Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)
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Tristan and I had met an older woman our senior year at one of the local bars.  It was the one time that Christina hadn’t joined us and being young and stupid we went home with the woman.  She was into some crazy shit, fucked up shit that I had never heard about until I met her.  Her apartment was decorated in deep reds and blacks, which should have been my first indicator to get the hell out but I felt like I had been drugged and the intrigue got the best of me.  I guess the way she saw it, she had two young studs at her mercy, willing and ready to do whatever she wanted us to do to her. 

We did as she asked, mostly I think out of curiosity.  Tristan had somewhat of a clue as to how it was all going to go down since he had been training to be a dom.  He slowly tied her up, blind folding her and then started spanking her ass.  I’d never seen anything quite like it and the woman loved it.  The harder he spanked her the more she begged for us to fuck her and we did.  We took t
hat woman in every possible way.  When one of us was fucking her, the other would put their cock in her mouth.   But the real kicker was when we both had her at the same time.  I can’t even begin to describe the feeling I felt when she was riding Tristan and I was in her ass.  It was pure ecstasy.  Tristan and I never touched other, since neither of us swung that way.  We were there just to please her, the cougar in heat.          

We never did get her name, we just fucked her senseless and then we left.  That was my first introduction into the BDSM world, it was also the first time I’d had a three some.  It was also a topic that Tristan and I didn’t
revisit after that night.  I tossed and turned trying to fall asleep but the past wouldn’t let me.  I wished like hell my mother had never brought Christina up, knowing that I was responsible for what happened to her. 

I arrived home the next morning at 5 a.m. to a very pissed off girlfriend wanting to know where the hell I’d been all night and morning.  I tried to brush her off, act like it was nothing but she knew differently and went postal on my ass.  I deserved it, I was an asshole and what I did to her was beyond wrong.  She accused of me of being the lying, cheating, asshole that I was and threw her engagement ring at me.  Even though we’d never fought in all the time we had been together, I knew it was over.  Deep down, I knew that if I had really loved her, I never would have gone home with that other woman.  I think I was in love with the idea of Christina being t
he perfect buddy in female form, the sex being an extra perk.

Apparently I hadn’t been the only one in our relationship that was seeking love elsewhere, because what came next from Christina crushed me.  She picked up her phone and called her ex from high school to come and get her.  I had met the guy once or twice but he gave me serious bad vibes.  He rode a crotch rocket and the women thought he was the gr
eatest thing since sliced bread.  I think he thought he was a bad boy or something but really, he was just a wanna be douche bag.  He was the asshole that killed my girlfriend because he had to show off; driving like a reckless nut job after he picked her up.  Witnesses said that he was going at least one hundred miles an hour, weaving in and out of traffic when a semi hit them head on.  Neither one survived, both were dead on impact and a piece of me died with her that day.  I felt responsible, that if I had just kept my dick in my pants that this never would have happened.    

After that, I dated and slept with anything that walked.  I didn’t want a relationship with anyone, for fear that I would fuck up and they would somehow die.  No, I never wanted to feel that shit again.  I buried my feelings and went on about life even though I was slowly dying inside, my mother and Tristan being the only two that knew how I truly felt.  Until last summer, when Brooke walked right into my life and I vowed I would never let her go.  She was stuck with me, I wouldn’t take no for an answer and I would make damn sure she fell in love with me too.  The most important woman in my life, who I promised I would keep safe and all I
’ve done is lie and deceive her.  Things hadn’t really changed all that much over the years, except that I was truly and madly in love with her.  I would do anything for her.



I was an asshole.  I was still deceiving Brooke and there was nothing I could do about it.  She was gone and I wasn’
t sure if I’d ever see her again.  I had lied to keep her safe; knowing that if she knew the truth about my past, Stefan or her dad it would crush her.  Looking back now, my secrets and deceit are what could have quite possibly gotten her killed.  No, I couldn’t think that way.  I knew in my heart she was still alive, I just prayed to god that whatever had been done to her hadn’t destroyed her. 

We were married less than a day when Brooke went missing.  I had left her waiting, alone while I ran back into t
he castle to grab the pastries the chef had prepared special to kick off our honeymoon.  It was supposed to be a surprise, one that I wouldn’t get the chance to share.

I honestly thought she had left me.  I searched the grounds for her everywhere, I came up with nothing.  I panicked and ran back into the castle and told Tristan I needed his help.  He laughed, thinking that Brooke and I were playing a game.  He was sure that was she hiding somewhere in the gardens and would jump out at us at any moment.  Hours passed and there was no word from Brooke. 

Tristan and I went back to where I had last seen her and re-traced our steps.  That’s when I spotted the diamond bracelet I’d given her on our wedding night, lying on the ground.  My worst suspicions confirmed; Brooke had been taken.  I hid the pain I felt, I had to remain strong for her; if I let my guard down; I wouldn’t be any good for either of us.  I had to find her and when I did, I would kill the mother fucker that took her. 

The nights were the worst.  I lay in bed alone with only thoughts of her.  I missed her touch, her smell the way her lips brushed against mine.  It was the only time I had to m
yself, time to think, remember, feel and cry.  I had never loved anyone as much as I loved her and it was tearing my fucking heart apart not being with her. 


I entered the office where Tristan and I had spent the last six months piecing together the evidence we’d gathered over the past year.  Now that Stefan was no longer a suspect and had joined our team our focus had changed.  I still didn’t like the asshole but he had resources available to him that we did not.  All the evidence pointed to Thomas, the father that Brooke had grown up knowing.  The guy was an asshole and nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to put a bullet in his head just for the way he treated her.  Something was off though; it seemed all too easy to point the finger at him based on his actions of the past. 

Stefan had been forthcoming in sharing information he had gathered over the years on Brooke’s family. 
He had joined the FBI fresh out of college and had been assigned a case that involved a young woman recovering from a tragic accident.  He explained that the FBI didn’t normally get involved in cases as such but there was some chatter about young women who had come up missing in the area and her father had managed to get his hands on large sums of money.  That’s what put Thomas Stone on the radar.

I didn’t disagree that Thomas
was a dirt bag, but I didn’t think he was smart enough to pull something off as complicated and deceitful as an underground sex ring.  I was perplexed and needed to figure out who he had partnered with so I could solve this shit once and for all. 

I waited as Tristan finished his conversation on the phone
.  One of his buddies still had deep family ties within the Russian mob and there had been some chatter about a Russian Prime Minister acquiring two new mistresses. 

Borgchev was an informant for the Russian government who often used Tristan and mine’s services to track women that had been trafficked in the United States.  I’d never personally met him but from phone conversations we had, I knew he was a good man.

Tristan hung up the phone and motioned for me to sit. 

“You’re not going to like this man,” he said.

“What’s there to like about any of this shit Tristan?”

He nodded in agreement.  “Alexi says there are two women who have just been placed with Prime Minister Kristof Constantine.  He’s met them both.”

“Is it Brooke, Tristan?”

“He said he couldn’t be sure because they have changed the women’s identities and appearances.”


“Listen Dylan, I don’t know how else to say this, so I’m just going to put it out there.”

“Amber Martinelli is one of the women being held by Kristof.”

“Fuck!  Someone needs to let Stefan know so the FBI can get to her.”

“He already knows Dylan.

“How the fuck could he…unless,”

“Informants found her and another’s bodies early this morning just outside of Prague.”

“I don’t want to hear this,” I said standing. 

“Sit!” Tristan ordered and I sat down.

“If she’s dead, I don’t want to know.  Just tell me who and where the sick fuck is that did it and I’ll slit his throat,” I said as my hands shook.

“We don’t know if she’s one of Kristof’s girls Dylan.  The woman that is staying there is his favorite and has been chosen to be his personal mistress.  Alexi said the woman’s name is Alyssa and she is very thin with short, black hair.   That doesn’t exactly match Brooke’s description.  He also mentioned that Amber had remembered who she was and had an altercation with a man that had been there to visit the Prime Minister.  Dylan, she recognized the governor.”

“MOTHER FUCKER!!!” I said slamming my fists against the desk.
  “Please tell me that’s the other body they found with hers because if it isn’t, so help me, I will fly back home and feed him his own dick!”

“It is,” he n
odded.  “What are we going to do about Thomas?  He’s obviously still a threat and now that we know the master mind behind all of this, we can finally put it to rest.”

“Put it to rest?  Do you honestly think I’m going to put this to rest when my wife is still out there missing?”

“Dylan, calm down.  I wasn’t suggesting that at all.  I was reluctant to tell you this because you’re too damn emotionally involved.  And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that if I were in your shoes I would be any different.  Hell, I’d probably be the world’s biggest pussy if it happened to me.  I have a plan.”

“I’m all ears buddy,” I said running
a hand through my hair.


Alexi picked us up from the airport when we arrived in Prague.  Tristan was able to secure a meeting with Kristof on short notice due to his family ties that he still had back in Russia.  As far as the Prime Minister was concerned, Tristan was in the market for a slave himself. 

Alexi pulled up to the hotel and I got out.  I was to wait in the room until I received word from Tristan.  At that point Alexi would send another driver for me to join them.  The wait was hell.  I needed to know if the woman serving Kristof was Brooke.  On the way over, Alexi had mentioned that
the young woman believed she was Alyssa but Kristof was growing suspicious of her by the day since the drugs they’d given Amber failed to erase her memory. 

I sat and waited for hours before there was a knock at the door.  Alexi
himself had come to take me to Tristan and hopefully Brooke.  It was a long drive to the Prime Minister’s house, which sat on barren land.  I was escorted into a large office where Tristan and Kristof awaited my arrival.  They sat speaking in Russian, laughing and smoking cigars.  They both stood as I entered the room and I was introduced as Mr. Saunders, the man looking for a new slave.  We shook hands and I took a seat next to Tristan, as a petite, thin, naked, black haired woman approached.  She hung her head down low, which I knew must have been part of her training as a submissive.  Subs weren’t allowed to look at their master’s unless they had permission. 

I immediately knew it was Brooke.  I knew her body well and it didn’t matter how much weight she had lost, it would belong to me forever. 
I clenched my fist at my side as Tristan patted my leg laughing speaking something in Russian.  I tried not to stare as Brooke walked around serving us our drinks but it was damn hard.  I was in the same room as my beautiful wife and she had no recollection of who the hell I was. 
Fucking fabulous,
I thought.  I couldn’t wait until she was offered up to us and then I was going to sneak back down and slit this mother fucker’s throat.  God only knew what hell she had lived for the past six months. 

I had to get her out of here before something worse happened to her; I needed her home with me.  I realized that she may never remember who I was but I would spend the rest of my life showing her how much I loved her in hopes that her memory would return. 

“So Mr. Saunders,” Kristof said in a thick Russian accent.  “Tristan tells me you are in the market for a slave.”

“That is correct, Mr. Constantine,” I replied.

“Please, call me Kristof.  Any friend of Tristan’s is a friend of mine.  Our families go way back.”

“Very well Kristof, I am looking for a slave, yes.  And the more submissive she is the better,” I said staring at his throat.

BOOK: Promiscuous (Book 2 in the Fixer Series)
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