Renee's High School Reunion (5 page)

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“He’s not,” AJ said.

Frank dropped the empty bottle on the table. “You and Jesse? Damn, you must’ve been drunk. Steve drank hard, too. Remember when he passed out and we put makeup on him and took picture?”

The guys at the table laughed.

AJ appreciated Frank’s effort to let the facts slid. “I wasn’t drunk. Jesse and I have been together ever since.”

“So, you do have a wife,” Steve said then added, “Or are you the wife?” Internally, AJ felt sixteen again. Wanting to fit in and knowing he could, if he played by their rules and lied. Until he had a man worth breaking the rules for, he’d done just that and stayed popular. But not now. “You really want the details, Steve? I didn’t think you’d be so interested in the play-by-play.”

Steve held up his hands. “No thanks. But now we know why you loved football.

Showering with men, bending over for the snap, and all the workouts.”

“Never got it up for you, Steve,” AJ shot back.

Frank’s meaty hand hit the table. “Enough. Okay? We were a team; now, we’re all fucking adults. Act like it.”

The chatter stopped, but AJ felt the tension humming in the hair. Especially from Frank.

“Thanks,” AJ said.

Frank shrugged it off as the desserts arrived.

Knowing he’d only made things tense, AJ stood and put his napkin on the table. “I’m going to go and let you guys enjoy. Sorry if it was weird. I was going to tell you, my way.” He gave Steve a scolding glance and walked away.

“Don’t like cheesecake. Right? That’s beefcake you like,” Steve joked.

Back in high school, AJ would’ve punched Steve. He wanted to, but he’d never see these men after the reunion. There was no reason to bother. AJ kept walking away.

He didn’t want to be alone and needed Renee’s strong defiance and Jesse’s sympathy now. Walking up to Renee’s table, he leaned over her shoulder and asked her to meet him upstairs.

Then he went to Jesse’s table and did the same thing. Ignoring the jock table, AJ headed for the elevators. To his relief, Renee and Jesse both followed him right away. He couldn’t get through this without both of them.

* * * *

Jesse caught up with AJ and Renee was right behind him as AJ waited for an elevator.

“You okay? The cheesecake is good.” Renee asked.

“Steve outed me before I had a chance to get that far, and he started with the jokes. He found out from one of your photo friends.” They got on the elevator, just the three of them.

Jesse let the guilt sting. “Sorry. We keep in touch, but what’s a varsity jock chatting up a photo geek for? I’ll find out who blabbed.” He pressed AJ to the wall and felt some of the tension ease as Renee cuddled AJ, too.

“Don’t bother. It doesn’t matter who. It just didn’t go as planned. I’m not here for their approval.” AJ stepped back from the group when the doors opened.

Jesse headed for their room and unlocked the door. “You’re right. We came for Renee.

But it’s good to get it out. No secrets needed.” He flopped on the bed with Renee and watched AJ, still frowning and debating, pull off his shirt.

Coming out to the world was hard. Jesse had expected some hiccups. When AJ had told his family, there had been a big and noisy fight, his mom crying and his dad and brother freaked out. “It’s okay. It’s new. Like going back in time and changing what table you sat at, at least from their perspective. They’ll get over it; most of them will still be your friends.”

“That’s the weird part. I’ll never see most of them again. Who cares?”

“But what they think bugs you.” Renee shrugged. “That’s why I tried to prep you for it.

People don’t like change. So many people think I’m a flight attendant or just the co-pilot. A woman in charge still scares some narrow-minded people. Prove them wrong!”

“It’s so high school. Such bull.” AJ stretched out next to Renee on the bed.

“It’s life. People change and others adjust. Imagine what our gay friends will think if we keep Renee in our relationship deal.” Jesse rolled toward the lady in the middle.

“Our community is more open than those guys.” AJ rolled onto his side and rested his head on Renee’s shoulder.

“Naturally. My grandma is more open than some of those guys. Still there will be a reaction. Some will say you can’t make up your minds, gay or straight. Maybe we’re all sex maniacs? They might think you’re forcing Jesse into it.” Renee stroked AJ’s temple.

“We don’t have to.” AJ’s hand slid under Renee’s dress top and then reached for Jesse.

Renee sat up and pulled AJ’s hand away. “Sex isn’t always the answer. Sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

Jesse wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her arm. “Who are you, and what have you done with our girlfriend?”

AJ chuckled, and Renee leaned back on Jesse.

“Stop it! I’m not a total nympho. Two guys, who wouldn’t love that? But sex won’t fix the football team.”

“Maybe he needs the distraction to clear his head?” Jesse teased.

Chapter Five

A distraction was a good idea. Renee got off the bed and pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She shimmied out of the dress and revealed her completely naked form. “You think I can distract you guys?” She climbed on the bed and sprawled on her back between them.

Two men, two she trusted and loved. She hadn’t felt this safe or free in ten years.

Sometimes, it felt like a dream, but right now was very real.

AJ pulled her close. “If those jerks only knew how intense and fun my sex life is…” He kissed her hard, and Renee’s insides melted. Just sex? Could it ever be just sex with these two?

Renee kissed him back, more than a warm kiss; it scorched her mouth and smacked of sex. Her body trembled, and her skin tingled. AJ had been good in high school, but his techniques and endurance had improved tremendously. Jesse could only be called a lucky bastard. Now Renee felt doubly lucky. Great sex with two men she truly liked and care about was only slightly scary.

“If they knew about this, those jocks would freak.” Jesse kissed Renee’s neck.

The intimacy made it hard to breathe; she pulled back and switched to kiss Jesse on the mouth. But AJ didn’t back off, licking her neck and down to her shoulders, nipping at her flesh.

They wanted her. This wasn’t a ten-year-itch thing. She felt the attachment and wanted more.

Thankfully, she hadn’t skipped the reunion.

Jesse’s seductive mouth pulled her in, and she fitted her body to his, pressing him onto his back. AJ moved in behind her, his erection nestled between her cheeks. She had to distract herself, enjoy the sex and not get attached. They’d made no promises for the future. She didn’t want to get hurt. Slowly, Renee’s kissed Jesse’s neck.

“Those mean jocks, they can be such jerks. They put you in that box of being gay. But you’re still a football player. If they only know this, they’d feel different, especially when they realize how much it turns on a girl to see two hot guys together.” She ground her pussy to Jesse’s cock, and he lifted in return.

Renee had been moist during the lunch just thinking of the men and what fun this weekend had turned out to be. Watching them with their high school groups brought back all the memories of high school. They were more than stereotypes and school cliques. She wanted to be a part of what Jesse and AJ had, whatever it was.

AJ rubbed lube between her cheeks and Renee pushed back, eager for more as she heard the rustle of a condom packet. “Sure you guys want to share a girl?” Jesse laughed. “We’ve wanted you since we lost you. Friends can be more. We need you.

You’re a much better distraction to the issue anyway. We can’t resist you.” He ran a thumb over her clit, and Renee jolted in pleasure. Her pussy throbbed for more attention.

“If someone doesn’t fuck me soon, I might just go find those jocks and offer them a little fun.” Renee would never do it, especially since most of them were probably jerks and married.

But it’d get her men into action.

“Oh no, you’re all ours until we decide to let you go.” AJ entered her rear and kept up the sweet and steady pressure opening her until he was in to the hilt.

Groaning, she took a few deep breaths and squeezed his thick member. “One isn’t enough anymore. You spoiled me. I want both.”

“I think she’s addicted to the double. Pin her, Jesse.” AJ held still, staying buried deep.

Everything seemed still except for the throbbing of his cock and her pussy. “Please, you’re just being mean now. I need it.”

His hands gently rested on her hips then AJ nudged their bodies up slightly just as Jesse fitted to her cunt, fucking upward as AJ pulled out.

Renee moaned at the change. Her pussy was now stretched to perfection while AJ left her rear aching. “Together, please. I need all or nothing right now.” How often did a woman get this?

Love and hot sex with two men. It should be like this always, but Renee couldn’t think how it would work. She couldn’t think at all now!

Jesse’s strong hands massaged her lower back. “I think we can manage that.”

“Give her everything, and she’ll be bored tomorrow.” AJ kissed Jesse over Renee’s shoulder.

Her pussy contracted. “Oh God! I swear I’ll never be bored with you two. I could do this every day and want more. Please. Damn it, fuck each other through me. Rub each other hard. It’s so good!”

“She’s right.” AJ gave in and fucked her ass, grinding and angling against Jesse’s shaft.

The sensitive flesh pressed between the two cocks throbbed in a delicious tight pinch, but it just kept going. The men never stayed still. Both of them were filling her, shifting for the best contact. It kept Renee on the razor’s edge of a climax.

Her hands planted on either side of Jesse’s head, she wiggled her hips side-to-side and listened to AJ and Jesse’s groans. They got her off so well, and she wanted to make them come hard again and again. Would they want her or get tired of her?

AJ grabbed her shoulder and held her tight. “You want to make us come or just you?”

“All,” she admitted. “I can’t wait. I want to hear you get off. Feel it.”

“Don’t wait. Come for us.” Jesse’s fingers teased around her clit.

Renee began to tremble. “Please.”

“Make her come; she’s whining now.” AJ pinched her ass.

Jesse’s gentle touch changed to a rapid tapping back and forth on her nub.

“More!” She pressed her chest to Jesse and buried her face in his neck as her lungs emptied, screaming their names in raw ecstasy.

AJ and Jesse continued, working her body until first Jesse came then AJ, both deep inside her, rubbing their cocks together with her in the middle. She shuddered, squeezing them inside her as her body pulsed—enjoying the attention. It was unlike any other sexual encounter she’d had. Renee let her guard down with them. Hell, she’d said
. She never said that to men.

“Did we perform to your satisfaction, Captain?” AJ asked.

Renee moaned. All of her female parts ached with satisfaction. “Yes, you can let me go. I won’t run. I just need to breathe.” Part of her wanted to stay tight between them, but her legs would cramp up soon.

As they eased from her, a loud knock on the door startled them.

“Hey, Siegfried and Roy. Quit disturbing the floor with your kinky shit packing.”

“Damn,” AJ said. “It’s Steve.”

“That jerk?” Renee remember him. The one guy on the football team who could cause trouble and get decent guys to be cruel. No! No one would mess with her men and get away with it.

“How’d he our room number?” Jesse asked.

AJ shrugged. “Could’ve followed us or Renee. Could’ve asked someone we know. We weren’t exactly keeping it a secret earlier with your photo buddies.” Another round of pounding on the door. “Come on. Let’s see you guys. If you’re not screwing, no reason for the delay.”

Renee rolled her eyes at Steve’s stupidity. Two men could screw with their clothes on.

Open the fly and blow jobs were easy. Pull down the jeans at most. Girls had all the underwear and panty hose. She got off the bed and walked naked to the door. The fury at jerks hurting her guys wasn’t something Renee could just let go.

“What are you doing?” AJ asked.

“Renee, just ignore him.” Jesse propped himself up on his elbows.

She had no doubt that Jesse didn’t care about Steve. He would have given AJ minor abuse in high school for his sexuality if AJ had been out. A little name-calling was easily ignored. But, Renee saw the shame on AJ’s face—shame fueled by Steve. AJ obviously wanted to protect Jesse from this. AJ liked to protect people, but he had to face the ugly facts of life someday.

Renee glanced through the peephole. Steve was there, but no kids or other people were visible in the hall. After unlocking the door, she swung it open and stood there, hand on hip and grinning with all the sexual satisfaction running through her body. “Hey Steve, can you keep it down? We’re pretty busy here. I don’t like to be interrupted.” All the color drained from Steve’s face, and his jaw went slack. After a few blinks of his bugged out eyes, he still hadn’t said a word.

“Geez, don’t faint, Steve. It’s just great sex. You probably haven’t had any in years, but that’s the boring traditional route. See you at the reunion tonight.” She closed the door and locked it.

“What the hell did you just do?” AJ’s face was deep red.

“It serves him right.” Jesse eased back into the pillows. “That guy always thought he could outdo, out-gross, and outscore anyone. Football, food and girls. Hell. I heard about it, and that wasn’t my crowd at all.”

Renee still saw unease in AJ. “Relax, AJ. I wanted to show those guys we’re all in it together. You’re not alone. Besides, Steve’s into girls. He stared at my rack the whole time.”

“Who wouldn’t?” Jesse crooked a finger to draw her back to bed.

* * * *

A nap later, Jesse woke to find Renee cuddled between him and AJ. A perfect fit. She still cared about both of them and it showed. Part of Jesse wished they’d admitted their feelings up front, but ten years could change things. They all deserved to see if it would work before going after anything more.

It made sense, but the feelings weren’t going to be denied. Renee wasn’t one to tell people how she felt. She kept her emotions hidden a lot of the time. But he’d seen her attachments to them grow. The affection slipped out.

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