Taming the Boy Next Door

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Authors: M. J. Carnal

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Taming the

Boy Next Door


A Dickerman/Moretti Novel


By MJ Carnal




This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination.  Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by MJ Carnal, author.  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute or transmit in any form or by any means.  For information regarding rights, contact the publisher.

Cover photo by Eric Wainwright, Wainwright Images, Portland, Oregon. 

Cover Model: Paul Hagen,

Book cover by Dawn of Dark Dawn Creations

First Edition November 2013

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked names and owners.

This book contains adult content.






To the Moretti Minions.  You are the best street team an author could ever ask for. Thank you for the late night chats, the belly laughs, the ugly cries and most of all, the amazing friendship.  You make my world brighter.  This book is for you

Prologue – September

Los Angeles Memorial Hospital, 6:00 AM

Taking a deep breath, Jena prepared herself for the dreadful task of giving another family bad news. It never got easier.  Regardless of how many times she said the words, looking in the eyes of the devastated and frightened family members was always heartbreaking. Opening the ICU doors, she stepped out.  They were on their feet immediately.
  “Are you the Moretti family?”

“Yes.”  A petite Italian
woman who bared a strong resemblance to her patient spoke up.  “I’m his sister.  How is he?”

“My name is Dr. Turner.  I am the neurosurgeon on call tonight.  Mr. Moretti is in critical condition.  He has a nondisplaced skull fracture and a subdural hematoma.  The surgery to fix the brain bleed went well.  We will need to do a CT scan in the morning to
check his progress.  He has a CSF leak and we may need to go in and repair that.  The next twenty-four hours are critical.  He will likely need a few more surgery.  His left arm is shattered and he has some broken ribs. We can’t do anything about his other injuries until he is stable.  I can tell you this, he is very lucky to be alive.”

“Can I see him?” 
His sister wiped her eyes.

“I’m sorry.  We cannot allow any visitors at this time.  We don’t know if he will regain consciousness.  If you would like to go home, we will call you with any changes.  At this point, there is really nothing we can do but wait.”

“We aren’t going anywhere.”  Another brunette stood on shaky legs.  “We will be right here.”

Jena smiled her rehearsed sm
ile and nodded her head.  “I will update you on any changes.”

As she reached for the door to the ICU, her eyes fell on the tall blond man
standing before her.  Her heart sputtered.  His haunted green eyes met hers, begging for answers she didn’t have.  His pale face was grim but beautiful.  A spattering of freckles covered his cheeks.  He was muscular and broad and even exhausted, he took her breath away.  Butterflies took flight in her stomach.  As she stepped through the doors, she took a deep breath.  What was happening to her? 

hapter 1

“Are you really making me do
this?  No way am I pulling this off, Moretti.”  Caleb shifted his weight back and forth.  The front porch light was off and he struggled to get his key in the lock.

“Just act surprised.  Mackenna and Sophie have worked hard on this surprise party.  Just jump and smile.”  Mark patted Caleb on the back and laughed.  “You only turn thirty once and there wasn’t a chance in hell they were
letting you off the hook.  Let’s go.”

Caleb smoothed his shirt, ran his hands through his sandy hair and took a deep breath.  “Fine.  But payback is a bitch.” 

He turned the doorknob and entered his dark living room.  He smiled briefly.  When the lights flipped on, they all jumped from their designated spots and yelled.  Caleb laughed.  He tried to act surprised but seeing their faces, so full of determination, he couldn’t help himself.

“Did we surprise you baby?”  Mackenna jumped into his arms.

Smiling, Caleb reassured her. “You did.  Thanks for this.  It’s amazing.”

Steve cranked the music and the party kicked into gear.  People gathered in every corner of the house.  Drinks were flowing and laughter filled the room.  His favorite people in the world were gathered in one space. Caleb couldn’t help but feel blessed. 

Growing up, he had been wild and rebellious.  Being unruly made him the life of the party and the loose cannon of the Moretti gang.  And as his grades slipped and his all star status on the soccer field was in jeopardy, reality kicked in. His UCLA days were spent studying and he graduated with honors three years later.  Now, he spent his days as one of the most prestigious editors in Los Angeles. 

Mackenna had been the girl next door growing up.  He had chased her nonstop through high school.  But the chase might
have been more fun than the catch.  They had been together for three months.  Although it had been fun, Caleb couldn’t commit himself fully to the relationship.  He had been honest with her.  But she had told him it didn’t matter and that forever was something that happened slowly.  She had agreed to an open relationship when he found himself pulling away. Almost daily, his mind wandered back to the days when Mark was in the hospital.  The experience had been one of the worst of his life.  But the gorgeous Dr. Jena Turner had been a bright spot in those dark days. 

“Did you hear me?”  Mackenna’s slurred voice broke through his fog
.  Losing her balance, she fell into him.  “Where were you, baby?”

“Sorry.”  He took a sip of his beer.  “Why don’t you give me your drink and go sit down on the couch?  Andi could probably use a friendly face.  She looks a little nervous.”

His sister, Andrea, had moved to Los Angeles a few weeks prior and was starting her residency.  After twisting her arm, she had moved into his guest room and Caleb loved having her close.  They were from a traditional family.  After twenty-seven years, his parents were still happily married and that was exactly what he was looking for in a mate.  True, Natalia Allen was not his birth mother but she was the only mother he had ever known and she had made his father unbelievably happy.  Unfortunately, he knew Mackenna was not the happily ever after he was looking for.

He walked down the hallway toward his bedroom.  He had to get out of his suit.  He felt like it was choking him.  The door to th
e bathroom opened and someone stepped directly in his path.

He bumped into her hard and she stumbled backwards.  Caleb grabbed her arms to steady her.  As he looked up, their eyes locked.  “Jena.” He breathed.

“Happy birthday, Caleb.”  She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I didn’t know you were here.”  He did
n’t let go of her arms and she made no effort to pull away.

“I wouldn’t have missed it.”  Her smile lit up her face and Caleb tried to swallow around his heart, currently lodged in his throat and making it impossible to breathe.

“I miss seeing you.  God, I think about you every day.”  Her blush deepened so he kept going.  “You are more beautiful than I remember.”

His hands ran up her arms and he gently pushed her back into the wall.  They stood almost face to face.  She was tall and tanned and her legs went on for miles.  Her skin broke out in goosebumps under his touch.  Her breathing changed.  “I missed you guys too.”  Her voice was sensual and smooth.

He leaned into her, pressing his body softly against hers.  When she didn’t push him away, he pressed harder.  “You smell amazing.  You always smell like the beach.”

Her fingers wrapped through his belt loops and pulled him as close as she could.  She knew he was dating.  Layla had told he
r they were not serious but Jena had stayed away to allow Caleb to explore his feelings for Mackenna. The shots that Ryan had served her fueled her desire.  She needed to make her feelings known before her courage was lost once more. She could feel his arousal against her leg and she longed to touch him.  His face was so close.  His green eyes sparkled and his lopsided grin sent butterflies through her body.  She shivered.

“It’s my birthday.  Do I get to make a birthday wish?” He wiggled his hips against hers and her eyes closed.

“Yes.”  She moaned.

“I want your lips.  I stared at them for weeks and I have dreamt of them for months.  I want to know what they feel like on mine.” 
His hand found Jena’s hair and pulled her face toward him. “Can I have that Jena?”

Mark cleared his throat and they flew apart.  “I hate to interrupt.  But Mac is drunk as hell and she has just announced to the whole party that your penis is pierced and you like some kinky shit.  Any way you could come retrieve her?  And please, for the love God,
find a way to get that image out of my head?”

He looked at Jena and her eyes were wide.  “I’m so sorry.  I need to go handle this.  Can I get a rain check?”

She nodded her head but stayed silent. 

Caleb laughed as he passed Mark in the hall.  “From now on
Moretti, I expect you to call me sir.”

Chapter 2

Jena made her way back to the living room.  Her head was spinning and her body was on fire.  She had dreamed of Caleb so many times and having her lips so close to his made her heart beat wildly.  She had forgotten where they were as soon as he pressed against her.  Her rule against any kind of public display was thrown out as soon as she felt the sizzle of his fingers.  His touch did something to her that she had never felt before.   

She watched him struggle with the woman he was dating.
  Had she missed her chance?  She was sitting on the couch next to another beautiful brunette with olive skin and to die for hair.  He knelt in front of Mackenna, hands on her thighs, whispering to her in an attempt to remove her from the room.  The brunette on the couch leaned forward to kiss Caleb on the cheek and helped him pull Mackenna to her feet.  They worked together to get her moved to his bedroom.  Jena’s heart dropped as the door shut with both women inside.  She knew the close encounter in the hallway had been a fluke.  Caleb was dedicated to everyone he loved.  And if she had learned nothing else about him, his loyalty, however misguided, would never falter.

“What’s new J Dog?”
  Mark laughed as Jena cringed at the nickname.  “Glad you could make it.  Can I introduce you to some people?”  

Jena took his hand and Mark led her through the mess of people that had invaded Caleb’s house.
  She shook hands with more people than she would ever remember but everyone was kind and happy to meet her.  Mark called her his hero and credited her with saving his life after his accident.  Her blush was permanent. 

She was able to catch her breath a while later.
  Sipping on the same beer she had been drinking for a few hours, she sat on the plush sofa and sighed.  Caleb’s house overlooked the marina and the lights off the boats sparkled in the moonlight.  It was clear his home had been decorated by a designer, with everything modern and new.  Her apartment in downtown LA was small and cramped but it served its purpose during the long sleepless nights of her residency.  Seeing Caleb’s beautiful Marina Del Ray home made her long for some roots of her own. 

“Not so fast Caleb.
  You’re gonna make me sick.  Slow down.”  The beautiful brunette’s voice broke through her thoughts. 

Caleb’s deep chuckle and crooked smile made Jena sigh.
  “Don’t be such a girl.” 

She struggled to stay on his back as he ran down the hall.
  “I am a girl you jerk.”  She grabbed his hair and he tackled her onto the couch next to Jena.  She squealed as Caleb tickled her. After a minute of torture, she wiggled out from underneath him and ran for the kitchen.

Caleb ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath.  Jena blushed.  “Hi.”  His smile, with the right side tipped up further than the left and the deep dimple that she could get lost in, took her breath away. 

“Hi again.” She couldn’t stop herself from staring.

“Thank you for taking the night off.  I know how hard it is for you to get time away from the hospital.  It means a lot to me, Jena.”  His pinkie brushed along her hand.  The jolt of electricity she felt every time he touched her made her ache.  As he pulled his hand back into his lap, he smiled at the gorgeous brunette that was watching them intently.

Jena cleared her throat and focused on Caleb.  “Not quite as hard anymore actually.  I was offered a staff position at the hospital last month so no more crazy hours unless I am on call.  Much better than residency hours.  And a lot more sleep.”

Caleb’s face lit up.  “So you’re staying?  Last I heard you were interviewing for a position in San Francisco.”

Mr. Allen, were you checking up on me?”  Jena’s heart raced but she tried to keep her voice calm.

“Well Dr. Turner, you kind of stayed with me. 
Maybe I shouldn’t tell you that.  Makes me sound a little creepy.”  Caleb reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“You have stayed with me too.”  Jena’s words were lost as the Brunette walked up behind Caleb, grabbed his hair and yanked him from the couch.


“What the hell are you doing?”  Caleb pulled free of Andi’s grip and followed her to her room. 

“I don’t mean to interrupt whatever that was.  But Moretti and his minions were watching you.  And as much as I despise Mackenna and her gold digging fake nails, I was concerned about the way they were looking at you.  Who is that?”  Andi looked over her shoulder at Jena before shutting the door.

Caleb smiled and laid down on her bed.  Sighing, he shut his eyes.  “
That would be Jena.”

“And Jena would be?  Caleb, if you could have seen your face.  Priceless.  She’s very pretty.”

“And light years out of my league.  I’m not sure if she’s off limits or not.  She watches me but hasn’t shown much more interest than that.”

Andi punched him in the arm and he cringed.  “Why would she be off limits? 
Can I be the annoying little sister and ask her if she is seeing someone?”

“No.  Don’t you dare.”  He laughed as he stood up.  “Jena saved Mark’s life after the accident.  And I can’t exactly pursue her with Mackenna passed out in my bed.”

“Wait a minute.”  Andi pulled him to a stop.  “That’s Dr. Turner?  Jena Turner?”  Caleb nodded his head and she continued.  “Shut up!  Starting tomorrow, she’s my boss.  My first rotation is neurosurgery.”


Jena fumbled through her purse looking for her keys.  Seeing Caleb with Mackenna had been hard enough but the curious look she had received from the brunette just prior to shutting him in a bedroom had been too much.  Mark and Sophie had prepared her for tonight.  She had known coming in that he had a girlfriend.  In fact, she had seen her just a few weeks prior in the hospital hallway the day Ryan got the news about his remission.  And although she was gorgeous and could tell they all had a past, she seemed shallow and Jena had hoped he would see through her.

The front porch light was not enough to light up the entire driveway and arriving at the party late meant parking in the back.  The
crunch of gravel snapped her head up just as the large body was approaching.  Growing up in downtown Chicago had taught her to be cautious but her overactive mind filled her with fear.  With shaking hands, she unlocked the car and pulled the door open.

“Jena?”  Kevin put his hand on her arm
and she jumped.  “Are you alright?”

“You scared me.”  She took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry.”  He chuckled.  “I had to get some fresh air.  Are you leaving already?”

“I have an early morning tomorrow.  My new interns start so I should probably get going.”  Her voice shook.  Clearing her throat she continued.  “It was good seeing you again, Kevin.”

“Caleb will be sorry to hear you left.  Does he know?”

Shaking her head no, she looked away.  “He is a little busy tonight.  Not sure he will even notice I am gone.”  She climbed into the car and put the keys in the ignition.

Kevin held the door open for her as she buckled her seatbelt.  “It was good to see you.  Drive safely.  And don’t be a stranger.  We’ve missed you.”

She smiled at him as she backed down the drive.  Kevin seemed like a good man
and had always been more than polite around her.  But her heart did back flips for Caleb and she didn’t know how to make that stop.  It seemed his hands were a little full with the perfect model girlfriend and the exotic stranger.  She had missed him for the last few weeks.  After a little time together nearly every day when Mark was injured, she missed the smile he put on her face with his jokes and smiles.  Some would even say her mind was consumed by all things Caleb Allen.  But it was a line that couldn’t be crossed if she wanted to remain friends with the group.  And friends were what she needed more than anything now.



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