Ravished by Wolves (5 page)

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Authors: Nicole Ash

BOOK: Ravished by Wolves
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As he pulled himself up to lay before her,
Amber hovered over Michael’s cock, teasing his head with the tip of her tongue. She gasped as Fador pulled out and started teasing her butt hole, pressing in against it, thrusting hard into her pussy before pulling out and pressing against her butt again. She took all of Michael’s cock in her throat, moving slowly up and down the shaft. Fador’s cock finally stretched her ass wide enough to gain entrance and he slowly pressed himself inside to the hilt.

“Get up here. Now.”

There was a raw, savage need in the eyes Amber looked up to meet. She obeyed Michael’s order, moving slowly, Fador holding her by the waist and staying inside as she positioned herself over Michael’s cock. They all gasped as one as the head of his shaft penetrated her pussy, the two cocks filling her more than she ever dreamt possible.

They moved as one, Michael thrusting in as Fador pulled out. She felt herself climb to the verge of orgasm and fairly screamed as their combined thrusts pushed her over the edge. She was amazed at the feel of Fador’s cock as it seemed to grow larger inside her, his cock jerking as he released his cum into her. He leaned in against her back, his breath ragged as he continued to thrust his swollen cock.

Michael’s movements became more frenzied, his hands finding her breasts and squeezing them as he continued to thrust himself in and out of her pussy. She came again as his cock swelled inside of her, throbbing and jerking wildly with the power of his orgasm. She cried out at the heat and force of his cum. Fador shuddered again behind her and he nuzzled the back of her neck. A slow smile spread across Michael’s lips and he lay still.

felt Fador pull out. He collapsed on the ground beside his brother, pulling her off his brother and into his arms. She lay between the two men with the aftershocks of her orgasm still thrumming through her body. Michael lay with his arm over his face and panted. Fador rolled her over, pulling her to face him, nuzzling her raven hair and breathing hard.

sighed, quite content to spend the night sandwiched between the two strong, sexy men.
What in the world has happened to you Amber? Christine would be so shocked to see you now.
Amber used to try so hard to be a good girl. She didn’t normally sleep with just any man, and she certainly had never done anything like what she had just done with these two.
These aren’t normal circumstances, though, are they?

Her insides continued to tingle from their rough touch, but she knew there was no way she would be able to have another go at it. She was so exhausted she could hardly keep her eyes open. The rhythmic breathing of the men, who somehow managed to stay in time with one another, was fast putting her to sleep
. It’s definitely the circumstances, that’s all.
She wasn’t sure at this point that she still wanted to keep her opinion of herself as being a good girl. This was much more fun than she had ever had before in her life. It seemed such a shame to her now that she had wasted so much time never having had sex with two men at one time, let alone having a set of twins.
Well, at least now I know why guys obsess about it.

Best of all, they’re both big and strong.
Amber felt certain that, somehow, everything was going to be all right. They had a plan to escape the island. She was going to get through this. She might even get through it with something great to show for the whole ordeal! She closed her eyes, enjoying the closeness of their bodies against hers, and drifted off to sleep feeling safe and content for the first time in a long time.


* * * *


Fador met Michael’s eye. His nostrils flexed ever so slightly, taking in the scent of the woman they held between them.
He senses it too. The… change in her.

It was a curious change in her scent. At first he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but when at last the realization struck, he had a hard time remaining still beside her and not simply jumping up to pace.

Her hormones are through the roof!
Not just sex anymore. That had faded a bit with their copulation. No, he was certain that what he smelled was something Michael and he had thought impossible, something that had never happened before in all their hundreds of years.

is pregnant.

From the wide eyed look Michael gave him, he could tell he’d come to a similar conclusion.

And… something else
. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, but it didn’t offer any further enlightenment. Her silky smooth body so close against his own had his cock up and twitching once more, but he resisted the temptation to mount her again, preferring instead to allow her some much needed rest. He finally decided what was bothering him was more of a feeling than anything else, which left him both unsettled and anxious. Trying to put it from his mind, he tried to contemplate the original escape plan, but his mind kept turning back to the woman beside him.
Things will have to change now. It isn’t just about us or the wolves any more. We have both Amber and the child to worry about now.

A child?
In all his life, he had never once encountered anyone else with the affliction he and his brother had. Would the child suffer from it as well, or would it be human like it’s mother? Fador found himself hoping at once for both. The years of his life seemed to stretch before him for eternity and he felt a growing sense of alarm at the prospect of watching both Amber and the child grow old and die.

Shut up Fador! It hasn’t even been born yet and you’re already worrying about it dying of old age!
It just seemed so… unreal.
A baby. Our baby. Is it mine or Michael’s?
Given that Michael was the only one to actually cum in her pussy, he knew the chances of it being his were slim at best.

He looked down at the content look on
Amber’s face as she slept, her deep green eyes closed now. Her long sooty lashes brushed the tops of her cheeks and several strands of that gorgeous black hair curled around her face.
He tried to relax beside her, breathing in the scent of her essence and closing his eyes against the world around them.
It doesn’t really matter. It’ll be ours.

He sensed his brother’s movements and followed, carefully untangling himself from
Amber and rising. They met each other’s gaze a moment and Michael nodded toward the far side of the small meadow. A few moments later they were there, crouched in front of each other. The possessive glimpse Michael cast back at Amber sent a slight pang of jealousy through Fador that he was quick to stamp out.

“So what’s the plan now?” Michael turned back toward him, a mixture of worry and awe on his features.

“I’m not sure. We certainly can’t follow the plan we had to start with.”

“No. I couldn’t risk it, not… now.”

The original plan had been far more simple. They would have gone in and attacked with abandon. They would have killed off all of the humans they found then blown up the facility. Both had lived through so much they felt fairly confident they could have pulled that off.
But there’s no way we could leave Amber alone that long. If she were discovered….



“We have no other choice. We have to bring this place down.”

“A smaller attack then?”

Fador nodded to himself as an idea began to form in his mind. “They have fuel in there. If I can get to that and ignite it, that should take care of the facility itself. You stay close to Amber and protect her. I’ll see about getting us a boat.”

“I should do it.”

Fador narrowed his eyes, issuing a growl. “No. It’s my plan. I’ll take care of it.”

“I’m stronger and fast—”

“And a father now!”

Michael grew silent at that, looking again toward
Amber’s sleeping form.

“How can you be so sure?”

Fador laughed.
“I’m sure it’s yours. What I’m worried about—”

“You can feel it too can’t you?”

At that, Fador too looked toward the woman.
There was definitely something else there. He wasn’t sure if it was a relief that his brother sensed it and he wasn’t just going out of his mind, or if that fact disturbed him more.

“It might be best to leave her on the beach. You can come along to back me up if I need help, but keep your distance and stay between her and them. I’ll circle back around with the boat and pick you both up.”

Satisfied they had a workable plan, they rose as one and returned to Amber’s side, laying with her between them. Fador closed his eyes. Breathing in the cloying scent of her hair, he found his mind wandering down once forbidden paths as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


* * * *


At first, Amber thought she was being smothered. Something large and heavy lay across her stomach, which felt like it was gnawing a hole in itself, and she was freezing cold. Startled, she opened her eyes and tried to sit up, but the weight on her chest held her firmly in place.

As memories of the previous night came flooding back she felt a pleasurable tingle all over her body. A quick glance told her there were only the two of them here. The other brother was nowhere to be seen. With an effort she shoved the arm off her stomach and sat up.
It’s hard to tell….
Amber was fairly sure it was Fador laying beside her, but it was difficult to tell and she couldn’t remember if he had lain on her left side or the right.

It felt like it might be late in the day.
Maybe around noon?
  Amber looked around the clearing, but saw no indication of where the other brother had gone. The grass they had slept on covered most of the clearing in a thick mat and there were tall trees all around. There was a narrow foot path she thought might be the one Fador had carried her down, but it seemed to disappear several yards into the forest.

spotted her dress on the ground several feet away and got up to retrieve it. She pulled it over her head but had to struggle with the zipper. She didn’t see any sign of the panties, but there was always a chance her slumbering lover was on them. Her stomach made a strange noise
. I hope he comes back with food.
Amber sat on the ground to wait for him, studying her companion. He lay asleep on his back. His magnificent cock lay on one muscular thigh, the sight of which stirred pleasurable sensations all over her body.

Oh, for god’s sake, stop it
Amber! All the things you have to worry about right now, here you are thinking about hopping on for another round of sex. With a pure stranger no less!
No amount of self admonishment seemed to cool her desire to taste and feel the man who slept so close to where she sat. It took an effort to pull her eyes away from his magnificent body and look again at her surroundings. It was even harder to get the gears in her mind to start turning.

Fador said we were on an island.
That was going to be a huge obstacle as far as getting home went. There was no way she could tell just by looking at the plants around her what kind of island she was on. Amber knew next to nothing about plants, so she couldn’t even tell if this was a tropical island in the middle of the ocean, or one just off the coast. Nothing she had ever read or done in school or after had prepared her for the things that had happened over the last few days. She was proud of herself for staying as calm as she was, but she really didn’t think she could take too much more excitement. She hated the helpless feelings that threatened to overwhelm her and longed for the normalcy she had once had.

So much for wishing for a little more excitement.
This really wasn’t what she’d had in mind when she made that particular wish. It was nothing short of a miracle she was still alive, and she knew it.

It’s a good thing someone with a little mercy found me.
She looked with fondness at the man who continued to lay and snore on the ground. The arm he’d had over her chest now hid his face from the light. She knew she would be dead right now if it weren’t for this wonderful man and his brother.
Who’s still not back. Where could he have gone?
The pang of worry she felt for him combined with the churning of her empty stomach, leaving her feeling nauseated.

“Hey” She fell to her knees beside him, pushed and knocked the arm off her companion’s face and he immediately rolled onto his side toward her, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Hey, wake up. You’re brother’s gone.”

He sat up at that, stretching and yawning in one motion. Ending with a short growl, he rubbed his eyes and turned back to her.

“He’s probably gone to get something to eat. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”

“You never told me what the plan was. How on earth are we going to get off this island? We don’t even know where we are. We could be anywhere in the world right now!”

A slow smile spread across his face and she felt her whole body start to melt under his look.
Good grief woman, get a hold of yourself! A grown woman falling all over herself for a piece of ass!
But he was already way more than just a piece of ass to her, however short a time she had known him. He had a very definite power over her she wasn’t sure she wanted to fight against.
If it’s even possible to fight it.
She wasn’t so sure it was.

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