Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four (29 page)

Read Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four Online

Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four
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I can’t stop laughing. I’m bent over in the middle of the sidewalk, cackling like a fucking loon. Tears are streaming down my face. Amber and Holly look at me like I just broke out of the nut house and still have the straight jacket on. After a couple minutes, I get myself under control. Holy hell, I needed that. It’s like one of the many weights on my shoulder has been lifted. I wipe away the tears and we walk into the doctor’s office.

After signing in, I sit between Holly and Amber. When I see all the couples in the waiting room, my mood takes a turn south again. I really think I’ve fucked everything up.

“Ms. Amell,” the nurse calls from the door. I stand and turn, giving the girls a weak smile.

“Do you want one or both of us to go in with you?” Amber asks. It’s sweet of her to offer, and I love them both for being here for me.

“Thank you, but I need to do it myself. It’s something I have to get used to,” I tell them. Taking a deep breath, I follow the nurse.

When we get to the exam room, the door is closed. She grabs the handle, smiles excitedly at me, and opens the door, motioning me inside. I quirk an eyebrow at her and walk through the door. My knees grow weak and I gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. Roses of every color imaginable fill the room, their sweet scent making this the best smelling room, no doubt. It’s all so beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as Angel kneeling in the middle of the room. Is he? Oh. My. God.



he door opens and she’s standing there, so beautiful. It’s feels like I haven’t seen her in months. God, I’ve missed her. I want to rush to her and hold her, but I refrain. This needs to be done the right way. Her eyes are filled with amazement. She likes what she sees. Thank fuck. I’ve been a nervous wreck for days trying to plan this. Holly and Amber weren’t about to betray her and give up her location, so this was my only opportunity. It was hard to think of something grand without going over the top. I stand up, pull a chair over, and motion for her to sit. Slowly, she walks over, her eyes still darting around the room, taking in all the roses.

“I have missed you so much, sweet pea,” I whisper, feeling her body tremble. At least I know I still have some effect on her. I kneel down in front of her and take her hand in mine. The sensation of her skin against mine feels like home.

“I know we haven’t been together for long, but I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. Or maybe it’s just that you are the woman I’ve been dreaming about my entire life. I swear to you, there is nothing I want more than to be everything you need, and be the best father I possibly can to our children,” I confess. Her lip starts to quiver and her eyes fill with tears. Oh, please God, make those happy tears. My heart pounds like a jackhammer in my chest and I’m breaking out in a cold sweat. I pray I’m getting across just how much she means to me.

“I would be honored if you’d agree to be my wife. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to show you every minute of every day how much I love and need you,” I say in a shaky voice, trying to hold it together. I reach into my pocket and pull out the little black velvet box. Her eyes widen when I bring it into view. Slowly, I open the box and reveal the two-carat marquis shaped diamond on a platinum band. Her eyes widen even more and the tears spill down her cheeks. I fidget uncomfortably, unable to tell if the reason for her tears is happy or sad. I’m about to burst at the seams from the uncertainty.

She nods her head franticly. “Yes. Yes. A hundred times, yes,” she sobs. Sliding from the chair, she meets me on the floor and wraps her arms around me. I squeeze her tightly to me and vow never to let this woman go again. I’ll never give her a reason to doubt how I feel about her and what I want out of life.

I pull back and take the ring from its box. Gently, I slide it onto her trembling finger. She begins to sob even louder as she looks at the ring. The door bursts open and my whips in that direction, breaking the moment. Amber and Holly rush in, all teary eyed and smiles. I should have known these two wouldn’t let me down. They helped set up the doctor’s office and promised to have Chelsie here on time. And I was worried they wanted better for her than me. Holly gives me a wink as she embraces and congratulates Chelsie.

The doctor walks in and clears his throat, interrupting the hugging and crying. “I hate to break up the celebration, but I have a schedule to keep,” he says with a smile. Holly and Amber say their goodbyes to Chelsie and leave the room. The doctor guides Chelsie onto the table. “Let’s see how those babies are doing today,” he says, getting the ultrasound machine ready to go.

After putting the gel on her belly, he glides the wand around, trying to get a good picture. Excitement builds in me as I watch the screen, anxious to get a glimpse of our babies. When the perfect shot of our little girl sucking her thumb comes into view, Chelsie squeezes my hand.

“Do you have any names in mind?” Chelsie asks me. There has been one name I keep coming back to for our little girl—a name that means a lot to me.

“Katherine,” I whisper. Chelsie smiles, and tears fill her eyes.

“I think that’s perfect,” she says. I should probably run it by Kayleigh first, just to make sure it won’t bother her. “What do you think of Kayden for our son?” Kayden and Katherine. I love it.

“I think we have our names, sweet pea,” I tell her, and gently kiss her forehead. There are very few times in my life where I can say I was happy. But right now, in this moment, I am truly, completely happy. Chelsie is going to be my wife and we are only a couple months away from meeting our babies. The only thing that will make me happier is when we can say I do.


look at myself in the mirror as I put on my face. I really am glowing. I’ve been home a few weeks now and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Angel has been amazing. Attentive, sweet, and loving—the man I always knew he was. He seems to be happy and content, too. I can’t wait to make it official and become his wife.

It’s funny. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine falling madly in love with a guy like Angel Walker. I mean, really? Who would have thought? The twenty-five year old virgin and the biggest man whore in the state of Florida. Not the pairing most people would have expected. But, it has worked out to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

My smile widens as Angel appears in the mirror behind me. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. His touch causes shocks throughout my body, raising goose bumps on my arms.

“You look absolutely beautiful, sweet pea,” he whispers, his warm breath tickling my ear. If our friends weren’t throwing this baby shower slash Bridal Shower slash Bachelor Party for us, I’d be taking his fine ass back to bed. The rock hard bulge pressing against my ass makes me think he’s feeling the same. “Do we really need to show up at this party?” he asks, feathering kisses down my neck.

“As much as I want you to take me back to bed, we do need to go,” I say. A low sexy growl emits from deep with his throat, turning me on more than I already am.

“I’ll go on one condition,” he hums in my ear, gently nipping at it. I close my eyes and let my head roll to the side. If he keeps this teasing up, we are going to be late to our own party.

“And what would this condition be?” I question.

“That we only stay as long as we have to and I get to finish what I tried to start when we get home.” This is going to be a very long evening.

“Technically, that’s two conditions, but I think I can handle those terms,” I say, giggling. He’s kissing the back of my neck and it tickles. I wiggle out of his grip. If I don’t get away from his reach now, we’ll never get out of here. In the mirror, I can see his little fake pouty face. “We really need to get going and that won’t happen if you’re touching me.”

“Okay. Okay,” he says, feigning disappointment.

We finally pull up to KC’s. Thankfully, we’re only about five minutes late. Holly and Amber shouldn’t have too much of a hissy fit about that. Besides, if they do, I’ll just tell them to get over it. It’s my party. We walk in the door and I’m blown away. The place is beautiful, decorated with pink and blue bows, streamers, and balloons. On the stage, they have two throne-looking chairs labeled ‘Momma’ and ‘Daddy’. It looks like a party store threw up in here, but I love it. The area where the pool table is decorated in a more manly fashion—a black, purple, and silver color scheme. The ball and chain decorations I could do without, but they are funny.

“This party can finally start. It’s about time ya’ll got here,” Holly scolds. She rushes over to us and wraps me in an immensely tight hug. When she lets go, she looks at Angel. “The men get that corner. Now, run along,” she says, shooing him away. He quickly kisses my cheek, and whispers, “I love you,” before running along like a good boy. I have to laugh. All these grown men are terrified of this one little fiery redhead.

The girls have planned their little hearts out. We’ve played pin the diaper on the baby, guess what’s in the diaper, and guess Momma’s girth. That last one...not so much fun for me. I’ve pigged out to the point where I think I might explode. But, of course, here comes Holly and Amber with a cake so big, it takes both of them to carry it. As they get closer, I can begin to make out the design. It’s a large sheet cake bordered in pink and blue frosting with a blue onesie on one side, and a pink one on the other. Under each onesie is a rattle of matching color. Between the onesies, it says, “Welcome to the world, Walker Babies”. How adorable is that? They set the cake down on the table.

“We planned on putting the babies names on the onesies, but seeing as you two are tight-lipped on the names, we didn’t know what to put,” Holly states, sounding a little annoyed. She has tried her damnedest to get those names out of us. Until Angel talks to Kayleigh, we are keeping them under wraps.

Before I can reply to her, Paul and Kyle come out of the kitchen, each holding a cake box. More cake? There’s enough cake here for a freaking army. Do these people not see the already huge protruding belly I have? Are they trying to make my ass match?

“That cake...” Paul says, pointing to the baby cake, “is for the baby shower portion of the party. These cakes right here are for the bachelor slash bachelorette portion.” Why am I very nervous all of a sudden? Maybe it’s the shit-eating grin plastered on Kyle’s face. They set their boxes down on the table next to the other cake.

Paul grins at me as he slowly opens his box. “This one’s for you ladies.” I peek in the box and my cheeks instantly heat. The cake is in the shape of a huge penis with balls. I must say, it’s surprisingly realistic. All the girls gather around, checking out the impressive package.

“And this one is for us guys,” Kyle says. When he opens it up, I’m looking at a jumbo set of boobies. Pink, erect nipples and all. And there are those heated cheeks again. I don’t think of myself as a prude, but I blush at genital cakes—that’s just sad.

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