Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (86 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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As I’ve watched our Katya blossom, she has ignored her online buddies. I miss her. I feel close to her because I watch her constantly. My life enables me to sit in my home-office and watch her night and day when I’m not at Restraint. When I work at the dungeon, Aaron, Kayla, Cort, and Ezra take turns. She is never without an eye on her every moment- even embarrassing bathroom moments. And the more embarrassing private moments between her and Ezra- I’ve watched them in real-time. Ezra wouldn’t allow anyone else to witness it besides me. He doesn’t know that Cortez was at my side each and every time. Ezra doesn’t realize that this will only w
ork if it’s the three of them.

I nearly pissed myself when I saw the chemistry that Katya and Cortez have. Ezra went into a rage and broke everything within arm’s reach while I indulgently watched and secretly smiled. Cort and I are frustrated that he is breaking his promise and keeping Kat to himself. It won’t last long. I fear what Cort will do. He’s too territorial and cunning to allow it much longer. All day a niggling suspicion has tickled my brain. I wasn’t able to watch Kat last night because I had to work. It was Cort’s turn. 

This feeling has had me trying to contact Katya in every way possible and she’s ignored every attempt. Right now I’m at my desk at Restraint watching her sit at her desk four blocks away at Edge. She looks miserable and in pain and I want to take it away. I want to soothe her and comfort her. Most importantly, I want this niggling suspicion to go away.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I watch her log on to messenger and type in Kimber’s scene name- TheCastrator. I quickly log on and wait in anticipation. I’ll finally figure out what’s going on with her. It’s amazing how attached you become when you have access to every faucet of someone’s life, and when they hold out on you it’s the worst kind of torture. It becomes an addiction.

: Kat where u @?

: I’m here. How’s the virtual world?

: <3 I’ve missed you <3 Nothing ever changes here. I write new programs. Upgrade websites for clients. I make sure my ladies behave. I upgraded my system, it’s kickass now >:}

I’ve made up fictitious versions of all the people in my life. I’ve told her I met them online and I keep an eye on them as I do her. I try to keep my story as close to the truth as possible. Kimber’s past is Ezra’s past. Kimber’s present is mine.

: Sweet. Sorry I haven’t chatted. Kinda busy.

: Is ok. I understand. How’s the job? Your boss? Coworkers? Any new friends?

I practically salivate as I await her answers. I want to know if she likes me back. I want to know if our efforts have been for naught.

Kat smiles an indulgent smile and she winces and rubs her throat. I want to make her feel better, but first I have to lead her in a direction so she’ll tell me what’s wrong with her.

: Slow down, Kimber! LOL! I like my new place. It’s comfortable and suspiciously exactly as I want it. The job is great. I have three people who work for me. One is a pain in the ass. But we understand each other. If she didn’t want my job I think we could be friends. My boss… I’m pretty sure is the actual BOSS. Don’t ask!  I met a woman that I’d like to befriend. Her name’s Queen. I feel connected to her for some reason.

My breath whooshes out of me and I sit in stunned silence. I feel like Ezra did on their first encounter. I want to jump up and down screaming
she likes me. She really likes me!

: Aww! I bet she feels connected to you too. You’re so easy to get along with.

: Ego stroker! You know damned well I can be a bitch. Lol!

:I know why you turn into one, so it’s all good
U were excited to hit the scene 4 real. Did ya?

: Yeah, it’s confusing. I don’t know what I think about it. It’s exciting. I thought it would be filled with rules and structure. You know how much I need that sort of thing.

: I’m always on my computer researching stuff. Why don’t you tell me what you mean & I’ll look it up for you.

: The reward and punishment system. I thought you got rewarded when you did well and punished when you misbehaved. I found out that isn’t the case.

: Ahahaaa… Kat, what did you do?

Nothing, honest! I didn’t think I needed rewarded. We’re playing a game and when you win a battle you move these Chess pieces we have set up. I won and moved the chess piece. I thought that was the end of it…

: Oh! So you were rewarded. That’s awesome. From what I’ve read they do stuff like that. They aren’t supposed to punish you for no reason. But rewards are different. It makes them happy to give their sub nice things and to do nice things for them.

He said it was a reward. But it was HIS reward.

: Don’t you want to make him happy?

I do. I really do. But it went against all I knew about the rules. I thought we both were to get something out of it. I don’t mean sexual stuff. But even when I’m punished it’s to teach me something right?

: Everything I’ve read says that. So you gave him a reward and didn’t get anything out of it? That’s not too bad, Kat. I thought submissives were supposed to want to please their Masters.

I did get something out of it. I know that punishments aren’t to leave lasting damage, but in order for him to get his reward I was hurt. It won’t go away for a long while. It hurts in a few ways. He said that my reward is my Master’s pleasure.

: Katya! What did he do?

I want to reach through the screen and shake her, slap her, scream at her to tell me. I wish we were in person because she could never deny Queen’s command. I knew that niggling suspicion was Cort related. Ezra and I were busy at the club last night. And there are only two people she would associate with her new Master.

No. I don’t want to say. It’s too embarrassing.

: I don’t give a shit. We are friends. I care about you and your wellbeing. Tell me what he did and I’ll get off this computer and kick his fucking ass! I’ll shove his nuts down his throat!

It doesn’t matter if she tells me or not. I’m kicking his ass regardless. I’ll beat the truth out of his cowardly, territorial, jealous ass. Then I’m going to beat the shit out of Ezra for pushing Cort’s limits. They are both at fault and they are supposed to be her protectors. They belong in a fucking daycare they’re so juvenile and immature.

You don’t even know who he is or where to find him. Plus you don’t leave the house. I appreciate it. & Kimber, you are my only real friend. I’m glad we talk. And I’m sorry I’ve avoided you. When I talk to you more comes out than with Dr. Jeannine and I avoid you to avoid therapy.

: Please tell me so I can fix it. I beg of you!

: I will when I’m comfortable. Okay? I would have done it for him regardless. It was the brutality of the act. I’ll be okay! Oh! I dropped our therapist. I hit her with a revelation and told her to fuck off
Fucking Bitc

: You can’t do that. Don’t drop her. You need someone to talk to. She’s helpful.

: Yeah. It’s like Groundhog Day. Same shit different day. Nothing changes. Besides I have you to talk to. You listen without judgment. You understand because you’ve been there too. That cunt probably has never even had a hangnail.

I can’t take it anymore. She isn’t going to tell me and I have a very good idea what would hurt her throat. Cort punished Kat to punish Ezra in the exact manner our Master taught him.
A sob of frustration breaks from my throat as I sprint four blocks to the Edge building. This allows me to think. It allows the fury to take hold. It gives me the clarity to enact the proper punishment to both those fools.

She’s as innocent as a kitten. Her only sexual activity was with females with the exception of Ezra and the thirty second of torture Ray Hunter thrust into her. I have no doubt that she has never given a man oral pleasure, and I’m sickened that Cort skullfucked her on her first time. It should have been c
oaxing or with her in control.

No one stops an enraged six-foot tall, hundred and eighty pound shemale with double-d tits. I’m not a man, but my presence is more frightening than one.  Aaron meets me in the hall and I shove him out of the way, and crash into Ezra’s office. I know Cort is in there too. While I was chatting with Katya I was watching her office and Ezra’s on a split-screen. I have Ezra as tapped as he has everyone else. We trust each other enough
not to truly trust one another.

Chapter Twenty-One

A crack echoes around Ezra’s office as my fist connects with Cort’s jaw. My fingers tighten around his neck and I squeeze. Cortez’s gray eyes are eclipsed by his black pupils. His mouth opens on a pant, but he can’t get any air to flow passed his lips- I won’t allow it.

“Regina!” Ezra demands and tries to pry my fingers from my best friend’s throat. I can hear the panic in his voice and the knowledge that he can’t control me anymore- physical
ly, mentally, or through will.

“I see the guilt in your eyes,” I whisper hiss to Cort. “I see that you understand why it’s taking everything for me not to kill you right now.”

“Regina,” is digitally shouted from the speaker phone. Its only effect is to pause me long enough to think.

I grin ferally into Cort’s eyes and then meet Ezra’s. I stare at
the phone and laugh manically.

“Nice try, Ezra,” I laugh. “I’m my own Master. No one holds my leash.” Ezra and Cort look up at me in astonishment.

“Marcus,” I purr seductively. The tone isn’t sexual in nature- it’s pure pleasure as control fires though my veins in an erotically glorious high.

“I will punish them for this. You either get your boys in control or I will. Your son made a promise and he’s broken it daily. I’m angry at Cortez, but I was waiting for it. I’m furious at Ezra for betraying all of our trusts and putting Cort in a position that his only recourse was Katya.” 
I release Cort’s throat and inspect the reddening fingertip marks. It will bruise; no doubt it will hurt for him to swallow now as well.

Cort gazes up at me with heavily-lidded eyes that are glazed in need. I kiss the marks I placed on his throat
and he cries out and writhes.

“What is she doing?” Marcus
hisses from the speakerphone.

I ignore the emotions that sing through my body from hearing his voice. It’s the sweetest sound. After being denied for almost four months it’s nearly orgasmic. But I hurt Cort and it’s my responsibility to fix him. I shouldn’t have lashed out in anger. I’m a bad, bad queen.

“Just turn on the feed,” Ezra heavily sighs and collapses in his office chair. The tap of keys informs me that he’s checking last night’s recordings for the source of my fury.
“You’re in your office. There isn’t a camera in there.” Marc’s voice is pure frustration and I giggle from the sound.

I pepper Cort’s neck and jaw with kisses. His fingers clench in my shirt and he draws me to straddle his lap. I scoot down until we’re aligned and I’m not surprised to feel his ‘exquisiteness’
as hard as a baseball bat. I growl in disgust and grind on the offensive flesh that hurt poor Katya’s mouth and throat.

“You shouldn’t hurt innocent women,” I chastise him as my hand finds his hardness. I squeeze him through his pants and dig my fingernails into the fabric until I
find purchase with his flesh.

“Regina,” he screams in pain.

“I sent you the link. Regina has me tapped more thoroughly than you could ever pull off. Never piss off a genius,” Ezra sighs heavily and I chuckle. “You know what she’s doing with him. You know his sounds better than I do,” Ezra says sadly.

“Not true,” Marcus denies. “Christ,” he hisses and I know he is watching us live and probably simultaneously watching what Cort did last night.

“Ezra, he doesn’t touch Cort back and you know it,” I admonish.

I unzip Cort’s trousers. I need to feel his flesh give way beneath my fingernails. I brutally squeeze him until his bulbous head turns dark purple and impossibly swells. A hiss of breath passes his clenched teeth and
lips as he controls the pain.

“Not a good idea to train with someone who will punish you. I know all of your triggers,” I seductively taunt Cortez and glide my hand smoothly up his shaft.

He reaches for the fly of my jeans and I tsk-tsk him.

“No sex,” I warn with a gentle squeeze
and a pinch of my fingernails.

“Why not?”
He pouts in confusion.

“No sex,
” I repeat and squeeze harder.

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