Ravished by Wolves (10 page)

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Authors: Nicole Ash

BOOK: Ravished by Wolves
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“Yes  please?” She gave him a look that said she wondered if he had lost complete control of his senses, and he wondered that to himself briefly.  This was not the sort of behavior he normally engaged in. 
He was a demon, not a rapist, and human women had always come willingly to bed with any demon. 

Probably why human men are so determined to kill us all
.  It was a natural part of every demon, something they all took full advantage of when the opportunity presented itself.  Their sexuality was contagious.  Of course, in his experience it had always brought more trouble than anything else, but he was finding himself thankful for it this time.  In spite of her outward reactions to him, he could smell her heady arousal and it was only making it harder to control himself.

She shifted her eyes from his face and stared at the two black horns that protruded from either side of his temple and curled around like the horns of a ram. 

“No.” He purposely said the word with a bit of authority to get her attention back to his face.  It worked and she was staring him in the eyes once again.  He moved in closer so that his face was only an inch away from hers. 

“Yes Master.” His voice below a whisper, he watched her eyes widen and then roll down to stare at his full lips as though she was not sure of what she had heard.  She licked her own lips and her breath quickened, causing those gorgeous tits to heave up and down seductively.  He tilted his head to the side moving to run his hot tongue across her bow shaped lips.  He felt her shiver, but not with fear.  He inhaled her arousal deeply, closing his eyes and savoring it. 

“You see, sweet, if you are to remain here with your familiar ….  ” He paused deliberately to gage her reaction.  Her expression turned to worry and she creased her brow in questioning. 
As I suspected.  The Tanuki truly is bound to her, then.

“—then you will see to every need and want I may have.” He looked her straight in the eye.  The look on her face was a strange mixture of shock and arousal.  It was a reaction he had anticipated. 

“I –I … what if I refuse?” Her voice was shaky, more than a little breathless.  Loki stood abruptly, causing her to fall backwards and she struggled to get back to a sitting position.  He strode to a small table and laid the bread and cheese down.  He then walked slowly back to her, holding the tether in his hands.  Her eyes locked on it, intense and glazed with lust, following every move he made as he returned to her.  Even though she tried to hide her attraction to him, he knew she was tuned in to his sexual allure. 

“If you refuse, I’ll simply leave you tied up at the nearest town and hope your Tanuki lives long enough to do me some good.”

The look she gave him said everything.  That was not an option she was willing to risk. 
No, of course she wouldn’t.  Not knowing he’ll probably die.
  That twinge of guilt ran through him again, but he quashed it. 

He knelt once again in front of her and pulled out a knife from his belt.  She gasped, but relaxed when he started to cut off the ropes binding her feet and hands.  After he cut off the bindings, he moved back with the collar in his hand and stood. 

“What is your name?”

“Release me and my familiar, faun.  We haven’t done anything to deserve any of this.”

  Now he was annoyed. 

“I am not a faun
.  I’m a demon.  By the gods, woman, can’t you tell the difference?”

The blank stare she gave him told him all he needed to know, and he gritted his teeth.

“A faun is half goat.” He gestured at his bottom half and her eyes followed the movement, coming to rest on the upright bulge of his cock. 


“Do I look half goat to you?” He stood and pulled his loincloth to the side, allowing his cock, which was now face-high to her, to jump out completely.  He reveled in her wide-eyed stare and his cock twitched several times. 

“Does this in any way remind you of anything less than a bull?” He dropped the cloth back over it.  He could hardly suppress a devilish grin as she squirmed and he smelt the rush of her juices.  It was hard to tell at this point which of them was more turned on.

“Now, your name.”


“Celeste.” He said her name and it felt sweet on his tongue.  “I am Loki.  You, however, will refer to me as Master.”  At first she looked up at him incredulously.

“May I …May I have some nourishment … Master.”

Loki could have sworn he heard a slight bit of sarcasm but decided to dismiss it. 

“No.”  She gave him another incredulous look.  Obviously she had expected him to say yes.  He smirked evilly, “No, my needs must be met first.”

She gasped.  “Your needs?  I believe I will need my strength back if I am to see to your needs!” This time she didn’t bother to hide the sarcasm from her voice.  His cock grew impossibly thicker and harder.  She was a trial, this one, but he had always embraced a good challenge.

“Yes, my needs … and my need is for you to remove every item of clothing from your body,” he stated with a sly grin as he moved closer to her and squatted so that they were eye level to each other.  “I want you as naked as the day your mother birthed you.” His voice was thick with desire.  He bent his head forward and placed a feathery kiss on her lips.  They were soft and impossibly sweet, intoxicating.  He had to force himself to pull back.  “Now, strip!”

* * * *


The beast before her towered over her by at least a foot and was powerfully built.  With the exception of his dark red skin, he was similar to a human man from the waist up.  He was far more powerfully built than any man she had ever laid eyes on, but he was still human-like. His arms and chest were contoured with rippling muscle but his stomach had muscles she had never seen before on any other man. She fought the urge to brush her fingers across them.

Definitely not a faun.
They were known for being cheerful little men with the bottom half of a small goat, but there was nothing cheerful about this creature. 
Or small.  Why did I assume …? 
It might well have been wishful thinking.  Demons were known not only for their sexuality, but for their cunning.  A faun would have been fairly easy to escape from.

A faun wouldn’t have captured either of us.
But, at least then there would have been a kinder side to him, something I could appeal to for mercy.
  Demons weren’t known for their compassion.

Her gaze fell to the lower part of his body, which was indeed similar to that of a black bull.  He wore a red and black leather loincloth, which only served to highlight the erection he obviously had with her in mind.  She squirmed at that thought as her gaze lighted on the bulge that massive member created. 

By the Gods ….
  He was the most attractive being she had ever encountered and her body reacted to him with an aching need she had never before felt, even with the men she had previously bedded.  Rationally, she knew this had to be part of a demon’s natural allure, the spell every human woman fell under when they encountered one, but in the back of her mind she wondered if there wasn’t more to it than that. A spell, perhaps?

Get a hold of yourself Celeste!
  She tore her eyes away and forced her gaze downward, over the ring of long black hair encircling his cloven hooves to the cloth he had spread over the ground inside his tent, then back up again.  She tried to take in all the details, looking for the flaws so she could focus on them and get her mind off the sexual thoughts it seemed so intent to focus on.  He stood tall and proud on his hoofed feet – another contrast from a mere faun. They tended to crouch slightly when upright.  The leather belt he wore crisscrossed over his chest and held a variety of small pouches and knives.  Celeste noticed that the bulge in his loincloth seemed to have grown impossibly larger.  She swallowed hard.  Nothing imperfect to focus on, but she did manage to kick her mind into gear.


He moved to stand directly in front of her and she forced her eyes off his genital area and up to his face.  She became transfixed by the stormy depths of his onyx eyes.  His long black hair hung loose around his shoulders.  The horns on his head sprouted through the thick curls just over each of his temples and twisted out and back in a spiral.  His square jaw was strong and his brow dark and brooding.  If she had to describe him she would not think him handsome in the traditional way, but more rugged and very compelling. 

He looks like a devil.  Or a God.

Celeste shook her head to clear the thoughts from her mind.  She was gawking at him and actually assessing his physical prowess, as if she were contemplating asking him to join her for a Sunday stroll through the meadow to pick violet blossoms and yellow lilies.  Yipp was right.  She needed to start seeking some male company.
Human male.
  Provided she and Yip made it out of this alive. That thought sobered her somewhat and she felt the fog in her mind lift a little.

“Yes, strip.  I’m not a patient man.  I will remove your clothes myself if that is what you wish.”
Loki smiled wickedly as his eyes settled once again on her full cleavage.  He reached out with the leather collar she’d seen him bring in earlier and clasped it around her neck.  He then stepped back, wrapping the end of the leash around his fist, and pulled.  The motion jarred her forward and she landed on all fours. 

“Good girl.” He stepped around behind her before she could right herself and began to untie her corset. 

“No!” She tried to jump up, but the hand he planted on her back held her in place and prevented the movement.  She threw her head back and caught the smirk he gave her over her shoulder.  It made her want to gnaw his hoofs off.  She had to distract him from this, had to distract herself from it. 
This can’t be happening.
  With the throbbing in her nether regions, her body told her it wanted this to happen, but mentally she was still determined to fight it.

“I— if I remove my clothing will I be able to eat?” 

He stared down at her, directly into her eyes, but did not answer.

“I said, may I eat if I take off all my clothes?” she asked
a bit louder this time, in case he hadn’t heard or understood her.  Again, he simply stared at her but made no attempt to answer her question. 
Well this is wonderful, a demon with a hearing problem.
  She cleared her throat and almost shouted.

Can I eat if I take off my clothes!”  His lips quirked a bit, as if he were trying to hold back a chuckle, but just as quickly his expression turned dark. 

“Do you think of nothing other than your belly, woman?  No.  You may not eat until you refer to me with the proper respect.”

Celeste hadn’t the slightest idea what in God’s kingdom he was talking about.  She mulled over his words, repeating them over and over again in her mind.  Suddenly, it occurred to her what he wanted her to say.  She had the feeling her real Master would be terribly displeased at her using that word in that way, and wondered fleetingly if she would ever even see him again.  Celeste rolled her eyes and took a deep breath, speaking through clenched teeth. 

“Master, may I have something to eat if I remove all my clothes?”

Loki raised a thick black eyebrow.  “Perhaps, but my needs are not so easily quenched.” He unwound the tether from around his hand and walked over to a large palate on the floor, plopping down and placing the cheese and bread next to himself.  He leaned back on his elbow, reached over and plucked a piece of cheese and a chunk of bread, eating them in front of her.  Once he had swallowed the morsel of food, he brought his thumb and forefinger to his lips and licked them.  Celeste stared at him, her eyes focused on the way his black tongue swirled seductively over each digit before he put them in his mouth and sucked them clean.  He tilted his head to the side studying her reaction for a moment then tugged the leash, letting her know he was growing weary of waiting for her to strip.

Celeste slowly stood in front of him.  Her mind reeled with every possible scenario she could muster about escape.  She had noticed the ring of keys hanging from his belt.  If she could figure a way to get them away from him, she would be able to free Yipp and the two of them could get away.  Unfortunately, she had no idea how she was going to accomplish that.  She dared a look into his eyes once again. 

He was watching her intently as she untied her corset and let it fall to the ground.  The lustful gaze he gave her once her large round breasts were freed from the corset made her pussy tingle.  She felt her nether lips swell and the juices start to seep out and wet the inner parts of her thighs.  As much as she hated the idea of wearing a collar and leash, the thought of her being at his mercy actually aroused her beyond anything she had ever experienced.   He licked his lips as she removed the long dark green skirt and let it pool around her ankles.  She stood in nothing but a thin linen chemise, which molded around her heavy breasts and full hips. If she had on nothing at all she didn’t think she could possibly feel more naked.

His gaze moved slowly over every soft curve of her body.  The intensity in his eyes when he reached her face made her gasp.  He was highly aroused, so much so that he could no longer contain his erection inside the confines of his loincloth.  She watched him as he reached down and unlatched the front of his leather cloth and pulled it off.  His cock stood tall, hard and already wet with his need.  The length and width made Celeste pause a moment before she allowed her chemise to fall to the floor to join her skirt. 

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