Read Revealed - Masked 3 Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #erotica BDSM, #mm romance

Revealed - Masked 3

BOOK: Revealed - Masked 3
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Copyright © 2011 by Lissa Matthews

Cover Art by Valerie Tibbs

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Lissa Matthews


The headlights flashed through the front window one minute after midnight. Thor smiled, took a deep breath, and opened the garage door, waiting for Bobby to exit his flashy little car. He found it somewhat funny, the turn of events, how less than a month ago Bobby had been Robert and someone Thor had looked upon with... Well, he wasn't sure how he'd ever really thought about the man. Fascinated, for sure, but he couldn't say he'd ever been interested in him.

Then again, maybe he had. Subconsciously at least.

To say he'd been surprised when Bobby turned from the cross last weekend and Thor'd seen who he'd been lusting after, who he'd been unable to stop thinking about, would be a gross understatement. Bobby didn't have the greatest reputation with women and Thor didn't want to find out or be the first in a long line of men. He'd been unsure about Bobby's true commitment to this, but at the same time, it was new for both of them, too. Thor wanted it bad enough that he was willing to give it a hundred percent attention and effort. He hoped Bobby wanted it just as bad.

That Thor's erection hadn't gone down in six days, no matter how many times he beat off, was testament to the attraction, the lust, the need Bobby inspired in him. It definitely dipped well below the surface.

He'd never been hung up on the closet, coming out or staying in, however when presented with the reality of having to make a choice, of having to make the decision, Thor'd done so in the most public way possible at the time. Since he sent Bobby home last Friday night, he'd wondered if perhaps other men would affect him the same way as Bobby, kind of like being a kid in a candy store. He'd stepped out could freely sample the variety around him. The more he looked at other men, though, the more Bobby's face filled his mind, the feel of Bobby's lips under his, the texture of Bobby's bare ass beneath his hand. Thor didn't want anyone else.

Bobby got out of his car and clicked a button on the key fob in his hand. A little beeping sound filled the otherwise quiet night as an internal theft alarm set. Thor stood in the doorway between the garage and the kitchen as Bobby walked toward him. He'd dressed in jeans tonight, and as he got closer Thor could see the shirt Bobby wore was a black button down. Black boots thumped on the wooden steps and then, Bobby was eye to eye, chest to chest with Thor.


Thor smiled at the word, at the tentative softness in Bobby's voice. "Hey. You're a minute late. Second thoughts?"

"Traffic light missed a cycle."

"Yeah? The one around the corner?"

Bobby nodded. "Yeah."

"You staying?"

"If you'll have me."

Thor's heart kicked in his chest and his cock pressed itself against the wool of his kilt. "Come on in," he said, happy his voice didn't betray his caveman desire to push Bobby to the ground.

Bobby preceded him. "Nice house."

"Thanks," Thor said as he pushed the button to close the small one car garage. When it was down, he closed the kitchen door behind him.

He lived in an older part of town, having bought an abandoned fixer upper for nothing more than the unpaid taxes at auction. He'd completely remodeled it over the last year and while the outside fit in with the neighborhood, the inside was all him.

Pride filled him as Bobby stepped through the kitchen doorway and let go a low whistle of appreciation. Thor stood against one of the black granite counters and let Bobby look around unhampered.

"Did you do all the work yourself?" Bobby inquired as he moved from one open space to another, pausing every now and then to study something.

The all black galley kitchen gave way to a muted gray living room. Replicas of Scottish swords lined one wall while images of Scottish castle ruins lined another custom black and red frames he'd made.

"I did."

"I know which end of the hammer to use and how to screw in a light bulb, but that's about the extent of my home improvement knowledge."

"I guess it's not a job requirement in a law firm."

Bobby laughed and shook his head, stopping in the center of the room. He slid his hands into his pockets, his eyes roaming from one corner to next, following the seamless walls up to the ceiling and back down again. "No, it isn't."

The living room seating consisted of two black upholstered couches, and black barstools padded in red leather lined the breakfast bar as the only eating area.

"You don't like the color black at all, do you?"

The question was asked with a smile and the answer given was done with the same light tone. "Fuck you."

The mood however changed in an instant as the last word left Thor's mouth. Their eyes connected and in less time than it took for him to draw breath, Thor had Bobby up against nearest wall. "I like a great many things," Thor whispered, nipping at Bobby's bottom lip, tugging, sucking it between his teeth, before letting go to slide his tongue inside Bobby's mouth. It had been too long, six days too long since he'd kissed the man he couldn't stop thinking about.

Bobby met him stroke for stroke. He slid his hands around Thor's waist and up his back. The moan he gave Bobby to swallow when Bobby pulled the rubber band from Thor's hair and gripped the strands in his fists was quickly followed by another. It felt good, so fucking good to be touched, to be wanted, to be with the man against his wall.

Thor pulled away from the kiss and opened his eyes to find Bobby's bright blue ones focused on him. If he let himself, he could drown in those orbs and he tried to mentally shake himself out of the haze of lust clouding his brain. But, if he were honest, he'd admit he didn't want to. He wanted Bobby. Had wanted him for the last couple of weeks, probably longer, probably since the first time he'd seen him at the haunted house. It didn't really matter though. All that did matter was Bobby being in his house, Bobby giving himself to Thor.

"Play first or talk?" Just this once, he'd give Bobby the choice.


"You sure?"

"Yes sir."

"Damn good answer, boy." Thor touched the buttons on Bobby's shirt. "Good shirt?"

"No sir."

"Damn good answer again," Thor muttered, lifting both hands to rip the shirt open over Bobby's chest. Buttons popped and flew across the hardwood floor. Bobby grunted and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. Thor smiled. "Get naked. I'll be right back."

Bobby swallowed. "Here?"

Thor was mesmerized by the movement of Bobby's Adam's apple and fought against the urge to tilt his head and take a bite. "Right here. Naked. Now."

Thor turned and walked away, down the hallway to his bedroom. Through the darkness, he made his way to the bathroom where he flipped on the light. The baby oil sat on the counter along with the foil packet containing the condom he'd set out earlier. Grabbing both, he took one long look in the mirror. This was it, the moment he'd always wanted, always desired, even if he'd kept it a secret inside his own mind.

He'd been with men before, as equals, lover, never as dominant and submissive. This time things were different, felt different. It was out in the open and that added another element to it. He was ready for this. He hadn't had a girlfriend or male lover in longer than he cared to remember. He'd been waiting for something, for someone to come along and trip his fucking trigger after Bailey. He could have been happy with her, as her dominant. Maybe not long term, but she was so purely submissive, so open and giving, he'd been smitten for months before she'd ever approached his cross. Of course, then his friend and mentor Aidn stepped in and the two had been so taken with one another, she never looked Thor's away again. With Bobby, though, smitten wasn't the word. He wasn't sure what the word was, but  he intended to spend however long he had with Bobby figuring it out.

He flipped off the bathroom light and walked back down the hall. Bobby stood naked against the wall where Thor'd left him, his cock hard and standing straight against his stomach.  Average in length, he made up for it in thickness and Thor did his best to contain the groan of hunger bubbling up.

He tore his gaze from Bobby's erection and mentally shrugged it off as no big deal. He only hoped his voice reflected nonchalance. "When was the last time you bent over for a man?" Nothing like a little crudeness to set the tone. This was a taking, a claiming. It wasn't one man making love to another. It was nothing to do with love at all. It was surrender and dominance.

"I, uh... It's been a while. A few months."

"Who?" Jealousy boiled up from his stomach. The thought of anyone touching Bobby, being inside Bobby and Thor, however irrational, about lost his mind.

"Lawyer from another firm. He's a switch. Visits Abyss."

The only thing that could make Thor feel better about that was perhaps the other lawyer witnessed Bobby being flogged in the club. "Condoms?"

"Y-yes. Always."

"Good." Thor pulled one of the barstools away from the counter and patted the leather seat. "Bend over, rest your forearms on this, legs shoulder width apart."

Bobby's eyes widened and he hesitated only a moment before doing as he was told. "Yes sir," he said softly.

Thor stood off to the side as Bobby assumed the position he'd been instructed in. Strong legs, perfectly defined muscles. Tight ass. Slender hips and trembling shoulders. His hands, smooth and well tended, fisted and let go, then fisted again as he tried to relax.

He was nervous and something about that made the tension in Thor's gut loosen. He'd never seen Bobby nervous, not around women at least. He'd been nervous at the club last weekend, but Thor chalked that up to the public display on the cross.

He stepped closer and reached out, running his fingers lightly down Bobby's spine in a gesture meant to relax. His muscles shook beneath the contact. "I've never seen you like this. Almost unsure."

"No. Not unsure, just... I don't know what to expect, what to do. Out of my element." The words were soft but solid.

Thor nodded even though Bobby couldn't see the motion. "All you have to do is what I tell you. All you have to do is follow my instructions, my orders. All you have to do is trust me."

"I wish it were as easy as all that."

"I know." And he did. He'd never been a submissive, but he still understood what it took to trust. He had to trust the submissive partner, too and doing so wasn't always as 'easy as all that'.

"I am not going to do anything you don't agree to. You have a safe word and a safe signal. Use them." As he spoke, he slid his hand lower, over Bobby's ass and gripped the flesh in his palm, squeezing until Bobby yelped. Thor leaned down and nipped at his lover's shoulder. "Right now though, this is only about me getting inside you. I haven't been able to think about too much else beyond splitting you open, impaling you, making you mine."

Bobby's slight trembles turned to full on shivers as he nodded his head emphatically. "Yes, please, sir, please."

"You're not above begging, are you?"

Bobby shook his head. "No sir. No I'm not."

"Good." Thor trailed the fingers of the hand that held Bobby's ass, up through the crack between his cheeks. Heat met the tips of the digits and when Bobby started to widen his stance, Thor reached farther down and smacked the inside of Bobby's left thigh. "I told you shoulder width apart."

Bobby readjusted his stance to the original position. "Yes sir."

Thor resumed his light stroking of Bobby's ass, his fingers glancing over the tight dark hole he intended to penetrate before long.

He stood up to his full height, but not before placing a kiss to the top of Bobby's head, inhaling for a brief second the shampoo scent of his hair. He set the oil and condom on the bar and moved behind Bobby, using both hands now to massage, to caress, to stroke, to slap. The sound of his palm connecting with Bobby's bare flesh echoed through the open rooms.

Bobby jolted forward briefly, then settled back. Another slap landed and again, Bobby jolted forward up on the balls of his feet with the force. Before he could lower his heels, Thor placed a hand at Bobby's lower back, anchoring them both. He let loose on the other man's buttocks, a steady stream of spanks. Very little hair covered Bobby's hips and ass, and Thor's rough hands scraped against the virtually smooth skin, smiling as it pinkened so beautifully, quickly.

Bobby didn't make a sound save for a grunt or a moan every so often. Thor made sure every inch was cover by his hands, made sure the heat would stay with Bobby for the rest of the night. He wanted to give Bobby a reminder of their time together. He would always want Bobby to have reminders of the time they spent playing. There would be marks, bruises, raw skin, even welts from time to time. Bobby's ass would smart for days after they parted, reminding him every second he sat of the man who owned him. His cock would ache from caging, from bondage, from so many orgasms that even the slightest erection would make him wince. His jaw would pain him from having a ball gag forced between his lips for long periods of time mixed with his mouth being forced onto Thor's cock multiple times in a night.

BOOK: Revealed - Masked 3
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