Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (43 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“Queen stays,” Cort demands. “Her feet hurt and Dalton can wander around th
e first floor.”

“No, I need to speak with you pr
ivately,” Ezra says adamantly.

“She can listen in. I would probably tell her anyway.” Cort looks at him, silently saying,
she either stays or we don’t talk.

“Not this, you wouldn’t,” Ezra says smoothly and gives me another glance. I want to wince f
rom the intensity in his eyes.

“You can’t know that. She stays,” Cort says firmly and won’t budge.

Ezra takes on the look of Marcus. I wonder if he’s going to choke Cort again like he did the last time I saw them together.

“Fine,” he concedes.

“Dalton you may explore. If your feet touch those steps, I’ll take my frustrations out on you. No one passes the first step except our Master and his submissive. Understood?” Ezra growls in anger.

“Yes, Sir,” he says resp
ectfully and flees the room.

I settle on the couch and close my eyes. “Just pretend I’m not here. And I don’t want to be here either, but I fear my Master mo
re than both of you combined.”

“I want to do this in private, Cort. You don’t know what I’m going to tell you. I
t’s important,” Ezra stresses.

“I know what it’s about. I may not be around all the time, but I know what you’re up to. If you don’t think Marc pesters me fifty
times a day then you’re insane. It’s her. When is she coming?” Cort asks impatiently.

Now that gets my attention. My eyes snap open and it takes everything in me not to sit up and beg them to answer. This must be the woman from Ezra and Adelaide’s engagement contract.

“I have her in a position that will place her in my hands very soon. I need you to come home. I don’t want her coming here while we’re still fighting. I know you don’t see me the same as before. I know you blame me and when you look at me you see him. I know that all you see is what we did to Aaron. I’m sorry. I would turn back time if I could. We all need to heal from this,” Ezra’s voice quivers.

“This has nothing to do with that time. You’ve cheated on me twice, sorry if that doesn’t make me want to trust you. My issues with the past aren’t about you at all. Maybe, just think about this for a second, Ezra, just maybe I feel some blame about what I did to Aaron.” He stresses
and his voice breaks.

I want to bundle Cort in my arms and comfort him. He has the same expression on his face as he did when we spoke of him losing Ezra for three days.

I remember how bad it was for Grant and Ade. How they paced and drove me crazy for days. I’ll never forget the day they were returned, sad, but not sane. How Grant and I held each other as we both worried how those boys would cope- how they’re still coping. I’ll never forget, because that was the night Grant died.

“Just come home,” Ezra pleads, but I can hear that
he knows Cort won’t come home.

“I won’t sleep in a bed that you fucked that cunt in.” Cort’s vehement and then he looks at me and his eyes
soften in apology. “I just can’t sleep where you cheated on me.”

“I didn’t sleep with her in our bed, Cort. I promise I didn’t. I used the spare room. Our room has lain empty since you left. I can’t sleep without you. I spend most of my nights driving back-and-forth so I can roam ShadowHaven. Please,” he begs again.

I don’t like seeing a strong man begging for affection. It’s killing me. I want to hold him, too, and make them both feel better.

“Fine, I’ll come home under a few conditions.” Cort tries to look harsh, but I
can see the relief underneath.

“I’ll agree to anything, just come home.” I hope Cortez isn’t too crafty or Ezra
will wish he didn’t say that.

“I will sleep in our bed and you will sleep in the bed you tainted with that cunt. I’m not your lover. You don’t deserve my attention. I’ve never cheated on you. Once I understood. I knew I hadn’t been giving you what you needed. I understood because I know how rigorous and arousing training can be. Twice is unacceptable. I don’t know if I can ever trust you after that. I had to sit at our family home while you fucked her in our house. I’ve
never wanted to kill before.”

“That’s fair and I deserve it.” Ezra says happily. He’d rather have Cort be an asshole towards him than igno
re him. “I accept your terms.”

“I’m not finished,” Cort warned.

I wait breathlessly. I love Cort’s ability to fuck with the ones he loves. This won’t be good and I’ll be damned proud of him.

“When Kitten comes home, she’s mine, too. If you ever want to feel
my touch again, you’ll agree.”

Ezra head snaps back as if he was bitch-slapped. His eyes turn to molten silver and he drags in loud gasps of air through his
nostrils like an enraged bull.

“I’ll think about that one. We will discuss what that entails in private. Just come home.” He tries to calm himself and leash his emotions. He didn
’t like that last part at all.

“We’ve always shared everything. What happened with her, affected all of us, not just you. I won’t a
llow you to keep her from me.”

“She’s not ready for your type of attentions. She doesn’t remember us at all, Cort. I’m trying to coax it out of her. Just let me take lead on this. We’ll discuss it at home.”

“Did I hear the happy news,” Marcus chirps from the doorway clapping like an ecstatic idiot. “My children are getting along. Ezra don’t be so possessive,” the jealous idiot chastises his son for being jealous. That’s rich. “

She may like Cort, you never know. Don’t fight over her, just let her decide,” he orders. 
Marcus’ mood has drastically improved. He’s beaming. I’m gobsmacked when he comes into view. He’s wearing painted on, worn-in jeans and a white dress shirt that unbuttoned. His bronze skin glows like the sun underneath the white billowy fabric. I want to peel it from his skin and devour his flesh and scent. I shudder when his whiskey eyes latch on to my green. He smiles brilliantly and my stomach flutters.

“I found our new trainee wandering the halls,” he says cordially.

His hand is on the boy’s shoulder. Both seem acquainted with one another. Marc only touches those he trusts and the boy looks like the skittish type. He’s relaxed under our Master’s touch. There’s more to this story.

“Dalton, Ezra and Cort will take you to Restraint. I’ve prepared a few rooms for you on the second floor. If it’s not to your standards we will remodel some. It was the best I could do under short notice.”

“Thank you, Sir.” The kid says respectfully.

“Son,” Marc breathes and then kisses Ezra’s forehead. “Cort will meet you by your cars. I’ll stop by your apartment before I retire for the evening. It may be late.”

As soon as Ezra and Dalton disappear out the front door, Marc pulls Cort off the couch by fisting the center of his shirt.

“You will not kill each other when you get home. You will try to get along. I know this is a foreign concept for you. You will not fight over Katya Waters. It will be her decision if she wants either of you. She’s been raped enough. Do you understand me, Cortez? I’m not only referring to you and
she, but how Ezra has been misbehaving. You need to go home to keep his issues in check. I’m not telling you to fuck him, just touch him as I know you’re dying to do. Make sure he behaves.” Marc stares the younger man down until Cort’s eyes drop to the floor in acquiesce.

“Yes, Master,” he agrees.

I wait for Marcus to reply, but he shocks me. He snares the nape of Cort’s neck in his palm and holds him immobile. He kisses him passionately. I watch in shock as I see them kiss as lovers do- with tongues and moans of pleasure. I’m enraptured by their display. Two incredibly beautiful men, one gold, one bronze, share a passion that I’ve never felt. It’s enough to make me weep. It’s also the hugest turn-on. I’d never thought I’d like to be a voyeur, but if they ever hook up, I want to watch.

Marc breaks away roughly and pushes Cort to the couch. He looks disgusted with himself, like he allowed his control to break and it pisses him off. And I can see he blames Cortez for his current condition- aroused, frustrated, and out of control.

“Behave and make me proud to be your Master. Go-” He abruptly pointed to the hall, towards the front door.

Cort gets up and walks like he’s treading through quick-sand. His feet are laden, eyes heavy-lidded, and his face is flushed.

I think, in suspicion, that Marcus turned Cort on to benefit his evening with Ezra. It wouldn’t surprise me that he’d go that route. That he’d make him want him and then push him towards the one he really needs. Marcus is tricky like that. Problem is, Marcus wants Cort with a single-minded desperation that he barely holds in check.

“Let’s take a ride,” Marc says huskily and grabs my hand. I stand and yelp. He eyes me
like he’s going to pick me up.

“Oh, no-
don’t even think of it. I’m huge and not carry-worthy.” My voice quivers with nervousness.

He smirks at me in challenge and I run from the room, pained feet
be damned. I find my flip-flops at the door and slide them on. It’s October, but I’m not giving up my sandals until snow falls. I run out the door, down the steps, and down the sidewalk to my car. He’s right on my heels laughing and growling at me. I giggle and try to get my door open.

“We’re taking the
. I want to drive fast,” he breathes in my ear from behind.

He presses his arousal into my ass and moans. I’m not flattered. I didn’t put the steel in his cock, a snarky, naughty a
uthor did. I try to pull away.

“What? Are you still mad about our session earlier?” He asks in confusion. I hear hurt in his voice and I don’t know why. Maybe he feels guilty about how violent he was with me
. He whipped me like a maniac.

I’m still feeling a twinge of rejection by Cort’s
I don’t shit where I eat
comment. I don’t know what it means, but I know it’s nothing good. Now my Master’s trying to use the arousal that he inspired in him, just as he’s trying to use Cort’s on Ezra. I don’t want to be used by someone who needs help in order to touch me. To say it stings is an understatement. 

“What’s wrong?” He peppers the back of my neck with kisses and embraces me from behind. “Tell me,” he commands. His breath heats my skin, every kiss livens nerves. My body tingles and breaks out in goosebumps, and
it makes me sick. I pull away.

I walk around the block and down the alley with Marcus trailing me. I can feel his confusion in the air as if he’s releasing a current that is readable. I quickly tap the security code into the
garage door and slide it up. I wait outside since I’ll have to reengage it and slide the door shut after Marc pulls the car out. He walks by me radiating annoyance.























Chapter Fourteen

We drive in silence as the
hugs curves at outrageous speeds. It’s dark, fast, exhilarating, and soothing.

“Why are you mad at me?” He neve
r takes his eyes off the road.

“I’m not.”
I answer honestly.

“Yes you are. I can feel it. Is it because of the
way tonight’s training went?”

“No, I needed to work off my frustrations. You know I see pain as weakness leaving the body. It’s just another form of release. My feet will feel better by morning. My th
ighs may take longer, though.”

He’s quiet again as he absorbs what I just said. I watch the headlights caress the lines on the road and
it entrances me into calmness.

“Did the kiss with Cortez turn you from me? I haven’t kissed him like that very often. It’s complicated. Do you want me never to do it again?” Hi
s voice is shallow with shame.

Oh God, he thinks that it’s because I’m revolted by what he did. He
was trusting me to understand him and not judge. He thinks I’m throwing it back into his face. Shit!

“No, Marcus. You can kiss him anyway you want. I have no say in your affairs. I know how you feel for him. It was beautiful- the way you touch each other. It’s like living art. You’re both so perfect, your bodies and coloring together is a sight to behold. Don’t feel shame over wanting to touch him. Hell, the population of this ci
ty couldn’t resist his charm.”

He sits in thought and says nothing. I fil
l in the silence with chatter.

“When I first met him, he tried to hit on me. It was a lame attempt at best. I always wondered if he’d grow into his charisma. He did. And I’m so glad that I know him. He may be an Asswipe, but he’s our Asswipe.”

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