Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny (4 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Sax

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Protect and Serve: Badge Bunny
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09 Drake’s Blog


I go through four clips before the vamps slow. Wright is to my left, dropping them like flies or, in this case, bats. Neither of us can keep up to Uncle Flopsy. He’s on my right, his left foot thumping with each shot. Hunny’s feet thump when she’s turned on. I guess her Uncle Flopsy must get off on killing the undead. He’s certainly skilled at the task, icing vamps like no one I’ve ever seen.

We’ve formed a circle around the hospital. Uncle Flopsy is true to his word. His shifters follow our orders without any backchat, reporting to the police stationed at even intervals. I have new respect for shifters, bunny shifters, that is. The rest of them clearly can’t be trusted.

“This has been a pleasant evening.” Uncle Flopsy holsters his gun. He appears disappointed that the killing is over so quickly. “Any time you want me to kill off more rivals, let me know. Hunny has my number.” He shakes my hand.

“Thank you.” That is sincere gratitude, not sarcasm. Wright shakes Uncle Flopsy’s hand too, looking shell-shocked like he can’t believe we survived. We wouldn’t have survived without the rabbit shifters. One big bunny swaggers by with a female wrapped around his waist. She’s giving his ear a victory lick.

I know what that does to rabbit shifters. Our vamp-fighting team disperses. I look forward to licking Hunny’s ears once I wrap up here. That won’t be soon. I have paperwork to do. It comes with killing a few hundred vampires in the middle of the city.

It is easier to fill out the paperwork on site. Usually this is unpleasant with the blood and guts and gore. Not so tonight. There are no dead bodies to clean up. That’s one nice thing about vampires. They burn into ash. I’m on my third stack of forms when a breeze lifts the papers. It is the first hint of a wind this evening. I look up. I have the creepy sensation I’m being watched.

“Bravo. I’m impressed.”

I am being watched. Damn it. I recognize that voice. I pull my gun. How come I didn’t smell him coming? Then Fox steps out of the shadows, and I know why. He has a gun pressed to my sweet Hunny’s forehead. Her scent has lingered around me like a comforting blanket all night.

Hunny’s eyes are wide with fear, and a red killing haze threatens to overwhelm me. I can’t allow that. One mistake and the love of my life is dead. “You promised me you’d stay in the apartment, Hunny.”

She blinks. Her cheeks flush. “Plans change, Drake.” Good, she’s thinking. I’ll need her help to get us out of this. “How is work?”

“I had a better night than some.” I shrug. “You’ll require some new recruits, Fox.” Five hundred vampires dead will put a dent in his future plans.

“Are you volunteering, Officer Drake?” Red eyes glint.

He would like that, the bastard. “I’d stake my own self before that happens.” I aim right between his eyes, my finger itching to squeeze the trigger. I can’t. He is a vampire. They have lightning fast reflexes. He’ll kill Hunny before the bullet reaches him.

“But would you stake your girlfriend, I wonder? Hmmm…” I don’t like the contemplation on that pale face. “I considered killing her, slowly and painfully. Where’s the fun in that? No, it would be more interesting to turn her.” His fangs elongate. Hunny trembles.

I want to kill the bastard. I will kill the bastard. I circle him slowly, looking for an opening. “You’d create a vampire bunny? Aren’t you scared of her animal nature, Fox?” I drop hints like bombs. “The second you’re not paying attention, she could turn on you.”

“I create her; I control her.” The vampire tsk-tsks. “You kill us, yet you don’t understand us. Shame on you, Officer Drake.”

I understand vampires quite well. They think of themselves as more evolved than the rest of us. They constantly misjudge humans. Fox has misjudged me. All I need now is a distraction.

“Drake, you’re going to kick my ass, but I lost --” Sarge, that incompetent jackass, supplies it.

Fox’s eyes flick in Sarge’s direction for only a second. That is all we need. Hunny shifts. I shoot. Fox squeezes a shot off too. My aim is bang on. I pop him in the forehead. He glares at me like he can’t believe he’s been shot. The hole expands, a bright beacon shining from it, until the entire parking lot lights up. Poof. He’s ash.

Hunny’s caramel-colored body lays on top of that gray ash. Sarge reaches her first. “Hands off my rabbit,” I holler. No one touches her but me.

She’s not moving. My heart stops beating. I feel dizzy. I drop to my knees, the force cracking the pavement. Pain shoots up my legs. “Hunny,” I whimper. I don’t care that I sound like a sissy. I feel like a sissy. My woman, my love, she’s not moving.

“What the hell?” Wright, my missing-in-action partner, runs toward us. I pay him no attention. I have a bunny down.

I scoop her up. I feel her tremble, her soft fur rubbing against my palm. “Hunny buns, have you been shot?” I run my fingers through her fur, searching for damage. There’s nothing. “Hunny, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” I touch her cold nose with mine. She twitches. Her eyes open. “Thank the good --”

“Hey man, you know we have your back, but if you kiss the rabbit, I’m out of here.” Wright looks at me as though I’m some sort of sick pervert.

“She’s a shifter.” Why am I offering him an explanation? The dumb ass knows this.

“I don’t care if she’s the magic orgasm fairy.” My partner is puffing like a pack-a-day smoker. He must have run from the other side of the building. “Over the years, we’ve seen some sick shit. I draw the line at bestiality. Follow Sarge’s example and pet your rabbit in the privacy of your own home.”

That comment draws some cussing from Sarge. While they’re distracted, I do the unthinkable and buss my bunny.




10 Hunny’s Blog


“Freeze or I’ll shoot.” Officer Drake stands, his feet braced apart, his imaginary gun in hand. He is in full uniform, looking extremely powerful and overwhelmingly sexy.

I’m at a disadvantage, being naked and unarmed. “You’ll never take me alive.” I sprint as fast as I can toward the bedroom doorway.

I’m not fast enough. I’m caught and flung face first against the wall. I raise an arm to protect myself. The plaster cracks with the impact. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Drake sounds worried.

“No,” I gasp out once I recover my breath. I’m not hurt. I’m aroused. “No delicate flower, remember?” I like it rough. “Besides I’m resisting arrest.” I wiggle, peeking over my shoulder, giving him my best come hither look.

“Right.” His black eyes gleam. “We can’t have that.” He bends my arm behind my back, pressing my cheekbone against the wall. “Spread ’em, scumbag.” He kicks my feet apart. Both my pussy and my ass are exposed. Which will he subdue this time? I grow wet. Drake is skilled at subduing. He’s proof that a life of crime does pay.

“I didn’t do anything, officer,” I plea. He releases my arm. I place my palms above me on the wall. “This has been a big misunderstanding.”

“Silence.” His police baton whacks against skin as he paces behind me, his boots heavy on the hardwood. “You have the right to remain sexy.” That baton slides between my ass cheeks. It is cool and hard. I shiver. “Anything you pant or moan can be used to make you come.” He slowly pushes the thick stick into my hot pussy. I instinctively pull away. A strong hand on my hip prevents me from moving far.

The baton slides in deeper. “What about my right to have a lawyer present?” I tilt my hips so my clit rubs against the rubber. It is a special baton Drake ordered for me. It feels so good.

He pumps me with it. I pant to the rhythm, my pussy humming happily. “Fuck the lawyer.” Drake leans close, kissing the nape of my neck. His manly scent tickles my nose. The baton is lodged inside of me. His erect fabric-covered cock presses into my right ass cheek.

“Yes, Officer Drake.” He is right. The lawyer scenario is role-playing for another day. Right now, I prefer to fuck my policeman. He works me over with the baton until I am gritting my teeth, trying not to come.

Then he stops, damn him. He unzips, the sound loud in the silent room. Fabric swishes to the floor. There is a juicy
as the baton is removed. I whimper. I feel so empty. “You are my detainee.” His cockhead, broad and wide, prods between my pussy lips. “Mine.” He lifts me off the floor as he thrusts. I scream with shock and joy and carnal passion. I’m full again, his cockhead tapping my cervix.

I push against the wall as he surges into me again and again. “I’m yours, Officer Drake.” I’m not simply saying this because he’s pounding me into submission with his big cock, though that alone is incentive to lie. No, I mean the words. I’m Officer Drake’s permanent pet, forever and ever.

“Mine.” With me fully impaled on him, my body held up by that steel cock, he strokes my ass. “No one arrests this cottontail except for me.” I quiver. He bends over me, his badge cold against my spine, to lick my left ear.

I thrash. His tongue in my ear drives me absolutely wild. “No one but you, Officer Drake.” Why would I want anyone other than my gorgeous supercop? “I love you.”

His cock, if possible, hardens even more inside of me. Other than that, he goes completely still. “What did you say, Hunny?” His voice is scary soft, like I confessed to a murder or something.

“I love you,” I repeat. There is no sense in lying. He heard me. He has better hearing than most bunny shifters. “Is there a problem, Officer Drake?” I retreat back to the role-playing.

“Fuck no.” He rides me with renewed enthusiasm. “You love me.” Skin slaps against skin. “My Hunny bunny loves me.” He sounds in shock, like I have a choice about loving him. “Me. You love me.”

As he moves, I care less and less about his reaction. We can talk about this later. I need to come right now. My trembling increases until I’m shaking all over. I’m close. I reach down. Drake brushes my hand away. “Drake --”

“Mine, Hunny.” He puts those coarse fingertips on my clit, and I explode. I scream. I buck back, my head barely missing his face.

“You’re mine.” He doesn’t relent, his cock pushing in and out of my throbbing pussy. “Mine,” he finally yells, thrusting forward, his cum filling me.

“I love you, Hunny.” His knees buckle. He falls backward, taking me with him. The floor vibrates. He groans. I’m unharmed, landing on his chest, safe in his arms. “And you love me,” he repeats, dazed.

“I love you.” I place my hand on his badge. “I will always love you.” I am one reformed rabbit.




Cynthia Sax


Although not always a rule follower, Cynthia Sax has a healthy respect for the law and the hunks… ummm… officers who enforce it. Policemen and women put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. That’s Cynthia Sax’s definition of a hero.

Cynthia thanks Lena Austin for originating this wonderful series. She had handfuls of fun writing this story. Cynthia also thanks her wonderful hubby for putting up with her hopping around the house like a bunny shifter. Research does get a little bit crazy in the Sax household. You can learn more about Cynthia by visiting her website at or emailing her directly at [email protected].

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