Raunchy 2 (49 page)

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Authors: T Styles

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Urban, #African American, #General

BOOK: Raunchy 2
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Back Upstairs

When I got upstairs I locked the basement door and Nook was gone. My crew was in the living room talking until I walked in. Glitter handed me my Henny and I sat in the recliner.

“Why would ya’ll let the nigga downstairs?” I asked.
“Like I said, Mad, he had smoke.” Kid said.
“Now he know we got somebody hostage. You don’t think he gonna

tell somebody at school?” I drank all of my Henny and handed my glass to Glitter. She went to make me some more. “How could ya’ll be so fuckin’ stupid?”

When I asked that there was a knock at the door. It was my sister, Jayden. She was carrying mail and I didn’t know if it was from here or not. The moment she walked in Wokie, Kid and Krazy’s mouths dropped.

“I’ma fuck ya’ll up!” I said. “I told you ‘bout looking at my sister like that.”
“My bad.” Wokie said as the others walked to the living room and sat on the sofa.
She was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt. The curves of her body were outrageous and now she looked more like a model. It’s amazing, a few months ago we were inseparable, now we were living different lives.
“What you doing here?” I asked. “I thought we were hooking up later.”
She looked at my friends who kept stealing looks at her from the couch and said, “Can we talk? In private?”
“Let’s go in my room.” I looked at all of them and said, “We leaving in about an hour and we not finished talking neither.”
When we made it to my room I put the camera on the dresser.
“Who truck out front?”
“Mine.” I paused. “I’ma take a shower. Give me a minute.”
“Okay…can I wait for you? In here?”
“I guess.”
After my shower I remembered I put the video camera on the dresser we used to tape what we did to Harmony. When I came back she was looking at it. I ran up to her in my towel and snatched it away. I checked her eyes for a minute to see if she looked like she saw anything. She didn’t.
“Why you stay going through my shit, Jayden? That’s the one thing I hate about you.”
“I’m sorry, Mad.” She said softly. “At one point we didn’t have any secrets from each other. And now things are so different.”
“Whose fault is that? Yours or mine?” I got dressed under the towel. Sliding on my boxers before my jeans.
“It’s nobody’s. It’s just that I miss you and it seems like everything I do makes you angry all of a sudden. We use to be so close and I guess I just want that back. Don’t you?” She looked so pretty and smelled so good.
“Well if you stop snooping in my shit we wouldn’t have this problem.” I grabbed a new white t-shirt from its pack in my drawer and then grabbed a new blue Hugo Boss t-shirt from my closet. “Give me a second and stay out my shit.”
I walked into the bathroom and put the shirts on. When I came out I put on a pair of butter colored Timbs. I didn’t like ‘em at first because I thought they were the wrong size but the moment they got on my feet I had immediate comfort. Kali was right.
“Can we talk?”
“About what?”
“Mad, where is ma?” She said softly. Then she handed me a welfare check with Harmony’s name on it. I guess the mail she had in her hand did come from here. I handed it back to her.
“I don’t know.”
“Well I’m worried. Mama would never not cash a check. You know that.”
“Drop it.”
“Daddy told me a lot of stuff that happened when she was younger.” She said ignoring my comment. “To me it kind of explains why she did the things that she did to us. I mean, it don’t make her no angel, but it does help me understand.”
“You calling that nigga daddy already?” I smirked. “You couldn’t wait to bow down to a dick.”
“He’s my father, Mad.”
I wanted to tell her about what happened earlier but I didn’t trust her and Kali told me not to. We hadn’t really been talking so I didn’t want to take the chance. Plus I wanted to see if she would open up to me, and tell me what she knew. It was crazy, our fathers were beefing and the only thing standing in the middle of us was them.
“I don’t give a fuck what your daddy said,” I grabbed another baseball cap. My black one and pulled it all the way over my eyes. “That bitch don’t give a fuck about us.”
“I’m still scared, Mad. I mean, she got shit with her but she’s still our mother. What if somebody killed her? What if she’s hurt somewhere and needs our help? You know how crazy drunk, ma use to get. She done broke damn near every bone in her body from falling down at one time or another.”
“You can’t be serious, Jayden. I bet you if something happened to you she wouldn’t give a fuck. Matta of fact, I don’t even remember that bitch asking about you.”
“What you mean? You don’t remember her asking about me?”
I slipped up. Fuck! “Why should you give a fuck about her?”
“Because I love her.”
“Jayden, sometimes I think you’re crazy. It’s like you got a split personality or something. One minute you saying one thing and the next minute you saying another.”
“I don’t have no split personality.”
“Look…wherever the bitch is, leave her there.” I said firmly. “Now if you ain’t got shit else to talk to me about, I’m out. Me and my crew ‘bout to hit the streets.”
“We still on for our date?”
“Okay, well I’ma hang around here for bit, while you’re gone. In case ma come back.”
Jayden was pissing me off. Fuck she care about Harmony so much for? This bitch sent us through hell when we were kids, and now she all worried where the fuck she at. This shit is stupid and it was making me angry. I didn’t feel like any of this right now. I was almost killed, my father held a gun to my head and I walked in on some unassociated nigga fucking my mother. Jayden was only adding to my problems whether she knew it or not.
“So you don’t trust me? You think I know where she is and I’m lying to you or something?”
“No, Mad, but why are you acting like this? I mean technically this is still my house too. All I wanted to do was hang around in case she shows up. You can lock your door if you think I’ma go through your shit. It’s not that deep.”
“I know but you making it deep.” She looked like she was about to cry. “Jayden, I don’t want to fight about her.” I grabbed her hand. “You my favorite sister.”
She laughed. “I’m your only sister.”
“I know, but you still my favorite.” I softly hit her on the chin with my fist. “We been through a lot together, and although for whatever reason you care about ma, you gotta remember what she put us through. We went through stuff in our lives as kids nobody should ever have to go through. Or have you forgotten about the fact that she had us thinking we were boys until this year. Until a few months back actually.” I was getting through to her. I saw it in her eyes. “Look, if she comes through I’ll call you. Until then I’ma see you soon. Maybe tomorrow.” I paused. “We still on right?”
“Fuck yeah! I gotta hang out with my brother.” For some reason, when she said brother it made me smile. Even now, when I looked into the mirror I didn’t see a girl. “But meet me at my house.” She grabbed a pen and pad off my desk. “This is my address.” She paused. “So meet me there when you can and we’ll go out.” She paused. “You need money for a cab?”
I had Kali’s truck so I said, “Naw…I’m good.” Then I paused. “So you leaving or you staying here?”
“I’m gone.” She giggled. “Plus I can tell you don’t want me here.” I was relieved. “It ain’t that I don’t want you here.” I lied. “I just don’t want you to worry about her. Now I’ma rap to you tomorrow.” “Alright and when we hook up we gotta talk.”
“About what?”
“About Kali. Jace wanted me to tell you some things he says you gotta know about him.”

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