Revealed - Masked 3 (2 page)

Read Revealed - Masked 3 Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #erotica BDSM, #mm romance

BOOK: Revealed - Masked 3
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Oh yeah, Thor intended to give Bobby so many things, so many experiences to hold close, to need, to fear that the man would be helpless against saying no.

And yet, Thor would never force him, never take him, never push him beyond what he could take. Thor would never go where Bobby didn't want to be led.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bobby's fingers flex. "You all right?"

"Yes, just... hard."

Thor grinned. "Spanking makes you hard,." he commented, approval lacing his voice. He reached down between Bobby's legs. His balls were tight, full. Further up, he found Bobby's cock, solid and thick,. He wrapped his palm around it, squeezed and stroked lightly and was rewarded by a hiss. Much to Thor's surprise, Bobby didn't move, didn't try to hump the stool, didn't try to fuck Thor's hand. " Does it hurt being this hard?"

"More than ever," he choked out.

"We'll see what we can do about that soon." Thor let up on Bobby's lower back and reluctantly let go of his cock. He'd like to stay there, stroking the man, bringing him pleasure, rewarding him for taking the spanking so well, but there were other ways to do that. He picked up the bottle of oil and unscrewed the cap. "I find oil to work better than lube sometimes, especially if it's been a while," he offered softly, pouring a small amount over his fingers.

He stepped behind Bobby again and pressed his fingers between Bobby's smarting and bright red ass cheeks. Smarting he knew, because when he touched them, when his rough palm slid over them, Bobby sucked in a breath. The skin would be tender for a while, a few hours, perhaps even a day or so. Thor couldn't help but grin at the prospect.

His oily fingers massaged the outer ring of Bobby's hole. He only applied very light pressure along with a gentle touch until Bobby slowly rocked his hips forward and back. "More?"


Thor smiled and picked up the bottle of oil again, pouring a small stream onto his fingers. He returned to Bobby's hole and almost immediately, the man started rocking. Thor placed his hand on Bobby's lower back once more to still his movements before trying to insert a finger.

"Oh. Oh fuck."

"Too much?"

"No. More."

Thor rotated his finger, stretching the ring of muscle which gripped tight around his finger. He eased around the edges, working to loosen Bobby enough to take another finger. He was tight inside, hot, but not ungiving, not unyielding.

"Let me know when you think you can take another."

"How far?"

Thor chuckled. "Just one."

"Fuck. Thick...fingers."


"More. Another one."


"I can. Please."

A sheen of perspiration had broken out on Bobby's skin a while ago and it was more than a simple sheen now. Thor could make out beads starting to form along Bobby's spine and as Thor added another oiled finger, slowly to join the first inside Bobby's ass... God, it was beyond tight and it was going to choke the hell out of his dick.

He couldn't wait.

He'd have to, but he sure as shit didn't want to. He wanted to ram his cock into the small dark passage. He wanted to seat himself balls deep  and never come out. That's how hot Bobby was, that's how jacked up Thor was.

Thor knew he couldn't just yet. He couldn't rip into Bobby. He couldn't risk damaging the man.

He took a deep breath to calm himself. He took another one, just to be on the safe side. He leaned down and licked at the slick sweat along Bobby's spine and circled his fingers along the inner ring of muscle before attempting to scissor his fingers apart. First side to side. He was met with resistance, but not as much as he expected. He rotated his fingers and scissored them top to bottom.

Bobby hissed and pushed backward with his hips, taking more of Thor's two fingers. Thor took his as a good sign, closed his fingers together, poured a little more oil over them as he pulled them out slightly. He pushed them inside again and started to fuck Bobby's ass, thrusting forward, rotating, scissoring, ringing the muscle.

The tip of Bobby's hair was wet and sweat slid down his back. Thor was working his ass over and Bobby wasn't the only one drenched. Thor's hair clung to his neck, his shirt to his back and chest, and his cock strained even more against the inside of his kilt. He wasn't as thick as Bobby, and the need to impale the man began to take over.


"Yes, please."

"You know what I'm asking?"

Bobby nodded and sweat dripped from the ends of his bangs. "Yes sir."

Thor didn't need to be told three times. He pulled his fingers free, unable to stop staring at the small opening. He'd be sliding inside it very soon and his cock throbbed at the anticipation of being enclosed in such tightness, such heat.

He reached for the condom, tearing into the foil packet with his teeth and unfastened the kilt. He let it drop to the floor in a mess of plaid. His cock rose between the bottom sides of his white linen shirt and he tried not to laugh at the picture he must present. Combat boots and white socks. Bare ass. White linen shirt. One of his favorites, he wasn't about to rip it open, but he wasn't going to take the time to unbutton it either.

He rolled the condom down his cock, while his gaze roamed over the man bent forward. He still couldn't get over the reality that it was Robert. Bobby to him, like this, but to everyone else, Robert. Thor'd had no fucking idea Bobby hid such a secret as being gay. There'd been no indication of interest in men. At least...

"You used to stare at me." Thor uttered the words, not expecting an answer right then, but he'd been unable to hold them in.

Bobby turned his head and looked over his shoulder at Thor. "What?"

"You used to stare at me."

"You're serious?" he asked, incredulous. "Now? You want to talk about this now?"

Thor snorted. "Not really, just..." He pressed himself against Bobby's thighs and sighed at the skin on skin contact. "After." His balls rubbed against Bobby's and the feeling tingled at best. It slid through Thor like liquid fire. He loved this particular sensation and he didn't get it with women. Only with men and with this one, it was even more intense, even more heated.

He drizzled oil over the condom and stroked his cock, coating every inch of the latex. He didn't like lubed condoms either. This worked just fine for him. A drop or two of oil down Bobby's ass crack held Thor's attention He tracked it until it disappeared, held in a moan and pushed the tip of his cock against the hole.

"You ready?"

"Please, sir."

"Love that word on your lips, boy," Thor ground out as he slowly stretched Bobby open.

The tight ring of muscle gave way with a little pressure. Bobby pushed back with his hips, helping the process. His back tensed, but the lower half of his body remained relaxed, allowing Thor to fill him.

This was going to be one amazing ride...



Bobby dropped his head forward. Being full of cock was truly one of life's singular pleasures. From the first moment a man entered him years ago, he'd realized it was what he wanted and craved more than anything.

Thor sliding in, taking up every available inch was every fantasy come true.

"You all right?" Thor asked, stroking Bobby's back as he seated himself completely.

"Perfect." And he was. Bent over for this man, naked and vulnerable, was the one place Bobby felt at home. He'd known in the small private room at the haunted house that this, right here, was what he desired most.

Thor pulled out and Bobby bit his lip to keep from whimpering at the loss. Thor soon filled him again, pushing in hard, pulling out, repeating the slow, measured strokes.

"Fucking hot in your ass."

Bobby grinned at Thor's grunt of praise.. The words made him harder, too. He wanted to jack his cock while Thor fucked him, but didn't think, wasn't sure what Thor wanted so he just kept his hands wrapped under the edge of the metal barstool.

The leather his chest and stomach rested on, was slick with his sweat and as Thor picked up the pace, drove in harder, Bobby slid against it, over it. He lifted up slightly on the balls of his feet and Thor's moan tugged at him.

"Oh yeah, boy."

Thor gripped Bobby's hip in one hand and placed his other palm again on Bobby's lower back. He fucked him in earnest, tunneling deeper, the head of Thor's cock hitting him just right, glancing over his prostate, with his balls slapping against Bobby.

The stretch no longer burned. The filling no longer felt like a blissful invasion. It was more, now. It was pleasure, completion. It was the most natural feeling in the world to him. He was impaled, a fucktoy, a lover, a man in love with another man.

His cock was full, painfully so. His balls ached. He wanted to come. He wanted to stroke. He wanted to let loose all over the pretty wood floor.

"Fuck, man," Thor panted behind him, his grip changing slightly, tightening. "I'm not gonna be able to hold it much longer."

Bobby turned his head to look over his shoulder again. Thor's hair was matted to his face and his chest heaved with exertion. His hips, in a constant state of motion, propelled his cock deeper. Bobby thought Thor'd been beautiful before, but as he watched the man fucking his ass, Bobby wasn't sure words existed to describe Thor in that moment. He was exquisite.

Thor fit him, inside and out."Don't hold back."

Thor grinned and it wasn't pretty. It was feral, primal. It made Bobby throb. "Tried. Can't."

His lips pulled tight over his teeth and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Bobby was so focused on Thor, on the pained look of pleasure on his face as he emptied himself Bobby's ass, it was half a second before Bobby realized he was about to come.

He quickly turned his head around but it was too late. His cock erupted and semen spilled to the floor. "Shit," he groaned. His balls continued to push come through until he thought his legs would give out.

Thor was still inside him when Bobby finished. His rough workman's hands massaged Bobby's muscles along his spine and up into his shoulders. If Bobby hadn't been a puddle of goo from the orgasm, the fucking, the spanking, and the sheer reality of being with Thor, the tender aftercare would have done him in for sure.

He closed his eyes, letting himself enjoy for a moment, the delightful feeling flowing through him under Thor's hands. Tension he didn't know was there, eased and he soon found he couldn't contain the moans that slipped from between his lips.

Thor leaned over Bobby's back and the wet ends of his hair made Bobby shiver. Thor's lips pressed to the back of Bobby's neck and his voice rasped against Bobby's skin. "You made a mess on my floor, boy. How do you intend to clean it up?"

"Oh God," Bobby whispered, his cock pulsing with a speck of life again. How, indeed.

Thor lifted himself off Bobby and slowly withdrew his cock from Bobby's ass. Bobby wanted it back and hoped there'd be time for more later.

"Stay right there," Thor ordered as he walked away.

Bobby followed the man with his eyes as Thor disappeared into the shadows down the hall.

Thor's backside was mostly covered by the shirt he wore but Bobby caught enough of a glimpse to know he wanted to kneel behind Thor and take a bite out of the man. His leg muscles were well defined and while there was a comical element to the kick-ass clodhopper boots, socks, and shirt, minus kilt or pants, Bobby was turned on by the display. Dressed or partially so or naked, he simply wanted Thor.

The complete consumption he had for man astounded him. It was as though once he let himself want Thor and put himself out there to him, his need took on a whole new meaning, deepened into something so much more.

He heard a thud from the back of the house and a few seconds later, Thor emerged, completely naked now, sans boots and shirt, carrying a cloth in each hand.

Holy fuck.

The definition in Thor's pecs, broadness of his shoulders took Bobby's breath away. He'd known Thor was tight, but he'd had no real idea his body was so... He swallowed the moan threatening to escape as he stared, wide-eyed. Thor's cock was semi-hard and all Bobby wanted to do was open his mouth for Thor to use.

Thor held out one of the towels. "For the floor. This time."

Bobby didn't need to ask what would happen next time. He could tell by the raised eyebrow, the banked heat, the small quirk of Thor's lips. No, next time, Bobby would be on his knees cleaning the floor. With his tongue. He swallowed hard against the idea. Truth to tell, he wasn't sure how he felt about it. It wasn't exactly a turn on, but it wasn't a turn off either. Maybe it was simply because Thor would require it of him that kept him from balking.

The other cloth Thor'd brought out, he used on Bobby's ass wiping the oil away. The warmth soothed the used and stretched skin and this time he wasn't able to keep the moan inside.

"Guess it feels good," Thor murmured.

A blush heated Bobby's skin as he voiced the admission. "Yeah, it does."

When Thor was finished, he helped Bobby to stand. For a few minutes, his legs wouldn't hold him steady, but that didn't seem to matter as Thor held him close. Warm skin against skin, it was their first full body contact and it was beyond words.

Thor's body was warm, really warm and Bobby wanted to stay wrapped in Thor's arms for the rest of the night, the whole weekend, the next week, forever.

He thought it should feel weird, or perhaps he should he should think it felt weird to be standing within the embrace of a man, but again, he couldn't think of anywhere else he wanted to be. He was right where he needed to be. With Thor.

Eventually though, Thor let go, but not before kissing the top of Bobby's head. He bent to pick his kilt up and slide it back into place. Bobby took this as a sign to get dressed and reached for his jeans. Thor's hand stayed the action.

"Nope. You'll stay naked. I like looking at you."

"Oh." A shiver wracked him and a vulnerability settled uneasily over him. "Yes sir."

"Good boy. Now, clean up the mess on the floor and we'll talk."

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