Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame (20 page)

BOOK: Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame
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Every time she thought about it, guilt flooded her body. Nichelle felt that she should’ve done more to help her friend. But in reality there was nothing she could’ve done. Her desire to go back wouldn’t have stopped a bullet from piercing through Tierra. Nichelle did what her best friend screamed out for her to do and that was to run. Nichelle ran through dark alleys and the grimy streets she used to call home. She ran until running out of breath and damn near passing out on the side of the street. That night remained crystal clear in her mind but a lot of what happened next seemed like a blur. That was due to the constant heartache of not only losing her best friend Tierra but also Renny, who she was still in love with. After all this time he hadn’t reached out to her and she purposely kept her cell number the same in hopes that one day she would pick up and it would be his voice on the other end of the line.

With all that being said, Nichelle’s biggest pain came from the death of her mother and the realization that she had a brother she yearned to reunite with. All Nichelle knew was his name was Genesis and no matter what it took, she would find him.


The Future


Ring…ring…ring “Hello.” “Mommy, it’s me, Aaliyah.” Precious glanced over at

the clock to see what time it was. “Where are you and why are you calling so late?”

Precious wanted to know trying to snap out of her sleep. “I’ve gotten myself in a bit of a situation.” “What sort of situation? And where are Amir and

Justina? I thought you were supposed to be with them

tonight?” “I am…I mean I was but something came up.” “Cut the bullshit, Aaliyah. What the hell is going on?” “I’m in jail and I need you to come get me out.” “Jail!” Precious screamed it out so loud that it awoke

Supreme from his sleep. “You’re in jail!”

“Yes. And could you please not yell. I already have a migraine headache as it is.”

“Aaliyah, what are they charging you with?” Precious asked. She gripped the phone trying to stop herself from wanting to reach through it and snatch her daughter up.

“First Degree Murder.”



A New Beginnin


Hooker to Housewif
Sweet Dreams

Chantal stood in the mirror, admiring what a vision of perfection she was. She had never seen a more gorgeous bride. With her full spread layout in
magazine she would be the envy of all grown women and little girls everywhere. Chantal’s chic chignon hairstyle and super-sized diamond earrings perfectly complemented her white strapless gown that clasped every curve in her hour-glass figure. Chantal’s stylist came over and made the final touches to her makeup and it was show time.

“Chantal, are you ready?” Shari asked, as she grabbed her best friend’s delicate hand.

“Definitely,” Chantal said with pure confidence.

“Before we go out there and you face all those people I want to tell you something. Chantal, I truly love you. You’re the sister I never had. To see you standing here looking like a princess is unbelievable. We’ve been through so much together and I know you truly love Andre and that you’re going to make him a wonderful wife. We joke a lot about landing that one sponsor who will change our life forever, but I know you and I know your heart. Andre is the only man that you’ve ever given your heart to and one day he’ll
realize just how lucky he is to have a gem like you.” The two women held each other in a deep embrace, not noticing that Kenny was standing in the entrance of the door.

“Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt but can I speak to Chantal alone for a minute.”

“What’s up, Kenny? Don’t tell me that Andre is running late. Everyone is waiting for us.”

“Can I speak to you alone, Chantal?” he repeated, not cracking a smile. Shari could sense that something was wrong but remained unruffled for Chantal.

“Whatever you have to tell me you can say it in front of Shari. She’s family.”

“I’d much rather tell you in private.”

“Chantal, it’s not a problem, I’ll be right outside,” Shari said, making her way to the door.

“No, you stay right here, Shari. I want you to hear what Kenny has to say.” Kenny glanced at Shari and then back at Chantal. He so wanted to get the whole thing over with that he wasn’t about to go back and forth about if Shari was staying or not. Plus, he figured she would need her girlfriend to console her after the news he was about to break.

“I’m going to come right out with it, Chantal: Andre won’t be showing up here today. He can’t go through with the wedding,” Kenny stated matter-of

“There must be some mistake. You never liked me, Kenny, and now you’re trying to ruin my wedding
day. But this isn’t funny. There are hundreds of people waiting for me to walk down the isle. Andre would never leave me standing at the altar.” The shivering of Chantal’s lips and the twitching of what seemed to be her entire face made Shari and Kenny stand there frozen.

“Chantal, calm down. Andre sent me because he didn’t’ want to see the pain in your face when he broke your heart. He explained everything in a letter that is waiting at home for you.”

“A letter, a fucking letter! This isn’t happening to me! Andre loves me, he really does. We belong together. No one will ever love Andre the way that I do. He has to marry me. What will I tell Melanie?” Chantal was now sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth. Shari ran to her side and laid her head on Chantal’s shoulder, trying to carry some of her pain. At that moment Kenny had not only broken Chantal’s heart but Shari’s too.

“Chantal, I’m so sorry,” Kenny said sincerely.

“Where is he, Kenny? Tell me where Andre is?”

“He took a flight out early this morning. He said he would call you later to make sure you’re alright.” Before Kenny could say another word, Chantal scurried past him with vengeance in her eyes.


As T-Roc drove down Sunset Boulevard he got the call he’d been waiting for. “Hello. Tell me something good.”

“How about I tell you something great,” his most
trusted informant replied.

“That’s even better.”

“Meet me at our usual spot in an hour.”

“What for, you can’t tell me over the phone?”

“The skeleton we hoped to drag out of the closet on your enemy Andre turned out to be a full-fledged grave. This information is so explosive I have to see the expression on your face when I reveal all.”

“Say no more. I’m on the way.” T-Roc made a U-turn in the middle of the street, smiling at the thought of finally bringing Andre down once and for all.


Tyler finally believed that her heart was at peace. For so long, true love eluded her and she was suppressing the pink inside-out of fear that she would once again be left blindsided by a man’s deception. But her love for Andre and his love for her was the key that unlocked all of her inhibitions.

“I can’t believe I’m here with you right now. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world,” Tyler beamed, as she hugged and kissed Andre.

“You are the luckiest girl and I’m the luckiest guy,” he said, rubbing the tip of his nose against the tip of hers. “Although I would love to sit here and debate who is luckier, we need to get dressed and catch this flight. I can’t wait to get you on that island and make love to you every day and every night. Not only do I want to make love, but I’m hoping that we’ll make a
baby. Does that sound like a plan to you?”

“Actually that doesn’t sound like a plan at all,” Tyler said shifting her body on the couch so her back was now turned away from Andre.

“Tyler, please don’t tell me that you want to wait to have kids because of your career? I thought we were past all of that,” he said, grabbing her arm so they would be face-to-face. Tyler was trying to hold back the grin that was about to escape, before answering his question.

“No, the reason why we don’t have to plan is because we’re already pregnant.” Tyler stood for a minute absorbing the shocked look on Andre’s face. While he sat with his mouth agape she continued, “I knew that when I came over here last night, but I didn’t want you to take me back because of a baby. I wanted you to take me back for me, for the love we share for one another.”

After finally getting over the initial shock, he said, “You must be at least three months pregnant. I can’t believe this. Not only are you going to be my wife but you’re also going to be the mother of my child.” Andre rubbed Tyler’s stomach, overjoyed that he would once again be a father, but this time by a woman he would spend the rest of his life with.

“Andre, this all seems like a dream to me. It’s like I don’t want to wake up because I’m afraid it won’t be real.”

“Baby, you don’t have to be afraid, this is not a
dream. This is about two people who belong together. I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life making you the happiest woman in the world.” Andre went in his pants pocket and pulled out the pink diamond engagement ring that Tyler had given back to him what seemed like a lifetime ago. He slid the sparkler on her long slender finger and in both of their hearts they felt like husband and wife.

After making love and then taking a long hot shower and then making love again, the lovebirds were ready to catch their flight to Mystique. Andre and Tyler walked hand-and-hand out the door oblivious to their surroundings because they were so caught up in their love.


Chantal was contaminated with hatred when she bolted out the church and jumped in her Benz. As she sped off, the paparazzi went ballistic coming up with scenarios as to why the bride-to-be stormed out the church like a bat out of hell and where she was off to on her wedding day. Chantal kept replaying the words that Kenny said to her.
Andre isn’t going to marry you
. It was suffocating her brain. All she could think about was getting home and reading the letter that he left. There had to be an explanation for all this, and some sort of clue as to how she could get him back. As Chantal pulled up to the driveway she slowed down when she saw what was supposed to have been her future husband lovingly
embracing her archenemy. She sat in her car from a distance studying the couple as if they were strangers. The man was standing on the front door steps kissing the woman and running his fingers through her long dark hair. The woman jumped up and wrapped her legs around the man’s waist and he twirled her around as if they were new young lovers. They laughed and smiled at one another as if they were the only two people in the world, as if no one else existed or mattered. Chantal couldn’t help but wish it was her.


Shari seized Kenny’s arm as he was turning to leave. “Wait a minute, Kenny. I want you to tell me what’s really going on with Andre.”

“No disrespect, Shari, but I explained everything that needed to be said to Chantal. I’m done here.”

“How can you come and wreck a woman’s world and then say you’re done? I know you’re not that cold, maybe Andre but not you.”

“You don’t even know me, so you can’t say what type of man I am.”

“I know that you were the one who had enough balls to break the news to Chantal, instead of Andre’s coward ass doing it.”

“I know the whole situation is a little fucked up, but Andre means well.”

“A little! He left the mother of his child at the church on their wedding day. That is more than a little fucked up. Now I have to go out there and explain to
hundreds of people and a sweet innocent little girl why her parents aren’t getting married today. Now I want some answers.” Kenny put his head down and turned his back, leaving Shari to answer her own questions.


Reality returned and Chantal comprehended that the couple weren’t strangers but the love of her life Andre and the love of his life, Tyler Blake. She looked down at her $100,000 custom-made Vera Wang wedding gown and the diamond studded Manolo that was placed firmly on the brakes. Her fresh French-manicured hands were gripping the steering wheel to her silver CL600 Coupe. It all made sense now. Andre wasn’t marrying her because his heart belonged to a woman that didn’t deserve him. No matter how hard Chantal tried, Andre couldn’t accept as true that her mentality had gone from hooker to housewife. Instead, he chose a woman that didn’t truly love him at all. But there was no way that Tyler Blake would steal her thunder. Andre and Chantal had exchanged vows and it was until death do them part. Chantal lifted one Manolo off the brake and pressed the other on the gas.

Tyler was the first to notice the silver Benz racing toward them. She had a flashback to when she was a teenager in Georgia and everything went in slow motion as Trey, the abusive boyfriend she dated in high school, blew his brains out. Tyler’s body once again froze, and as the sound of the engine got closer and louder, Andre slowly turned his head and locked eyes

with the deranged Chantal, and all Tyler could let out was, “Andre look out!”


The Saga Continuess..
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