Redemption (Forgiven Series) (26 page)

Read Redemption (Forgiven Series) Online

Authors: Rebecca Brooke

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Redemption (Forgiven Series)
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“Oh God,” she cried out, her hands tightening in the sheets.

A few strokes later and I got the release I’d needed since the restaurant. “Lauren,” I called out, letting all of the stress of the afternoon go.

Every ounce of strength had been sucked from my body and I dropped down onto Lauren’s back, unable to hold my own weight on my arms. Her skin was slick with sweat and I felt her shudder beneath me as I tried to catch my breath.

After my breathing returned to normal, I stood up and went to throw the condom in the trash. When I came back, Lauren had moved to the middle of the bed and pulled the sheet up to cover her beautiful body. Lifting the sheet, I crawled in and pulled her into my arms. Her hand lightly caressed my abdomen, stirring feelings of desire in me again but I sensed her exhaustion from the day and was content to just hold her in my arms.

Lying there in the silence, it was the first time I’d had to really think about my feelings for Lauren. Caught up in everything that had happened, I realized that I hadn’t told her how felt.

Leaning down, I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Her chin tilted up and I caught sight of those dazzling eyes, but it was hard to focus on her eyes with her delicious lips only inches from mine. I couldn’t resist their invitation. I touched my lips to hers. This kiss wasn’t the ravenous, all-consuming kiss of earlier, but one that was filled with emotion I wasn’t sure how to verbalize. What seemed like hours later, her lips pulled away from mine and the words that she spoke shook me to my core.

“I love you,” she breathed.

Immediately her eyes opened wide, then quickly closed again, and a beautiful blush spread all across her body. Using all of her strength, she tried to pull away but I held on tight. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but it wasn’t something I was going to do with her eyes closed.

She writhed against me, struggling to get loose. “Josh, please, let me go,” she begged.

Instead, I rolled her to her back and covered her body with mine. She threw her arm over her eyes and turned her face away from me. Not willing to let her withdraw from me I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger and guided her face back to mine. “Lauren, open your eyes and look at me.” When she didn’t answer I continued. “Please?” Unsure if it was the “please,” or the sound of desperation in my voice, but I couldn’t have been happier when she sighed and moved her arm away, slowly opening those beautiful hazel eyes and blinking rapidly to focus.

When I was sure she was looking, even if it was in muted misery, I told her what I’d been longing to say since that moment at the park today.

“I love you, too.”

Her eyes widened again, searching mine as if they were trying to see into my soul. “You do?” she asked, almost hesitantly.

Without hesitation I kissed her, putting all of the love I felt for her into it. “Yes, I do,” I said against her lips. Slightly hurt at her shock, I had to ask, “Why are you surprised by that?”

“I thought… I thought that wasn’t something I would ever hear out of your mouth,” she admitted, looking at something over my shoulder—something she did whenever she was nervous.

“Lauren, look at me,” I demanded. “Is that why you got so embarrassed when you said it to me a few minutes ago? Or did you not really mean to say it?” I asked, bracing myself for the answer I didn’t want to hear.

“Of course I meant it, why would you think I didn’t? I was embarrassed by the fact that I’d said it because I didn’t know how you would react.” Once again, she tried to push me away but I grabbed her hands and pinned them up next to her head to stop her.

She’d thought she’d never hear that from me? As pissed as I was, I knew being angry was not going to help this situation. How many times had I seen anger get the best of someone, only for it to blow up in their face? I also had to keep in mind that Lauren had nothing to go on. I’d never been in this position before, so how was she supposed to know what to expect from me?

I let my lips briefly touch hers. “If you promise to stop fighting me, I’ll let your hands go.” When she nodded, I let go of her hands and brought one of my own up to cup her cheek, using my thumb to caress her soft skin.

“I told you from the beginning that there has never been anyone like you for me. You are different from anyone else… and I love you.”

Watching me intently, she seemed to finally let what I was saying to her sink in because the corners of her mouth turned up into the most gorgeous smile.

“I love you, too.”

I slanted my lips over her in a sweet kiss that helped me to make another decision. Ending the kiss, I pulled away to ask her to do something I’d never asked any girl before her to do. “I want you to come with me on Saturday to meet my mom.”


“Really. I’ve already met your dad—”

“Yeah, and that went over real well.”

She rolled her eyes and I covered her lips with my finger. “I wasn’t finished. I already met your dad, but I’d also like to meet your mom, so I figure it’s only fair if you get to meet my mom first.”

“You want to meet my mom?” she asked. “Don’t guys usually avoid that at all costs?”

“Ahh, just like you are different from other girls, I’m different from other guys,” I reminded her. “Besides, how else am I gonna know what you’ll look like when you get older.”

What the hell was I talking about getting older with her?
Damn, I really had lost my mind over this girl.

She smacked me on the arm. “I will always be gorgeous,” she joked.

I let my eyes move down her body in appreciation. “Yes, yes you will be.”

After a few moments of silence she answered me. “Okay, I’d love to meet your mom.”

Letting go of the breath I hadn’t realize that I’d been holding, I took a nice deep one, released of the stress that had been building since she said ‘I love you’. “What time do you have practice on Saturday?’

She groaned. “Early.” Lauren was definitely not a morning person.

“Okay, so how about you get a ride to practice and I’ll pick you up from there?” I offered.

“I like that,” she murmured taking little nibbles at the underside of my jaw.

“That’ll give us enough time to visit…” I stopped to catch my breath her mouth was doing wicked things to my body. “And still make it back in time to go out for Nick’s birthday,” I panted out. The feel of her teeth against my skin made me quickly lose control.

“Lauren,” I moaned.

She pushed her hands into my hair and we started all over again, this time letting everything go.



Standing in the parking lot, I waited for Lauren to get finished practice. She’d gotten a lift to practice because I’d dropped her off the night before and held on to her car so that I could pick her up and drive her to my mom’s.

I had to admit I was nervous as hell. I’d never introduced a girlfriend to my mom before, but then again, I’d never had one until Lauren. Not even in high school. Mom usually avoided the subject because I think she knew she wouldn’t like the answer.

The pacing started as soon as I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. I knew I was early, but I’d been driving Caleb and Angie crazy with my nervous energy. Looking at my watch, I counted down the time until Lauren would be finished, getting more and more freaked out by the second.

Hearing her giggle across the parking lot, I stopped in my tracks and waited for her. With her was the tall blonde girl I’d seen at the games, behind the plate, catching for Lauren.

Watching her walk towards me with the sexy sway of her hips, that she was completely unaware of, my thoughts turned to the idea of being between those hips. Shaking my head, I tried to get my thoughts under control.

“Hey, Josh, I wanted you to meet my catcher, Kendra,” she said, gesturing toward the blonde next to her.

Kendra reached out her hand to me. “Nice to meet you,” she smiled. “Had to say, I was impressed someone could tame the infamous Josh Walker, but if anyone could do it, Lauren could,” she said, gesturing in Lauren’s direction.

Shit. Had she really just called me the “infamous Josh Walker” in front of my girlfriend? Holy hell, was I ever going to live that reputation down? I didn’t really care what people thought about me, but I didn’t want it constantly thrown in Lauren’s face either.

“Kendra,” Lauren admonished, her face turning red. I couldn’t blame her, I’d be embarrassed too if I had to keep listening to people tell me what a manwhore my boyfriend used to be.

“What?” Kendra shrugged. “I’m just telling the truth.”

Irreverent as she may be, she was Lauren’s friend and I trusted her judgment. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

Lauren shook her head and took a step forward to stand beside me. She looked up at me, her eyes pleading with me to forgive her for her friend’s comments.

“I can see why she likes you as much as she does,” Kendra said as she appraised me with her eyes, making me feel a little uncomfortable. In a split-second her whole demeanor changed, and she pointed her index finger at me, almost poking me in the chest. “And you better not hurt her, if you know what’s good for you.”

Wow, what the hell? Part of me wanted to laugh but I knew that wasn’t the way to treat Lauren’s friends. So, I made the same promise I’d made to Emily over a month before. Pulling Lauren to my side I vowed, “I’d never do anything to hurt, Jersey.” Looking down with a smile on my face, I noticed her eyes were filled with relief that I hadn’t gotten mad with her friend’s, somewhat, outrageous behavior.

“Alright, Kendra, now that you’ve checked him out and threatened him, do you think we can get going? We have a long drive,” Lauren asked.

Kendra’s eyes blinked and back was the smiling friendly girl. Damn, she reminded me a little of Emily. Good to know. “Sure,” she smiled. “You guys have fun!” And that quick, Kendra turned and started toward her car.

Lauren’s arms tighten around me. “I am so sorry,” she giggled. “I had no idea she’s was going to do that. She’s usually pretty normal.”

“It’s fine. It actually took my mind off things for a few minutes,” I said, kissing the top of her head.

“Don’t tell me you’re nervous about going to your mom’s?” she asked, looking up into my eyes.


“You are,” she said, cutting me off. “Isn’t it me who’s supposed to be nervous?”

“Alright, I’m nervous,” I admitted. “I’ve never brought a girl home before.”

“Never?” She blinked rapidly in shock.

I sighed. “Not even in high school. This is a first for me.”

She reached down and entwined our fingers. “I will be on my best behavior and as long as she doesn’t hate me, everything will be fine.”

I laughed. “Really? That’s your way of trying to make me feel better?” At least she had me laughing.

“If she doesn’t hate you,” I repeated, shaking my head. “Actually, that’s the least of my worries. There is no way she is going to hate you. I’m worried that I’m about to give her a heart attack.”

Lauren’s whole body froze. “Josh, please tell me that you told her I was coming with you today.”

I hadn’t told her. I’d really wanted to surprise her, but now I was starting to rethink the wisdom of that decision. “Um… actually I didn’t tell her.” I cringed knowing that Lauren was going to freak out.

“And you thought that was a
idea?” she asked in disbelief.

“Well, I did at the time.”

“Seriously, Josh, what were you thinking?” She took a step back, out of my arms. Shit, I’d really messed this up. She took a deep breath. “Look, why don’t you take me home and then go see your mom. We can go together next weekend after you’ve told her about me.”

“Jersey,” I pleaded. “Please come with me. Everything’s going to be fine.”

She put her hands up and shook her head. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

I reached out and grabbed one her hands, pulling her back into my arms and, using my finger, I tilted her chin up to face me. I touched my lips to hers, kissing her with all the love I felt for her. “Jersey,” I whispered against her lips. “I love you, please come with me.”

She sighed. “You sure do know how to convince a girl to do what you want, don’t you?” Her eyes opened to mine. “All right, but if your mom freaks out, you are so taking the blame for not calling her.”

“Deal,” I smiled. Taking her hand, I moved to the passenger side of the car to open the door before she had the chance to change her mind.

Once we both buckled in, I leaned over and kissed her again. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she said with a smile.

Starting the car, I pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic, trying to push down my nerves. If I didn’t want Lauren to freak out then I had to at least try and keep my cool.

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