Renee's High School Reunion (9 page)

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“We love you, too.” AJ kissed her hard on the mouth.

Jesse took over. “We don’t need an answer right now. Sleep on it. Think it over. We’re not going anywhere. You’re a Vegas girl, wild and willing to gamble. All you have to do is rearrange your job so you fly out of here. We can try it for a while; you could live with us. If it works, you can give up your apartment in L.A. We have a house with plenty of room. It makes sense.”

“Enough debate. I think we need room-service sundaes. Hot fudge.” Jesse slid from bed and grabbed the menu.

“And for the tip, Renee can answer the door naked.” AJ laughed.

Renee smacked his shoulder. “No. If I’m with you two, no one else gets to see me naked.

It’s sort like settling down.”

“Let’s put the ice cream on pause, Jesse. She needs a double dip to clear her head.” AJ dipped his fingers into her pussy and felt her body change from serious confusion to sensual arousal. Jesse’s hand slid down and worked her clit. Her hips began to shift. AJ could see her mind trying to fight them. They’d given her a lot to think about.

“You’re the only one we want. It doesn’t matter, yes or no. You’re ours,” AJ whispered in her ear.

Renee’s eyes closed, and her lips quivered as her cunt clenched his fingers. Finally, she went calm, her arms draping around their necks and kissing them in turn.

It felt like a yes, but she hadn’t said it, not yet.

Chapter Nine

Jesse sat in limbo on the bed. Renee was in the shower, and AJ still dozed. An amazing night to be sure, but deep down, Jesse had expected a quick yes from Renee. It seemed like an ideal arrangement.

But Renee always did the unexpected. Add in AJ, who seemed fine with the fact that Jesse had been Renee’s first and had her before AJ, but a bit of trust needed to be repaired.

Hearing AJ roll over and inhale deeply, Jesse turned to look at him. “Morning.”

“Hey. Renee bolted?” he asked.

Jesse shook his head. “Shower.”

“Alone?” AJ sounded surprised.

“I wasn’t sure about joining her. You didn’t seem okay with our first time.” Jesse shrugged. “If we do this, if she agrees, we need to work out the ground rules.” AJ shifted, turned around and kissed a sensual path up Jesse’s spine. It was hard to pout when AJ was so affectionate.

“I’m not mad. I was shocked you never told me about it.” AJ kissed Jesse’s neck.

“I wish I’d told you the night of prom, but it was ancient history by then. What can I do to make it up to you?” he asked. They’d overcome plenty, AJ’s coming out, his family and lifestyle change.

“No, I’m not mad,” AJ repeated as his hand circled around Jesse’s cock. “I wanted to thank you. If it’d been some jerk for her first time, he could’ve taken advantage. If the first guy treated her like crap, she might not be the same carefree and confident Renee we love.”

“She was eager and wild, but we were both inexperienced. Though…I’m pretty sure she already had a toy or two.” Jesse leaned back and kissed AJ.

“But she trusted you. Some other guys could’ve left her crying or angry. Trust me, I saw enough football players get girls drunk and walk some pretty thin lines.” AJ held Jesse tight and teased his growing erection. “Did you get off?” Jesse elbowed AJ in the ribs. “Yes, of course, I did. She practically taught me how to blow a guy.”

“And you coached me through that first one.” AJ slid around and knelt on the floor between Jesse’s legs. “We owe her a lot.”

“Yeah. But if you’d known when you started dating her that I’d screwed her, I doubt I’d have been able to stay good friends with her. You were possessive.” AJ gripped Jesse’s cock harder and sucked the tip. “Still am of the people I love.” The bathroom door opened. Renee came out. She looked gorgeous in a towel. “Good morning.” She dropped the towel and knelt next to AJ on the bed.

“Morning.” Jesse kissed her.

AJ took over as soon as Jesse released her lips. “Just so you know, you’re the one flying around the country so don’t expect us to be celibate.”

“I’ll compromise if I stay. Too much sex to ponder now. You’re distracting me.” She tugged their clothes off and ran her hands over their naked bodies.

Jesse groaned and lifted into her hand. “Don’t give yourself time to change your mind.

Just say yes.”

Kneeling before them, Renee took a cock in each had and stroked gently. Their hands worked her pussy as she played with them.

Renee shook her blonde bob, still damp and clinging to her face. “You two have had time to play and plan. It is a big change for me. Multiple orgasms aren’t conducive to planning life, but you do make a great argument.”

The play was fun, but not getting the message across. Jesse slid on protection and pulled her onto his cock. He thrust up into her tight pussy. “Yes, the anticipation, the phone sex, and the naughty toys we’ll stuff in your luggage—that’s what makes it hot, being creative.” Watching her bounce on his cock made Jesse eager to take her home.

“I’m sure Renee has plenty of dirty ideas and fantasies yet to try.” AJ stood and slid his cock into Renee’s mouth.

Renee moaned and picked up her pace.

“She needs it morning, noon and night.” AJ rocked into Renee’s eager mouth.

“More!” she said against his cock.

Thrusting faster, Jesse pinched her clit. Jesse felt the change on his cock. AJ squeezed her breasts and Renee moaned.

Renee tightened and ground on his erection, her juices flowed over Jesse’s cock, and he couldn’t hold on. Grabbing her hips tight, Jesse howled in climax as he filled her. Their creamy mix proved how intense their relief was.

“Nice.” AJ leaned in and fucked her mouth faster.

Jesse went at AJ from the bottom, working his sac as Renee swallowed his thick shaft down to the base. In no time, AJ drove in, his hips out of control then he froze. Moaning, Renee got the reward.

When AJ pulled back, Renee kissed Jesse to share the tasty prize. Suddenly, AJ was gone. Jesse felt the hot tongue working where Jesse still filled Renee’s tight pussy.

Renee giggled. “I’ve got to go. You two have fun. I’ll see you guys later.” She slid off Jesse and climbed off the bed. Getting dressed, she slipped out the door as quietly as a mouse.

“I think Renee will say yes,” AJ said confidently.

“Me, too. I hope.” Jesse spooned with AJ for a bit. “We should shower and get some food.”

“Sounds like a plan.” AJ eased out of bed and grabbed Jesse’s hand, pulling him out of bed.

* * * *

Renee sat across from Linda and studied the menu. The little diner Linda had chosen was nowhere near the hotel, but for Renee, that was just fine. “I’m so glad you called and suggested this.”

Linda smiled. “It’s good to see you before you leave. You sounded busy on the phone. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”

Renee kept her eyes on the menu. “Nothing major. But I’m starving.” She eyed the five-egg omelet.

“Is everything okay?” Linda set aside her menu.

“Sure. You know what you’re getting already?” Renee couldn’t seem to make up her mind about anything.

“I come here once a week with another professor. His special interest is military history.

We’re collaborating on a class for next semester as an elective to draw students.”

“Like what? It’s history. No offense but the Marquis de Sade is about as interesting as it gets. Unless you do the history of sex.”

“We thought about that, but psychology has something similar. No, we’re doing the history of torture.” She grinned.

The waitress approached and didn’t react at all to Linda’s last words. She just poured coffee. Renee ordered a Greek omelet with the works. Linda ordered her usual. The waitress scribbled, clearly familiar with the regular.

“I’m so boring. I always get the same thing,” Linda said.

“Not if you’re teaching the history of kinky sex or torture.” Renee knew Linda was intrigued by the darker side of things, but she always went through life so sunny. No amount of teasing in high school had ruined her attitude. She never let people bully her out of doing what she wanted.

“Team teaching. He approached me about it because I’ve published a few well-received papers lately on the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials. So we’re coming at it from both sides, the military POW and the social and religious control drive end. It should give us plenty of material.”

“He approached you about this? Is the Marquis de Sade thing his idea, too?”

“No. Every year, I try to go to a conference in December. I don’t have much family.

Mom is always off with her latest boyfriend. So, I go to a conference, and then make a holiday vacation out of it. But, Conner talked the department head into fully paying for our trip this year since it supports a course in development. That was nice.” Linda took a sip of the coffee and added a bit more sugar. “Why are you so suddenly interested in the history department at UNLV?”

Renee sighed. “Just getting my mind off my own life is good. And your trip and collaboration is about sex not torture, by the way.”

“What? Please! A pear of anguish is not about sex. Well, it could be used for those things, but the torture stopped when people confessed. These weren’t masochists who volunteered. You better confess before that pear cracks your jaw off and you can’t.”

“But the Marquis guy got off on hurting others.”

“It’s the root of the word sadist, yes. Conner suggested we do a short piece on the historical nature for violence. One thrills to the power while others use pain to heighten sexual pleasure. And then of course, cover serial killers like Jake the Ripper. But we don’t want to get into the psych stuff, but a historical evolution.” Their food arrived, and Renee dug in. “So this Conner, is he hot?” Linda turned dark red. “Renee. He’s a colleague. He’s quiet, very smart, and I think he was a Marine or Air Force. Lots of muscle when he rolls up his sleeves. He has tattoos.”

“Sounds hot.” Renee salted her hash browns and started on those.

“No. I mean, he’s not unattractive. But, he’s so polite and reserved. He opens doors and says ‘yes ma’am’ and all that. It doesn’t sound condescending or like I’m old. He’s not flirty. He might be gay.”

“I’ll bet you one thousand dollars he’s not. If he were gay, he’d have asked a male professor to collaborate. That polite stuff is all military training. He’s got control of himself.

That’s good.”

“Oh please, that’s crazy. A new teacher just started. She’s younger and always wearing tight clothes and low-cut tops. Leaning over him. If he’s looking for a fling, he’ll fling her. She’s the Victorian, Georgian and Regency era teacher,” Linda added extra syrup to her pancakes.

“Don’t sell yourself short. You’re into what he’s into. The history and the torture. The dark times. I’m telling you, get a wax and paint those toenails before you go. And wear some sexy underwear, boots and skirts.”

“Renee, I think you’re oversexed this weekend. My life isn’t like yours.” Linda played with her food instead of eating it.

“Okay, you know more than I do. I think you need to put yourself out there more.” Renee hadn’t intended to ruin her friend’s mood.

“I’ve tried, Renee. I’m not good at asking a guy out or making the first move. I’m weird, you know. Old-fashioned or whatever but it’s true. I’m not like you with two guys, and you act like it’s a normal thing.”

“No, it’s not every day. But things get complicated, so you do need to be careful.” Renee wanted to talk about Linda’s potential fun, not her own life choices.

“What? You said it was just reunion sex but seemed like it was no big deal.” Linda started in. “Spill it.”

“I don’t know what to say. I love them both and love being with them.” All their talk about phone sex and toys. Coming home to them would be so much better than always going away looking for something. She liked flying, but she’d done so much traveling in ten years that it was a habit more than an adventure now. Coming home to an empty apartment didn’t thrill her.

Linda chewed thoughtfully and pushed her glasses up her nose. “You love them.”

“What?” Renee didn’t know how to react. It felt true. “It’s all mixed up, and it’s two men. They’re together.”

“I feel a ‘however’ lingering in the air.” Linda stabbed a piece of pancake. “Talk.”

“They want me to stay. To move in with them. It’s crazy.”

“Okay, calm down. Did you say yes?”

Renee shook her head. “No. I said I’d think about it. I changed my schedule to spend a few extra days here to see. I’m not sure what to do.” Linda rolled her big brown eyes. “Please, you know exactly what to do. You’re staying.

If you didn’t want it, you’d have said it right away and be on a plane already.”

“It’s too intense.” Renee wanted to stay.

“I can see it in your face. You want it. You’re just scared.”

“Scared? No, it’s complicated.” Renee tried to define her feelings.

“No, it’s not. Obviously, you love them back. It’s about whether you want to settle down? Do you want to stick with two guys long-term? At prom, they got in the fight and you walked away.”

“Commitment isn’t my thing,” Renee said as a reflex. It didn’t feel right anymore.

“It hasn’t been yet, but you can do it. You’ve been a pilot with the same airline for ten years or whatever. You’ve lived in L.A. that long.”

“I travel all over. Different flights, crews and men.” L.A. wasn’t home. She had no real place that made her feel at home and safe.

Linda sipped her coffee. “You just need to decide if you want to stay with the men. You won’t get an offer like that every decade. How much travel do you need?”

“I guess. I’m boring in a way. My life has always been the same.”

“Mine, too. I like it. But it’s not boring to us. If the men make you happy, good. When you’re off flying they can pleasure each other and give you a lot of attention when you get back.

It’s not your whole life changing. Your career won’t go away.” Renee let Linda’s comments sink in. “You’re right.”

“Of course, I am. You have it easy. Two hot guys you love and who love each other want you forever in a three-way. I can’t get a guy to look at me like a woman rather than a boring teacher who lives in the past.”

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