina couldn't hold out

and before long they were all laughing their heads


Their relationship had been so strained lately

that Matt had forgotten how much fun Rick could

be, and the rest of the morning flew by as they

posed beside the barbecue, toasting marshmallows

and chasing each other around the pool.

"This has been great!" Rick said as they went

into the pool house to change afterwards. "I'm not

due back on set until later this afternoon, and I

know you guys don't have any scenes today, so…

anyone wanna get some lunch somewhere?"

"Sorry, Rick, we can't. We're meeting Petra

for lunch," Cara said.

"How's that going?" Matt asked. "Is it

working out?"

They glanced at each other shyly. "It's

fantastic," Cara said.

"She's so good to us," Casey added.

"She takes each of us out on an individual

date once a week, and she makes sure we have

twin time alone with each other too, and the rest of

the time it's the three of us." Cara beamed, glancing

at her sister for confirmation that she hadn't said

too much, but Casey was smiling along with her.

"It sounds like she gets you - as individuals

and as twins," Matt said, feeling pleased for them.

"She does! And that's all we ever wanted."

"Seems like everyone is pairing up, or, you

know, tripling up or whatever." Rick waved his

hand at the twins.

"Except you, Rick," Casey said sadly.

Rick laughed. "Hey, I don't do reruns,

sweetheart! You know that."

"Yeah, we know," Matt muttered. "You've

told us often enough."

"See you later!" The twins called cheerily,

grabbing their bags and stuffing the clothes they'd

arrived in into them.

"Aren't you going to get changed?" Matt


They glanced at each other and giggled.

"Nope! We thought Petra might enjoy the outfits,

and Tina said we could keep them!" They did a

saucy little pirouette, their short skirts twirling,

and then ran out of the door.

"She'd have to pay me to keep mine," Rick

muttered, looking down on his clothes mournfully.

"How about you, Matt?" he asked. "Wanna get

some lunch?"

Matt glanced at his watch. "Sorry, Rick. I've

got a date with Sebastian. He's invited me to stay

over at his place for a couple of days, and I'm

already running late."

Rick stiffened. "Okay. Fine. Sure." He turned

to go into one of the changing booths, but Matt

called him back.

"Rick - we're okay, aren't we? You and me?

Only… we don't talk much anymore, and today

was so good, and I…I just want it back to how it

was before…when we were good friends. We're

still good friends, aren't we?"

"Sure, Matty," Rick drawled. "Good friends."

They stared at each other in awkward silence,

and then Matt remembered he was late and quickly

got changed and grabbed his bag. He hated running

out on Rick like this, when it seemed like there

was still so much to say, but now clearly wasn't

the time.

He glanced back as he left to see Rick

standing in the pool house, still dressed in that

ridiculous outfit, looking suddenly very lonely and

vulnerable. Matt thought about turning back but

then he remembered Rick's crack about not doing

reruns and his jaw tightened, and he kept on

walking. Nothing had changed.

The limousine was outside, ready to take him

to Rule's house - which turned out to be a modern

mansion, set high in the hills, with a magnificent

view. Rule was waiting for him on the driveway,

dressed as elegantly as ever.

"Welcome to my home," Rule said, taking

Matt's hand and leading him inside.

"Wow - nice place!" Matt whistled. "You

said it was little!"

Rule laughed. "It is - compared to my ranch

near San Jose."

Matt had been to plenty of expensive houses

since becoming a TV star, but this place was

something else. Rule, as ever, seemed to have an

eye for the most beautiful things - and the money to

acquire them.

Rule showed him around; the rooms were all

exquisitely furnished and scrupulously tidy, and

there was a pristine sense of order about the place

that appealed to Matt. He couldn't help but notice

that each room had a hook with a strap, paddle or

cane hanging from it. He reached out to touch the

cane in the dining room, but Rule grasped his wrist

firmly before he could lay a finger on it.

"Don't," Rule said sharply. "Implements of

discipline are for me to handle - not you."

"I noticed that you have one in each room."

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