Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four (23 page)

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Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four
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“I need to be alone for a while,” I announce to the room abruptly. Kayleigh looks panicked. She quickly rushes to me and throws her arms around my waist, catching me off guard. The way she squeezes me tightly reminds me of when she was little and would hug me with all she had. It makes all of this have some purpose. At least I have her back. We can start again and have the relationship I had always pictured us having. I squeeze her back and feel her take a relieved breath. “I’m so happy we’ve found each other again. I want us to get to know one another, but right now, I need to work through all the questions in my head. I hope you understand.” She nods into my chest and squeezes tighter.

“I’ll be here when you’re ready. I’m never leaving you again.” She sniffles. “If you want those questions answered from him, I’ll make sure it happens. He owes us both an explanation.” Do I want to be face to face with that son of a bitch? Better yet, can I be face to face with him without ripping his fucking head off?

“Can you give me some time before you tell him you know? I have to figure out how to deal with it all first,” I say.

“Of course. Take all the time you need. I’m not ready to face him yet myself. Just know I’m here for you. My world has been turned upside down, but not nearly as bad as yours. I’m so sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong,” I tell her sincerely. With a kiss to the top of her head, I release my hold. I give Chelsie a quick kiss on her perfect lips and grab the bottle she holds out to me. God, I love this woman. I turn and look at Kayleigh one more time before ascending the stairs. I have her back. I should be happy and celebrating, not feeling like my entire world has crumbled around me.


oday, Angel and the boys leave for their annual month long tour, playing small clubs and bars around the south. Angel says it’s their way to do what they all still love so much. Normally, I’d be all for them going, but not this time. It’s only been a couple weeks since Angel found out his absent father kidnapped his sister and raised her as his adopted daughter. He won’t talk about it with much detail, but I know it’s hurting him. If I got the chance to meet that poor excuse for a man, I’d surely give him a piece of my mind and maybe a piece of my foot up his ass. How could he be so cruel to his own son?

Rolling from my back to my side, I admire the sexy man sleeping next to me. If I’m being honest, part of the reason I don’t want Angel to go is purely selfish. I want him here with me, going through this pregnancy right beside me. I’d never tell him I don’t want him to go, though. That wouldn’t be fair to him. Besides, I have the girls if I need anything. And maybe hanging with the guys will do him some good.

It also doesn’t hurt that he’s the happiest when he’s on stage, playing his guitar. He once told me the stage is therapeutic for him. Maybe a month full of playing every night will help him work some of this shit out—not only for himself, but for us too. We need to start our lives with our babies fresh and clear of the past. Bailing on me for a day or so when he’s working out issues is one thing, but doing it when the babies are here isn’t going to work for me.

Angel opens those beautiful eyes of his. Sometimes when he looks at me, I could swear he’s staring into the deepest parts of my soul. It sends a chill up my spine. “You look like you’re over there worrying about something, sweet pea,” he says in his oh-so-sexy husky morning voice. I scooch closer to him and slide my arm around his waist. He does the same, pulling me against his hard body. Instantly, my body is on fire, filled with need for him. Which is usually the case, since my body is in overdrive with these pregnancy hormones. The slightest touch from him has me acting like a horny teenage boy. Of course, I haven’t heard a complaint from Angel. And the growing bulge poking my thigh is proof he won’t be complaining right now either.

“I’m just thinking about how much we’re going to miss you,” I tell him. Telling him I’m worried and don’t want him to leave will make him want to stay, and I can’t do that to him or the rest of the guys.

“Nowhere near as much as I’ll miss you all,” he says as he rubs my belly. I love when he does that. That one little gesture shows so much. How sweet, caring, loving, and kind he is—all the things that made me fall head over heels for him. “I’ll be calling you so much, you’re gonna get sick of me. Oh, and I expect daily baby belly pics.”

“But I’m gonna be getting all fat,” I whine. I’m going to look like a damn beached whale soon. How can I compare to all those skinny bitches who’ll be throwing themselves at him every night? Gently, he kisses my forehead erasing all of the negative thoughts—for now, anyway.

“The bigger you get, the more beautiful you’ll be to me.”

“How is that possible?”

“Because you are carrying and growing the most precious things in our lives,” he says, completely melting my heart. For someone who says he’s not the romantic type, he sure does say a shit ton of romantic things.

“That is so gonna get you laid,” I purr.
The look of pure want is evident in his eyes. The feel of his fingers running down my side has my body aching for him. I want him—now. When he’s slides his fingers against my swollen folds, it’s almost my undoing, but the excitement to please him overpowers. I roll over, slinking my body down his, laying kisses on his pecks, chest, stomach, and then further.

I look up, seeing his eyes shine with fire, fueling his need. When I’m face to face with his rock hard cock, my previous plans of teasing him are pushed away. I wrap my hand around him tightly and the growl that escapes his lips sends me over the edge. Maybe it’s pregnancy hormones, but the power and pleasure I feel from having him at my mercy is intoxicating. I wrap my lips around him. With his hand on my head, guiding me, and him telling me how amazing my mouth feels, I get carried away in the bliss, my own soft moans escaping. This is hot. Before I realize what’s happening, he tosses me on the bed and hovers over me, his cock at the entrance of my folds.

“That was impressive, sweet pea. Now, it’s my turn.” His take-charge tone makes me even more excited in spite of not being able to make him come.

“I wanted you to finish,” I whine as my body instinctively inches closers to him, desperate to feel him inside me.

“Oh, sweet pea, you’re lying. Your body is telling me differently,” he responds with a quick jab of his hips toward my center.

In seconds, I feel him moving inside me, every thrust pushing me closer and closer to the edge. My body clenches him as my orgasm grows closer. I can’t speak, can’t even move—my body betrays my need to control, lying prey to his blissful torture.

“I’m close, babe. I need to you to let go,” he tells me, his voice tense. Those words, his voice, his need to make sure I’m satisfied—they’re my undoing. I explode around him, seeing stars. His heavy grunt right before he falls carefully on top of me, catching himself with his forearms to avoid hurting me, and kissing me deeply, tells me he’s found his own as well.

While Angel’s in the shower, I finish packing his bag. I slip a letter I wrote him into his notebook along with the last ultrasound picture. He likes to write lyrics when they are traveling on the bus, so I know he’ll see them. Knowing he’ll be leaving in only an hour causes tears to build in my eyes. How the hell am I going to be apart from him for an entire month? God, I sound like a spoiled brat.

Angel’s strong arms wrap around my waist, his hands resting on my belly. I lean back against his hard chest. His embrace is so safe and comforting. I’m terrified about this pregnancy—I have no idea what to expect. I was in no way prepared for this, so doing this without him, even if it is only thirty days, is scary.

“I promise it will all be okay. All you have to do is say the word and I’m on my way home to you,” he whispers in my ear. I would never ask him to do that, but it’s nice to know he would. “What scares you the most about me going?” he asks, kissing the spot just below my ear before resting his chin on my head. I cover his hands with my own, debating whether I should tell him the truth or use the pregnancy as a copout. “You can be honest with me,” he assures, linking our fingers together over my belly.

“Honestly, I’m worried about two things,” I whisper. He releases his hold on me and guides me to the bed. Sitting on the bed, he leans back against the pillows and pulls me onto his lap sideways.

“Let’s hear them.”

“Well...the first is the twins. I don’t want you to miss anything, but I also have no idea what to expect with being pregnant. This is my first time, ya know?” I add a little giggle at the end, hoping he doesn’t realize how stressed I am. He laughs, so I think it worked.

“Funny’s my first time, too.” He rubs my belly and goose bumps raise on my arms. “I’m nervous, too. It’s not like I had the best role models for parents. My biggest fear is I’ll be a terrible father,” he says, his eyes downcast. My hearts breaks for him, but I’ve seen him with Holly and Amber’s babies. He’s going to make an amazing father. Protective and loving—the most important things a parent needs to do.

“We will figure it out together. As long as we love and protect them, they’ll have all they need.” He smiles.

“And the other concern?” he questions. This is the one I wanted to avoid. I don’t want him to think I’m clingy and jealous, but I’m a little of both. He’s hot. What girl wouldn’t want someone like Angel?

“All the women throwing themselves at you makes me a little nervous. I mean…how can I possibly compare to all the beautiful girls who want you?” I confess, my eyes now focused on my lap. I’m too embarrassed to look him in the eye. Saying it out loud makes it sound so stupid and childish.

“Oh, sweet pea, you have nothing to worry about,” he says, tipping my chin up so my eyes meet his. “No woman could ever compare to you. You’ve captured my heart. I love you and only you. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of I have because of you,” he proclaims, never once taking his eyes off mine. I nod, knowing he means every single word. It puts my mind at ease—for now, anyway.



e’re driving to KC’s to meet the guys and the bus that will be home for the next month. The closer we get, the more I want to turn around and take Chelsie home. I’m torn. I love our annual tour. The rush from being on a different stage every night and all the people cheering you on is amazing. Nothing compares to it. Well, that’s not true—it takes a close second place to being buried balls deep in my girl.

I look over at her. She catches my eye and blushes. My sweet innocent girl is dirty. She’s thinking about sex. Most likely, the hot session we just had a couple hours ago. That’s been playing over and over in my head. How am I going to last a month without being able to hold her, touch her? It’s gonna be pure fucking torture.

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