Renee's High School Reunion (7 page)

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Steve took center stage again. “Now, guys, calm down. She’s got her hands full with both of them. But after managing a flight crew and all those luggage handlers, I’m sure she can deal.” The president of the student council nudged Steve away. “Most changed.”

“I’ll do it.” Steve held his ground. “Sorry guys. I got a little shock today. We’ve all changed and moved on with our lives. But our most changed since high school…” The pause went on as Steve opened the envelope. “AJ McNamara.”

“Damn,” AJ muttered.

“Go. Beat them at their own game. Be proud of it all.” Renee smiled.

“You didn’t make a fuss up there,” Jesse pointed out.

“Because AJ needs to stand up for himself. AJ cares. That’s the issue. I can take care of me, but I don’t care what they think. I’m happy. Even happier with you guys. Why pretend otherwise? We’ll never see these people again.” AJ knew that was the truth. She deserved better. He stood up straight. “This is my fight.

You two dealt with your stuff in high school. I didn’t.”

“You didn’t know,” Jesse argued.

AJ headed to the stage. The silence was worse than insults.

He took the statue. “Well, I think I know why I got this.” He took a deep breath as coughs and giggles broke up the murmurs from the crowd.

“I don’t think this is because I still have the same body and can fit into my football uniform, unlike some. Right, Steve?” AJ looked his old teammate dead in the eyes. It was on.

“I don’t think this is because I’m still screwing around with Renee, because I did that all senior year.” He winked at her. “It’s even better now because Jesse is into it, too.” There was chuckling from the crowd. They were swaying to his side.

“And I don’t think it’s because I own a mechanic shop here in Vegas, because I was working on old cars all through high school. I made my best grades in shop class.” He took a slow breath.

A couple shop guys cheered.

“So, I guess it’s about my relationship with Jesse and Renee. Not traditional.” Whistle and kissing sounds rained. It was exactly like high school only AJ wasn’t on the popular side of things. But seeing Renee sitting close to Jesse and smiling appreciatively made it okay.

“But really, we started dating the night of prom so that was during high school, too. It’s been ten great years with my best friend and boyfriend. In case you missed the news floating around, it’s true. I’m bisexual. I never got over Renee, and Jesse loved his high school best friend. It’s complicated but real.”

The comments and noises stopped, and AJ felt a bit surreal. “I didn’t know in high school. I wasn’t lying or hiding. But, if we’re counting from graduation, I haven’t changed a bit.

In fact, Steve’s big beer gut and bald head count as more of a change, so I’d better give this to him.” AJ handed over the trophy and headed down.

Applause rippled and took over the room. AJ glanced over his shoulder at Steve, who looked as irritated as AJ had hoped. He arrived at the table and hugged Jesse and gave Renee a kiss on the cheek.

“Sorry for the confusion folks. We’ll just gloss over that AJ has two girlfriends now.

Enjoy your dinner.” Steve turned off the mic.

“What an ass!” Jesse said.

“You were great.” Renee handed AJ a scotch and soda.

“Thanks. It wasn’t as bad as I thought.” AJ took a swig and let the alcohol do its job.

“It never is. Anticipation is the worst. Beginner pilots want to avoid incidents, of course, but once they get through that first round of bad turbulence, they aren’t always on edge during every flight. The fear goes away like that.” Renee snapped her fingers. “No one can take the leap for you, but once you get the rush, you can’t stop.”

“Let’s eat. Food will help even out the stress.” Jesse cut into his steak.

Renee leaned over and kissed Jesse. “There will always be jerks in the world. Let it go.” AJ set down his drink and focused on the food. “I’m starving.” They ate and chatted with others at their table. Nothing bad happened. AJ felt foolish for building it up in his mind, but Steve certainly had tried to rip him down in front of everyone.

As the dancing started, a tall, slightly familiar-looking woman with glasses approached and smiled at Jesse.

“How about a dance for your old prom date?” she asked.

Jesse hugged her. “Sure, but I better dance with him first, or I’ll never hear the end of it.” Jesse pointed to AJ.

“Of course, how silly of me. You just did that whole big speech, and here I am trying to steal your date. Go on, I’ll catch up with Renee.” Linda nodded.

AJ and Jess joined the other couples on the floor and barely got a few looks.

“Okay?” Jesse asked.

AJ nodded. “We’ve danced together plenty. That prom date of yours is interesting.”

“Renee set that up, as friends. Mom paid; she wanted the picture. Linda didn’t have a boyfriend, and neither did I. She’s actually entertaining.”

“A friend of Renee’s? Probably trying to help us out by adding another girl to the mix and diffusing the three-way rumors.” AJ nodded.

“That stuff is no one’s business. We don’t ever have to share that in public.” Suddenly, the women were tapping them on the shoulder and demanding to cut in. Jesse danced with Linda, and AJ led Renee.

“Your friend is sweet.” AJ smiled.

“She is. Don’t worry; she won’t steal your man. Are you sorry you came to the reunion?” she asked.

“Hell no. It’s good to get it all out.” He held her close.

“We get much closer, and you’ll be in the dress.” She took a half-step back.

“You don’t care what people think,” he reminded her.

“No, but it’s a weekend of fun. You don’t need to explain or justify that to anyone.” She nodded at Jesse who was coming toward them. “I think you’re trading girls.” AJ didn’t argue and danced with Linda. She was light on her feet, if a bit timid; she kept their space very appropriate.

“You were inspiring up there. Jesse felt like a million bucks.” She smiled. “Isn’t it funny how things change, but not really?”

“Meaning?” AJ shrugged.

“Well, in high school I was good friends with Renee and she was popular and pretty. She and Jesse were fast friends, and some people thought they were dating, but I knew the truth.

Then the summer before our junior year in high school, she shocked me when she and Jesse had sex. She’s still full of surprises.” Linda took a step closer, relaxing a bit.

It was AJ’s turn to tense. “Jesse and Renee? You’re saying they had sex in high school?”

“Well, yes. You knew that. Right.” Her face went from happy to confused. “Right? I mean, you’ve been dating Jesse for ten years. You know everything about each other by now.”

“I thought so.” AJ forced his jaw to relax. He scanned the dance floor for Jesse and Renee.

“Oh God, you didn’t know. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She stepped back from the dance.

“It’s okay. Not your fault. Excuse me.” He walked way to find Jesse talking with an ex-girlfriend of AJ’s from sophomore year.

“Hi, AJ. I knew there was something special about you. You really cared.” She smiled at him.

“Hello, Mary. Thanks, I think. How are you?” He tried to be polite as he seethed with a secret.

“Fine. Married with twins. Boys. I used to be in real estate, but when the market fell apart in Vegas, I just went to being a stay-at-home mommy.”

“It’s good to have options.” He turned to Jesse. “I’m going up to the room. I forgot something. Do you have the key?”

Jesse handed it over. “You okay?”

“Sure. Just need some aspirin.” AJ faked a smile, not ready to confront Jesse on this matter yet. But once they were alone, they’d have to talk it out. “Nice to see you again, Mary.”

“You, too! I have pictures.” She grabbed her phone.

AJ didn’t wait. He headed for the bank elevators. Aspirin, a drink and a reality check about his relationship were in order. Adding Renee to the mix? No wonder Jesse had agreed so fast. What was AJ thinking?

Chapter Seven

Jesse was tired of chasing AJ at this reunion, but something was wrong. “Renee?” AJ

asked in the elevator.

“I thought you’d be happy. Relieved she was the only girl.” Jesse’s only regret remained that he hadn’t told AJ about it. But Jesse had thought AJ would laugh, that it’d all come full circle and that they’d gotten what they all wanted.

“I don’t know what to think. It makes those pictures you took even weirder. You didn’t sleep with her while I was dating her?” AJ asked as the doors opened.

People milled in, and Jesse kept quiet until they were safely in their hotel room. “No, of course not. We never screwed around while you were dating. It was that one time. One.”

“Details,” AJ prompted.

Jesse sat on the bed. “It’s nothing impressive. I was struggling with my sexuality, men or women. Renee didn’t want to go into junior year as a virgin. I wanted to see what a girl was like.

So we tried it on her sixteenth birthday.”

“How was it?” AJ sat next to him on the made-up bed.

“We were sixteen and virgins. How good could it be? I didn’t last very long. She was pretty tight. The oral we tried afterward worked much better. I’d only been fooling around with a couple of guys at that point so nothing to compete with you.” Jesse nudged.

“It’s not a competition. We both had partners before each other, but you never told me it was Renee.” AJ looked Jesse in the eye. “When we started dating, you never thought to mention it?”

Jesse saw the hurt in AJ’s furrowed brow. “I’m sorry. No, I never thought about it. It was one foolish night between friends. She didn’t want to regret her first time. We trusted each other, so it wouldn’t have been embarrassing if it hadn’t gone perfectly. We never tried it again. I was deep into a guy, and that worked.” How could he make AJ understand? “She was the only girl I ever wanted.”

“So that’s why you were okay when I suggested her?” AJ asked.

Jesse shrugged. “Sure. No one else would fit. I loved her, and that never changed. She let me be me. I fell for you in high school and after. Hard. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about all my sexual history, but I wanted you, to show you how good it could be. I was your first guy; lots of pressure.” He kissed AJ’s tense mouth.

“Pressure. You were an expert. My one and only man ever. I’ve slept with more girls than guys.” AJ’s face contorted into an amused smile with a dose of confusion.

“But none of those girls lasted ten years. That long and you’re still addicted to me.” Jesse kissed AJ’s cheek gently, trying to diffuse the tension and replace it with affection.

“And when we talked about the threesome and trying to seduce and keep her, you didn’t want to share the truth then?” AJ punched Jesse’s chest and pinned him to the bed.

Jesse groaned, the feel of AJ’s muscles holding him down, the outline of AJ’s growing cock against his thigh, turned their tiff to foreplay. “At first, I didn’t even know if you were serious. Then you seemed nervous about it. I didn’t want to freak you out and have it all get called off.”

“You knew it would bug me,” AJ said against his neck.

“Not bug, I figured once we’d done the deed in a three-way, it’d be a funny story. We were sharing a girl we’d both screwed before. The reunion drama got in the way. And we still need to tell Renee.”

AJ adjusted the angle and thrust harder against Jesse’s cock. “She already knows she slept with you.”

“I mean about what we want with her. If you’re pissed about something that happened before we even dated, imagine what she’ll think. We’ve been screwing her, and she thinks it’s just great sex, but we want more.” Jesse lifted up to meet AJ. The hottest sex was angry fight makeup sex.

“I can’t believe she doesn’t suspect anything weird.” AJ moved back and freed Jesse’s cock, sucking him off fast with the experience of ten years.

Jesse came hard. The wave of release, emotional and physical, made him tremble and pull AJ’s hair. “We’re so lucky,” he said in the afterglow.

“What?” AJ pulled out his erection and straddled Jesse’s head.

Jesse sucked in his lover’s cock fully, knowing every curve and ridge and which ones trigged AJ’s climax. Teasing and tasting AJ for a moment, Jesse squeezed his sac and let go.

AJ’s strong hand dug into Jesse’s hair. Jesse groaned, sucking and fucking until AJ came deep in Jesse’s throat.

When AJ slid down Jesse’s body so they could kiss, Jesse smiled. “We’re lucky.” AJ kissed him harder. “Hell, yes.”

“So few people have what we do. Even if Renee says no, we’re still fine. We’ll get over it. Luckier than most.” Jesse didn’t want AJ to be disappointed. Renee had always been a girl with goals. Settling down might never be her thing.

“So we’re ready to find her and tell her?” AJ zipped Jesse’s fly.

Jesse returned the favor on AJ’s pants. “Sure.” AJ grabbed his phone and texted Renee to come and join them. They got a fast text back that she’d be right there. Lying back on the bed, they waited for her. Nothing was going to happen without her now.

AJ opened the door and Renee walked in and kicked off her heels before she sat on the bed like it was a slumber party. “You guys okay?”

“We’re good. AJ found out about our time before junior year. He was a bit shocked I was your first.” Jesse shrugged.

“Oh yeah. I got to be his first girl.” She rolled onto Jesse’s chest. “Didn’t hurt much and the first time weirdness was over with then. Of course, he went running to men. But apparently, he found his way back to liking me in bed.”

AJ stretched out next to them. “You’re the only girl he ever did.”

“Oh, that’s sweet. So you two don’t do this three-way thing with other girls?” She leaned over and kissed AJ then did the same to Jesse.

AJ ran a hand over her curves and took in the view of her pressed to Jesse. Clothed or not, the chemistry still crackled between them.

“No, just for you. It’s not just sex. It’s you.” AJ didn’t exactly know how to steer the conversation to the emotional side.

“You two are so sweet. I never would’ve imagined this weekend turning out so great.”

“You made the reunion wild. Our little group is now the talk of the reunion. I’ll bet it gets in the newsletter.” AJ pinched her firm ass playfully.

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