Reign or Shine (17 page)

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Authors: Michelle Rowen

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Reign or Shine
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looked like a very shal ow freestanding sink. She stared down into the water as if mesmerized by what she saw there.

"What is she doing?" I whispered to Michael.

Elizabeth raised her head and looked directly at me. Her eyes were demon red, but then faded quickly to a hazel that matched my own. She smiled warmly at me.

"This is my gazer," she said. "I can use it as a communication device as long as whoever I'm trying to contact also has one."

"Like a two-way videophone?"

Her smile widened. "Yes, I'm sure it's very much like that."

She moved away from the basin so I could see that she wore a red dress with long, draping sleeves and gold flowers embroidered at the edges. It was low cut and the material split at the waist to show a black skirt beneath. Her blonde hair was in one thick braid that draped over her left shoulder. She stil

wore the smal blue bottle of perfume from her boyfriend around her neck on a thin gold chain.

"Nikki," she said. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again. I'm so glad Michael has brought you back to see me."

"I'm glad to see you, too."

She approached me to give me a hug and then leaned back to look at me. "Although I'm worried. This means you haven't drunk your potion yet?"

"That's right."

Her forehead furrowed. "What does this mean?"

"It means that I wanted to see you again. And I want to


see my father before . . . before it's too late." I glanced at Michael, who had slunk back into the shadows at the side of the room and seemed to be studying the floor. "I heard him a minute ago."

"He's gotten much worse, I'm afraid."

"Michael told me there are only hours left. Do you real y think so?"

She reached out to squeeze my hand. "It must be terrible for you. To find your father after al this time and then to have him taken from you in such a tragic


My throat thickened. "It

"I think it's good that you've returned. We must cherish the short time we'l have together. I'l take you to see him if you like."

"As soon as possible."

"Of course." She nodded. "Nikki . . . did you happen to bring the potion with you or did you leave it at your home?"

"I have the bottle here." I unzipped my purse and pul ed it out to show her. Then, instead of putting it back, I slid the chain over my head and let it drop to

my chest.

"Did Desmond tel you that's al the potion there is?" she asked. "Such a smal amount for such an important task. It's crucial that you keep it safe."

"He mentioned something like that." I traced my fingertip over the cool vial fil ed with red liquid, her words making me very nervous.
All there is.
"But can

more be made if necessary?"

"Yes. It's possible, but difficult and time consuming."


She smiled. "It helps the potion makers to command a high price in return for their skil s. Supply and demand."

"Can I ask you a hypothetical question that I've been wondering about?" I asked. "Of course."

"Okay, so let's say somebody drinks a potion, but then something bad happens and they change their mind. Could it be reversed? Is there, like,
another potion they could take to cancel out the effects?"

She looked at me with confusion. "Why would that be something you're concerned with?"

"I don't know." I crossed my arms, the whole situation making every muscle in my body tense. "I've been working out al sorts of ideas. I was thinking earlier, what if I drank the potion, waited long enough for you to become queen, and then, if there's a reversal potion, I could drink that so I could remember everything?" I stopped talking and chewed my bottom lip nervously.

"Oh, Nikki." She touched my face. "That is a very clever idea. Yes, the Underworld potion makers always create an anti-potion for everything. It's a by

product of the potion itself and a very good fail-safe--after al , one can never be too careful when it comes to magical brews."

"It's like an antidote?"

"Yes. But I don't think it'l work," Elizabeth continued. "I'd love for you to keep your memories. I'd love to get to know you and have you visit me once I'm unable to leave the castle. But I'm worried it won't work as wel as you think it wil ."


"Why not?" I asked. I'd already assumed that particular idea of mine might not work, but I was stil disappointed it was getting shot down so quickly by my


"Along with your memories come the problems we had to begin with. The deadly instability of your Darkling status, for one. I've already told you of the

poor creatures in the past who've died from harnessing their powers. And also, there is no guarantee that once you drink the anti-potion, the power of the kingdom won't then shift to you, when it realizes that you are again half demon. Your safety is my first concern."

I touched the vial at the end of my chain. "I appreciate that. But maybe I'm different. It's been a long time since the last Darkling."

"Perhaps. But it's too dangerous to take that risk," she said. "You real y must drink the potion now."

"I need to see my father first."

She squeezed my hand. "I'l take you when I check in on him shortly. He's sent al of the servants away, now. He doesn't want anyone to see him as he is,

but I'm sure he'l make an exception for you."

I swal owed hard, relieved that she didn't want to keep arguing with me about the potion or seeing my father in his current condition. "Thank you."

I wanted to tel her about turning Darkling and being okay, but I decided to listen to Michael. Not yet. She would be more worried than she already was.

I glanced over at her gazer. "Who were you talking to before I got here?"


"My boyfriend. Or rather"--she frowned--"I was
to speak with him, but I couldn't seem to make contact."

"You mentioned him yesterday," I said. "Who is he?" Maybe it was none of my business, but I was curious. My aunt was stil a complete mystery to me. She was beau-tiful and kind and concerned for my wel

being even though she hadn't known I existed until just the other day. She was wil ing to sacrifice her freedom to become queen here in this empty castle. It

seemed like a huge sacrifice to me.

"He's one of the princes of the Underworld--the opposite side to where we are now. His name is Kieran." She smiled then. "He's wonderful, real y.

So very

handsome. I would have loved for you to meet him."

That's where my father had said there were dragons. I stil couldn't believe al of these other worlds existed alongside mine and I'd never had any idea.

"I lived there for several years until recently. I wanted to spend more time with Desmond so I returned here. I knew my brother was very lonely."

I thought of how isolated my father must have been over the years. "Was there ever a queen? Did my father ever fal in love with anyone else?"

She shook her head. "Desmond has been devoted to the Shadowlands and protecting the human and faery realms. I suggested that a queen could be

found for him, but he refused." She sighed. "I'm afraid he never moved on after your mother."

"He thought she was dead. Al of those years."

"He loved her very much." She glanced at her gazer.


"Like I love Kieran. I miss him already. I hope that he'l come to visit me very soon."

"So he'l be able to come here?" I asked. "I know my father said that other demons can't enter the Shadowlands."

"They can't," she said. "Not without the king's permission. Or with
permission soon, I suppose. I wil make an exception for Kieran, of course."

"Of course."

"Do you have a boyfriend, Nikki?"

That was a question I didn't real y know how to answer. A couple days ago I would have said it was Chris, and that I was so happy about it, but now everything had changed. Drastical y.

I forced myself not to glance at Michael, who stood silently behind me, but I could feel him looking at me.

::Wel , Princess? Are you going to answer her question?::

I was glad he didn't use that ability of his too much. It was very distracting.

What do you think 1 should tell her?
I projected back to him telepathical y.

::Whatever you wish.::

I shifted my weight to my right bare foot. "There's somebody I'm interested in . . . but it's kind of complicated."

Her lips stretched into a smal grin. "Love is always complicated, Nikki. What is this somebody like?"

Tall, dark, totally hot, and standing right behind me,
I thought. However, I didn't send that particular thought to Michael.

Instead, I shrugged. "He's real y cute, even though he


tries to hide it. He can be annoying and stubborn but that's just part of his charm. He's protective and sweet and an amazing kisser, and when I'm around him I don't want to be anywhere else."

She looked very impressed by my description. "He sounds perfect to me."

"The thing is," I continued, "I'm not total y sure how he feels about me. Sometimes I get the feeling that he wants me to forget him, like, maybe his life would be easier if I wasn't in it. And then other times I feel like he thinks he's not good enough for me because we're real y different in a lot of ways.

The guy is a serious mystery."

"Wel , that's
perfect." Elizabeth took my hands in hers. "Nikki, dear, don't let anyone hold you back from getting what you want. Sometimes you have to trust your heart. Trust what that little voice inside is trying to tel you, even if it seems crazy."

I let out a shaky breath. "It's hard to do that."

"I know it is. But that's my philosophy, and I've held on to it, no matter what difficult choices I've had to make."

"That's great."

She smiled. "Love is the most important thing in the universe. Like how I love Kieran and how I love my brother. Desmond should have lived for many more

years to rule the Shadowlands, but when he asked me to take over for him, I knew I'd never turn my back on such an important duty. Even if it means sacrificing many things. I wil make sure I'm a very good queen--for my brother's sake."

My eyes wel ed with tears. "You'l make a great queen."


She stroked my arm. "We should go see your father now."

I nodded. "Okay."

She glanced at Michael. "Would you please go to Desmond's side and inform him that his daughter wishes to see him one last time?"

"Of course," Michael said.

::Wil you be al right, Princess?::

Yeah, I'll be fine,
I thought.

There was a hesitation. ::I
want you to forget me. I just wish there was another way this could work out.:: Our eyes met and held for a long moment, then he turned and left the room.

Chapter 16

After Michael left, Elizabeth looked at me with concern as my eyes fil ed up with tears again. I didn't think I'd cried so much in my entire life as I had over the last two days. "Oh, Nikki, my dear. So much stress at such a young age. Is it too much for you?"

"I'l be fine," I said shakily as I twisted my bracelet.

Elizabeth looked down at it. "That's very beautiful."

I looked down at it, too. "My father gave it to me. It's a dragon's tear. He told me it would help focus my Darkling powers."

"A dragon's tear? He told you that?" I nodded.

Her expression grew tense. "I'm sorry, Nikki. The pain he is feeling must be making him delusional. There are no dragons--they are only a myth."

She looked thoughtful. "Our father used to tel us stories about dragons when we were young so perhaps that's what Desmond is remember' ing. It's a lovely

bracelet, but that's al it is."

I studied the delicate chain and teardrop crystal and felt a stab of disappointment. "Real y?"


"I'm afraid so." She walked to the entrance of the room. "Now I must go get some fresh water for Desmond. It's al he's been able to consume for days. No

wonder he's so weak." She shook her head sadly. "I'l return to bring you to his room. Please wait here for me."

She left and I was al alone. I crossed my arms and tried to relax but found that it was impossible. So instead I began to pace back and forth across the

cool stone floor.

I couldn't believe that nothing could be done for my father. This was the best he could ask for? Being stuck in this dreary castle as the last hours of his life

ticked by? What about doctors? Or hospitals? But I supposed those were out of the question anyway, since he couldn't leave. I stil couldn't fathom being

trapped inside this place for al those years. Alone. At least he had Elizabeth to keep him company in these dark days.

I heard something then.

"Elizabeth?" an unfamiliar voice said. I looked around the room but there was no one there.

I heard it again. A deep voice cal ing out for my aunt. I walked toward the gazer and looked down at the shal ow black water. I gasped when I saw a face

looking up at me. The image of a man appeared on the surface of the water. It rippled when I clutched the sides of the basin.

He raised an eyebrow. "You're not Elizabeth."

I swal owed hard. "No."

"Who are you?"

"I'm ... I'm Nikki."

Both of his dark eyebrows went up at that. "Ah,
Princess Nikki.
I've heard a great deal about you. It's a pleasure to meet you, even if it's not in person. My name is Kieran."

It was Elizabeth's boyfriend--the demon prince from the Underworld, though he was definitely in human form. He looked a lot like the male model on the front of my mom's vampire romance book--dark hair, cool blue eyes, and strongly handsome features. He was so acutely good-looking that it seemed

vaguely artificial, as if he were made of plastic--his eyes were so ice-blue that they gave me an immediate chil . His too-ful lips curled to one side as he

gazed up at me.

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