PureIndulgenceVSue (17 page)

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Authors: VictoriaSue

BOOK: PureIndulgenceVSue
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Joe was incredulous. “Callum, I heard the sick bastard. I mean, he was totally screwed up.”

“I’ll say. They found another body this week. They think that was the first one, not the one in Miami.”

“Shit.” Joe scrubbed at his face. There was every chance there may have been even more. Everything was so screwed up. “How on earth could Adam possibly blame himself for that?”

Callum shrugged. “Derek’s helping, but Adam blames himself for you getting shot. He thinks if he didn’t wear what he does and behave how he does, you wouldn’t have nearly died. He blames being a sub on the whole thing.”

Joe nearly growled again. When he got hold of Adam, he was going to put him over his knee and spank that delicious ass for him getting all these stupid ideas. “What time are you taking him to the airport on Sunday?”

Callum’s lips widened as he started to smile. “We leave at five.”

Joe smiled back. “Make it two. You have to pick something up from the club first.”

Callum met Joe’s determined gaze. “What’s the plan?”




Joe was doing his best not to fidget. He’d had his stitches taken out that morning and had to endure an hour of bossy instructions from the nurse who clearly felt Joe signing himself out of hospital against medical advice was a dumb ass thing to do. He eased at his leg in the tight-as-hell leather pants Callum had got him from Riot, and the new blue shirt Callum had bought him to cover his wound. As his stomach pulled quite sharply, he wasn’t too convinced the nurse might not have been right.

He’d had one l
ast visitor in hospital, and it was a wonder he hadn’t busted his stitches over it. Kinley had called in to see him, to tell him Callaghan had taken his pension early, and he wouldn’t have to see the sorry bastard ever again. The brass had quietly told Callaghan if he left now, he would get full pension and retire in good standing. Callaghan had blustered, but after having a tense meeting with his superiors, they had explained exactly what Callaghan could look forward to if he stayed. The man had made what Joe considered to be the first sensible decision in a long time.

The club was still officially closed. Callum thought they all needed some time to recover. Damon had called to collect him from the hospital after he’d spent an hour on the phone to his mom convincing them not to come get him instead. They’d got back from their vacation on Thursday after flying in, as soon as Callum had managed to get in touch with them on the cruise ship. Joe had a quiet but insistent conversation with his mom and dad, and told them about Adam. It had gone a lot better than he thought, and despite his dad’s stunned silence, the guy had very firmly backed up his mom’s insistence that Joe bring Adam to lunch next Sunday. Now, all he had to do was convince Adam of that.

Callum had been an incredible support. He’d even managed to find out that Adam had been bullied at his last group foster home and threatened by some other boys that had made him run away. He still didn’t know if anything had happened to him in the time before he had got a bed at Derek’s safe house, but as he fully intended them to have the rest of their lives to talk things out, he was confident Adam would tell him eventually. Joe smiled, even if he had to beat the information out of him.

He heard the car pull up, and he glanced at Damon, who sat sipping a coffee. He stiffly wandered over to the dark corner by the stage. Callum walked in followed by Lee, bouncing along. Joe’s throat tightened—where was Adam? He was used to seeing them both, arms linked, laughing and teasing at whatever was guaranteed to drive Joe or Callum up the wall.

Joe nearly gasped when he saw Adam. He nearly didn’t recognize the hunched figure as he trudged behind them, wearing some old baggy jeans and a plain sweatshirt, with the hood pulled firmly over his head.

Joe must have made a noise, because as he stepped out of the shadows, Adam’s gaze fixed unerringly on him. For the first time since he’d thought up the plan with Callum, he had doubts. He’d been convinced Adam just needed to see he was okay, but as he gazed at the pale face full of worry lines and black shadows, he suddenly wondered if Adam might not be better off without him.


Joe walked slowly towards the tremulous gaze. He’d seen Callum, Lee, and Damon disappear as soon as Adam saw Joe. Time to put his plan into action. Shit or bust as his granddad would have said.

Joe stopped a foot in front of Adam. He tried really hard not to grimace as he bent and kneeled slowly in front of him. Adam’s jaw dropped as Joe bent his head and very firmly clasped his hands behind his back. The silence was deafening.

“Adam? I am so sorry I put you in that position. It was all my fault.”

Joe heard a gasp, and unbelievably his vision was filled with beautiful green eyes as Adam lowered himself to his level.

“What—Joe, get up. What are you doing? Your stomach.”

“It was my fault—”

“How can you say that? It was my doing. My stupid—”

Joe unclasped his hands and cupped the smooth face that he’d ached to touch for days. “If I hadn’t let some mindless bigot say those awful things, you wouldn’t have left the club.” Joe’s thumb cut Adam’s words off. “If I had got my head out of my ass before the weekend, you wouldn’t have had to go through all that with Craig.” He gulped around the hard lump that was giving him trouble in forcing his words out. “I don’t deserve to be a Dom. I failed to protect the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.” Joe’s thumb raised from Adam’s lips to catch the tears that were falling down Adam’s face. “I’m not going to be a Dom anymore, but I’ll be your sub, Sir, if you’ll let me.”

Adam flung his arms around Joe and Joe clasped him tight. Adam sobbed into Joe’s neck, and Joe dropped kisses everywhere on Adam he could reach. Adam looked up at Joe. “Joe, you’re not a sub.” He shook his head. “Being a Dom doesn’t make you responsible for what that madman did.

Joe reached up again with both hands and cupped Adam’s face in them. He kissed him very firmly. “And being a sub doesn’t make
responsible for what that madman did.”

He drew back and watched what he said sink in to Adam. Adam sniffed and held onto him tighter. “I thought you were going to die.” He pulled back a little. “If you ever do that again, I’ll kill you myself.”

Joe grinned. “And if don’t get this stupid idea out of your head about going to Atlanta, I’ll tie you up and spank that ass so you won’t be able to sit at any desk—college or otherwise—for a week.”

Adam smirked and laid his head on Joe’s shoulder. “Promise, Sir?”

Joe caught his lips in a punishing kiss, and as his boy opened up to him, Joe had another reason for regretting the tight leather pants. Joe kept his hand on Adam’s face, brushed the brown hair away from his eyes. “I miss the color. Put it back for me? Please?”

Adam twinkled.

“You’re coming home with me.” Joe smoothed Adam’s soft skin with his thumb. “And you’re going to stay there, forever.” Joe hesitated. “I may let you out to go to Pure with me.” Joe paused for a beat and felt Adam’s contented sigh. “And sing—but no auctions ever again. You’re mine.”

Adam nodded against Joe’s neck. “Then shall we go home, Sir?”

Joe looked at him. “There’s just one problem.”

Adam’s look of love faded a little.

“I don’t think I can get off this fucking floor.”



Epilogue – Two months later


Joe and Callum stood by the bar. The club was full, and the music was pounding out. Joe looked at the new bar manager, Sam, and Sam grinned and put a fresh bottle of water in front of him. Suddenly the music stopped, and Joe could see Daniel fiddling with another CD. He chuckled. He knew what was coming on. Sure enough, Callum picked the mike up and walked over to the stage.

Joe swallowed, and resisted the impulse to adjust his pants. But this time it wasn’t because he was trying to fool himself that he wasn’t attracted to the boy that would be on stage shortly, this time it was because of nerves.

As soon as the music began, Callum had to raise his voice over the whistles and cat calls. “Ladies and Gentleman—Adam and the submissives.” Callum waved his hand as they all trooped down the stairs from Indulgence. This time, in and amongst all the cheering, Joe was the loudest. The two subs that led them down, arms linked as usual, were Adam and Lee.

Joe walked over to the where the music was playing and caught Daniel’s eye. He nodded to the stage. “Go on—unless you don’t want a Dom to bid for you?” Joe said.

Daniel’s answer was contained in the brilliant smile and the cheer from the other subs as he practically vaulted on stage.

Adam launched straight into the first song—
Grace Kelly
by Mika. By the end of the first verse, Joe thanked the fuck he didn’t have leather pants on. By the time Adam had sung
by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Joe was opening his third bottle of water and wishing it was whiskey.

Callum came back to the center of the stage as the last notes died off. “Ladies and Gentleman, as you know our generous-hearted subs are auctioning themselves off in aid of Master Derek’s charity, Gage’s house.” He waved the cheers down until the noise subsided a little. “But before the auction starts, I’d like to invite Master Joe on stage as he has a special announcement.”

Joe grinned at his boy. He’d seen how fast Adam whipped his head around as he’d heard Callum mention Joe, and suddenly all his nerves disappeared. He studied his boy’s face, drank down the curiosity mixed with acceptance. Whatever he was about to do, Adam trusted him. He trusted him, and damn if that wasn’t the best feeling in the entire world.

Joe walked up to Callum and took the mike. Callum casually draped his arm around Lee. Joe grinned as Lee furiously bombarded Callum with whispered questions. Callum hadn’t told Lee. It would have been the equivalent to an ad on prime time TV.

Joe held his hand out towards Adam, and a startled Adam caught his fingers, entwining them. He could see the question in his eyes. Joe raised the mike, and if anyone noticed the slight tremor in his hand, he thought he would be forgiven. “Present yourself, sub.”

Adam sank gracefully as ever, and Joe wanted to beam with pride at the instant obedience. He glanced at Callum, and Callum walked over and handed him a narrow leather box.

“Adam?” Adam had lowered his eyes, but raised them at Joe’s question. Joe opened the box and took out a collar. The crowd murmured approval but he was only interested in the reaction of one person. Adam gasped as he saw it and his eyes immediately filled with tears. Joe had it specially made, white gold covered with dark rhodium to make it black. Studded around the collar at matching intervals were emeralds. They happened to be exactly the color of Adam’s eyes.

He held out his other hand to Adam and clasped his fingers. “Adam, will you kneel at my feet and accept this collar as a symbol of your submission?” Joe waited. He waited and tried not to let the bottom of his world fall away when he didn’t get an answer. Adam had bent his head, and Joe felt like he couldn’t breathe. Shit, had he got this wrong? Dreadfully, horribly wrong?

“Boy?” Joe reached out slowly and touched Adam’s chin with his finger. “Adam?”

Adam raised his face at Joe’s gentle urging and Joe smiled. Adam wasn’t replying because he was about to refuse Joe. He wasn’t replying because he was furiously biting his lip to contain the embarrassing sounds that would accompany the tears rolling down his face. Joe looked into Adam’s green eyes that reflected back the same love in his own brown ones. He didn’t need a spoken answer, he’d just got one.

“Ah, hell.” Joe turned and tossed the mike to Callum. “Come here, boy.” Adam didn’t need any other prompting, and Joe clasped his arms thankfully around the most important person in his life. When Adam had finally stopped crying, Joe formally fastened the collar and led him off stage. He was going to ask Callum and Lee to witness, but somehow none of that seemed important anymore. Callum had the whole speech worked out for both of them, but who cared? This was what he wanted. He sank into the nearest chair and firmly pulled Adam onto his lap. Adam burrowed in.

Joe held his breath a little as the best little ass in the world wriggled and settled down. “So, you happy?” he asked. The way Adam sunk into him was enough of a reply for Joe. That, and the brilliant smile and the way Adam devoured his mouth. Shit, his boy was one hell of a kisser.

They listened to the auction quietly, Adam occasionally peppering Joe’s face with kisses. When the auction was done, and they’d raised an awful lot more money for Gage’s House, Callum and Lee came over to join them. Callum looked approvingly at where Adam was seated and pulled Lee onto his lap. Lee wriggled until Callum growled, “Boy.” Both Adam and Lee smirked.

Callum exchanged a glance with Joe—the very moment Joe had been waiting for all night. “So, shall we tell them, then?”

Joe grinned as Lee instantly put his hand on Callum’s face and dragged it around. “Sir, tell us what?”

Adam just laid his head in Joe’s neck. “What, Sir?” Joe loved it that he didn’t sound worried, just curious. It had taken a few weeks for him to feel safe in Joe’s love.

Callum looked at Joe and in sync they both stood and deposited their boys back on the seats. They grinned at each other, and both got down on one knee. Joe cleared his throat. “We were thinking of taking a trip to New York.”

“Make it official.” Callum added. “Although we could stay here now, seeing as it’s legal.” He grinned.

Joe smiled at the matching astonished looks on their boys’ faces as Joe and Callum pulled out velvet boxes from their pockets. Callum opened his to reveal platinum bands. Joe’s matched Adam’s collar. Lee launched himself at Callum. Callum, used to it, caught Lee with his usual flair. Joe beat Adam to the decision, and he pulled him back on his lap. Callum and Lee were lost in their own little world in the corner.

Adam broke a very satisfying kiss. “As marriage proposals go, you know, I don’t think that actually involved any type of question.” He looked expectantly at Joe.

Joe grinned. He proprietorially brushed the purple streak out of Adam’s face that he’d absolutely refused to let Adam cut last week. Adam snuggled back in, and Joe heard his satisfied sigh. It was the same boneless one he had made this morning after Joe had finally let him get out of bed.

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