Ricochet (41 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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without saying that my slave doesn't come without

permission," Rick said, squeezing Matt's cock.

"No, Master."

"Maybe not at all." Rick stroked Matt's cock

firmly. "It depends on whether I'm feeling generous

and how good you've been."

"Please… Master…" Matt arched back as

Rick kept on stroking his cock.

"Who is the slave?" Rick demanded.

"Me, Master."

"And who owns this body?" Rick trailed his

fingers languidly down the underside of Matt's

straining cock.

"You do, Master," Matt whimpered.

"Exactly. And this," Rick squeezed Matt's

cock firmly, "is mine now. You don't get to touch it

without my permission." Rick released him, and

Matt tested the cuffs, pulling on them.

"You can't get away, Matthew," Rick told him


Matt took a couple of deep breaths, clearly

trying to adjust to that knowledge. "No, Master,"

he said at last, putting his head down again.

Satisfied that Matt wasn't panicking about his

wrists being tied, Rick went to the dresser to pick

up two more cuffs, returned to Matt's side, and

knelt down to fasten them around his ankles.

"I won't hobble you for now," Rick said,

judging that tying Matt's ankles together would

freak him out too much at this point. "Maybe I will

later though - when I fuck you."

He looked up with a dark smile and saw that

Matt was looking down at him with wildly flashing

eyes, like a stallion being saddled for the first


"Please don't tie me when you fuck me!" Matt


Rick considered that for a moment, but Matt

hadn't said his safeword, so he decided he was just

feeling his way into his role and giving Rick

something back, the way he'd asked.

"It's not your decision, boy. I will tie you; I

want you to be completely helpless when I fuck

you," Rick said, standing up.

"No! That is… I think I've made a big

mistake," Matt blurted out unexpectedly. "Look,

I'm sorry, but I don't want this, Richard. Please…

let me go. You can have your money back."

"No." Rick reached out and grabbed Matt's

chin. "You signed a contract, Matthew, and I don't

want my money back. I want you to keep your side

of the bargain, and if I have to make you, I will."

Matt jerked his head away and made a sudden

run for the door. He was hampered by his bound

hands, and Rick easily caught him. He picked Matt

up bodily in his arms and held his squirming body

against his own.

"Let me go! Damn it! Let me go; I told you, I

changed my mind!" Matt yelled, kicking and

writhing against him.

That just made Rick hold on even tighter, and

he loved it. It reminded him of the spanking scene

they'd played out in Matt's trailer. He carried his

armful of squealing, protesting, naked slave over

to the bed and threw him down on it; then, before

Matt could rise up and get away, he got on top of

him and pinned him there, placing his knees astride

Matt's body and pressing his hands down on Matt's


"Quiet, boy! You belong to me now." Rick

was so hard that he thought about releasing his

cock, pushing it into Matt's hole, and fucking him

right now, but he knew it was too soon. He had to

take his time and get it right. Matt was getting

there, but they needed to play some more before he

was ready to be fucked.

"Shit - get off of me!" Matt yelled, pushing up

against him. "Let me go, you bastard!"

Rick kept up the pressure, making sure Matt

couldn't escape again, enjoying his struggles. A

vein in Matt's neck pulsed darkly against his pale

skin, and he looked beautiful as he squirmed and


Matt was wriggling so much that he looked

like he was going to hurt himself. His hair was

dark with sweat as he pushed and screamed, while

Rick held him effortlessly in place.

"Ssh." Rick smoothed Matt's hair with his

hand. "Ssh, boy. You can't escape. You've got to

accept you're a slave now. I know it's hard, but you

don't have a choice." He stroked Matt's hair until

his manic squirming subsided, and finally Matt

looked up at him, his breath coming in heaving

gasps. "Submit," Rick told him firmly.

Matt's eyes were dark with arousal, and Rick

knew they were acting out one of his primary

fantasies of being overwhelmed and forced to give

up control - but he also knew that with the arousal

came the panic. Rick adjusted his position, pushing

down on Matt's shoulders and hips even more,

forcing him to surrender.

"It's hard for a slave to understand what it

means at first. How your body isn't your own

anymore. How you have no control." Rick said that

slowly, wanting it to sink in, and he saw Matt's

eyes flash in response.

Matt pushed up against him again, and it

seemed to Rick that he wasn't playing anymore.

The reality of what it really meant to give up

control was hitting home, and Rick saw the flare of

panic in Matt's eyes as he realized that. "Quiet

slave!" he barked. "Learn to submit to your


Matt gave a choking little cry and then his

struggles ceased, and he lay there, panting wildly.

"Good." Rick eased up the pressure a

fraction. "Do you get it now? There's no escape for

you. No way out. Do you understand that?"

"Yes," Matt muttered, but there was still a

rebellious light in his eyes.

Rick knew for sure that they weren't playing

now - the sub in Matt was demanding that Rick

didn't just tell him that he was in charge - he had to

show him too.

Rick grabbed a fistful of Matt's hair, pulled

his head back, and waited. It had to be

uncomfortable for Matt to be held with his head

jerked back, and Rick's fist in his hair, but that

rebellious stare didn't falter.

"Yes - what?" Rick demanded.

There was a long silence as Matt's mouth

remained obstinately clamped shut. Rick knew that

giving up control wasn't easy for him, but Matt

needed to know that he wasn't giving him a choice.

This was a battle he had to win, or Matt would

always doubt his ability to top him.

If Matt won, then Rick would never be able to

take him down and give him the release he craved

so much. Then this whole scene would be a

disaster for them both, and Rick doubted that Matt

would ever find the confidence to try again.

Suddenly the stakes seemed very high, and Rick

was determined not to lose.

"Yes what? I'm waiting." Rick tightened his

fist and pulled Matt's head back even further. Matt

just glared at him. "You won't win this one, Matt,"

Rick told him, using the shortened version of his

name on purpose. "Give it up. Accept you have no

control; it's easier that way."

Now they weren't Richard and Matthew,

playacting the scene Rick had so carefully invented

for them. They were Rick and Matt, fighting over

something much bigger and more important.

Matt gazed up at him mutely from those

rebellious blue eyes, refusing to give in. "Submit

to me, Matt." Rick leaned forward, so he was nose

to nose with the control freak sub. "Just give it up.

Let go. I'm here; I'll catch you."

Matt's eyes searched his, desperately looking

for something, but Rick held firm and stared back

just as intently, not loosening his grip. He wasn't

going to give up, and Matt needed to know that.

"Yes what?" Rick demanded again, sensing

he was close to victory.

The rebellion faded from Matt's eyes, and he

let out a sigh that seemed to come from deep

within. His body relaxed, and he dropped his gaze.

"Yes, Master," he said quietly.

It was satisfying, but Rick knew that Matt

wouldn't be taken down by one single moment of

surrender. This was a victory, but only one of

many along the way. The important thing was that

Matt finally understood that Rick had both the will

and the ability to truly top him - but there was a

long way to go before this troubled sub yielded

completely and gave up that control he clung onto

so stubbornly.

Rick decided to celebrate this small victory

by reinforcing the message that he meant business.

"That wasn't smart," he said, running a finger down

Matt's cheek. "Because now I'm going to have to

punish you again - and this time, it's really going to


Chapter Thirty-Four

Matt gazed up at Rick helplessly. His arms

were tied behind his back, he was naked, and Rick

had easily contained his struggles and kept him

pinned down. For the first time ever during sex, he

felt as if he really was losing control and his fear

and arousal warred with each other as that sank in.

Rick slowly got off him, and Matt lay on the

bed, watching his new master warily. Rick

removed his jacket and hung it up in one of the

closets. Then he unthreaded his cufflinks and laid

them neatly on the dresser. Finally, he began

slowly folding back his shirtsleeves as he returned

to the bed. Matt felt his stomach do a flip of

anticipation; this wasn't the same Rick who'd

benignly handed out those play spankings in the

trailer. This time, he meant business.

"You made a bad mistake, Matt," Rick said,

taking his time in folding back his sleeves to the

elbow. "You deserve a hard punishment for trying

to run, so I'm going to spank your disobedient ass

until it's burning."

Matt wriggled down to the end of the bed and

sat up. Rick was outplaying him, but Matt needed

to know he'd stay firm and unyielding, no matter

what. Matt waited until Rick was close and then

threw himself off the bed, ducked past him, and

made another run for the door. He wanted to

escape, but he also wanted Rick to make it clear

that escape wasn't an option.

Rick scooped him up before he even got close

to the door. He grabbed Matt around the waist,

lifted him bodily off the floor, and strode back to

the bed with him. He sat down on the side of the

bed and threw Matt over his knees, and Matt

blinked in surprise at how smooth and fast that

move had been. Now he was in the same position

he'd been in many times before, in Rick's trailer

before filming began for the day; only this time he

was completely naked, his skin bare against Rick's

clothed body, and his hands fastened behind his

back. Rick's pants were smooth beneath him, and

Matt found himself settling against those big thighs,

loving how they cushioned and supported him.

This felt familiar and safe, like he belonged here.

"That was naughty, and I'm going to make

your ass pay for it," Rick said sternly, smoothing

his big hand over Matt's bare buttocks.

The first slap landed with a sharp cracking

sound that startled Matt and made him kick out.

The second was a sharp warning.

"Stay still, or I'll get my cane," Rick growled.

Matt hoped that was just a threat. Rick had

once told him that he didn't enjoy hard discipline

sessions, so he thought it probably was. There was

also the sex scene on Monday to think about; surely

Rick wouldn't leave any marks on his body that

would compromise that?

Thinking about the sex scene made him tense

up, but another hard slap to his bottom distracted


"What are you?" Rick asked, anchoring him.

"A slave, Master," he replied.

Another sharp slap made him cry out.

"What are you?" Rick asked again.

Matt figured out his mistake. "Your slave,

Master," he said quickly.

"That's right; and what can I do to you?"

"Whatever you want; I'm yours." Matt finally

accepted the reality of that and hung his head

down. He was a slave, and Rick was his master.

He had no choice but to submit.

As Rick continued to rain down smacks on

his ass, he felt himself start to fly. He was a slave

being punished by his master, and he could feel the

fight ebbing away from him. All that was left was

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