Scandalous Intentions

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Authors: Amanda Mariel

BOOK: Scandalous Intentions
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Ladies and Scoundrels Series

Scandalous Endeavors

Scandalous Intentions


Coming soon to the Ladies and Scoundrels Series

Scandalous Redemption


Kathryn Le Veque’s Kindle World of De Wolfe Pack

Love’s Legacy


Box sets and Anthologies

Once Upon A Regency

Romantic Beginnings




This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2015 Amanda Mariel

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher.

Published by Amanda Mariel

Cover art by Melody Mulvey




This one is for the fans of Scandalous Endeavors. You all mean the world to me!




A huge thank you to all of those who helped me get this ready for submission: Raven for helping me tighten and polish, Mom for being first eyes, Liette for Beta reading, and Dawn for being my plotting partner in crime. You ladies are phenomenal. I did a lot of research for this book and want to point out that the wedding vows used are actual wedding vows from the Victorian time period. Thank you Google! And if you are interested in learning more about these vows you can find them here: Christian Wedding Vows.



London 1843


Sarah knew exactly
what kind of man he was. All of London did. He was the type of man no respectable woman should associate with.

Sarah picked up a champagne flute and looked around. For the third time that night, her gaze collided with his. Lord Julian Carrington, the Marquess of Luvington. She lingered there for a moment, taking in the despicably delicious sight of him. He leaned against a white pillar, green eyes dancing in the lamp light. Drat. Every time she turned around, she found him watching her. Was there no escaping his attention?

A grin spread across his lips, sending a rush of heat into her cheeks. When he winked, she snapped her attention back to Grace Stratton, the Duchess of Abernathy. “Would you care for a stroll on the veranda?” She needed to break her connection with the notorious rake.

Grace closed her fan. “A splendid idea.” She pivoted and moved through a sea of colorful ball gowns, toward the exit.

Sarah walked beside the duchess, neither speaking a word as they approached the open doors. Cool air washed across her as she stepped over the threshold into the night. The breeze picked up as if seeking to wipe away the heat that rose in her cheeks at the thought of Lord Luvington and his unwanted glances.

Glancing at Grace, Sarah sighed. “What do you suppose he was staring at us for?”

Grace giggled, her strawberry blonde tresses bouncing. “Not
, dear.

Sarah turned to her. “He signed my dance card, too. Taking the last waltz. But why? What would a rake the likes of him want with me?”

“Perhaps it is nothing,” Grace waved her fan. “But there is one way to find out.”

“Please expound, Your Grace.” Sarah peered at her, a faint grin pulling at her lips.

“Ask him.”

Grace took a step toward the veranda doors and Sarah followed. “Maybe I will.” She glanced up at the stars twinkling in the sky and moved across the threshold. “Or perhaps I will simply refuse. After all, the last waltz is for couples.”

“It will do you no harm to honor his request.”

Except it could. A woman had to be careful around a man like that. At least they were in a public place. What could he do to her here, amidst the ton?

Sarah followed Grace into the room just as the quartet played the last notes of a waltz. Lord Gibbs waited for her on the edge of the dance floor. She nodded to Grace as he swept her into the middle of the room for their dance. Despite her current partner, her thoughts wandered where they should not. Lord Luvington. Her pulse quickened at the idea of being so close to the handsome rake. A dance could prove tolerable.

No. She had no desire to become the object of tomorrow’s gossip. The idea of a renowned rake taking an interest in her upset her equilibrium. She worked hard to maintain her social standing and did not intend to let anyone damage her reputation. One scandal could ruin a lady beyond repair. She had seen it happen time and again. Her stomach tightened.

“Lady Sarah, did you hear me?”

Sarah blinked and focused on Lord Gibbs. “My apologies, I was lost in the music.” She gave him a smile. “You have my attention now.”

“I asked if you are enjoying the ball.” He twirled her through a line of other fashionable lords and ladies. The scents of their colognes mingled together in an exotic mix of flowers and spices.

“Indeed. Lady Vivian outdid herself. I find the ball riveting, a smashing success for certain. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I enjoyed one so thoroughly.”

“Nor can I.” He spun her around.

Sarah turned her mouth up politely. Lord Gibbs had been courting her since last season, but she did not fancy him more than a friend. She made her position clear early on, even so, he still pursued her. Mayhap he hoped to sway her. It would not happen. Sarah made her mind up to marry for love or remain a Miss some time ago. Much to Mother’s dismay, she had made it through four seasons unattached. Her father, on the other hand, fully supported her decision.

“You look lovely tonight, Lady Sarah.” He pulled her closer.

“Thank you, my lord. You look rather dashing yourself.” It was not a lie, he was attractive. She simply did not love him. Besides, the idea of becoming some gentleman’s property did not appeal to her overmuch.

The song wound down, and Lord Gibbs escorted her off the dance floor. Once again, her gaze fell on Lord Luvington. Blast, the man continued to linger near her. She studied him before she could stop herself, taking in the sharp angle of his jaw, the luster of his golden-brown hair. His smoldering blue gaze met hers. He grinned wickedly at her as if he knew what she looked like under her shift. Sarah’s cheeks warmed, and she turned away.

She spied Mother, serving herself a drink at the refreshment table. Sarah made haste to join her. Being around one’s parents made it so much easier to keep one’s thoughts away from forbidden things. She lifted a sparkling flute of champagne to her lips and took her place at Mother’s side.

“Where has Papa gotten off to?” She took a drink of the cool, bubbling liquid.

“He wanted to have a word with your brother. They will be back in a moment.” Mother tipped her chin toward Lord Luvington. “Appears you have collected a new admirer.”

Sarah’s cheeks burned as she took him in, her gaze roaming across his broad chest. What would it feel like to be wrapped in his arms? She flipped open her fan, cooling herself. So much for keeping her thoughts clean. “It is scandalous the way he keeps watching me.”

“Nonsense daughter, you should be flattered.” Mother rested her gloved hand on her chest. “It is not a daily occurrence for you to catch the eye of a marquess.”

Sarah inhaled sharply and snapped her fan closed. Had everyone lost their minds? “Mother, he is a known rake.”

“Calm yourself, dear. I did not tell you to marry him, only to be flattered by his attention. Though it is high time you consider finding a spouse. Perhaps more tasteful gentleman will be inspired by the attention Lord Luvington bestows upon you.”

Someone cleared their throat. Sarah glanced behind her, her heart skipping a beat.

“Whose attentions should my darling tulip be flattered by?” Father looked between Sarah and his wife.

Mother grinned at her husband. “It is nothing, really. Do not bother yourself with it, love.” She placed her hand under his arm.

He patted it, then looked at Sarah. “Are you enjoying the evening, dearest?”

“Indeed, Papa.” If Mother believed it best to keep her admirer’s identity from Papa, then she would.

“And you will let me know if said gentleman’s attentions cross the line?”

Sarah nodded, sending her earbobs dancing. “Yes, Papa.”

“Very well. Excuse us then.” He gave his wife a smile. “I have been waiting to show your lovely mother off on the dance floor.”

Sarah angled her head toward the sleek marble clearing. “You had better hurry, lest you miss your chance.” She lifted her crystal flute to her lips.

Mother beamed as Papa led her through the crush toward the dance floor. Perhaps Mother was correct, not about gaining the attention of a suitable match, but about Lord Luvington’s attention being innocuous. It was not she who acted inappropriately. Sarah decided to enjoy the rest of the ball, and if Lord Luvington insisted on studying her, then so be it.

Hours later, Sarah stood and arched her back as the quartet started a new tune. She had been dancing for hours and her feet ached inside of her thin slippers. On several occasions during the evening she caught Lord Luvington studying her.

She simply could not understand his sudden interest. Soon enough she would get the chance to ask him outright about his behavior toward her. Two dances remained. No doubt Lord Shillington would seek her out before long…and then Lord Luvington.

Good heavens, the mere thought of dancing the final waltz with him set her nerves on edge. Her hands began to shake. No way did she believe his intentions innocent. She took a deep breath and steeled herself as Lord Shillington approached.

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