Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (83 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“What?” He yelps in shock.

“Shut it!” I chastise him. “Lookie, lookie… All that plotting, scheming, and stalking you’ve had me, Aaron, and Kayla do has finally paid off.” I tap my fingernail on the monitor directly over Katya standing in line one couple away from Aaron.

“Red head, behind the douchebag,” I say to Aaron by interrupting him with the walkie-talkie function on his Bluetooth. He shakes his head knowing that I’m watching him on the feed.

Ezra and I lean forward with our faces inches from the screen. He grabs both of my hands and twines our fingers as we try to lend the other one strength to not go batshit from excitement.

I’m thrumming with giddiness. It’s been a long time coming. It upsets me to know what Ade will have to face now that Katya is in Ezra’s clutches. But Ezra wasn’t meant to be hers. I’m a firm believer of fate now, especially after two false relationships and a false marriage. You fall for who you’re destined. Ezra and Cort were meant to be together and the only way it will work is with Katya by their sides. It’s destiny. No one has this much shit happen and manages to be remotely sane- Ezra excluded.

Ezra’s eyes glow with anticipation as Aaron chats with Katya for the very first time. We try to read their lips and it’s frustrating.

“Red-haired, green-eyed little gal. Says she’s a switch, but by the expression she was giving this guy, she wanted to shove his nuts down his throat,” Aar
on laugher fills my cellphone.

“Get her in here,” I say impatiently. “Entice her if you have to, but just do it!” I demand.

Ezra made me his secret female Boss. It’s kind of funny when the patrons look between the hooded bastards trying to figure out which is the Boss. Little do they know that Dr. Lunatic and I are co-conspirators. I wish Aaron would grow up because I’d like to pass Ezra’s job off onto him. He’s too needy. Ezra runs the club and I run the dungeon. Aaron listens to me and Ezra fights me- sometimes physically.

I feel high from all the schemes coming together and culminating into this moment. She is here. Katya Waters
is here. She is the reason Ezra created Restraint in the first place and I’m watching her walk over our threshold.

“I’ll lure her to you. But you behave yourself. I have a camera of my own stuffed in here somewhere- more than one, so good luck finding them. You touch her inappropriately and I will cut off your nuts and shove one up your ass and one down your throat,” I threaten.

“I’ll behave,” he promises and smiles at me sweetly.

“Bullshit! Just don’t rape her again. Cuddle, feel her up… I won’t care as long as it’s over her clothing. If you try to fuck her or get her to touch you before she asks for it… Remember my promise of castration by self-cannibalism,” I taunt as a parting comment as I leave h
is office in search of my prey

Chapter Nineteen

I grab my stowaway- Fate, from the office next to Ezra’s. She’s scared of the club after countless times of being pawed without permission. I knew Katya was coming tonight and I needed my submissive as a prop. She was safe and happy in my office watching a movie until it was showtime. Now she’s shaking like a leaf.

“I’ll keep you safe,” I promise. “When have I ever let you down?” I ask rhetorically.

I have my pretty, blonde submissive as a prop. I fasten a jeweled collar around her neck and attach a leash. She giggles and I snicker at the absurdness. Fate is my submissive in life, not in the lifestyle- there is a distinction.

I coil a whip around my arm to add to the scary-assed Domme persona I’m playing tonight. I want to give Katya an authentically cliché experience.

Fate and I continue to snicker and giggle as I lead her down the hall like a dutiful pet.

“Oh, God!
You’re priceless,” I laugh at Fate as she wallows and pouts.
She rubs her cheek against my upper-arm and widens her eyes impossibly wide.

“Someday you will look at a man like that and he will die from gobsmackage,” I tease her.

“Only dominant men want me. The safe kind wants a woman like you,” she mumbles.

“Yeah… if you find one send them my way,” I say self-deprecatingly. “You’re looking in the wrong spot if you want a nice man who isn’t scary and controlling. This is the last place you should look. Stay the hell away from Ezra,” I shudder at the thought.

Katya is standing at the top of the stairs leading down to the dance floor. I can tell she’s overwhelmed and excited. Her expression mirrors a combination of mine and Fate’s on our arrival.

Her pretty, red hair is pulled up on top of her head. She’s dressed tastefully, yet sexily. It’s going to drive Ezra even crazier than he already is. Lord knows how many times he’s whacked off while reading our chat logs. I’ve witnessed it first-hand while I played Dr. Jeannine.  He’s worse than a twelve-year-old that discovered internet porn and their mother’s body lotion.

Restraint has been getting out of control lately and my eyes rove the club for people that need sense knocked into their boundary-pushing heads. I spot Dexter and Syn and we share our
No problems yet
It’s better than the
Drag them out the backdoor and kick the shit out of them
chin tilt.

I’ve engaged in that activity a lot lately- ass kicking the bad behaving patrons. It helps relieve the sexual frustrations and man troubles. I could use the dungeon for those activities, but I have no playmates and someone needs to babysit the deviants while they engage in hedonistic activities.

Fate tenses as eyes covetously drink her in and I draw her firmly to my side and wrap her leash around my palm. Oddly enough, she relaxes at the sight of her leash in my hand. I guess she understands that they’d have to chop my hand off to detach her from me.

“Come along, my Angel,” I purr and she snorts at me. “Let’s go get us a Kitten,” I giggle.

Katya is sitting at a barstool with a sarcastic smile flirting with her lips. Fate and I share a similar one as we approach her.

“Hey,” I huskily whisper into her

I stifle a giggle when she jumps and sputters. Her pretty mouth forms an O of shock and awe. She stares at me in wonder and looks at Fate in surprise. I watch her thoughts run across her face as she comes to terms with what it means to be a Domme and a submissive. She gives a cute little head nod when she accepts us as we are.

“Hey, yourself.” She grins icily and extends her hand to me.

I enclose her wrist in a strange form of a handshake. I’m testing her resolve. Her face shows no issue but a small shudder runs through her body. I grin because Ezra is going to eat her alive and he’s going to love every second of it.

I flip over her hand and check out her stamp. I didn’t quite believe Aaron when he said she was a switch. I sense no submission from her and I’m glad. I don’t believe in romance between two types of personalities. They will walk all over you- as I said before: Life and the lifestyle are two separate entities with a big distinction. The only exception is slaves and their owners.

I raise a brow.

I hope she leans more towards the dominant side. I don’t want Ezra taking more advantage of her than he already has. And then there is Cort waiting patiently on the sidelines. They’re overwhelming individually- together they are a nightmare of epic proportions.

“May I buy you a drink?” I feel her gaze as she scrutinizes me. It’s unnerving.

“Yes, please, thanks,
” she murmurs shyly.

I snap my fingers to get Kristal’s attention. The majority of the staff
know that I’m the Boss of the dungeon and I’m one of the few that can influence Ezra to behave. Even if Kristal wasn’t my submissive, she would’ve run over to me instantly because I make her life easier here at Restraint. I get a lot of respect from my employees- even the ones that live with me.

What can I get for you, Queen?” Kristal’s eyes pop when she realizes who I’m chatting with. I smirk and have to put my hand over my mouth so I don’t burst out laughing. This is the most fun I’ve had in ages. I feel maniacal- like Ezra.

“Thanks, Kristal, Fate and I’ll have the usual
.” I smile down at my Chica and wink. “What can I get you?” I look at Katya with bated breath. Her drink choice will be one more piece of the puzzle.

“I’ll have a seven and seven. Thanks, Kristal.”
Katya says sharply and suspiciously looks between me and my ladies.

She asks out of curiosity.

“I don’t fancy the term mistress.
My ex had one, and not our type,” I say cryptically. “I find it offensive.”

Just hearing the word makes me want to retch. Jamie has since changed the dedication in the numeral books to
I have no clue why he does this, and sometimes when someone calls me Queen it curdles my stomach- just as my presence curdles Jamie’s.

y name really is Queen, but they don’t know that.” I gaze over the roaring crowd and glare. “They think it’s a term I made up. A few idiots mimic it and I enjoy their punishments.”

A few have met the tip of my shoe. Roman helped me last time. It was reminiscent of old times in the ratty neighborhood we grew up in. A man touched Fate while his girlfriend said to call her Queen, not Mistress. It pissed me off because she didn’t earn either title, and she wasn’t annoyed that her man was touching my lady. Syn and Fate took care of the man, and Roman and I gave the cunt an attitude adjustment. It’s like the old neighborhood in here more often than not. Roman and my street-wisdom
has come in handy.

Kristal appears
with our drinks. A seven and seven is handed to Katya. A shot of blackberry brandy is passed to Fate. I practically drool when Kris hands me the drink named in my honor- the Digital Queen is bright blue and tonight she’s put an umbrella in it to tease me. I bite my lip so that I don’t suck the ice cubes dry with the straw in under a second.

“I’m sure Fate appreciates me not drinking beer.
” I reply to Katya’s infectious snicker. “Who wants to lock lips when their mouth tastes like stale beer?”

“Huh? I never thought of it that way. I’m guessing you love the taste
of brandy.” I wink at her because she’s thinking too hard. I need her to relax or Ezra is going to freak her out.

y name’s Kat by the way,” she offers conversationally as she sips her cocktail. Her eyes bug-out when the liquor hits the back of her throat. I toss a bitch-glare Kristal’s way when I realize she probably omitted the
in Katya’s drink.

“Oh, so you prefer Kat over Katya?”
I ask wanting to call her whatever she prefers. I realize my mistake when she winces.

She tilts her head and eyes me suspiciously. Kat holds that position for a minute and I can tell that I’ve pissed her off. If I didn’t already like her, that look would do it. The girl has to be strong
to play with the crazy boys.

“How did you know
my name is Katya?” Confusion and suspicion lace her voice as she narrows her eyes at me.

“Boss told us,
” I use as an excuse. I try not to giggle as she squints at me in distrust. Yeah, I told myself about her. I laugh inwardly and I realize that Ezra is rubbing off on me. 

I present my hand to her, allowing my membership bracelet to dangle on my wrist, to prove that I am one of the members of Restraint. I won’t tell her that I help run it like a mother hen to her chicks, but I want her to know that she can trust me a little bit.

Kat’s eyes widen and I know she’s thinking about how expensive the bracelet is and that this isn’t the place for her. Her face is very expressive. She’ll never hide a thought from Ezra or Cortez. One second in Marc’s presence and she will profess her life history.

Katya’s face turns an unnatural, unattractive shade of red. She stopped breathing and I worry that she’ll keel over from suffocation. I’m dying to pick on her, but I don’t dare because she’s beyond pissed- which makes me pissed in turn.

“There will be none of that!” I demand of the tiny gal. “I see your distrust. It’s not what you think,” I plead. It’s nothing that she has the capacity to imagine.

“And what is it
you think I’m thinking,” she hisses and loses all of her self-control. I watch with amusement as she wars with herself. I bet she’s counting in her head. It’s what I’d do.

“He just told us to watch out for you, keep you comfortable and safe. I swear we came over to
meet you. I know you think it is feigned friendship, it isn’t, honest,” and the truth of my words rings. I’m already her friend. She just doesn’t know it yet. 

“Who the fuck is this Boss and why does he think he can do anything with me?”
She hisses like a pissed off kitten, baring her fangs and everything. It’s so damned cute that I have to bite my tongue against laughing and pinching her pissed off cheek.

Fate doesn’t think it’s cute though. The vehemence scares the shit out of her. She doesn’t do well around dominants and she’s scared that Ezra will pop out of the ether and kill us all. The poor girl cringes into my thigh and grips
it like a child seeking protection. She gazes at Katya with pleading, petrified blue eyes.

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