Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny (3 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Sax

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny
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06 Hunny’s Blog


I tape another crime photo to the map, growing excited. That’s the fifth photo fastened to the wall. Drake insists there is no such thing as a coincidence. I’m not as certain, but if he’s right I’ve cracked the code.

“I like what you’ve done with our place.” Drake looks up from the foot high stack of pancakes he’s inhaling. Between feeding him and figuring out Fox’s code, I’ve been busy. That’s good because Drake still won’t let me leave the place.

He won’t let me leave our place. My stomach grows warm at his words. It has been a week, and I feel like I belong here, with Drake. “I think I have it.” I beam at him. He’s not looking at my face. He’s looking at my legs, the dress shirt I’m wearing pulling up as I move. It is his dress shirt. Drake also nixed returning to my apartment to pick up clothes. He claims Fox will have men stationed there. He’s probably right. Fox is nothing if not thorough.

Which is why we’re both worried. Fox must have figured out by now where I am, yet he hasn’t tried to retrieve me. I don’t know what he’s waiting for, but I don’t doubt he’ll come after me eventually. Hopefully when Drake is at work. I don’t want anything to happen to him.

“What do you have, Hunny bunny?” Drake grins. He knows that nickname drives me crazy. “Other than me wrapped around your little finger?”

That’s not the body part he’s most fascinated with, believe me. “I’ve cracked the code. This is the date and time.” I tap a section of the string of numbers. “This is the location.” I tapped another section. “This is the crime.” The crimes were all perpetrated by multiple vampires. Did I just say perpetrated? Hell, I’m starting to sound like Drake. “Krag Fox is sending his minions out to create chaos.”

“Why?” Drake doesn’t look as impressed as he should be.

“I don’t know.” I stare at the wall. That is another code to be broken. I see no connection between the crimes, except that the areas were completely destroyed by the violence. “I do know when and where the next attack will be though.”

This gets his attention. “When?”

“Tonight at midnight.” I plot out the coordinates on the map. My fingers shake. No, that can’t be right. I check again. There is no mistake. “City Core Children’s Hospital.” The blood-sucking bastard is going after kiddies.

“You’re sure?” Drake stands.

I’m not. “He knows I have the information. He could change his plans.” I put my hands on my hips, staring up at the map. To move all the kids will be a project. “Or he could not. He may not think we’ll crack the code in time to take action.”

“If we’re wrong and we evacuate, the police chief will have my balls.” Drake paced the room. “If we’re right, and we don’t evacuate…” Children will die. He doesn’t have to say it. I meet his gaze. I see the turmoil in his eyes. Drake may act like a coldhearted killing machine but underneath the tattoos and muscle, he is a softie. “Thank you, Hunny.” He kisses my forehead. “I’ll handle it from here.”

He’ll do what? I glare at him. “We’re a team. We’re working together on this one.” He’s not shutting me out now.

“We are,” he agrees a little too quickly for my comfort. “I will handle the hospital situation. You will stay here, as you promised, and figure out what Fox’s master plan is. That way, we can anticipate his next moves, whether we have the clues or not.”

I narrow my eyes. Although that sounds like a sensible plan, I don’t like it. It’s better if we stay together. “I’d rather go with you. You’ll need all the bodies you can get to fight the vamps.” Bloodsuckers had swarmed the previous crime scenes.

“As much as I appreciate the body you’re offering.” Drake’s lustful gaze makes me want to slap him. He’s not taking my offer seriously. “I’ll feel better with you here safe.” He hugs me close. His cock rubs against my belly. How this conversation is turning him on, I don’t know. “You gave me your word, Hunny, not to leave the apartment. I trust you.”

Damn it. He knows I won’t betray his trust. My shoulders slump. “I won’t.” I am defeated. I can’t fight by his side, not that I’m a good fighter. I should be, what with my family and everything but I’m not. With my family. An idea sparks to life. “But I’m sending some people to help you out.”

“Shifters.” Drake twists his mouth when he says the word.

“My family.” Family is a rabbit shifter’s biggest asset, as Uncle Flopsy likes to say. I took his words to heart, not ratting him out when I got busted for hacking. He didn’t return the favor, however, letting me go to jail. This will be the first time I’ve spoken to him since that ugly misunderstanding. “Treat them nicely.”

“I’ll treat you nicely.” Drake lifts me onto the arm of the couch, spreading my legs. “How about that?”

I look right into his black as night eyes. “I’d rather you not.” I unzip his tight fitting police pants. They drop to the floor. His white boxers are the next to go. “Give it to me hard and fast, Officer Drake, just the way I like it.” I like every way he gives it to me.

He has that intent expression that tells me I’m about to get what I’m asking for. “As you request, ma’am.” He puts both hands on the waistband of my panties and pulls. Fabric rips. My pussy contracts.

He skips the foreplay and slams into me with such force that only his hands on my hips keep me upright. His balls slap against the leather couch. I gasp. He grunts. He pulls back. I grip his smooth head. “Harder,” I instruct. It is one of those things a woman says. I don’t actually think that’s possible.

It is. His second thrust moves the couch, the legs grinding against the hardwood floor. His cockhead bumps against my cervix, he is so deep inside me. I shudder with pleasure. “Better.” Much better. My world spins merrily.

He grins through gritted teeth and gives me more of the same. The couch is rocking. I’m rocking as he pounds into me. My body is pulsing in rhythm with his thrusts. He grunts, his actions a strain even for my genetically enhanced police officer. I make encouraging noises. Okay, more than encouraging. I’m getting the fuck of my life and am happily screaming my appreciation. It doesn’t take long before I’m coming so hard, the room is bathed in light.

He yells my name as he finds release, propelling his hips so far forward I’m airborne, my ass clear off the couch. That’s okay ’cause he’s holding onto me as though I’m the last pancake and he hasn’t eaten for an hour. He smacks my ass back into place. It stings, the shocking action drawing a last set of tremors from me. That’s it though. I’m done. My head flops forward and connects with his shiny metal badge. What the… I look up, dazed. It is only now that I realize he’s still partially in uniform. I smile. I do adore my bad boy officer.




07 Drake’s Blog


I sit in the police cruiser, looking down the street. It is my street, nestled in a tough part of town I call home, sweet home. Hunny is so close, I can almost smell her, and my gut says something is wrong. She could be in danger. I consider driving by the apartment for a look-see.

“She’ll be okay, Drake.” Wright reads my mind. “Sarge is with her. He won’t let Fox get to her.”

“Sarge? He can’t protect his own ass.” We both know I don’t mean that. Sarge would give up his life for me. Friends like that are rare. I shouldn’t second guess their abilities. I ignore my gut and drive in the opposite direction toward the children’s hospital.

Chief decided not to evacuate. I told him he was making a mistake. I also, in the heat of the argument, called him a jackass. Neither was good for my career. I don’t care. If kids die tonight, I’ll never forgive myself. My knuckles ache from gripping the steering wheel.

I pull into the crowded parking lot. It must be flu season. The lot is filled with shiny black cars. Some of these are patrol vehicles but most aren’t ours.

My yelling might have done some good because Chief relented on the staffing. Along with Wright and myself, the off duty cops have been called in to help protect the hospital. Losing precious time off will make my fellow officers very unhappy with me. They’ll be even more pissed when they hear the odds of survival. If the vamps show up in force, we’re dead men walking.

“Whoa, did you see that?” Wright’s head whips around. “Two people are fucking like rabbits against the streetlight. Outside a children’s hospital. Now that’s horny.” He slaps the dash, as tickled as a two-year-old.

“Do you have your shit in order, Wright?” I ignore his observation. Tonight we might all die. That’s some serious shit.

This question earns me a sharp glance. “You think we might lose?”

I get out of the car, preparing to do a walkabout. I have to figure out where to position our men. The area isn’t secure. There are windows and doors everywhere. “We’re good, but we don’t have the numbers. Even I can’t take five vamps at the same time.” Three is my max. And the vamps won’t be sloppy. They’ll be organized. All that thought-sharing shit is a bitch to deal with.

I smell rabbit. I brush my fingers against my nose. It could be me. Knowing I might not live through the night, I had spent every spare second I could fucking Hunny. I left her in a semi-comatose state back at the apartment.

I sniff the night air. No. I smell rabbit everywhere, strange rabbit. We turn the corner. A man dressed all in black is standing, arms crossed, in front of a limousine. He is short and round but mean-looking. He’s not a man to mess with.

“Officer Drake?” Fuck, he would be waiting for me. “The boss would like to have a word with you.” He opens a car door.

I glance at Wright. He shakes his head. No shit, getting into the car is a bad idea. Forms detach from the darkness. I don’t have a choice. We’re surrounded. “Make sure the limo doesn’t move,” I tell my partner. I enter the vehicle.

A well-dressed man is examining an array of guns spread out on the leather seat. I sit across from him. He turns his head, taking off his sunglasses to look me over thoroughly. Something about his eyes strikes me as familiar.

“Drake.” His voice is deep. His accent is French. “You may call me Uncle Flopsy.” Uncle Flopsy? What kind of ridiculous name is that? It is hellishly difficult to keep a straight face, but I manage it because I am very fond of breathing. “I understand from Hunny you need the family’s help.” He extends his ringed fingers.

Does he expect me to kiss them? Mafia rabbit or not, I don’t make those pansy moves. I shake his hand instead. His grip is solid. “Thank you.” I’m always polite to people with more firepower than me. “But I have the situation under control.”

He snorts. “Five hundred vampires against fifty cops is under control?” Five hundred vampires. Shit. This is suicide.

Hunny’s uncle picks up a bullet. It glows blue. “Liquid sunlight,” he explains as though I’ve never hunted vamps before. I have. I’ve staked. I’ve shot. I’m a bad ass, remember? This relative of Hunny’s scares the shit out of me though.

He slides the bullet into a revolver, spinning the cylinder. “Normally I look the other way at Fox’s dealings. They are beneath me.” The shifter wrinkles up his button nose. “But this time, he’s messed with the wrong rabbit. No one endangers a member of my family.” By the way he’s holding my gaze, I know he’s making a point. If I didn’t love Hunny, I’d walk, no, run the other way. “I can lend you three hundred experienced vamp hunters, thirty-three tourists.” He winces. “I apologize for the thirty-three, but I have to train them somehow, understand.”

Hunny has three hundred and thirty-three relatives. My jaw drops. She’d mentioned family but before now, I hadn’t understood the full extent of it.

My surprise amuses the uncle. He laughs. “We’re rabbit shifters, Drake. Welcome to the family.”




08 Hunny’s Blog


The prison guard turns the hose on the naked inmate. Water sloshes down his wide shoulders, tracing his spine, and drips between tightly clenched ass cheeks. “Against the wall.” The guard’s voice is gruff. “And spread them.”

The prisoner, a large black man, faces away from the camera, his fingers splayed over the gleaming white tile. His skin glistens with moisture. He is one hunk of a man. My pussy grows wet.

“I said spread them.” The fully-clothed guard kicks the inmate’s feet apart, widening his stance. His balls hang down between his legs. His cock doesn’t. It is fully erect, seven and a half inches of glorious man meat. The prisoner’s ass is tilted up.

The guard spreads those ass cheeks. The camera zooms in on the puckered hole. Pants are unzipped and fall to the guard’s ankles. He is also hard and equally well equipped. There is a close up as that white cock slams into the dark hole. Bodies slap together. The inmate’s ass is brutally ravaged. He doesn’t seem to mind, moaning loudly, pushing back in order to take the guard deeper.

I shift on the couch, imagining that Drake is the guard and I’m the one he’s taking up against the wall. It is a fantasy I should be indulging in private. I don’t have privacy. I’m not alone in the room.

Sarge watches the man-on-man action from his seat at the other end of the couch. This movie is very different from the horror flick I watched last night with Drake’s other friend. I suspect that’s because Sarge has different tastes in areas other than movies. The bowl of popcorn in his lap presses against an erection. I’m not the only one turned on.

“Is that how it is in prison?” I ask softly. That was his excuse for this film. He framed it as an educational look at the prison system.

“Oh, yes.” Sarge sounds wistful. “Sometimes…” The inmate turns around and Sarge stops talking. I stop thinking. The man has an impressive hard-on. The guard drops to his knees, the floor now mysteriously dry, and takes that black cock into his mouth. No one knows a cock like another man. Watching these men go at it, I learn a few new things to try on Drake.

“How many prisoners have you subdued that way, Sarge?” The devil in me makes me ask this. I don’t really want to know the answer.

“None! Me? Hell no!” he yells, his face red. There’s an awkward pause. “You don’t think I’m gay, do you?” Sarge sounds hurt, like being gay is a death sentence or something.

“No, of course not,” I lie. Sure you’re not gay, sweetheart. Most straight men watch man-on-man porn in their spare time.

“Good because I’m not.” Sarge stands, the bowl held in front of his crotch. “I have to take a leak.” He hurries to the bathroom, taking the bowl with him. I make a mental note to discard the remaining popcorn. I’m not a fan of that brand of special seasoning. I turn to a music channel, increasing the volume to give him some privacy.

“That is most considerate of you.”

I start at the distinctive voice. Krag Fox stands in the doorway, dressed all in black, his trench coat swirling around him. Fear sizzles through my body. How did he get in? “Mr. Fox.”

“It’s time to go.” Two of his henchmen appear behind him. “I trust you’ve enjoyed your stay?” Krag is all consideration.

“I have. In fact, I would prefer to remain here.” If I leave with him, I’m dead.

“I’m sure you would.” A smile creeps across his pale face. Krag Fox is a handsome man, but then, I don’t know that many ugly vampires. “It was kind of Drake to take care of you for me. I should do something in return for him, don’t you think?”

“Like what?” I stand.

“Relieve him of his pitiful human existence, of course.” Krag’s eyes glow red. “It will be a small compensation for the plans you’ve heedlessly scuttled.” He straightens his cuffs. He is old school, wearing black onyx cufflinks. “You’ve been a very naughty bunny, Hunny.” His anger rolls through the air.

I’m in big, big trouble.

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