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Authors: Saba Mahmood

Tags: #Religion, #Islam, #Rituals & Practice, #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #Feminism & Feminist Theory, #Women's Studies, #Islamic Studies

Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject (84 page)

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female sexuality

and soc discord
(jitna ,
1 10-1 1 See also


analytical and political projects, 10, 39,


and autonomy, 1 1-14

colonial and imperial projects, 189-90, 196-97

and communitarian debates, 15 0-5 1 ethics of critique within, 36-39

and the mosque movement, 1-2, 4-5, 15 ,

3 6-38, 197-99

and negative/positive freedom 1 0-1 2 projects of social reform, 197-98

and resurgence of the veil, 1 5-16 rethinking politics of, 36-38, 197-98

feminist theory

on agency, 5-10, 1 9-22 ethical reflections on, 198-99

poststructuralistr 1 7-22, 158-67 social norms in, 21-25

female body in, 158-60

Fiqh al..sunna
80-8 1 fiq B0-82

fitna (social discord) and female sexuality, 110-1 1

folk and scriptural Islam, 95-99 Foucault, Michel

Butler on, 1 8-19

Colebrook on, 27

on ethico.- 33-34, 1 20-22

on ethics, 27-29

four axes of ethics, 30-3 1

on power and the subject, 17, 12 1n.3


and autonomy, 1 1-13

and historical/cultural projects, 14-1 5 in liberal thought, 1 0-13 , 148-49

and mosque movement, 148-49 as normative to feminism, 10 positive and negative, 10-1 2 rethinking individual, 149-50

Taylor on, 150

gender inequality

and demands of piety, 1 74-1 80

feminist concerns about, 3 6-3 8, 195-


grammar of concepts, 1 6-1 7, 1 83-84,

179-80, 188

and sexuality, 1 10-- 3, 197-99 and single women, 167-74

and social change, 36, 1 74, 197-99

See also
female sexuality; kinship relations

gfta# al
(lowering the gaze), 101-2.
See also
female sexuality; modesty

al-- ali, Abu Hamid, 62n.48, 13 7-38 al..Ghazali, Zaynab, 67-73, 1 80-84

and women's equality, 70, 183-84

domestic relations, 180-82

early activism, 67-7 2

and Egyptian women's movement, 68-70 involvement with Muslim Brotherhood, 68 and Society of Muslim Ladies, 67-70, 73

on women's responsibility to kin and God, 180-84

writings, 68

govenn 35, 75-77, 194 government.
Egyptian state govennmentality, 77n


Aristotelian notion of, 13 5-39, 143, 157 in Christianity, 135n.26

distinct fr habits, 136

Pierre Bourdieu on, 26, 136, 138-39 related Arabic term

Hacking, Ian, 1 80n

a/:tad ),

and debate about militant action, 60nn.

40, 41

as lived tradition, 98-99

about male..female interactions, 102, 1 04-6

protocols of engagement with, 97-99, 102-6

scholarly and folk uses of, 97-99 sound/authoritative
(�a�r�) ,

weak (cul j) 85-86, 94, 97

about women's appearance in public, 1 06-10

See also
canonical sources; Prophet and his Companions; Sunna


Hajja Asma, 185-87 Hajja Faiza

on divorce, 89n.2 1

on female circumcision
85-86 on male�female interactions, 107-10 on pious practice in daily life, 45-47

protocols of dissent and debate, 85 , 88-91 rhetorical style, 40-41, 83 , 84-86

on "trading"
95 trajectory as

on women leading prayer, 86-88 Hajja Iman, 102

Hajja Nur

on secularization, 44n

on the veil, 50-52, 54-56 Hajja Samira

on male..female interactions, 101-5 protocols of dissent and debate, 105-6 rhetorical style, 140-44

on secularization, 44-45

Hanan school, 81n.4, 87, 88

Hanbali school, 81 n.4, 87, 88, 17 1n.13

a l..l).aya'. See
modesty headscarf.

See also

Hirschkind, Charles, 56n.29, 11 7, 193 Hollywood, Amy,
21n, 162n. 7
Hundert, E. J., 129n

Hussein, Adil, 51-5 2, 56

'ibadtu See
religious obligations identitarian politics and Islamic practices,

45 , 48, 51-52, 1 1 8-19 , 152, 166,


al..i�tisham. See

Iman (mosque participant), 168-69 individual obligation
(far4 al}ain)
62, 64 interiority/exteriority

and exemplary models, 147-4 pedagogical practices of, 134-39, 15 6-58 in Plato and Aristotle 134n. 22

in Renaissance, 134

in Romantic thought, 1 29n. 18

See also
bodily form; self; self..formation; subject

Islamic law

arguments for implementation of, 47n. 14 modem transformation of, 98

as personal status law, 46n. 11 , 77

and social transactions
(mueamala ,
46 schools of
(mad hib),
87, 88

Islamic popular literature, 79-82, 97-98

Islamic nonprofit organizations, 58, 67-69,


Islamic Revival, 3, 58n34

as paradigmatic fi of, 58, 63-64, 82

diff of opinion within, 51-53,

1 18-19, 13 1-34, 146-4

diff strands of, 3n.5

and identitarian politics, 45, 48, 51 -52,

11 8-19, 152, 1 66, 192-93

intellectuals of, 51 -53, 83n. 10 and juristic tradition, 79-82 liberal reactions to, 37-38

and mass education, 53, 79-80 and mass media, 56n29, 79

and the promulgation of the
46- 7

social conservatism
of, 3 7-39

sociopolitical effects of, 24-25 , 34-35, 52-

53, 11 8-19, 13 1-34, 146-48, 193-95

Islamist movement.
Islamic Revival

al..Jam'iyya al..Shar'iyya, 72-73 juristic tradition

on alcohol consumption,
90-9 1

diff of opinion within, 88-90, 103-4, 182-83

on female sexuality, 106-1 1

as foundation for debate, 85-91, 95-97, 109-1 1

on kinship relations, 100n.30, 182

and socioeconomic diff in reading o£ 82-83 , 95-99, 109-10

(doctrinal fl ility), 81, 85-86, 88-9 1

widening use of, 99-100

on women's attire, 107n.40

on women leading prayer, 86-88 on women's obligation to kin, 182

on women's practke of
65, 1 78-79

Kant, Immanuel, 25-27

Khaldun, Ibn, 13 7
khashya. See
fear of God
khauf. See
fear of God

(humility), 123, 1 29-30 kinship relations

challenge of impious husbands, 184-88 close male kin, 100n.30, 105n.34, 11 0n.45 and God's calling, 180-8

kinship relations

opposition to
from husbands, 1 75-80 women's responsibilities to God and kin,

181-83 , 1 86-87

gender inequality

mosque lessons liberalism

and agency, 5-10, 20, 153-55

autonomy in, 1 1-1 5, 148-52 communitarian critiques of, 150-52 Islamist movement's relationship to,

24-25, 63-66, 68-70, 85 , 90, 191-92

notions offr in, 1 0-1 3, 3 2-33,


and social reform, 197-98

secular liberalism literacy

effects on Islamic practice, 53, 79 effects on women's


literature, Islamic popular, 79-82, 97-98

13 7-38

male..female interactions
(ikhtilat) ,
100-1 13

debates about, 1 03-6

female sexuality and, 106-13

rules govern 100-103

kinship relations Malinowski, Bronislaw, 127

(close male kin), 1 00n.30, 105n.34, 1 10n.45

Maliki school, 81n.4, 87n. 14, 88, 17 1n. l3 Maryam (mosque participant), 102-4 Messick, Brinkley, 81-82, 98

Minson, Jeffery, 25, 26 modern religiosity

individualization of, 30-3 1, 62-64, 1 73n. l9

obj ectifi of, 53-54, 56

self..refl within, 54-5 7

(doctrinal fl xibility), 81, 85-86,


(al.-l) yit' ,
23 , 1 00-1 04, 155-61 Mona (mosque participant), 124-25 moral action

and virtuous fear, 1 40-43 emotions as modality of, 1 44-45 morphology of, 25-27, 29, 11 9-22

mosque lessons

attendees, 41, 42, 43

at Ayesha mosque, 41-42, 91-97

criticisms of, 86-88, 92, 140-41, 1 46-47

1 40-44

at Nafi mosque, 42-43 , 44-45, 1 00-106,

pedagogical materials used, 80-81, 83 ,

93-94, 100-101, 129-30

rhetorical styles of preaching, 41-43, 83-

86, 91-97, 1 00-106, 140-45

as space for debate, 104-6

state surveillance of, 7 5-7 6, 84

at Umar mosque, 40-4 1, 83-91, 107-10

protocols of dissent and debate mosque movement

challenges to secularism, 34-3 5, 47-48 conditions of emergence, 2-4

criticism of secularization, 43 , 48-53 and mass education, 66

ethics and politics of, 4, 3 1-35, 152

goals of, 44-48, 56-57

and legacy of Muslim Brotherhood, 63-6 and nonprofi Islamic organizations, 72 socioeconomic diff within, 41-43 ,

83-85, 91 -97, 107-10, 138n.30

and Zaynab al.- legacy, 70-72 See also
mosque lessons; protocols

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