Revealed - Masked 3 (5 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #erotica BDSM, #mm romance

BOOK: Revealed - Masked 3
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He was finally done pretending. He never had serious lovers, male or female and it was shortly after graduating law school that he stopped being sexual with women at all.

It just didn't feel right to sleep with them, but at the same time, he didn't know how to change the reputation he'd built around himself.

"You're deep in thought."

Thor's rough morning voice pierced Bobby's thoughts and he turned his head. Thor was still naked, solid muscle in skin. That gorgeous hair was in tangles around his shoulders and his eyes were heavy lidded from sleep. He looked warm and Bobby wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in Thor's arms and held against that unwavering strength.

Instead, he stood rooted to the spot against the counter. "I was thinking about my family and how I got to this point in my life."

"Hmmm. Very deep thoughts for so early in the morning. Come to any conclusions?"

"No." And he wasn't sure he ever would. He was not the manwhore everyone thought him to be. He wasn't the playboy or the womanizer. He was a man who wanted a man. Everything he'd ever done in his life with men and women had led him to this point, this place, this moment. What and who he wanted was a mere three feet away. He could either let the past and the fear of judgment halt his steps or he could take what was being offered. "The women? You know, the ones I chased at the club and took home? I took them home, to their homes and left them there, untouched by even so much as a kiss."

"What are you saying?"

Bobby took a deep breath. "I haven't been with a woman sexually in years. Not since law school."


Bobby waited for more but it didn't appear more was coming. "Okay? That's it?"

Thor lifted one of his shoulders in nonchalance. "What more do you want me to say? This is heavy stuff and I haven't even had coffee yet."

Bobby immediately grabbed the cup he'd brought back for Thor and thrust it at him. "I don't know how you take it so I left it black. There's milk in the fridge now that's actually usable, so..."

"You shopped?"

"I didn't have a choice if you wanted us to eat this morning."

Thor colored. "You're right. I didn't even consider it last night. I was so stoked that you could cook, I failed to remember there was nothing here to cook with. I'll pay it back."

"I didn't mind. It let me go out for coffee and I love going out to get coffee. Something so, chic about it."

"You are gay, aren't you?"

Bobby laughed. "Because I said it's chic?"

Thor winked and took a sip. "It is good. And I do take it black." He nodded toward Bobby's cup. "I bet you take it with cream and sugar, don't you?"

"Normally, yes."

"What about when it's not normally?"

"I take a latte."

"Oh dear God," Thor feigned disgust and shook his head. "Wimp." He walked closer. "Tell me about your thoughts."

Bobby, fully dressed, could still feel the heat coming from Thor's skin. It was all he could do to simply stand there without leaning forward into that heat. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"With what?"

"Being naked while I'm dressed."

"Not at all. Why? Because you uncomfortable last night like this? You being naked and me not?"


"Would you strip now if I told you to even if I went to get dressed?"

He would. He wouldn't like it. Not for himself. If it pleased Thor then it didn't matter how Bobby felt about it. "Yes."

"Then that's all that's important."

Thor took another sip of his coffee after that statement, as though the dynamic and the order was just that simple. Perhaps it was. Perhaps submission should be effortless in some things. It might be uncomfortable or it might make one feel vulnerable, but simply doing as he was told put all the choice and responsibility on Thor. Bobby could sense the freedom in that.

"You understand."

Statement, not question. "Yes sir, I think I do."

"Good. Tell me what you were thinking when I came in."

"I was thinking about my parents, my years in high school, in college. I tried to figure out who I was way back and I think I knew but my parents were horrified and in turn I was horrified into the closet."

"Did you start dating girls then?"

"On the surface, but it appeased my parents and while I might have suffered deep down, I masked it pretty well."

"And it college?"

"I was with some guys, some girls, some all at the same time."

"Didn't you and Aidn go to college together?"


"He didn't know then either?"


"Jesus, Bobby. You're a damn good liar."

"Well, I am a lawyer." He said it trying to lighten the mood, the tone of the conversation, but had a feeling it fell flat.

"You could have told him."

"I know. I was so used to not telling anyone and one omission became another and another until it... I didn't know how."

"It's a big burden, I get it. It's a big thing you've been carrying around inside you. It's a big thing you've put on us both."

Bobby contemplated Thor's words. He hadn't thought about it like that, that he'd put anything on Thor, but he supposed he had. It was a responsibility, and yes a burden. Thor was on the receiving end of Bobby's coming out, the freeing up of his conscience, and his entering into new lifestyles and experiences. "I hadn't... I don't know if I'm supposed to apologize or not. I never meant..."

Bobby hated not being able to finish his thoughts, his sentences. Thor had him so twisted inside, so hungry, so full of need. The whole situation had him on edge. He didn't want to screw up.

"Hey," Thor said, pulling Bobby from his thoughts. "Don't. This isn't about an apology. I had a feel for what I was getting into last weekend. Part of this week apart was so not only you could think about it, but so I could think about it. Remember last night, I told you I wanted to take this slow, do it the right way, make sure it's what we both want and in what direction we both want to take it in? This is why. You're not ready for a live-in relationship. You're not ready for full-time submission. I think you'll get there, but you're not there yet."

Thor was right. Bobby knew that. He might not want to hear what he wasn't ready for, but he knew Thor was right. "So, what do you want for breakfast?"

A strong, unyielding hand gripped Bobby's shoulder and pressed down. "Your mouth on my cock."

Bobby's eyes widened as the turn of conversation hit him full force. He gave under the pressure and dropped to his knees. A brief glance up into Thor's face was all he managed before Thor's hand grabbed the back of Bobby's head and pulled him forward. He took the crown onto his tongue and closed his upper lip over it, suckling against the soft, sensitive skin. Thor's fingers tightened against Bobby's neck and the harder Bobby sucked on the tip, the tighter Thor's grip became.

"Such a good cocksucker," Thor intoned, his voice rasping around the words.

Bobby increased his efforts to give pleasure, to thank Thor for the praise. He didn't know where it came from, his delight at being called a cocksucker, but coming from Thor, it meant everything right then. What they had was more than sex, more than one cock in the other's mouth, more than one cock in the other's ass and he supposed that added to his longing for the man standing above him like the God whose name he possessed.

At the same time, the sex and cocks and spankings were a key benefit.

Bobby lifted his hands to Thor's hips, urged the man forward, deeper into his mouth. His lips stretched around the shaft, wider as his balls touched Bobby's chin and the head of his cock filled Bobby's throat.

Thor pulled out just as slow as he'd slid in allowing Bobby to catch his breath. He entered quicker this time. Bobby tried to breathe through his nose, tried to will himself not to gag the farther Thor pushed and after a few more times, his eyes were no longer watering, his throat was no longer trying to extricate the obstruction to his airway. He was breathing through his nose now, drooling around the cock, and swallowing each time Thor fucked forward.

"You're good at this, adapting so well, taking all I want to give. I'm going to have such fun with you."

The more Thor talked, the more he used Bobby's mouth, the more erect and aroused Bobby became. He wanted to free his dick, stroke himself, but Thor hadn't said he could and on the heels of that thought came the one that said Thor might not let him.

He must have whimpered or made some sound he wasn't aware of because Thor tugged on Bobby's hair.

"Attention on what you're doing, boy. While I might like bite marks, my dick is not the place for them."

Bobby's face heated and he widened his jaw again. He shut his eyes, chagrined that he'd closed his teeth around Thor's cock. It wasn't easy keeping his mouth open so wide, but he had gotten lost in his thoughts. Again and Thor, as expected, noticed. Again.

He grabbed fistfuls of Bobby's hair and held his head in a tight grip. Bobby knew what was coming, welcomed it actually, wanted it.

Thor extracted his cock, rubbed the tip around Bobby's lips, his chin, over his cheeks. "You seem to have a hard time staying focused on the task at hand. You like to let your thoughts wander from place to place. We're going to have to work on that."

Bobby started to say something, to agree, to acknowledge Thor's statements, but was quickly silenced.

"Not a word. I know you understand. Keep your mouth open just like that."

Bobby looked up and his gaze locked with Thor's. His eyes had darkened, his jaw firm and tight, the muscles in his throat corded with strain. He was beautiful, every inch of his body was beautiful to Bobby from his well defined chest, to his sculpted arms, to his lean hips, and strong legs. Bobby felt safe with him as much as he was in awe of him, of the thought that Thor really wanted him.

Thor smirked then, a twisting of his upper lip and Bobby's cock throbbed in his pants, pushing against the lined zipper.

"There will be a spanking after this, boy. You're in sore need of discipline."

The tone was heavy with lust but light danced in Thor's eyes. He was looking forward to giving the spanking as much as Bobby was now looking forward to receiving it.

Thor stared down at Bobby while he teased Bobby's open mouth with the head of his cock. Bobby didn't get lost in his thoughts this time. He was lost in Thor's gaze, the intent look on Thor's face. Bobby didn't have a chance to register anything else before Thor filled his mouth quickly and harshly. He gave no quarter, no moment for Bobby to do more than be, to hold on, and simply exist for Thor's use.

Thor fucked Bobby's mouth, dropping into Bobby's throat, pulling up and out, then dropping back in again. It was relentless. Bobby kept his eyes on Thor's face, on the changes that took place, at the harshness that overcame his features the harder he fucked and the closer he got to orgasm.

When Thor finally spilled himself down Bobby's throat, his cock pulsing against Bobby's tongue and the insides of his cheeks, the hands in his hair tightening unmercifully, Bobby swallowed and sucked every salty, tangy, bittersweet drop down.

Thor pulled out almost immediately. His cock glistened in the early morning sun shining through the tops of the windows. Spit and come coated the still rigid shaft as Thor leaned down and kissed Bobby's lips softly, licking at a drop of sperm that had failed to be swallowed.

"I could get used to that, you know," he whispered, dropping to his own knees in front of Bobby. His fingers working at the button and zipper of Bobby's jeans. "You here in the mornings, offering your mouth or ass to me for a morning fuck."

Bobby leaned back on his hands, giving Thor all the access he needed. He was so hard, so in need of Thor's touch, his mouth, his anything that he was trembling with it. Thor freed him and then engulfed him, swallowing Bobby's cock whole.

"Shit," he ground out, the muscles in his arms threatening to give way under the strain and intensity. He thrust his hips up, lifting his ass off his heels. He couldn't help it. He needed to fuck. He needed to come. He needed... "Oh... Th-Sir..."

Thor nodded which thrust Bobby's cock against the roof of Thor's mouth, the shaft against Thor's teeth and Bobby hissed at the sensation.

Thor braced himself on his arms, sank his mouth lower on Bobby and started to bite down. "Ah fuck, man, please..."

Thor lifted, scraping his teeth along the top and underside, biting harder just under the head.

"I'm gonna fuckin' blow, Thor," Bobby all but yelled. He was beyond good manners or being a good submissive. All he wanted was to come. His orgasm filled his balls and was ready to let loose.

Thor lifted all the way off Bobby's cock and looked up from under his lashes. "Then blow."

It was all he said before he swallowed Bobby whole again.

Bobby didn't need to be told twice. He lifted his hips upward, sending his cock deep into Thor's throat. His eyes were focused on Thor's head, his blond hair falling across Bobby's jeans. How long had he wanted this, Thor sucking his cock, Thor naked, them together like this? The fact that it was happening, that his fantasies were coming true in the flesh and blood man on his knees in front of him, over him was more than enough to send Bobby over the edge into orgasmic overload.

He came with a shout and Thor drank it down. Bobby wanted to drop to the floor, but his arms were so stiff he couldn't do more than lower onto his forearms. It relieved some of the strain and he sighed, contentment flowing through him.

Thor raised his head and let Bobby's cock go easily before sliding over Bobby's body enough to kiss him, at first soft, then more insistent until Thor's tongue was sliding over Bobby's and tangling, wrapping around it, pulling it into his mouth where he could suck on it much as he'd sucked on Bobby's cock.

Bobby gave himself up to the kiss, quite certain the pleasure he found in Thor just might kill him.

"I think I might be ready for breakfast now," Thor said after lifting himself from Bobby's lips.

"Mmmm. I think I might be ready for a nap."

Thor winked. "After breakfast. After your spanking." He inched backward on his knees and stood, offering Bobby his hand to help him up.

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