Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2)
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Alabama risked a look up at the man who’d hurt her so badly. He looked anguished. She continued quickly wanting to get it all out in the open. “I didn’t take a shower while I was in there because I was afraid to take my clothes off. When Bob was yelling at me calling me a felon, I didn’t know what to do. All I could do was grab some things and get out. You hurt me Christopher. No, you devastated me.”

Alabama continued quickly, before Christopher could say anything. “I was ready to leave. I wanted to get away from here, away from the hurt I’d felt.” She paused, then looked up and stared Christopher in the eyes. She was amazed to see they were swimming in tears. “But then Caroline asked me a simple question and I knew I had to see you again. I had to give you another chance.”

Abe blew out the breath he’d been holding. He’d never hurt as badly as he had in the last few minutes listening to Alabama talk about what she’d been through, what
had put her through. He’d been shot, stabbed, beaten, and starved, but nothing had hurt as badly as her words.

“What’d she ask you, sweet?” Abe asked softly, dreading her answer, but wanting to hear it nevertheless.

“She asked how I’d feel if you left on a mission and never came back.”

The air between them cackled. Neither broke eye contact when the waiter brought their lunches and set down the plates on the table.

Abe waited for her to continue.

“I knew then that I still loved you. You hurt me, but God, I love you, Christopher.”

Abe pushed his chair back from the table and took a step toward Alabama. He knelt down on the floor and lightly put his hands on her knees. Alabama was shocked. She hadn’t expected him to get on the floor. She could feel the heat from his hands seeping through her jeans and she soaked it in as if she was a plant that had been in the darkness for months.

“I don’t deserve you, Alabama. Lord knows I don’t, but I love you too. I don’t want you to go. I want to woo you.” At her half laugh, half snort, he grinned, then sobered up again. “Yeah, it sounds silly, but I want to show you that you can trust me again. I want to show you how important you are to me. I know SEALs aren’t known to have lasting relationships, but I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you know you come first in my life. Yes, I might have to fly off at the last minute for an assignment, but if push comes to shove, you’ll come first. I’ll go AWOL or tell my commander to take me off the mission list if I have to. You’re it for me, sweet. I’ll spend the rest of my life earning your trust back.”

“I’ve never come first to anyone before,” was Alabama’s timid response.

Abe wasn’t expecting it. He didn’t know what he expected, but it wasn’t that. He picked up one of her hands and kissed the back of it. He wanted nothing more than to haul her into his arms and kiss her deeply, but he knew he hadn’t earned her back yet. “You’re the most important person in my life, Alabama.”

They grinned at each other and Abe slowly got up off the ground. He kept hold of Alabama’s hand and went back to his seat. They ate lunch and both were glad of the decreased tension in the air between them.

After lunch, Abe took her to the beach as he’d promised. They’d wandered up and down the sand laughing at the antics of the seagulls that were constantly looking for food.

The trip back to Caroline and Wolf’s house was made in comfortable silence. Abe wanted to reach out and hold Alabama’s hand, but knew it was too soon. It could’ve been weird, knowing they loved each other, remembering the times they’d spend loving each other in bed, feeling the distance between them now, but Abe was happy for whatever she’d give him.

Now that Abe knew Alabama still loved him, he knew he had a chance. He’d go as slowly as she needed him to. All he wanted was her trust. Love was one thing, but trust was what made a relationship solid.

He pulled up to Wolf’s house and shut off the car’s engine. Abe turned to Alabama. “Thank you, sweet. I don’t deserve you. I know I told you this before, but I’ll say it once more. I’ll never give you a reason to distrust me again. You need me, I’m there. No matter what. I don’t care if someone tells me you’ve killed someone. I’ll never doubt you, and I’ll always give you a chance to explain, whatever the situation is. I’ll never walk out on you again. I know you don’t trust me now, but you will. I swear.”

Alabama gave him a sad smile. “I hope so, Christopher. I need you. I need your trust. I don’t think I can get through the rest of my life without it.”

“Come on, sweet. Let’s get you inside. I’m sure you’re tired.”

They walked up to the porch and stood in front of the door. “I feel like I’m on a first date,” Alabama tried to joke.

“In a way we are.” Abe leaned toward her and lightly kissed her lips. He then moved to her nose, then her forehead, before stepping back.

Alabama couldn’t stand it anymore. She looked up at the man she loved with every fiber of her being and stepped into him. He immediately put his arms around her and clasped her to him. Alabama snuggled into his body, wrapping her own arms around his waist. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, neither wanting to let the other go.

Finally Alabama straightened and pulled away. “I’ll see you later?”

Abe brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “Of course, sweet.”

“Go home, Christopher. You don’t need to sleep in your car. I’m okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

He smiled. She was so cute. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He ignored her request. He’d sleep outside Matthew’s house until she was back in his arms, and bed, for good. He’d promised to put her first, to look out for her, and dammit, that’s what he was going to do.

Alabama just shook her head at him. She reached for the door handle and turned it. With one last look at him, she disappeared into the house.

Abe breathed in a sigh of relief. He’d been so scared she wouldn’t forgive him, that she wouldn’t love him anymore. He was thankful Alabama was so forgiving. He wasn’t sure he’d be the same way if he was in her shoes, but he wasn’t looking a gift horse in the mouth.

He turned to head back to his car and his bed for the night. He had a “wooing” to plan. He couldn’t wait.

Chapter Twenty One



The next few weeks went by fairly quickly. Christopher had been true to his word and had been doing his best to woo Alabama. He’d come over to the house at least twice a week to spend time with her and Caroline and Matthew, and they’d also spent almost every weekend together. He’d even encouraged her to spend time with his mom and sisters. The Saturday they’d gone shopping was one of the most fun times Alabama had ever had.

His family was hysterical. They’d been horrified at what had happened to her. She appreciated they hadn’t defended what Christopher had done; in fact, they’d all cussed him out. Alicia even took her phone out to call him and tell him what an ass he’d been.

Luckily Alabama was able to calm her down. They’d talked through everything that had happened over lunch. There were still swear words thrown out, but there were also tears. Alabama hadn’t realized how much she needed to be able to talk through what happened with someone that wasn’t directly involved.

The three Powers ladies had commiserated with her and supported her. After their initial shock, they’d also supported Christopher. They didn’t tell Alabama anything she didn’t already know, but they’d told stories about Christopher when he was little. Alabama got a better idea of how he’d made himself into the man he was today, and how much the actions of his father had affected him.

Christopher came over that night and they’d had another long talk. Alabama told him all about how his family had reacted and while he winced only once, all he said was, “I’m glad you were able to talk to them, sweet.”

Alabama had just started working again. She didn’t go back to Wolfe’s, and none of her friends blamed her. Greg and Stacey had come to see her to apologize and beg her to come back, but Alabama knew she wouldn’t be able to. They’d let her down. They’d believed Adelaide and Joni over her, without asking any questions.

Christopher’s commander had given her a reference and used his contacts to get her a cleaning job with a local office building. It held several different businesses. The best thing about the job was that she didn’t have to work evenings anymore. While she preferred cleaning when others weren’t around, no one really spoke to her as she went about her cleaning duties.

She’d been embarrassed to tell Christopher, after all she was only a janitor, but when he’d heard, he was thrilled for her. He told her there was no shame in what she did for a living. She was still a bit embarrassed, after all he had such a larger-than-life job and she didn’t, but she changed the subject when he’d tried to talk to her about it again.

Alabama’s life was settling down. She had good friends for the first time in her life, and she loved hanging out with Christopher and his teammates. She’d gotten to a point where she was ready to get back to where they’d been before, but she had no idea how to get there with him. It wasn’t as if she could come out and say, “Hey, I’m ready to sleep with you again.”


Abe waited outside Wolf’s house. He’d worked really hard to get Alabama to trust him again. It seemed as if he was making progress, but he didn’t want to rush her.

Alabama opened the door and his breath caught in his throat. Damn, she was so beautiful. She wasn’t wearing anything overtly sexy. In fact, he knew she’d probably be embarrassed if he told her how hot she actually looked.

She was wearing a pair of shorts that came down to her knees, and her usual V-neck T-shirt, today it was pink, and a pair of flip flops with a giant pink flower on them. Her toes were painted a bright pink as well. Obviously she liked the color and had gone all out to accessorize on her shopping trip with his sisters and mom.

“Hey, sweet, you look beautiful.”

As if on cue, she blushed.

Alabama didn’t say anything, but held the door open for him to enter the house. Abe had never heard her say so much to anyone at one time as she had to him when she’d explained how she’d been affected by his actions when they’d been at lunch. She’d never be comfortable speaking in public or large crowds, but Abe knew she was getting more and more relaxed when speaking with him or to others when he was around.

Abe leaned in and kissed her on the side of her mouth when he got close enough. He took the door out of her hands and shut it.

“Where’s Wolf and Caroline?” Abe knew they weren’t going to be there, Wolf had given him a head’s up that day at work.

“They went out to dinner and then they were going to go to a movie afterward.”

Abe put his hand on the small of her back and steered her toward the kitchen. “So, it’s just you and me tonight huh?”

Alabama blushed again. Jesus, she had to stop. It wasn’t as if he’d announced he was going to throw her on the sofa and make love to her all night long...not that she’d complain. They’d already explored and tasted every inch of each other’s bodies, it shouldn’t be embarrassing to think about making love with him. Alabama simply nodded, affirming they’d be alone most of the night.

Entering the kitchen, Abe saw a pot of water boiling on the stove. He chuckled. “What’re you making me tonight?” It was a running joke between the two of them now. She’d never be a gourmet cook, but she could make a mean pasta dish.

“Just spaghetti.”

“Aw, sweet, it’s never ‘just’ spaghetti. I love your spaghetti.”

Alabama rolled her eyes at him. He laughed and put his arms around her waist while she stirred the noodles.

“Don’t you know? I don’t care what you make us to eat. I’m just happy to spend time with you. Anything you make, I’ll eat with a smile on my face.”

Alabama smiled weakly up at him. She knew she wasn’t the best cook, but she’d kept herself alive this long, they wouldn’t starve.

They talked while the sauce bubbled on the stove and they chopped vegetables for the salad. When the noodles were ready, he drained them while Alabama got the dressing out of the fridge. They served themselves and set their plates on the small table in the kitchen. They ate the simple, yet delicious, meal in comfortable silence.

After putting the dishes in the dishwasher they sat on the sofa. Alabama wanted to bring Christopher downstairs to her little apartment, but she had no idea how to bring it up, so she stayed silent.

Abe put in a movie and they watched it for about an hour. Just as Bruce Willis was about to blow something else up, the doorbell rang. Alabama looked at Christopher in surprise.

Seeing that Alabama wasn’t expecting anyone, Abe told her, “Stay put sweet, I’ll see who it is.”

Abe opened the front door and saw two police officers standing there. They were slightly overweight and had their hands on their belts, as if ready to defend themselves. Abe hadn’t heard Alabama come up behind him, but he heard her indrawn breath.

“Oh my God,” she exclaimed softly, “Is it Matthew and Caroline? Are they all right?”

Abe had been thinking the same thing, but the brown haired cop quickly reassured them.

“No, no, it’s nothing like that. Are you Alabama Ford Smith?” He peered at Alabama suspiciously.

Abe put his hand around Alabama’s waist and pulled her to his side and partially behind him as she said simply and cautiously, “Yes.”

“You’ll need to come with us ma’am. We have some questions we need to ask you at the station.”

Abe felt Alabama go stock still. He could feel the tension course throughout her body. Oh hell no. “What’s this about?” He demanded, not so gently.

“There’s been a reported burglary at the building down on Main and Third. We have some information that Ms. Smith works there and has been arrested in the past for theft. We only need to ask her some questions.”

“Fuck no.” The answer was swift and growled with menace.

Alabama looked up at Christopher. She couldn’t control her breathing. Her breaths were coming out fast and hard. It was happening again. Oh God…

“You have no idea what you’re talking about. If you’d read those reports a bit more carefully you’d have known she was falsely accused. You’d have known she has one of the best lawyers this city has ever seen.”

“Sir, all we want to do is ask her some questions.” The shorter of the two police officers was getting visibly irritated.

“She didn’t do it.”

“You don’t know what it is…”

Abe interrupted the man. “No, because whatever you think she did, you’re wrong. She didn’t do it. She didn’t steal dick.”

Alabama kept her eyes on Christopher’s face. She couldn’t look at the officers. She was shaking hard enough as it was—she couldn’t look at their uniforms, it would bring back too many memories. Listening to Christopher defend her from…hell, she had no idea what it was he was defending her from, but it was as if a warm blanket straight from the dryer had been wrapped around her. Christopher was defending her. He was pissed on her behalf. This was what she’d expected all those weeks ago.
was the man she’d fallen in love with.

“You want to ask her questions? Fine, we’ll come down in the morning, with her lawyer. And, if you don’t have probable cause to question her, you’ll be wishing you hadn’t bothered us.”

“We can’t just…”

Abe wasn’t letting them get a full sentence out. “You can, and you will. Is she under arrest?” At the negative response, he continued, “Then, we’ll see you in the morning at the precinct.”

Abe slammed the door in the officer’s faces and turned Alabama into his body. He pulled her until she was belly to belly with him. He could feel her trembling. It infuriated him. How dare they come here and scare her. How
they assume she had anything to do with whatever was missing. Abe was pissed, but he tried to stay calm. He needed to stay calm for Alabama.

The warmth of Christopher’s body felt so good. He’d wrapped his arms around her—one arm around her waist pulling her into his body and the other against her back. He placed his hand on the back of her head, pushing it into his chest. Without moving, she mumbled, “Can you even do that?”

“Hell yes. And I just did. They had no evidence. They had no reason to come over here this late at night. They only wanted to scare you. Assholes.”

They stood there for a few more minutes, then Abe said through clenched teeth. He was nowhere near calm. “I gotta call Wolf and the rest of the team, sweet. Let me tell them what’s going on, they’ll take care of it and will get your lawyer to meet us at the station tomorrow.”

“You didn’t let them take me.”

“What, sweet? I couldn’t hear you.” Abe leaned his head down until his ear was near her mouth.

“You didn’t let them take me,” Alabama repeated.

Abe took the hand that had been on her head and put it under her chin. He tipped her head up until she had no choice but to look him in the eyes. “I told you I’d never doubt you again. I love you. I’ll protect you with my life if I have to. You don’t
have to deal with anything by yourself ever again.”

Alabama’s breath hitched. He
said that, but she hadn’t believed it until right then. All she could do was nod. She stood on her tiptoes to brush her lips against his.

At the first touch of her lips Abe swooped in. The kiss wasn’t sweet, it wasn’t gentle. It was a claiming. Abe claimed his woman again. She was his and he wasn’t letting her go.

Alabama let Christopher take the lead; she’d follow him wherever he wanted to take her. She was his.


* * *

Alabama snuggled into Christopher’s side. It’d been a long night. Christopher hadn’t let go of Alabama throughout the evening. He’d kept her close to his side, touching her, soothing her, calming her. After the intense kiss they’d shared, he’d called Matthew. He and Caroline had rushed home and set up a sort of command post on their dining room table.

Soon the house was overflowing with testosterone. The entire team had banded together. It was the most amazing show of support Alabama had ever seen in her life. Personally, she thought it was a bit of overkill, especially since she’d spent the day with Matthew and Caroline and hadn’t even been alone all day, so she had a pretty good alibi, but she’d never say anything to the men who were discussing their next steps.

Christopher had called her lawyer and she’d agreed to meet them at the station in the morning. She was going to call and see what had happened before they met up so they’d have a head’s up as to what was going on.

Every one of the men had told her she had their support before they’d left. When Hunter had hugged her tight and told her if she ever wanted to leave Abe, he’d be right there ready to snatch her up, she finally lost it.

At the sight of her tears, Abe had almost gone ballistic. It wasn’t until he realized she was crying tears of happiness at all the support she’d been shown, that he finally calmed down.

Now they were lying on her bed in the basement. He was wearing jeans and his button up shirt and she’d changed into the T-shirt of his she’d been sleeping in for the last few weeks. He didn’t say a word about it, only smiled possessively when he’d seen her. Christopher was on his back with his arm around her and she was on her side. Her head was resting on his chest and one of her legs was thrown over one of his. She was surrounded by him, and she loved it.

BOOK: Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2)
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