Red Capitalism (37 page)

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Authors: Carl Walter,Fraser Howie

Tags: #Business & Economics, #Finance, #General

BOOK: Red Capitalism
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The fact that the National Champions are all jumping at the chance to invest in China’s suddenly undercapitalized banks surely flags the question of whether National Champions can be looked upon as genuine companies or simple extensions of the government. How else to view China Mobile’s acquisition of a 20 percent “strategic” stake valued at US$5.8 billion in the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, or China Unicom’s investment in the Bank of Communications, or
’s (China’s Google) investment in China Minsheng Bank?


Hovering over all this activity are the CSRC and the state in general. The state is involved at every stage of the market as the regulator, the policymaker, the investor, the parent company, the listed company, the broker, the bank and the banker. In short, the state acts as the staff for China’s major SOEs. With the National Team formed and with its senior management being coterminous with the very center of political power, can there be any true reform of corporate governance? Is it likely that they would accept the creation of a Super Regulator with real authority over the market and their own conduct? With the existing regulator already on their side, ensuring that the market is tuned in their favor, why would they want foreigners with their own ideas of how markets operate to have significant influence? So, no meaningful opening to foreign participation can be expected. In fact, the scope of foreign influence can be expected to be cut back even further as Chinese securities companies, law firms and auditors assert themselves and Chinese-style regulation is extended from Shanghai to Hong Kong.

In late 2009, the first material step in this direction took place when the Hong Kong Stock Exchange indicated it would accept Chinese firms as auditors for Chinese companies listed on the Hong Kong exchange subject to their vetting by the MOF or the CSRC. Ostensibly, this was done to make Hong Kong more competitive with Shanghai, since Chinese auditors are far less costly than major international firms. Since the quality and reliability of disclosure is what this is all about, can international investors expect local firms charging one-third the price to produce meaningful financial reports of increasingly complex national companies? As for vetting by the MOF or the CSRC, one might expect a handful of firms to receive approval and that these firms would be quite attentive to the needs of the National Team and their staff. If foreign investment banks and others are now struggling to establish a presence in China’s domestic markets, it can only be because they know that their days in the lucrative Hong Kong market are numbered.

Since China Life’s IPO on the New York Stock Exchange in 2003 was investigated for a possible Sarbanes-Oxley violation (there was none), no other members of the National Team have listed there. Instead, Hong Kong became the venue of choice. Now the overseas “returnees” are moving back to Shanghai where things, as one SOE chairman put it, are “a bit easier to manage”. This trend of events is quite ironic if it is considered in the context of why China opened its border to international share offerings. When Zhu Rongji gave the go-ahead for overseas listings in 1993, one of the key reasons was that the more professional and demanding standards of the Hong Kong regulators and international legal and accounting standards would upgrade the management capacity of China’s enterprises. Would Zhu now believe that after less than 20 years, his goals for China’s SOEs and their management have been achieved?


The NDRC’s predecessor was the State Planning Commission (SPC), which was founded in 1952. The SPC was renamed the State Development Planning Commission (SDPC) in 1998. After merging with the State Council Office for Restructuring the Economic System (SCORES) and part of the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) in 2003, the SDPC was restructured into the NDRC.
See Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard, “Politics and business group formation in China—the Party in control?” unpublished manuscript, April 2010.
If it can be found, see
176, January 8, 2007: 28–44. The issue was pulled from the market the day it was published.
: 42.
See Walter and Howie 2006: Chapters 9 and 10.
There are two major investor categories at present: 1) the “strategic investor” (
zhanlue touzizhe
) who participates prior to the formal announcement of the transaction, gets a full allocation, but is subject to a one-year lock-up; and 2) those investors participating after the formal announcement, of which there are two types: a) the “offline” “regular legal person investor” (
yiban faren touzizhe
), who is subject to a three-month lock-up; and b) the “online” investor, which includes retail and any other investor desiring to participate, who is not subject to any lock-up. In this last category, investors participate in the lottery and orders are subject to allocation.
“Shenhua soars 87 percent but chief still not happy,”
South China Morning Post
, October 10, 2007.


The Forbidden City

A huge vermillion compound filled with immense golden-roofed palaces, moats, hidden gardens and carved dragons, the Forbidden City is the heart of China’s capital. It is a masterpiece that belongs to both China and the world, for surely by now half the world must have walked through its spaces. Perhaps the significance of its structural layout exceeds even the riches left by the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and goes to the heart of Chinese organizational culture.

Entering the palace through the Meridian Gate, one is struck with the great spaces enveloped by looming outer walls. Once through these massive walls, the visitor walks across marble bridges spanning the Golden Waters toward the Gate of Supreme Harmony. This is another, even broader, space, overwhelming in its grandeur, its walls receding into the distance. The courtyard’s overall design is awe-inspiring; it seems to encompass both heaven and earth. As one penetrates more deeply into the palace, however, spaces become smaller, and long, narrow corridors are punctuated here and there by small entrances. The huge walls close in, progressively blocking off all lines of sight.

Even before finally entering the Imperial Garden, with its constricted space, rock gardens and towering Hall of Imperial Peace, the visitor comes to the realization that, like the gardens and the trees, he too is boxed in by the design. The great spaces at the Palace entrance are mere illusions because, in truth, there is just one way to look beyond the walls and that is to look up. Only the Emperor in his palaces atop the walls could see into the courtyards both large and small; those below were constrained to act within their allotted space. Cut off by walls from other courtyards and, indeed, the rest of the Palace, within their own space people were free to pursue the activities assigned to them. Only the Emperor had the authority to intervene and only he could understand the larger design of their work.

The workings of the Forbidden City in Imperial times serve as a metaphor for China’s government and political practice today. At the center lies Beijing, a complex labyrinth of separate power centers, each with just a single reporting line that extends up to the party secretary general (although nominally through the State Council, the premier and the National People’s Congress). Coordination or integrated action across multiple bureaucracies is difficult and time-consuming unless it is ordered by the party secretary general. Without a strong leader, each bureaucracy proceeds within its own scope of authority and jealously guards the entrance to its courtyard. The only way to join the “emperor” in his palaces a top the walls is either through lineage, or by maximizing achievements within one’s own narrow grounds, or both. Then, of course, there may be some who prefer to stay within their own courtyards, pursuing their own interests.

As the China Development Bank’s attempt to replace the Ministry of Finance in the bond markets and the tug-of-war between the MOF and the People’s Bank of China over control of the major banks have shown, there is a great deal of predatory behavior exhibited within the walls of this monumental edifice. There is also much copycat behavior. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has its securities companies and stock markets in one courtyard; in another, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) has its own investment-banking platform, the trust companies, and access to the debt markets. And how else to explain the SASAC’s belated press release that it has created its own domestic sovereign-wealth fund in replication of China Investment Corporation; or to explain Huijin, which itself replicates SAFE Investments? It would be easy, of course, to go beyond these relatively specialized entities to include the large SOEs. When PetroChina acquires companies overseas on behalf of the government, isn’t it also a sovereign-wealth fund? All this demands the simple question: What in China isn’t a sovereign-wealth fund?

Only a strong premier or party secretary can coordinate such activity to ensure it is in line with the Party’s general goals; only they can channel the energies of government and Party leaders and minimize costs. The absence of a strong leader is a weakness that allows the special-interest groups to take advantage. A vice-premier in charge of finance may understand his remit, but unless he has the ear of the general secretary, it is to no avail. A central bank governor may know clearly the critical issues across the financial maze, but unless he is supported, political compromise will trump all else. On the other hand, for the National Team, the less scrutiny there is, the better.


This perspective suggests just how great an achievement the securities markets, no matter how flawed, really are. From 1992, for the first time in its long history, China had a national market and it was a market for capital, and that capital could flow without hindrance across all government jurisdictions. Not only that, at the start these markets had a single “emperor” overseeing them, the People’s Bank of China. The PBOC (or, more accurately, its powerful provincial branches, together with the local Party) was the great force behind market development during the late 1980s. Liu Hongru, a PBOC vice-governor at the time, is commonly recognized by all participants as the “godfather” of the stock markets. The central bank oversaw the establishment of China’s first 34 securities companies in 1988. From 1985, its Shenzhen branch played a critical role in developing market infrastructure and regulations, while the PBOC head office played the key coordination role among government-market stakeholders. Without the PBOC’s initiative and support, China’s experiment with shares and stock markets would have been stillborn. Moreover, the PBOC’s sponsorship opened the international markets to Chinese IPOs, as was resoundingly demonstrated in October 1992 with the first-ever listing of a Chinese SOE on the New York Stock Exchange. This sort of daring would never have been possible with consensus leadership.

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