Render Unto Rome (67 page)

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Authors: Jason Berry

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Edward M. Miggins and Mary Morgenthaler, “The Ethnic Mosaic,” in
The Birth of Modern Cleveland, 1865–1930
, ed. Thomas F. Campbell and Edward M. Miggins (Cleveland, 1988), p. 127.
Miller and Wheeler,
Cleveland: A Concise History
, p. 85.
Michael J. McTighe, “Babel and Babylon on the Cuyahoga,” in
The Birth of Modern Cleveland
, p. 248.
Merit Brief, Court of Appeals, Third Appellate District, Seneca County, Ohio, case no. 13-08-19,
Kansas St. James Parish of Ohio, Inc., Jim and Virginia Hull v. The Catholic Diocese of Toledo in America, Bishop Leonard P. Blair
, July 14, 2008. See also
Mannix, Assignee v. Purcell, et al., 46 Ohio St
. 102 (1988).
Mary J. Oates,
The Catholic Philanthropic Tradition in America
(Bloomington, IN, 1995), p. 100.
Diocese of Cleveland, Department of Communication,
The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Factsheet
. The one-page document cites 2002 U.S. Census estimates. See also Thomas Kelly, “Who Owns Cleveland,”
Cleveland Free Times
, March 10, 2004.
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, “The Moral Implications of Regional Sprawl: The Cleveland Catholic Diocese’s Church in the City Vision Process,” a speech given at the City Club of Cleveland, June 17, 1996,
Diego Ribadeneira, “Bishop Discusses Woes in Church,”
Boston Globe
, November 12, 1996.
Christine Schenk, CSJ, “Faith in the Wasteland,” unpublished autobiographical essay.
John and Mary Evelyn Grim, “Teilhard de Chardin: A Short Biography,” American Teilhard Association,
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
The Divine Milieu
(New York, 1968), p. 148.
Gustavo Gutiérrez,
A Theology of Liberation
(Maryknoll, NY, 1973), p. 205.
Schenk, “Faith in the Wasteland.”
Tim Weiner,
Legacy of Ashes
(New York, 2007), p. 180.
Thomas Vail, William J. Woestendiek, and Thomas H. Greer, “The Parish Must Be Told the Truth, Bishop Pilla,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, March 15, 1987.
Jason Berry,
Lead Us Not into Temptation
(New York, 1992), p. 231.
Vail, Woestendiek, and Greer, “The Parish Must Be Told the Truth.”
James F. McCarty, “The Churchman at Scandal’s Heart,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, July 21, 2002.
Lead Us Not into Temptation
, p. 287.
The entire text by the Reverend Thomas P. Doyle, F. Ray Mouton, and Dr. Michael Peterson,
The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy: Meeting the Problem in a Comprehensive and Responsible Manner
(May 15, 1985), is reprinted as chapter 4 in Thomas P. Doyle, A. W. R. Sipe, and Patrick J. Wall,
Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2,000-Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse
(Los Angeles, 2006). In the original text, Mouton reported that one diocese (Lafayette, Louisiana) had seen $5 million in settlements and faced $100 million in claims; though he did not delineate how much of the settlements had been covered by insurance policies, the document addressed insurance issues. The manual guided its original readership of bishops through a series of questions about complex issues in the civil and criminal proceedings (pp. 112–13).
Lead Us Not into Temptation
, pp. 236–37.
John Tidyman, “God-1, Newspaper Guild-0,”
Cleveland Edition
, May 26, 1988.
Jason Berry, “Immunity: A Haven for Sensitive Files, Too?”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, June 17, 1990. See also Berry,
Lead Us Not into Temptation
, p. 290.
On Quinn, see James F. McCarty, “The Churchman at Scandal’s Heart,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, July 21, 2002. On Berthiaume, see James F. McCarty and David Briggs, “Diocese Confronted Clergy Abuse in 1987,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, March 10, 2002; Bishop Joseph Imesch, correspondence with the author.
Elizabeth Auster, “Rape Victims, Loved Ones Don’t Get Released Early,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, May 23, 1996. The television interview was a CBS report in which Ed Bradley was the correspondent. See David Kohn,
60 Minutes
, “The Church on Trial, Part II,” July 12, 2002.
CARA (Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University), “Understanding the Ministry and Experience: Parish Life Coordinators in the United States,” Special Report, Summer 2005.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons,” Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, October 1, 1986,
. For a trenchant account on the impact of a gay culture in religious life, see Michael S. Rose,
Goodbye! Good Men: How Catholic Seminaries Turned Away Two Generations of Vocations from the Priesthood
(Cincinnati, 2002). As an alternative, see Mark D. Jordan,
The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism
(Chicago, 2000).
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza,
In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins
(New York, 1984), pp. 170–71. For this note and the one that follows I have drawn upon Sister Christine Schenk’s thesis synopsis and bibliographical list. The citations are of my own choosing.
Karen Jo Torjesen,
When Women Were Priests
(San Francisco, 1993), pp. 32–33.
John Paul II,
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
, Apostolic Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone, May 22, 1994,
Doyle, Sipe, and Wall,
Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes
, p. 11.
Data from the Austrian church are from the office in Vienna of Cardinal Cristoph Schönborn, courtesy of
The Tablet
correspondent Christa Pongratz-Lippitt, in correspondence with the author.
“Responsum ad Dubium,” Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, October 28, 1995, publicly released November 18, 1995,
Nicholas Lash, “On Not Inventing Doctrine,”
The Tablet
, December 2, 1995.
Joan Chittister, “Can’t Suppress Spirit,”
National Catholic Reporter
, December 8, 1995.
David Gibson,
The Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict XVI and His Battle with the Modern World
(San Francisco, 2006), p. 214.
Jerry Filteau, “Bishop Calls Bishop-People Dialogue Key to Church’s Future,” Catholic News Service, October 31, 1995.
David Eden, “The Bishop’s Lawyer: A Question of Faith,”
Cleveland Free Times
, December 24, 2003.
McCarty and Briggs, “Diocese Confronted Clergy Abuse.”
WJW TV, 10 p.m. news, interview with the Kodger family, May 17, 2002.
Testimony of Stephen Sozio, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, case no. 1:06-CR-00394,
U.S. v. Joseph Smith, et al.
, cross-examination by Philip Kushner, June 10, 2008. After much prodding, Sozio said the Jones Day partner who engaged the diocese had a $650-an-hour fee that was reduced to $250 to $280 because the church was a nonprofit.
James F. McCarty, “Bishop Pilla Walks Tightrope in Priest Sex Abuse Scandal,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, May 5, 2002.
Kohn, “The Church on Trial, Part II.”
James F. McCarty and Joel Rutchick, “Catholic Charities Seeks Pledge from Pilla,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, August 2, 2002.
John Maimone, “Current Financial Concerns of the Diocese of Cleveland: Parish Pastoral Council Chair Persons Gathering,” April 28, 2007. According to Joseph Smith, the 2006 figures cited by Maimone, who delivered his white paper as the diocesan CFO, were not appreciably different from those in 2002, as referenced in the
Plain Dealer
coverage by McCarty and Rutchick.
Jason Berry and Gerald Renner,
Vows of Silence: The Abuse of Power in the Papacy of John Paul II
(New York, 2004), p. 286.
The account is based on Liturgy of Lament, which can be accessed at
. I have tightened certain passages for narrative pacing, with permission of the homilist. See also David Briggs, “Lament for Christ’s Broken Body,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, October 15, 2002.
James F. McCarty, “Seven Indicted in Diocesan Sex Cases,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, December 5, 2002.
Laurie Goodstein, “Diocese Resists Releasing Names of Accused Priests,”
New York Times
, February 28, 2003.
Prosecutor’s Merit Brief, Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Special Docket no. SD 03 075617, Judge Brian J. Corrigan,
In Re: Grand Jury Investigation
, October 2003.
James F. McCarty, “Budget Woes Could Force Cutbacks, Pilla Warns,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, March 5, 2003.
Merit Brief of Petition-Intervenor New World Communications of Ohio, Inc., on Behalf of Its Television Station, WJW-Fox 8, Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Special Docket no. SD 03 075617, Judge Brian J. Corrigan,
In Re: Grand Jury Investigation
, August 24, 2003.
Information on Zrino Jukic is taken from the transcript of his trial testimony under cross-examination by defense attorney Philip Kushner in
U.S. v. Joseph Smith
, and his testimony in U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, case no. 1:06CR394-02,
U.S. v. Anton Zgoznik
. Kushner provided copies of the transcripts.
Bill of Particulars, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, case no. 1:06-CR-00394-AA,
U.S. v. Joseph H. Smith and Anton Zgoznik
, exhibit C, The Letter.
Government’s Responses to Defendant Smith’s Motion to Order Production of Documents and Additional Scheduling Motions,
U.S. v. Joseph Smith, et al.
, March 2, 2007, exhibit G, Charles D. Hassell letter to Carl M. Grant, May 3, 2004.
Ibid., General Allegations.
Dennis Mahoney, “Clevelanders Sue Columbus Diocese’s Financial Chief,”
Columbus Dispatch
, June 5, 2005.
Opinion and Judgment Entry, Judge Brian J. Corrigan, Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, case no. 03 SD 075617,
In Re Grand Jury Investigation
, February 27, 2004, p. 10. The Ohio Supreme Court refused to grant a hearing on the federal vs. state disparities on grand jury secrecy as requested by the station attorneys, McMenamin and Zirm. See Original Action for Writ of Mandamus, case no. 04-1646,
State of Ohio, Ex Rel. New World Communication of Ohio, Inc. Relator, v. William D. Mason, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, Respondent
, September 29, 2004.
“Perspectives: John Jay Sex Abuse Report,” episode 726,
Religion & Ethics Weekly
, PBS, February 27, 2004.
David Eden, “City Chatter: Bishop Pilla Lied About Number of Accused Priests He Transferred, Former Lawyer Charges,”
Cleveland Free Times
, March 3, 2004.
“Bishop Reaffirms Commitment to Protect Children,”
, February 27, 2004.
Regina Brett, “Diocese Lawyers Got Court to Seal Data,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, March 7, 2004.
James F. McCarty, “Catholic Reformers Contest New Edict,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, April 26, 2004.
Tom Roberts, “A Map to the Future Church,”
National Catholic Reporter
, July 16, 2009.
Dennis Mahoney, “Clevelanders Sue Columbus Diocese’s Financial Chief,”
Columbus Dispatch
, June 5, 2005.
James F. McCarty, “Diocese Ex-CFO to Get Same Job in Columbus,”
Cleveland Plain Dealer
, August 20, 2004.

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