Query (5 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Adult, #Erotic, #Romance, #Science, #Fiction, #Space, #Opera

BOOK: Query
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He chuckled and stripped to the skin, shifting around until he was next to her with her body curled against his. She smiled and breathed in and out as slowly as she could, letting blackness swell over her until she was out.


She didn’t know how long it had gone on, but the small feathering kisses on her shoulder woke her.

“I was having a wonderful dream.” She smiled and snuggled back against him.

“I know; you were moaning.” He nuzzled her temple. “Was I in your dream?”

She blinked and blushed. “I don’t know. It was all sensation and no physical presence.”

He chuckled. “That sounds like me.”

“So, that
you yesterday morning.”

He kissed her cheekbone with the lightest of caresses. “I was evacuating citizens and thinking of you. I would be surprised if I didn’t send my presence to you.”

“It is a little perverse. What if I hadn’t been amenable?”

“You were already having a dream about me; it simply reacted and made your dream a reality.”

She turned in his arms. “You don’t control it?”

“Do you control your subconscious?”

“Not usually, no.”

He grinned and pried Sneed from her hands. “Then, making it conscious is the only way to stop that particular incident from happening again.”

She chuckled and slid her hands along his chest, stroking slowly upward before reversing the direction and trailing down to the root of her fantasies, wrapping her hand around him and stroking slowly. “So, deliberate stimulation?”

He sighed deeply before he pulled her hand away. “The answer is yes. The answer will always be yes, but Brakes’ meal is almost ready. You need to keep to a regular schedule, or at least that is what Ember and Rescue are telling us constantly.”

She laughed. “Well, I am already dressed.”

He kissed her softly. “Give me a moment.”

He rolled away and grabbed a loose pair of pants and a comfortable tunic.

He was wearing black to match her current choice, and having seen his wardrobe, she knew it was deliberate.

She rolled out of bed, shook out her skirts and took his arm when he offered it. Dinner was ready, and she couldn’t afford to pass up a meal.


Chapter Six



Ember’s tunic and trousers were a little big on her, but the belt that projected a normal citizen around her managed to keep all the clothing snug and secure.

“I haven’t had a girl’s day out for over a year. Most of my social group don’t make it to the capital.” Ember smiled. “Thanks for coming.”

“It is my pleasure. I am looking into local fashions and trying to find something for my days off. I thought I had to work all the time.” Freddy smiled.

“You are going through your clients so quickly, there will be plenty of time for you to spend exploring our world and our culture.”

Ember linked arms with her, and they entered a shopping district with an eye to finding something for Freddy to wear on her off days.

Wearing shoes was a bit of a relief. It was part and parcel of pretending to be local.

“No one is staring.”

“Of course not. You look like a normal citizen.”

“So, how will I do my change-room thing if I have to take the belt off?”

“You will be in there alone. Simply pick what you like, and you will be fine.”

“Okay, as long as you know I am going to be looking for a few colours that might not be flattering with the projection.”

Ember laughed. “As we head through the city, you will see that fashion is simply what the folks are comfortable with.”

They went to the first shop, and Ember helped her gather some clothing for the change room.

Ember stayed outside and guarded the room while Freddy tried on outfit after outfit.

“So, what did you tell your lover about our trip out today?”

Freddy giggled and looked at the tunic and trousers that felt like a puff of air against her skin. “I told him we were sightseeing.”

“How did he react to that?”

Freddy grinned and put on the next outfit. “I have no idea. I left him a note while he was sleeping. Poor guy was all tuckered out.”

Ember was laughing.

Freddy made a few decisions, got her clothing and camouflage back on and then headed out with three outfits over her arm.

She purchased the outfits, and Ember gave the details for a courier pickup later in the day. With empty hands, they headed out of the shop and off to the next one.

A few folks recognized Ember, but Freddy was ignored. Ember signed a few items and then excused herself. They walked up and down the shops before Ember called a halt and escorted her into a restaurant.

“I would consider this a very successful outing. How are you liking the locals?” Ember raised a glass of fruit juice and wine.

“I like it here. It is very friendly. Even your fans weren’t mean, which is pleasant.” Freddy sipped at her own wine and fruit juice, and her head spun gently.

They chatted and laughed. Freddy learned about the first stirrings of Ember’s talent and how Rescue had taken to being nearby to undo what she had done.

Freddy enjoyed the story and was on her third glass of fitz when Ember’s wristband chimed.

“Oh, damn. I have to go. Go to Delake and Miskue and ask them to take you to the base. They are our couriers.”

“Great. Can you tell them that I am coming?”

Ember was on her feet and heading for the door. Freddy shrugged and drank the rest of her fitz.

She stood and wobbled her way to the door, paying for the meal before looking for the courier.

Freddy enjoyed the incognito walk until she entered the courier offices.

“Is this Delake and Miskue?”

The man at the desk smiled and inclined his head. “Welcome. How may I help you?”

“I was told to come to you in order to get myself taken to the Guardian base.”

His features were suddenly skeptical. “Really?”

“Yes. Pardon, I had some fitz with lunch, and it is hitting me hard.”

“Why would you think we are the couriers for the base?”

“Ember told me to come here and get you to send me back to the base.”

The man sneered. “Really? And why would you be authorized to be in the most secure part of the city?”

She fumbled with the camo belt, but it didn’t budge.

“I am not from here. This disguises me.” She bit her lip. “I am Oracle.”

“You look remarkably like a citizen for the pale alien that Oracle is purported to be. Listen, miss. Go for a walk and give up your thoughts of bedding a Guardian. We have turned away women nearly every day. You are nothing special.”

A frisson of nervousness bubbled through her. “I need to get to the base.”

He got up and came around the desk. With a firm grip, he took her arm and escorted her to the door.

She didn’t fight. She couldn’t. Her mind was filled with his future.

With one shove, he sent her stumbling through the doorway and onto the walkway.

She collided with three different men and women, her mind read their futures and she scrambled to get away from the increasingly crowded space.

She backed up to a wall and read its future. It would be torn down in seventeen years.

Freddy didn’t know how to call for help, how to call anyone. The tech portion of her knowledge download was still jumbled.

She walked quickly to a local park and looked around for law enforcement and found none. When she was sure the coast was clear, she found a likely target and climbed the tree until she was high in the embrace of its branches. She would be safe there until the Guardians came looking for her. At least she knew that Rune would come after her when he could. She just had to wait out the emergency.


* * * *


Ember joined her crew en route, and they skimmed across the sky, heading for the break-in at one of the med research facilities.

Rune gave her a curious look. “Where did you leave Oracle?”

“The courier will get her home.” Ember was cheerful.

“So, you told them she was coming?”

Ember shook her head. “Of course not. Why would I?”

Her brother leaned over, “Because women are constantly trying to get into the base. They jump us in the streets, and it is quite the moment if they catch one of us poor males on his own.”

Brakes chuckled. “I am pretty sure that they will send her packing. Did you give her another option?”

Rune held up his hand. “We will find her when we have kept the experiments from being exploited on the black market. Work first.”

Ember looked at his calm expression. “You know where she is.”

“I do. She is safe, but she will not be in a great mood when we return. I will collect her.”

Ember felt silly. She hadn’t realized that she was abandoning one of the global treasures in the middle of lunch. There was going to be a lot of grovelling in her future.


* * * *


She was settled and breathing evenly when she heard a voice below her.

“Freddy, please come down.” Rune’s voice was amused.

Freddy shifted around and flexed her hands. “I can’t. My muscles are a little tense.”

“I will have to bring you down.”

She had gotten the camo belt off, and it was keeping her in place, the strap was wrapped around both wrists and the nearest thick part of the trunk.

With slow movements, she unwrapped her hands and flexed her fingers again.

She felt the energy impact her chest and wrap around her. With slow and deliberate care, she was lifted up and out of the tree before being lowered into his waiting arms.

Freddy smiled up at her lover. “Hello, Rune.”

He kissed her with slow purpose. The crowd that had gathered around him applauded and several of the women sighed.

Freddy reached up and cradled the back of his head, extending the kiss until Rune was smiling against her mouth.

“Thank you for coming to get me.”

“Always. Smart call on the tree.”

They were having the conversation in full view of the public.

“I wanted to be out of the way, and I figured that the subconscious connection would let you know I was fine.”

He laughed. “It did. Now, do you want to have dinner?”

“Please. I have been up there for hours.”

He grinned. “Us aliens have to stick together.”

She stroked his chest and murmured, “Later.”

His eyes lit up, and he set her on her feet, offering her his arm. She looped her arm through the crook of his elbow and leaned on him a little more heavily than she wanted to.

“I suppose we will have to teach you to fly,” Rune muttered as the crowd parted at their approach.

“It might be a good idea. That or set up an account for me with the courier. They really weren’t helpful.” She bit her lip as she wobbled on her unsteady legs. Walking was helping.

“We will make sure you have access to a ride. No matter what you look like.”

She grinned. “Good. Unless I get a brand new, never used vehicle, I think that reading the future of it would be disturbing.”

“What if you crash it?”

“Then, I will accept that I have seen it. For now, I just want to be able to hire someone or get a ride or something.”

He walked her back to the restaurant where she and Ember had had lunch.

“I am just going to go and freshen up. Maybe get the tree sap off my hands. I will be right back.”

She scooted away and headed for the bathroom, using the facilities and finger combing her hair into an even mass.

She straightened her tunic and left the camo belt over her shoulder. She was acceptable.

When Freddy headed out to the dining room again, there were two women ogling Rune, and one was running her hand over his exposed arm tattoos.

Freddy walked up to the table and pushed the woman aside, kissing Rune deeply, feeling his hands wrap around her and hold her tight. Her pulse picked up quickly as they duelled tongues in front of their astonished audience.

When she pulled back, she nipped his lips before smiling. “Sorry I made you wait.”

He got to his feet and held her chair out for her.

The women were staring at her. The one who had been groping Rune cleared her throat. “What? Who are you?”

“I am Oracle. It is nice to meet you. I am guessing that you know my mate?”

Rune sat and extended his hand. She slipped her fingers along his and gripped him.

The women blinked and tried to figure out what to do. Freddy could see their wheels turning.

“Let me make this easier, ladies. Rune is now taken, and if you stroke his arm again, I can guarantee your future will contain a broken arm.” She smiled pleasantly.

The ladies scattered.

Rune’s chest was so puffed that she was amazed he didn’t explode. “I did not think you were the jealous type, Oracle.”

She grinned. “I see your future, and I am the only one in it. If I have to ensure that on my own, I will do so.”

“What do you see for your own future?”

“Some light flirting but always turning to you in the night.”

His expression softened. “I can definitely live with that.”

The waiter came by and poured some fitz for her. Rune pulled her glass away.

“She will have the Limar wine. No fitz.”

Freddy was confused, and as soon as the waiter left, she asked. “Why no fitz?”

“It has fruit grown in the valley near the base. It is impregnated with the same minerals that activate your talent. Why?”

Well, that explained her out-of-control talent, not to mention her drunkenness. “I had a few glasses at lunch.”

“Oh, my. No wonder you turned to the trees for protection.”

She squeezed his hand. “I would have turned to you if you were there.”

Rune sighed. “I can’t promise to always be there in the future, but I will give you the tools that you need to help you take care of yourself.”

“I will take it.”

“I will also only turn to your embrace.”

The way he said it, she knew that they had just swapped some kind of vow.

The wine arrived, and she lifted her glass. “To new starts and learning to fly.”

“To seeing the future and living life to the fullest.”

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