PureIndulgenceVSue (13 page)

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Authors: VictoriaSue

BOOK: PureIndulgenceVSue
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Fuck. Joe’s world had become a live action train wreck.

“Adam.” He deliberately didn’t say “boy”, hoped Adam would take the hint quietly, glanced around desperately for Callum.

“What the fuck are you wearing?” Callaghan jumped up. Adam flinched and raised alarmed eyes to Joe. “Fuck, Joe, you got dirty little faggots lusting after you now?” Callaghan laughed out loud as if the whole thing was ridiculous. “Tell him to get lost.” He nodded towards Callie and Helen, who had just walked in. “Now that’s a nice piece of ass.”

Joe opened his mouth, but the words dried up. If he said anything at all to Callaghan, he wouldn’t get any information out of him. Trying to ignore the pained and confused look on Adam’s face, he tried again. “Adam, I think Callum wants you. You shouldn’t be here.”

Adam’s eyes rounded, and he got to his feet quickly. Lee shot back around to the front of the bar, confusion and indignation written all over his face as well. “Joe? He—”

“Oh my God, there’s two of them,” Callaghan complained. “Fuck, Joe, let’s take these drinks somewhere else.”

Lee pulled at Adam’s hand, trying to get him to leave with him. Joe stared at Adam, willed him to understand, pleaded with his eyes for Adam to know he had no choice.

Adam just stared back. He seemed frozen, as if he couldn’t believe Joe wasn’t saying anything. “Joe?” Adam licked his lips carefully. “Do you want me to go?”

Adam bit his lip delicately. Joe saw his green eyes shimmer as hurt filled them. Adam bled the lost and wounded expression straight into Joe. Joe’s throat filled and he swallowed. He had to say something, anything, to make it right. Adam turned at Lee’s insistence. The look of hatred that Lee threw him bounced right off Joe. He was too busy getting flailed by the glazed agony in Adam’s eyes.

“Adam, a word.” Joe grabbed Adam from Lee and marched him towards one of the booths. He stopped and turned, hating the hurt shining in Adam’s eyes like a beacon.

“Y-you said I was important to you.” Adam’s words stabbed Joe in the gut.

“Adam, I have no choice. This isn’t what it seems.” Joe ran a despairing hand through his hair.

“No Joe.” Adam stood straighter and stared him down. “I think it’s exactly what it seems.” He shrugged one shoulder. “I should have known better. You’re so ashamed of me you can’t even look at me when your cop buddies are here?”


“Joe? Something I should know?”

Shit. Callaghan had crept up on him.
Callum will tell them both. Adam will understand why I had to do this.
Joe turned and plastered a smile on his face. “Come on, Sarge. You know me.”

Callaghan leaned into Joe and didn’t even try to whisper. “Then get rid of the little fuckers and let’s go somewhere quiet so we can plan what we’re going to do.”

Joe hesitated.

Callaghan quirked an amused eyebrow. “Shit, Joe, don’t tell me you’ve joined the faggot brigade?”

Joe shook his head, had to physically wrest his eyes from Adam’s agonized look. “We can go use the office.” Joe managed to get his legs to work, concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other, when all he wanted to do was to tell Callum to hell with any plan to win over this redneck detective, to sweep Adam up and kiss the hurt away in those eyes—the hurt he had put there.

“Hell, I might understand why the killer would want to do the world a favor, but can’t let people take matters into their own hands.” Callaghan sounded almost jovial. Sick bastard.

Joe took one last look at Adam’s white face as he stumbled away with Lee, and led Callaghan to Callum’s office. Callum was just coming out as they walked to the door.

Joe turned. “Callum Harker, owner of Pure. Sergeant Callaghan.” Callum shook the sergeant’s hand.

“My office is free if you need it.” Callum waved to the space behind him and walked away.

“Doesn’t say much, does he?”

If Joe hadn’t had been so worried about Adam, he’d have laughed. He nearly told Callaghan that Callum was gay just to see his horrified look as he realized he’d shaken hands with a faggot.

Joe sat and got straight to the point. “Do you have information to indicate Pure is being targeted?”

Callaghan shook his head. “No, except that it’s an obvious possibility. The reason I am here is because there’s another boy gone missing in Orlando.”

Joe was stunned. He’d driven Joe to say all that to Adam, and the fucker didn’t know anything else? Joe had to choke the bile down in his throat.

He stood up; he had to get to Adam now. “We know about the kid in Orlando.” One more word and he’d rip Callaghan’s head off.

“If he follows the timing of the others, he’s already trying for the next one.” Callaghan leaned forward. “You know I’m doing you a huge favor letting you in on this. I want a good team forming. There’s a new task force being set up for the whole of Florida, and I want it.” He appraised Joe. “I need a good number two. Means a substantial pay rise.” He grinned. “Also means you get away from this shit.”

Joe ignored him. He wanted him out now.

Callaghan also stood up. “I’ve seen the members list from the feds, obviously, but didn’t take a copy. You think you could let me have it?”

Joe knew he was lying as soon as he said it. Then, he knew what Callaghan was doing. He was fighting to keep his job. The new task force was probably shit, and he was praying he could get some info before the feds came back.

“I can get you a copy.” Joe brought his phone out. “Send me your email.” Joe would make sure the email got delayed.

“So, you think we’ve got any potential perps on your list?”

Joe opened his mouth in denial, then the thought of Damon Kerrick slid in.

“There is someone, isn’t there?” Callaghan zeroed in on Joe’s expression. “Come on, Halloran, your gut doesn’t usually let you down.”

Joe chewed his lip in silence. “I have no gut reaction to this guy except I’m not particularly fond of him, but...he’s the only Dom who strongly objected to Callum giving out members’ personal details. There could be a million reasons for that, all innocent. You know that, Sarge.” He didn’t want his personal resentment of Kerrick bidding for Adam to color any opinion of the guy.

Callaghan nodded. “Won’t hurt to check him out. Point him out when you send me the list.”

He allowed Joe to escort him out. Joe shut the door with a bang and glanced at Daniel. The guy was sipping a coffee. It was a fairly slow Sunday afternoon. “Daniel, do you keep a member list with identification up here?”

Daniel looked up. “No, but with the new members it would be a good idea.”

“I’ll get it sorted for you. No one comes in unless they are approved. Guests have to be authorized by me or Callum.”

Daniel nodded in response to Joe.

Now that Joe had gotten rid of the bigoted asshole he could go find Adam, find him and see if he’d done irreparable damage. Shit. He’d seen Adam’s face, he would be lucky if he could get him to listen to him long enough to explain. Joe headed for the bar area.




Chapter 12


Joe walked straight up to the bar. Lee was serving, and Callum was stood furiously tapping out a message on his phone.

“Where’s Adam?”

Callum looked up. “We don’t know. Lee said he ran right out after he had talked to you, and he’s not answering his cell phone. I’m trying a text.” He nodded to Lee. “Lee told me what went down. I told Lee you were doing it for me, and they were supposed to stay upstairs away from all this shit. Joe, I’m so sorry. I got caught up on a phone call.” He looked at Lee, who was pouring a Coke for Callie. “Kevin couldn’t stay and I was in the office.”

Joe reached over the bar and picked his keys up from the hook. “He’ll be on foot. It’s not like he’s going to get far.”

“He may have called a cab.” Callum looked worried. “I’m sorry, Joe, I shouldn’t have put you in this position.” Lee sidled up to Callum and put a hand on his arm. His worried face mirrored in Callum’s.

“Joe, you’ll find him, won’t you? He was...” Lee trailed off, but Joe knew what he was saying. He’d seen the look in Adam’s eyes, and it killed him he had put it there, no matter his reasons at the time. “I tried to get him to wait until Callum could take him. I think he was going to go to his apartment. He needs to know you didn’t mean it.” Lee bit his lip.

“I’ll find him.” Joe gave Callum a determined glance and headed for his truck. He kept his eyes peeled all the way to Adam’s apartment. Logic told him if he had set off walking, Joe would have caught up with him twenty minutes ago. He must have caught a cab. He was going to spank Adam’s ass when he caught up with him for running off like this.

No you’re not.
The little voice inside Joe laughed at him. He was going to grovel, get on his knees and beg forgiveness. Then he was going to move Adam into his apartment permanently. To hell with everything. Joe wanted Adam more than he wanted his next breath, and he would spend every day of the rest of his life showing him that. Then, and only then, there may be spankings involved. Joe smiled to himself. If he was really lucky, Adam might forgive him enough to wear the black satin shorts.

Joe pulled in the parking lot at the 7-Eleven. Adam’s yellow mini was still parked there, listing slightly. Shit, with everything that had been going on he’d forgotten the spare was crap. Joe eyed the tire. It was so flat the rims were nearly touching the asphalt. He locked the truck and looked at the fire escape. Then he looked at the little store. He noticed the buckets dotted outside were stuffed full of flowers.

Should he? Did gay men like that stuff? Or was that strictly a women-only deal? He had no clue. He walked around the back of the store and at the last second caught sight of some bright pink flowers. He had no idea what they were, but shit, they were exactly the color of the streak Adam had in his hair earlier. Joe diverted to the shop and came out clutching a bunch. He suddenly had the urge to undo the first two buttons on his shirt—it felt like it was strangling him. His hand dropped when he realized they were already undone.

Joe forced all thoughts of imminent doom down and took the stairs two at a time. He was a dick. There would have been a way of letting Adam know what he was doing without Callaghan catching on.

He paused just before the top step. Fear clutched at him as the thought that Adam might not forgive him entered his head. Well fuck that, he would just tie Adam up until he listened. Joe ground his teeth at his own stupidity. He could have even marched him to the office, pretended he was mad at him...then when he got him in the office, pin him up against the door to tell him exactly what he was doing, and steal a kiss, or more... Hindsight was a fucker, really.

Joe eyed the padlocked door, the tape from the cops. The cleaners were due in tomorrow, but Adam hadn’t been here. It hadn’t been touched, and there was no way Adam could be on the inside with the padlock fastened on the outside. Joe pulled his phone out as he jogged back down the steps.

“Callum, Adam’s not at his apartment.” He heard Callum repeat the message to Lee.

“Sir?” Lee came on the phone.

“Lee, where else would he go?” There was a pause and worry snaked up Joe’s spine.

“I’ll call some friends from college.”

“Joe?” Callum had taken the phone back from Lee. “You might as well head back here while Lee does some phoning around.”

Joe got in the truck. It made sense. Adam was due back at college tomorrow with Lee. He’d have rung one of his college buddies, got him to pick him up and stay the night. Even if Adam wouldn’t talk to him tonight, he’d camp out at college and be waiting for him in the morning.

Joe headed back to Pure.




Joe drove in at the same time as a black SUV. He was surprised at seeing Kinley. “I thought you’d gone back to Miami?

Kinley shook his head. “Who told you that?”

Joe grimaced. “Callaghan.” He should have known.

Kinley walked in with him. “I heard you got a visit from your old sergeant.”

Joe sighed; his day was unravelling fast. “You know Callaghan?”

“I know of him.” The agent clipped the words out. Joe agreed.

“Whatever he says, he isn’t involved in the investigation.”

Joe hesitated before they went in. He didn’t like Callaghan, and he’d clearly lied for his own agenda. Callaghan’s words echoed around Joe’s brain. He was a homophobic asshole, but what if there was more to it? Joe had only just met Kinley, but his gut told him he was trustworthy. Joe detailed what he had passed on, and also told the agent about his suspicions of Kerrick.

“You’re right. He could be just a private person. Not everyone likes their personal shit on display. You check out by the way. If the offer of help still stands, I’ll take it.” Kinley offered his hand, and Joe took it. “I have some more information. Can we talk privately for a few minutes?”

Joe’s interest quickened, and he headed to the locker areas with the agent. “We can have Callum’s office upstairs if needed.”

Kinley sat on one of the benches. “No, this is fine. I was talking to my brother-in-law a few hours ago. He knows I was coming here. You have a sub here—Adam Ortiz?”

Every cell on Joe’s body went on alert. “Yes.”

“This is one of the details left out of the investigation and to stay strictly between us two.”

Joe held his breath as the agent paused.

“The first boy that was murdered had his own apartment. He was the only one that had his own place. There was a police report filed two weeks before his disappearance to say that his apartment had been broken into.” Joe’s heart was beating so loud he was convinced Kinley could hear it. “Except, nothing was taken. The apartment was just trashed.”

Joe sank to the bench. “Fuck.”

Kinley nodded at the whisper. “Rodriguez told me about Adam’s apartment. He also told me about the letters.”

“He’s missing.” Joe quickly told the agent what had happened. “We are just trying to trace his college buddies.”

“I will issue an APB as soon as you rule out he’s not with friends.” Kinley must have caught Joe’s sickened look. “
you rule out he’s not with friends. It’s probable that’s where he is.”

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