PureIndulgenceVSue (8 page)

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Authors: VictoriaSue

BOOK: PureIndulgenceVSue
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Callum nodded and glanced at him as they were idling at some traffic lights. “There’s been a couple of murders. Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Both young men. Both involved in the lifestyle, although members of different clubs.”


Callum nodded. “I think they are warning all the clubs. The FBI wanted to talk to us both.” Callum set his car in drive. “I didn’t like it, Joe.”

A few minutes later they pulled up outside Pure. There was already a black SUV in the lot. Two guys in suits got out as Callum and Joe climbed out. They both flashed badges. Callum nodded and opened up. He headed for the bar area, and immediately plugged the coffee pot on. The guys took stools.

“Halloran?” Joe turned to the black-haired agent who had spoken. “My wife’s sister is married to Carl Rodriguez.” Joe nodded and shook the proffered hand. Good, they knew he was ex-job. That meant he and Callum might get more out of them.

Callum set coffee and mugs on the bar. “Help yourself.”

“So, if you lot are involved, you must be thinking serial?” Joe didn’t like the implication. Callum raised shocked eyes to Joe.

The other agent who had introduced himself as David McClare answered. “Do you know a twenty-two year old named Alik Grainger?”

Joe heard the gasp from Callum and his eyes narrowed. “Cut the crap. You know we do.” Alik had been a regular sub at Breathless and had joined Pure.

Joe sighed, he knew he had to play along. “Alik is a sub at Breathless, and an old club called Spanks. He’s a member here, but as far as I know, he’s in Miami.”

“He’s doing marine science at U.M.,” Callum said. Joe was impressed by how well he knew what all the subs did.

McClare took a sip of his coffee and shared a glance with the other agent. He put his cup down. “Grainger has been missing for over three weeks. I take it he hasn’t been here?”

Callum shook his head, but Joe saw the glance McClare gave the other agent.

“He’s dead.” Joe recognized the look.

Callum stiffened. “So what are we talking about, here?”

“I’m going to need a member list to compare with the other clubs.” Club privacy was an absolute and Callum would seriously piss off some people for giving out their information. Callum stood. “I’ll print it off.” He headed for the stairs, and McClare followed him. Joe felt suddenly ashamed that he thought Callum might not readily agree.

“So you must have found him then?” Joe knew there was a reason they were here, and his brain was busy sorting out the possibilities.

The black-haired agent ran a tired hand over his face. “Yeah. Name’s Mark Kinley by the way.” He stuck a hand out.


“So what you doing up here then? Sounds like they all had connections in the Miami area.” Joe pushed a small flutter of impatience down as he saw the agent hesitate. For the first time since Friday he regretted not being in the loop anymore.

“He was pulled out of the Hillsborough, not far from the reservoir. Hikers called it in.”

Well, that explained why they were here then. Hillsborough was a nearby state park. “How long had he been in? Drowned or...”

Kinley stood as Callum and McClare came back downstairs. “I have to wait to find out more details. We’ll talk more.”

They all shook hands, and Kinley addressed Callum. “It isn’t very likely that both men were killed as a coincidence. I understand you will need to warn your subs, but I need a favor.” Kinley glanced at Joe as well. “I need to come here as a member. McClare’s gonna scope out Breathless.”

Joe glanced at Callum. “Makes sense. We have a lot of new members since the auction, especially since Breathless has way more girl subs.” He eyed Kinley. “Dom or sub?”

Callum chuckled. Kinley raised his eyebrows. “Oh, I’ll ‘Top’ here.” Joe grinned. Like that hadn’t been obvious. He glanced at Kinley and wasn’t sure how to phrase his next question.

Callum butted in. “Will it be just the boys you will concentrate on?”

The agent grinned full out, and McClare made a disapproving noise in the back of his throat and headed to the entrance. Joe heard a small sigh from Mark Kinley; he knew homophobia was alive and well and definitely prevalent in law enforcement. “Being gay isn’t something I exactly advertise at work, but this is important,” Kinley said. “I know you will warn your subs, and I wouldn’t ask you not to for their safety, but—”

Joe nodded, understanding. It was a fine line between wanting potential victims to be safe and being too obvious to draw the killer out. “You could really do with a sub undercover.”

“We’ve got a couple working the Miami area.” Kinley grinned. “We’re not exactly awash with twinks in the FBI.”

“Not all subs are what you’re calling twinks,” Callum said, but he swallowed and took out his phone as Kinley shrugged. Joe was stabbed by an urgent desire to call Adam. He knew Callum was thinking the same thing about Lee.

Callum locked the door behind the agents and looked at his watch. “Kevin will be in soon to set up.” He came and sat down next to Joe. “Did he say anymore?”

Joe told Callum the brief info he’d received. “I may find out more when they rule me out. I think it was only the family connection that got us that much.”

“I need to contact all the subs. I don’t want anyone coming and going from here on their own. What about Adam?” Callum looked at Joe. Joe knew he wasn’t just asking if he was going to travel on his own.

“He’ll stay with me.”

Callum closed his mouth. Joe was glad Callum had decided not to ask the question.

“What time was Adam to be back here?”

Joe looked at Callum blankly.

“To meet Craig.”
Joe had forgotten. He didn’t know and ended up glaring at Callum as his answer. Callum smiled, ignored him, and dialed his cell phone.

“Hey, baby.” Joe tried to ignore the way Callum softened his voice for Lee. “Have you two eaten? Good, we’re coming for you now.” Joe tried to unhear the husky laugh that followed whatever Lee had replied to that comment. “Ask Adam what time he needs to be here to meet Master Craig.” Joe nearly bit straight through his lip in frustration.

“We’re going to pick our boys up and take them out to lunch.” Callum announced after ending the call, as if Joe would dare to either decry the need for food or the deliberate use of the title for Adam. Joe gave up—he wasn’t fooling Callum. He needed to stop trying to fool himself.

“Will Adam be upset about Alik?”

“I’m not sure. Did Lee know him?” They both headed outside and got in Callum’s truck.

Callum pursed his lips. “Not really. I think they met once at the Crab Shack, but Alik left for college before I even collared Lee.” Callum paused. “We’ll have to tell them. They need to know to stay safe.”

Joe nodded. Adam was staying with him. It was important while some lunatic was targeting the subs.
Yeah, and if I tell myself that a few times, I won’t have to think about any other reason I want him with me.







Chapter 7


Lee was shocked at what Callum and Joe had just explained. They’d waited until both boys had finished eating. Callum said he wouldn’t get a thing down Lee if he was upset, and again, Joe was hit with a stab of jealousy over their relationship. He’d known Adam for over a year, and it had taken him up till now to work out he was a vegetarian, for God’s sake.

Adam hadn’t said a word all the time Callum was explaining to them both. Joe didn’t like it. Apparently Adam knew Alik from college.

They had all met at a little bistro that had just opened. Their table was in the garden outside and Lee had gone to the bar with Callum to get them all drinks.

Joe leaned over to Adam. “You’re staying with me.” He put a hand over Adam’s, and was pleased when Adam clasped it gratefully.

“Joe? You don’t think...” Adam faltered, and Joe wanted to smack his head. Christ, Adam’s apartment. He wondered if the feds knew.

“I don’t think for one moment the two incidents are connected.” Joe stood up and moved to the chair Lee had vacated. There was no one else outside, but suddenly Joe wouldn’t have cared if the place was packed. He put a comforting arm around Adam. “You will stay with me. Absolutely no going anywhere without me or Callum.”

“College starts again on Monday.” Adam mumbled. He ducked his head onto Joe’s chest.

“We’ll figure it out.” Joe sighed. There was still the issue of Adam’s weekend with Craig. “Callum can stop the scene with Craig.” He bit his lip. “I don’t like it.”

Adam lifted his head. “Yeah, but you didn’t stop it, did you?”

Joe opened his mouth to argue, apologize, offer to throw himself under a bus...but he had nothing. Callum and Lee came back out with Cokes and the water that Adam had asked for. Joe wished he’d asked for a whisky.

They finished their drinks in relative silence. Lee suggested they go to the club. He knew Callum wanted to start contacting the subs.

Joe looked at his watch. It was nearly three. He dug out some money to pay the bill.

Adam caught Joe checking the time. “I’m behind the bar from five until eight.” He didn’t add what he was doing after eight.

Callum grabbed the check and waved away Joe’s money. “I think we should make this a regular thing. You get the next one.” Joe nodded. Yeah, he liked that idea.

Adam seemed to have perked up a bit, and he linked arms with Lee as they headed back to the car. “Is Lee back at college on Monday?”

Callum nodded. “Yes. I think we’d better see if their schedules match any.”

Lee, Joe knew, was studying interior design. Adam wasn’t. Joe felt another flare of anger as he realized he didn’t know what Adam was doing now after he’d finished his Associate’s. When he got him home tonight, he was going to ask.

Lee did all the talking for all four of them in the car. Callum drove by Joe’s place so he could get his truck. Joe felt awkward as he got out. He wanted Adam to ride with him, but didn’t feel like he could ask. When Adam made no move to get out, Joe stomped over to where he’d left his truck. At the last second, he heard a noise and turned to see Adam climbing out. It shouldn’t have mattered, but he could feel his lips curve involuntarily.

Adam rushed over, a trace of pink tinging his cheeks. Joe looked indulgently at him. He’d prefer the pink there from a different type of exertion, but it would do for now. Adam opened his mouth as he got near Joe’s truck, but Joe didn’t leave him hanging, and just opened the door for him. In fact, he very helpfully put a supportive hand on Adam’s ass as he lifted himself up.

He pulled out. They could just see Callum’s car in the distance stopped at the lights. Joe slowed. He had to ask. “This thing with Craig.”

Adam turned and gazed at Joe.

“I shouldn’t have put you in that position.”

Adam sighed. “Joe, you’re not responsible for me. I’m not collared.” He hesitated, and dragged the elephant from the room. “Not that I’m complaining, but I didn’t think you were bi.”

Joe gripped the steering wheel. “I’m not.”

Adam’s eyebrows rose, and he looked as if he wanted to say something. Joe prayed he wouldn’t. He knew he was making a complete fool of himself.

Adam turned to the window. “Then it’s fortunate that someone else bought me at the auction.”

Yes, Joe was definitely a bastard. He’d start trying to make things right with Adam and then he’d go and put his size twelve’s in it again.

They pulled up into a space at Pure. There were one or two cars there already. Joe knew Kevin would have opened up. Adam hurried over to Lee, and they both walked in laughing. Joe slammed the door shut so hard the truck shook. Callum just stood quietly looking at him.

“Don’t, Callum.” Joe shook his head as he walked to the entrance with him. Callum nodded.

Joe stiffened as they entered the bar area. Craig Stevens was already at the bar with one of the other Doms from Breathless. They both had empty glasses in front of them, and Joe frowned. Christ, it was barely 5:00 PM. He heard Kevin say, “Second drink, Sir,” as the bartender put two fresh ones down. Kevin was very strict about enforcing Callum’s two-drinks-only policy for Doms and subs.

Craig stood as Callum walked over to greet them both. “I expect my sub will be excused from bar duty.”

Callum hesitated. “If Adam is okay with that.”

Joe was just about to object, to stress that Kevin needed help with the bar, to warn of imminent stock market collapse, or to point out that Adam not helping to serve the whole two customers currently at the bar could be a very real threat to world peace, when Lee and Adam came laughing down the stairs.
Shit—Adam’s back to wearing eye liner

Callum took the conversation away from Joe. “Master Craig has asked if you can be excused from bar duty.” Adam’s fixed a smile in place and he dipped his head slightly. Joe studied him. He’d seen him tense, but the movement was so minute he didn’t think anyone else had.

Craig stood and drained his glass in one go. “Excellent. Boy?” He motioned for Adam to follow him. He looked at Callum. “I require a private room.”

“No.” The word was out before Joe even realized, and he scrambled for something to cover it up. “Our dungeon monitors don’t start until seven. There is no one available to patrol private rooms.” Joe wanted to cringe. As excuses went, with both him and Callum there, it was a bit pathetic. Joe stood his ground, didn’t even look at Callum.

“Joe’s right, I’m afraid. We don’t open the private rooms until seven. You are able to scene until then, but no nudity.”

Craig looked at his watch again, then glanced at Adam. He stood quietly, eyes down while all this was going on.

“Fine. Boy.” Craig stalked to one of the corner booths and gestured to the floor. Joe shook his head, and Callum’s mouth thinned. The man wasn’t a Dom, he was a bully.

“Joe, keep a close eye on him. If there is any doubt, I am prepared to refund all his money.” He eyed Joe carefully. “I don’t like this anymore than you do. If Adam hadn’t been so insistent earlier...”

Joe bit down a spike of anger as Callum walked away. This was his fault, not Callum’s. Either he had to admit he wanted Adam, or just walk away. He wasn’t being fair to either of them. Joe sighed. Who was he kidding? There was no way he was going to walk away.

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