Ricochet (40 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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For the first time, he got a glimpse of himself

as a kneeling, collared slave boy, the way Rick

had no doubt intended, and he gazed at himself,

fascinated by the sight.

The collar looked beautiful on his neck,

fitting snugly but not too tight, the scarlet color

complementing his pale skin. The leash was still

clipped to it and hung down in front of him,

providing a flash of silver against the red of his

shirt. His eyes were bright with a combination of

excitement, anticipation, arousal and fear, and he

could see the outline of his semi-erect cock,

straining against the fabric of his pants.

He looked like a kneeling, virgin slave boy,

awaiting his master's first touch, and he so

desperately wanted to be that slave. He longed to

finally let go, give up control and allow a dom to

really take him down.

He just wasn't sure he could do it.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Rick waited for ten minutes. He wanted to

give Matt enough time to get into the scenario he'd

painted for him and find the role in his own head.

If he didn't like it, then the delay also gave him a

chance to process that so that he could say so,

without Rick rushing him into anything he wasn't

sure about.

However, knowing Matt as he did, Rick also

didn't want to give him too long in case he started

overthinking it. He knew the signs and had already

noticed Matt going into his OCD counting mode

downstairs. He wanted to immerse Matt so fully in

the role that he was able to switch off and enjoy

the play session.

Rick could feel the adrenaline powering

through his body, accelerating his sense of his own

top-space, and he couldn't wait to get back in

there. He forced himself to wait, knowing that the

timed lights in his playroom needed to do their job


After precisely ten minutes, he opened the


Matt was where he'd left him, kneeling in the

center of the room. His head was down when Rick

entered, and Rick paused for a moment to catch his


Matt didn't look like the feisty, talented young

actor he worked with every day on the

set. He looked like an eager, nervous slave

boy, waiting for his master to come and claim him.

His slender, supple body was bowed, his blond

hair flopping over his eyes, and his breathing was

fast and excited. He looked beautifully vulnerable.

Rick took a second to feel his character again,

and then he strode over to stand in front of his

slave. Matt remained looking down, his eyes fixed

on the floor.

"Stand up," Rick commanded, holding out a

hand to take Matt's elbow and guide him to his

feet. Matt was trembling, so Rick stepped behind

him, slid one arm around Matt's body, and pulled

him back against his own, trying to ground him.

This had worked back in the rehearsal room and it

did again now. Matt's trembling gradually

subsided, and Rick kept one hand resting flat on

Matt's belly and used the other to raise his chin,

forcing Matt to look at himself in the mirror

directly opposite.

"You're my slave," he said in a low voice,

straight into Matt's ear. He knew from their

spanking sessions how much Matt needed verbal

stimulus to help him go into his sub-space, and he

also knew the kinds of words that worked. "This

body isn't yours anymore - it belongs to me now."

Matt gave a little shiver, but this time Rick

could tell that it was more from arousal than


"You're going to watch yourself being

undressed, and you are going to stay completely

still. If you move, I'll punish you," he said in that

same low, firm tone. Matt's breathing hitched,

which told Rick he was getting it right. "I expect

your instant obedience to my orders. Do you

understand, boy?"

Matt nodded, and Rick moved fast, taking a

handful of Matt's hair and pulling his head back,

exposing his collared throat.

"When I ask you a question, I expect a reply,"

he growled into Matt's ear.

"Yes, Master!" Matt said quickly.

"Good boy." Rick released his hold on Matt's

hair and then put his arms around him and began

slowly unbuttoning his shirt. He took his time,

wanting Matt to feel both the security and

helplessness of being trapped in his arms as he

was undressed. "Watch in the mirror," he ordered

as Matt's gaze drifted down towards his fingertips

as they opened the buttons on his scarlet shirt. "I

want you to watch yourself being undressed, so

that you understand you don't have a choice. You're

a slave, being stripped bare for your master's


Matt shook again, his cock a rigid outline in

his pants, and Rick felt quietly satisfied that his

words were working.

He finished unbuttoning Matt's shirt and

opened it to reveal the smooth expanse of Matt's

bare chest. Rick doubted Matt had much hair on his

chest, but what little that did grow there had

clearly been shaved away, leaving him silky


Matt had a broad, toned chest with well-

defined pecs. His body was stronger and far more

defined than his slenderness suggested. Matt wasn't

short, but Rick was so tall that Matt fitted perfectly

against him, enabling Rick to see himself in the

mirror, over Matt's shoulder. Rick liked the

juxtaposition of his own dark golden skin against

Matt's much paler skin tone.

Rick stroked his hand down over Matt's belly,

watching as Matt sucked it in, creating an almost

concave space. Rick took his time, wanting to

accustom Matt to the sensation of having his master

touch him. He knew that Matt was in love with the

fantasy of being a naked, collared slave boy, but

was he ready for the reality?

Matt slowly relaxed his stomach muscles, and

Rick slid his fingers up and trailed them lightly

over Matt's left nipple. Matt gasped, and Rick

grinned at his reflection in the mirror.

"Hmm, these are sensitive," he murmured,

moving his hand over to Matt's other nipple.

"Yes, Master." It sounded more like a squeak

than actual words as Rick gently squeezed the

nipple between thumb and forefinger.

"Excellent. That'll make it more fun when I

hurt them later," Rick murmured in Matt's ear, and

Matt's breathing hitched again in response. Rick

had memorized Matt's list of wishes and no-go

areas, and Matt had indicated that pain play on his

nipples was a definite turn on for him. "Because I

will hurt them," Rick whispered. "I'll whip them,

squeeze them, clamp them and bite them until

they're sore."

He pinched down hard on Matt's nipple, and

Matt gave a strangled gasp, stiffening in his arms

as he panted through the harsh caress.

"Does that hurt?" Rick asked, squeezing


"Yes, Master!"

"Good. I want it to hurt. I want my slave to

scream as I play with his helpless body."

Matt twisted in his grasp, pulling away, and

Rick quickly recaptured him. "Naughty," he said,

holding Matt tight against his own body. "What did

I say would happen if you moved?"

"You said you'd punish me, Master," Matt


"That's right. So, now you're going to stand

completely still while I squeeze down hard. If you

move again, I'll take my whip to them."

He took hold of both Matt's nipples and

looked in the mirror again.

"This is your punishment. You can cry and

scream and beg all you like, but don't try and move

away, or you'll experience something far worse."

"Yes, Master."

Rick only squeezed lightly at first, and he

could see Matt steeling himself as he slowly

increased the pressure on his nipples. As the

squeezing intensified, Matt began to shake from the

effort of standing still and taking it, small beads of

sweat appearing on his hairline. Rick pinched

harder, making it count, wanting it to hurt so that

Matt knew he meant business. Matt whimpered as

Rick squeezed down viciously, but he didn't move.

Rick held him there for a few beats, exerting

maximum pressure on his nipples, wanting to be

sure he had his obedience, and then finally

released his grasp. Matt took several deep gulps of

air, but he looked pleased with himself for

enduring the nipple torture.

"Good boy. You're learning. You can't

escape; I'll do whatever I want to you, and you'll

take it." Rick's cock jerked as he said those words,

both from the proximity of Matt's body, and his

own sense of power.

"Yes, Master," Matt replied but his eyes were

uncertain, and Rick could see that he'd been right

in his assessment earlier; much as Matt loved the

fantasy, the reality was hard for him. It was Rick's

job, as his top for the next few hours, to help him

with that.

"Can you feel me, boy?" he said, pulling

Matt's hips back so that his cock was nestled

against Matt's butt cheeks.

"Yes, Master. I can feel you."

"I'm big," Rick murmured into his ear. "I'll

enjoy pounding into your tight virgin hole and

making you scream."

He kept Matt there, letting him feel how hard

he was and allowing the anticipation build, before

releasing him.

"Now let's get my slave naked, so I can see

what my money has bought," Rick said, stripping

Matt's shirt from him. He moved in again,

remaining behind Matt all the time, and reached

around him to undo his pants. Matt's cock stirred

restlessly as Rick slowly peeled his pants and

briefs down his slim legs. He got Matt to step out

of them, and then he moved back to take a good

look at his boy.

He'd seen Matt's ass plenty of times and

caught glimpses of his cock, but now he was able

to see him fully nude, save for the scarlet collar

around his neck and the silver chain dangling from


Rick removed the leash from Matt's collar,

put it in his pocket, and walked around in front of

him, blocking his sight of the mirror. Then, very

slowly and deliberately, he took his time drinking

in the sight of his naked slave. His gaze dropped to

Matt's cock to find it was already erect; he was a

good size, smooth and uncut. He'd shaved himself

too, and his skin looked deliciously smooth and


He was, without doubt, a beautiful sub, with a

slender but strong body. Rick had always laughed

at him when he got out his yoga mat and started

going through various poses at work. Rick

preferred combat training, boxing, and weights, but

he had to admit that Matt's yoga practice had

created a toned body and given him a graceful


Matt shifted from one foot to the other, clearly

embarrassed by the scrutiny, and Rick slapped the

side of his ass firmly. "Stand still, slave."

"Yes, Master." Matt's hands wandered

forward, half obscuring his genitals, and Rick


"You don't have permission to cover


"Sorry, Master." Matt withdrew his hands but

they hovered nearby all the same.

"It looks like you need some help with that."

Rick strode over to the dresser, where he'd laid

out some items in preparation. He picked up two

soft leather cuffs and a clip, then returned to Matt's

side and fastened the cuffs around Matt's wrists.

"This will stop you," Rick said, drawing Matt's

arms behind him. Matt had freaked out about being

tied up during that rehearsal, so he went slowly,

taking his time, keeping one eye fixed on Matt's

reflection in the mirror to gauge his reaction.

Rick fastened his cuffed wrists together and

continued to stand behind him, gazing at them both

in the mirror over Matt's shoulder.

"My beautiful, naked slave boy," he purred in

Matt's ear to calm him. "My beautiful, naked, slutty

slave boy." He ran his hand over Matt's cock, and

Matt hitched in another excited breath. "It goes

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