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Authors: H. M. Montes

Pole Position (16 page)

BOOK: Pole Position
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I pul
led up under the flag stand, un-fastened my seat belts and HANS device, pulled my helmet off, then my steering wheel and laid them both on the decking.  I could hear the crowd screaming my name as I started to climb out of the car, I sat on the edge of the door and pounded my fists on the roof of the car before climbing rest of the way out.  The announcer was walking around the car listing off the sponsors to the crowd.  When I looked up at the stands, my eyes landed on Chass.  She smiled and waved a small wave at me, when the announcer started asking me about the race, I gave him the best recap I could.  “It really sucks starting in the very back, but these guys are all great drivers.  The track was rubbering up good, Jerod had his low line and I had the high line.  It was a blast.” I said into the microphone never taking my eyes off Chass.  The ladies in the stands were screaming my name and saying, “I Love You Jammin' Jet!” some of the women’s boyfriends or husbands would pull them down and roll their eyes when their wife or girlfriend stood right back up and kept yelling at me.  When the trophy girl started to make her way towards me I turned to the announcer “Can I have a different one?  There’s one in the stands that has caught my attention” I told him. 

“Sure” he said with a crooked grin.  “What’s her name? 
If I say I need a volunteer you’ll got mobbed.”

I laughed
, “Chass is her name.” He announced that he needed a “Chass” to come to the track because I requested her to do the honors of giving me my trophy and check.  I watched as Chass’s eyes got big, she looked over at Asher and shook her head no, Asher grabbed her by her arm and dragged her to the flag stand and practically pushed her down the steps. 

She was blushing beat red as she walked towards me, the trophy girl gave her a dirty look then handed her the trophy.  I held my hand out for her so she wouldn’t fall right into the car with the slickness of the track.  Chass held the trophy out to me, I wrapped my left arm around her waist and pulled her
closer to me.  “Now Jet gets a little tiny kiss on the cheek Chass.” The announcer said causing everybody to laugh.  Chass still hadn’t said anything, she stood on her tip toes to give my cheek a kiss, I turned my head at the last second causing her lips to land on mine.  She sucked in deep breath as our lips stayed firmly pressed against each other.  Neither of us closed our eyes for the few seconds that we held the kiss, finally the announcer pulled me away from her.  Chass was blushing bright, the way she blushed over the simplest things made me fall that much harder for her.  As the crowd filed out of the grandstands, I yelled up to Mitch to make sure they came to the trailer.  Chass hurried across the track, up the steps and was by Asher’s side as they turned and walked towards the pit area. 

I smiled all the way to the
tech area, the officials congratulated me as I waited for them to inspect my car.  Once the inspection was finished I idled over to the trailer, Mitch, Asher and Chass weren’t there but there were a ton of other people.  I autographed numerous shirts for little kids, I could remember back to their age my dad would never let me talk to any of the drivers or people at the track.  I had numerous women come up and ask to have their picture taken with me, and some managed to slip their numbers to me. 

My cousin Jerod and my brother Jason came over
, “Jesus that was some hard ass racing…I LOVED IT!” Jerod said as he gave me a one armed hug. 

My brother shook his head then shook my hand, “You two have way
too much fun out there, but that was some of the best on the edge of your seat racing I’ve seen in a long time.” He told us.  As we were standing there talking my cousin pointed at something over my shoulder, I turned around to see Mitch with Chass over his shoulder and Asher laughing at her. 

Once they got
to my pit stall he let her down, “Couldn’t come easy could you?” I asked with a laugh. 

She spun around and rolled her eyes
, “I was planning on coming out here.  I just. I..”

he was cut off by Asher, “Oh bullshit!” she said.  Asher came over to me and gave me a big hug then hugged Jerod, “That was some damn good racing, I’m surprised I even have a voice left.”

Jerod crossed his arms, “And who were you cheering for?” he asked. 

She crossed her arms over her chest mirroring Jerod's stance, “Jet ..duh..” she said.  We all busted out laughing as he grumbled something and went back to his hauler. 

I had just invited them all over to the house for a party when suddenly I heard a commotion behind me, I didn’t turn around right away.  Then I heard my dad
, “You think you’re pretty hot shit, huh son?  I didn’t teach you to pussy foot around on the god damn race track.” He was slurring his words so I knew he was drunk.  I stood in front of Chass as he came closer to us, “Answer me, you could have had him beat but instead you two fucked around out there.  You didn’t learn that from me!” he said.  I shook my head, turned around to Chass “I’ll see you later?” I asked her, she looked from me to my dad.

“Well hello there beautiful! (dad narrowed his eyes) Who the fuck are you?” he slurred.  I had heard enough so I motioned for Mitch to get them out of here. 

Once they were gone I turned around to my dad, “Why are you here?” I asked as I walked past him. 

“What? I can’t watch my son race?”

“I never said that, I asked why you are here.” I knew it was because he needed money, but I never gave him more than a hundred dollars. 

“I need money, you just won five thousand so you can spot me at least a thousand.”

I laughed at him, “HA, fuck no, that money goes right back into this race fund and you know it.”

He pushed me against the side of my hauler
, “You listen here you little non driving mother fucker, if it wasn’t for me showing you the basics you wouldn’t even be in a god damn car.”

I pushed his hands off my chest, my brother was right beside me
, “Nathan you need to leave, you know you’re not welcome around here.” He said. 

Dad snorted
, “And then there’s the son that can’t do anything besides sit behind a fucking computer and type letters all day.  You turned out just like your fucking mother, spineless.” He said.  I turned around and punched dad in the face, he stumbled back a few steps then had me tackled flat on my back.  He got two good punches into my face before I had him flipped on to his back, just as I was about to start pounding on him from the years of hurt and anger.  Jerod and Jason pulled me off of him, “Don’t do it, he’s not worth the stay in jail man.” Jerod said and continued to push me away.  I wiped at my lip as it continued to drip blood. 

The track officials ended up removing dad from our pits
, “I’ll be waiting for you fucking assholes to leave this fenced in area.  Then we can finish what was started.” Dad yelled as the officials drove him away in the cart. 

We left the track and headed back to the house, I had text Chass to see if she was at the house, she said they might be over later.  I walked in the house full of people, they all clapped and cheered for me and Jerod.  The
y slapped us on the back and told us great racing, I was honestly in no mood to party.  I planned on having a couple beers then locking myself in my room, dad had pissed me off, I was pissed at myself that I actually let him get to me enough that I would hit him.  He should have never talked to Jason like he did or brought up our mom.  I was pulled into a hug by Asher, that’s when my eyes landed on Chass.  She smiled at me until she noticed the cut on my lip, I grabbed her hand and literally pulled her through the crowd of people, up the stairs and to my room. 

Once we were in the room, I emptied my pockets then walked back over and locked the door. 
I walked over and sat down on the bed with my elbows resting on my knees, my hands covering my face as I tried to calm myself down.  Chass walked over, placed a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump.  I slowly looked up at her face, she had such a sad look in her eyes.  I didn’t want her to feel sorry for me, I just needed to have her here, near me.  I know that makes me sound like a class A pussy, but until you meet the one that makes your heart skip a beat and your pulse start racing, you’ll never understand. 

“Jet..are you okay?” she asked in a soft whisper. 

“No, I hate that son of a bitch, I never do good enough for him.” I told her then rested my forehead against her stomach.  She ran her fingers through my hair, down my jaw line then lifted my chin.  Jesus she’s so fucking beautiful, I smiled up at her, “I’m going to take a shower, give me twenty minutes.” I told her.  She nodded her head and smiled at me.  I ran into the bathroom, I let the steaming hot water rain down on my muscles that were in knots, I washed my hair, did some manscaping, shaved my face then soaped my body up and rinsed off.  I wrapped a towel around me then walked out of the bathroom.

Chass sucked in a breath and blinked rapidly a few times as she looked me over from head to toe.  When she l
ooked back up at me, I gave her grin, she started blushing.

“What?” she asked. 

I walked over to where she was sitting on the bed, I pushed her back so she was laying down, then covered her body with mine.  I asked her what I got for my win. 

he laughed, “I think you should be happy with the trophy and the check, most guys don’t even get that you know.” I rolled off of her causing her shirt to ride up exposing her stomach. 

I circled my finger around her belly button and watched as her skin covered in goose bumps, “Maybe I want more.” I whispered then straddled her body and lowered my lips to her stomach.  She was starting to
breathe faster, “Please Chass..I need you.” I said.  

She laughed loud
, “You NEED, me?  Does that line actually work on women?” she asked.  I glared up at her, got off the bed and walked over to my dresser to get some clothes.  She stood up walked over towards me then stopped and asked me what my problem was. 

“Nothing Chass, just fucking forget it, go find Asher and your little buddy Lance if he’s not already with Carey for the night.” I told her. 

“You know what? You’re a fucking asshole.” She said then turned to walk out of the room.  Just as she grabbed the door handle I slammed my hand against the door and spun her around.

“You know what?  You’re the only fucking woman that can piss me off so fucking easy.  You know good and god damn well what I fucking meant by NEEDING you, because your body fucking NEEDS me too and you keep trying to fucking stop something that’s going to end up happening sooner or later.” I told her. 

We were staring into each other eyes as I lowered my lips to hers, she moaned as I slipped my tongue into her mouth.  With one hand wrapped around the back of her neck and the other resting on her hip I pulled her body as close to me as possible.   My dick was rock hard, with each moan from her it grew harder and harder.  I grabbed the hem of her shirt, yanked it over her head and was right back to kissing her.  I carried her over to the bed, as soon as she was laid down my body was covering hers.  I started kissing down her neck then reached behind her and unclasped her bra. I pulled it off then threw it on the floor.  Her tits were fucking perfect, soft and full, when I wrapped my lips around one of her nipples she arched her back and whispered my name.  I kissed down her stomach and circled her belly button with my tongue, she lifted her hips and moaned.  I pulled each of her shoes off, unbuttoned her pants and threw them into her pile beside the bed. 

“Jet is this..
What if somebody walks in?” she asked looking over at the door. 

I positioned my face between her legs
, “Can’t the doors locked” I said then ran my thumb from her pussy entrance to her clit.  I made the same path with my tongue a few times, I looked up at Chass, she was palming her tits in her hands and lightly pinching her nipples.  Her neck arched back, her breathing coming out in pants “Jet, oh god.” She would say.  Her body started to tremble as her orgasm grew closer, I licked her pussy and sucked on her clit a few more seconds then crawled back up her body.  She grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled my face to hers, “Taste yourself Chass, I could eat that sweet fucking pussy all day.” I said when we broke apart for air. 

I reached over to get a condom out of the drawer, when I didn’t feel the box I opened the other drawer.  “Son of a bitch.” I said. 

“What?” Chass asked.  When I told her I didn’t have any condoms she raised one eyebrow at me.

“Trust me, it’s not from ME, obviously somebody else needed some.  I jack off with you in mind so I don’t need them.”

She told me she was on birth control, normally I wouldn’t believe a woman that tells me that but with Chass, I trusted her. 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her as I probed her soaking wet entrance. 

“Yes. Jet. Please.” She whispered. 

I braced myself on my left forearm, using my right hand I grabbed my rock hard cock and held it as I pushed just the tip inside of her.  She sucked in a breath “Relax Chass..” I told her and slowly started to push deeper inside of her until I felt my dick hitting something that felt like a thin layer of skin.  “Chass..are you a fucking virgin?” I asked not whispering.  She nodded her head yes, I wanted to stop and leave
her in the perfect state she was.  I lowered my head to her shoulder and shook my head, “Why would you want to do this then?  With no condom even.” I asked her. 

BOOK: Pole Position
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