Revelation: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Revelation: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series)
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“Well, anyway,” she began, eager to lock herself in her office and get away from the snickering and gawking, “thanks for considering the program.  We’ll talk more later, okay?”

“Yeah.  See ya,” he said with a forced smile and walked away.

She sighed then walked into her office and closed the door. 

He had gotten her sunflowers, and they were beautiful.  Either he was a psychic or she had Aunt April to thank for passing along that information.  Sunflowers had been her favorite flower for as long as she could remember.

She looked at the card in her hand.  After placing the bundle of flowers on her desk, she tore open the envelope.



I hope you enjoyed my present.  I trust you didn’t hurt Bernard too much.  He was a little nervous this morning when I warned him about you, but I assured him I’d pay for the hospital bills if necessary.

As you can see, I disentangled myself from the web in which you left me last night. Or should I say, Lacey did.  By the way, you’re his new hero.  He has yet to stop laughing and is dying for you to meet his wife. 

P.S. My sheets smell like you.  I still have a hard on.  Maybe when you thank me in person for the present we can take care of that.

-Big Papa Pookie Bear


She bit her lip and tried not to smile while she grabbed her phone.  As she scrolled through and found his number to text him, she hesitated.  No.  She wouldn’t text him.  She would wait.  She didn’t want to appear needy.  Hadn’t he just last night paid her a back handed compliment by claiming that he was glad she

She put the phone back on her desk.  The man didn’t want that response and she certainly didn’t want to come across that way.  No.  She’d wait.  She had a buttload of paperwork due by the end of the week to keep her distracted and she would have to send him an email along with the other guys to give them the details for Saturday anyway.  She’d just see him then. 

And thank him in person.  

Chapter 9


Friday came quickly.  Emily had been swamped with a case she’d been working on and thankfully most of her paperwork was almost complete.  At 4pm, she spoke with Joe Mitchell who told her to leave, that she’d put in enough hours for the week.  She sighed contentedly over the finished pile on her desk.  She’d been pulling 12-14 hours days since Tuesday night and was thrilled to sit back and take a breather. 

She hadn’t received any correspondence from Mike.  She looked at the sunflowers in the vase on her desk and tried not to overanalyze it.  But now that she had a moment to think about him, she couldn’t wait to see him in the morning, which reminded her that she needed to email all of the guys about the training.  She pulled up her Gmail account and started typing.

Once she’d put down all of the pertinent information about time, location, and what to expect for the two hour training, she ended the email.  Her fingers hovered over the keyboard.  She tossed around the idea of putting a little private joke in there to the detective, but at the last minute decided against it and sent it out as is.

She spent the next half hour cleaning up the office, reorganizing her desk to have it ready for Monday, then shutting everything down.  She’d let Terrence leave 15 minutes earlier since he’d been such a trouper all week, working late with the attorneys on the floor.  He’d left her office door open and she could see that no one was there, everyone having left early for the weekend. 

Mitchell was a great boss.  He was always conscientious about giving his employees time off especially after they worked long cases. 

She moved around her desk then bent over to switch off the lamp, casting her office into semi darkness.  The late afternoon sunlight from her window and the dimmed lights from the hallway outside her area were the only illumination.

She noticed a shift in the shadows and heard the click of the door with the lock being thrown behind her.  The room was plunged into darkness.  

“Don’t move, Counselor.  Stay exactly where you are.”

She was currently bent over the desk with her ass in the air from turning off the desk lamp.  The detective’s voice caused a chill to run down her spine.  She’d missed the sound of that voice.

He came up behind her and planted his hands on either side of her on the desk, his front rubbing intimately against her back.

“I think you may need to be frisked and read your rights.”

She reached her right hand back and grabbed his cock which was hard beneath what felt like dress slacks.  It appeared the detective was in a suit.

“Mmm,” he murmured and pushed into her hand.  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered, nuzzling her ear.  “I was afraid you were mad at me, but it feels like I’m forgiven.” He continued pushing into her hand.

She squeezed him harder and held on.

“Umm,” he gritted out from behind clenched teeth.  “I am forgiven, right?”

She smiled, releasing some of the pressure.  “What brings you by my neck of the woods, Detective?” she purred, beginning to stroke him.

“I missed you,” he repeated.  “It’s been a hell of a week.”  He buried his face in her neck.  “I never heard from you after my present.  And since I was in court today, I thought I’d swing by.”

“I’ve been busy this week, too.  And although I’m a crazy bitch, I’ve been told I’m not a ‘needy’ one.  I figured you weren’t expecting me to call.  And I thought it more appropriate that I thank you in person for the present.”  She wasn’t sure why she’d told him all that.  All she knew was she was feeling vulnerable and extremely happy that he was there with her.

“I must be the needy one then, because that’s exactly why I wanted to hear from you,” he pouted.  “How much trouble am I in, Em?”  He nipped at her neck.

“Apparently we had an anniversary I didn’t know about, Detective.  What were we supposed to be celebrating?” she said, ignoring his question.

“It was my first day of surviving you,” he chuckled.

“Ah.  That is indeed an accomplishment.”

“You liked the flowers.”  He’d obviously seen the vase on her desk.  She’d unintentionally shown him a bit of her heart by keeping them and having them on display.  Dammit.

“You knew I would.”

“April proved to be very helpful at the barbeque.”

“I’m sure she did,” Emily murmured as he moved his hand from the desk and reached down behind her, lighting her up with a stroke of his hand.  It moved from the inside of her knee to her inner thigh under her pencil skirt, which was no easy task considering how tight it was. 

She let out a long breathy sound as his hand stroked up and down one more time, bringing the fabric of her skirt with him.

“Did you like the song I chose?” he whispered.  He continued stroking causing her muscles to turn to mush.

“Bernard did a fine job,” she said trying to remain focused.  She’d secretly loved his choice of song.  Thinking of him saying those words to her caused her to smile many times over the last week.  “All of his gyrating caused quite a frenzy.  Especially when his crotch was in front of my face,” she added dryly.

“You liked that?”  His hand stilled momentarily.

“My female officemates sure did.”

He continued his hand’s movement again and this time allowed it to go a little higher, stopping at the edge of her panties where her inner thigh met her very wet skin.  Her skirt was now high up on her thighs.  He moved his hand around her outer thigh so he was now touching her from the front.

“But how about you?  Did you like it?”

“He was quite endowed,” she teased.

His fingers slipped under her panties then inside her.

“Is there a reason you’re not answering my questions?”

She sighed as two of his fingers plunged inside her then spread the wetness onto her clit.  “Just giving you a taste of your own medicine,” she said distractedly, her breath hitching.  “You
never answer my questions.”

“Whattaya wanna ask me?”  He continued his fingers’ movements, this time making his thumb create tiny circles all along her clit, now slick with her arousal.  He leaned forward and bit just below her earlobe.

“I can’t think of anything at the moment.”  She moved her hips grinding into his hand.

“I wish I was inside you right now.  I’ve been thinking about it all week.”

“What’s stopping you?” she asked, basically telling him to fuck her in her office, face down on her desk.

“I wanna make you lose it first,” he said, just as he pressed against her G-spot with his magic fingers.  She gasped.  She was dripping wet.  He was sliding in and out, all around her.  She moved her hand from his cock and planted her palms firmly on the desk, grinding into his hand just as he leaned onto her back rubbing himself into her ass.

“Come for me.  Right here so that you’ll think of it every day you’re sitting at your desk.” He was nibbling on her neck, taking light bites just below her ear.  “Mmm, your smell.  It’s all over my apartment…hard as a rock all week,” he murmured.  “Come on, Em,” he continued whispering.  “Gimme one, right here.”

She loved it when he said her name and she was absolutely beyond all scope of reason as his hand pumped more forcefully, demanding her climax.  She moved even faster into his hand as her head dropped down and a small groan escaped her lips.

“Yeah,” he breathed behind her.  “You feel that?  How hard you make me?  How wet you are?  It’s perfect.  I’m gonna make you come so hard,” he murmured, his fingers strumming her faster and faster.

Her breathing became more labored and whimpers caught in the back of her throat.  Faster and faster she pumped as he took her higher.

“Come all over my hand, squeeze those muscles.  So fuckin’ hot,” he moaned in her ear.  It was his words that pushed her over the edge as her body gave in to his command.  Her inner muscles clenched around his fingers and she came with a vengeance, biting down on her lip so she didn’t cry out. 

“Yeah,” he kept saying.  “Oh, yeah.  Best thing ever.”

She tended to agree.  It
the best thing ever. 

He kept his fingers where they were as she pulsed around him and eventually she floated back down to a normal heart rate.

“That was a wonderful release to a particularly long week.  Thanks, Detective.”  She moved a little forward and disengaged herself from him, feeling slightly embarrassed, but trying not to show it.

He removed his hand from beneath her skirt and stepped back while she fixed
it.  When she finally turned around, he was licking his fingers and looking at her, focusing his eyes completely on her.

Was it possible to be aroused again so quickly after an orgasm?  He looked edible standing there in his beige colored suit, white button down shirt, and what looked like an amber colored
tie in the semi darkness. 

Her mind wandered as she watched him lick his fingers clean.  In addition to never bringing her to climax during sex, her ex had never simply pleasured her for pleasure’s sake.  It always had to be sex, with him getting the release and her feeling forever frustrated afterwards. 

She had learned three things in her very short time with the detective.  One, her ex had been a selfish and inexperienced lover.  Two, she was now completely confident that her lack of orgasms with him had not been her fault as she’d always thought.  Her fault had been in choosing him in the first place. 

And three, if she didn’t watch herself, she would find herself falling for Detective Michael Callahan. 

She was determined not to do that.  For as much as she trusted him with her life, she wasn’t sure she could trust him with her heart.  She needed to keep the wall of protection up until this, whatever this was, played itself out.  He was a playboy.  She needed to constantly remind herself of that so she could remain intact when this was all over.

He removed his fingers from his mouth and watched her as she analyzed the situation.  Stepping forward, he sifted his hands into her hair at the base of her neck and kissed her, taking liberty to seduce her again with his mouth flavored from her climax.  In between licks and nibbles, he finally spoke.

“We’re both dressed up.  Let’s go to dinner.”

“Mmm,” she murmured before she could think.  How the hell was she supposed to think straight when he was always messing up her head with his continual sensual onslaught?

“Good,” he grinned.  “Let’s go.”  He released her and backed away, only to take her hand and lead her out her office door.  She took a second to lock it up, and she heard a low whistle come from his lips.

“You look good, GC.  I wasn’t really able to look at your outfit when I came into your office, but damn, Counselor.  You have a sweet ass.”

She smirked, noting her navy blue pinstripe pencil skirt suit.  She wore a Kelly green tank top with it and navy blue and white stilettos.  Her hair was down and wavy around her shoulders.

“Oh, Em!  You’re still here?” Joe Mitchell boomed from across the floor near his office door.  “I’m so glad.  I needed you to sign one more paper and thought you’d already left.”

He was walking toward them with a smile on his face while he gave Mike the once over.  Emily got a little nervous.

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