Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (28 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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Heat streamed through Marie at the sight of Ty caressing Zeke’s naked flesh. Ty’s hand rested below the dragon, his fingertips lightly brushing against Zeke’s tight nipple.

“This tattoo is pretty sexy. Does it turn you on?” Ty glanced at Marie expectantly.

“Yes, Master.”

“Show me.”

She stroked her breasts, then dragged her fingertips over her hard nipples. Ty smiled.

“Very good. You’re turning Zeke on.” Ty’s hand stroked over Zeke’s tight abs. “Push your fingers inside your panties and stroke.”

She slid one hand down her stomach, then under the leather, while she squeezed her nipple with her fingers. She stroked over her bare folds, then along her slick slit.

“I’m sure Zeke is finding this leather quite confining right about now. Maybe I should help him out.” Ty pulled the zipper down and the leather parted.

Zeke’s big cock pushed out of its restraint. Tall and proud. Marie licked her lips. Then Ty wrapped his fingers around Zeke. Marie sucked in a breath, her fingers gliding over her sex more rapidly. Oh God, it was totally erotic watching Ty touch Zeke. He stroked up and down with one hand as his other hand stroked over Zeke’s chest. Ty’s fingers toyed with Zeke’s nipple as he continued to stroke Zeke’s erection.

“Is your pussy wet, Marie?” Ty asked.

“Oh yes, Master.”

“Take off your panties. Let us see it.”

She grabbed the sides of the leather-and-chain garment and wiggled out of it, then dropped it to the floor. She pushed herself back on the cot, until she leaned against the wall, her knees pulled against her, then she dropped them wide, exposing her opening to their gazes. Both men stared at her. Or rather, her fingers as she pushed them in and out of her opening.

Ty squeezed Zeke’s cock, then released it and walked toward Marie. He unfastened the leash from the end of the bed.

“Kneel on the floor.”

“Yes, Master.”

She knelt on the smooth concrete floor. Ty tugged on the leash and she followed him, on her knees, across the room, then stopped in front of Zeke. Ty held the leash close to her collar and led her forward until her knees brushed against Zeke’s feet.

“Now take him in your hands and stroke him.”

Zeke’s cock spiked forward only inches from her face. She reached for his big shaft and wrapped her hands around it. Hot and hard. She stroked, loving the feel of his intimate skin, kid-leather soft, in her hands.

“Suck it,” Ty commanded.

She wrapped her lips around Zeke’s cockhead, then glided forward, sucking him into her mouth. Ty wrapped his hands around her hair, then coiled it around his fingers. He guided her face back, then forward, then back again, setting her into a steady motion. Zeke groaned as she sucked and licked.

“Pull down his briefs,” Ty commanded.

As she bobbed forward and back on Zeke’s cock, she drew down the leather, dropping it to his ankles. Ty’s free hand tucked under Zeke’s crotch to cup his balls. Marie covered Ty’s hand, enjoying touching Ty while he touched Zeke in such an intimate manner.

Zeke stiffened, his balls pulling tighter.

“Stop.” Ty’s hold on Marie’s hair stopped her from continuing her forward stroke on Zeke’s cock. Ty drew her head away and Zeke’s cock popped from her mouth and bounced.

Ty drew Marie to her feet, then dragged her against his chest. His tongue drove into her mouth with a vengeance. “God, you’re sexy.”

He led her across the room and sat on the small bed, then released his cock.

“Do you want to suck my cock, Marie?”

She stared at his huge cock standing straight up.

“Yes, Master.”

“Do it. Now.” His voice sounded almost desperate with need.

She dropped to her knees in front of him, careful to position herself so Zeke could watch her, and wrapped her hands around Ty’s gigantic cock. She stroked several times, then pressed her lips to the tip of his cock. She licked it then dragged her tongue around the bottom of the corona. He stroked her hair as she wrapped her lips around him and swallowed his big cockhead. She sucked and licked, spurred on by his increasingly rapid breathing.

She dove down, squeezing him inside her mouth. When she rose again, she released his cock and glided down the front of the shaft, then licked his clean-shaven balls. She nibbled with her lips, then took one into her mouth, then the other, as she wrapped both hands around his huge shaft and stroked.

“Damn, you are so fucking hot.” He groaned, pulling himself from her mouth. “Enough. I’ve had enough of you for now.”

He turned to Zeke. The poor man hung on the wall, his cock hard and twitching.

“Attend to my other slave, Marie, but you’re not to fuck him,” said Ty.

She grinned, then stood up and strolled toward Zeke.

First, she ran her hands across Zeke’s broad chest, then licked his nipple.

“Please let me fuck her,” Zeke begged, clearly in pain. “I’ll do anything.”

“Shhh.” Ty pressed a finger to Zeke’s lips, then knelt down and grabbed Zeke’s erect cock. Ty crouched lower and …

Oh God, Marie’s insides quivered as she watched Ty take Zeke’s cockhead in his mouth. Fascinated, Marie watched as Zeke’s shaft disappeared into Ty’s mouth. Within seconds, Ty’s head bobbed up and down on Zeke. Zeke’s head fell back against the wall and he groaned. Marie stroked Ty’s moving cheek, then ran her fingers along Zeke’s tight balls.

Ty released Zeke’s cock and stepped back.

“Fuck him.”

She wrapped her hand around Zeke’s slick cock and moved closer, pressing his cockhead to her opening. She pressed forward. Zeke’s cock glided into her. She rested her hands flat against the cold wall on either side of his body and pivoted her hips forward and back, driving him in and out. She squeezed and he groaned. Her breasts pressed against his chest with every inward thrust.

Pleasure rose within her, her body still quivering from her last orgasm. Zeke stiffened and groaned. She felt hot liquid pulse into her, which triggered another orgasm. She kept pumping his cock into her, squeezing him, feeling her pleasure rise even more. Ty reached between their bodies and found her clit, then tweaked. Intense pleasure exploded through her. Finally, she collapsed against Zeke. Ty leaned against her back, cocooning her between the two men.

A heavenly place to be.

Finally, Ty drew away, then snapped a clip onto one of Marie’s wristbands and attached it to one of the links of the chain attaching Zeke to the wall, then he attached her other wrist to the other chain. Marie stood facing Zeke, his cock still inside her, chained to him.

“I’ll be back to check on you two in a little while,” Ty said.



Marie heard the jail door clang closed and glanced around to see Ty walking away from the door on the other side of the bars.

She stared up at Zeke. “I guess we’re stuck here.”

He pivoted his pelvis forward. His cock, which had been deflating, had cranked up a notch. “I’m not complaining.”

Her breasts pressed tight against his chest. He drew his hips back, then pushed forward again. His movement caused the chains on her top to press against her skin, and roll … over her nipples. They hardened into nubs again. Zeke continued to push in … and out. It wasn’t a serious thrusting. Just an extremely pleasant gliding.

She smiled and nuzzled his collarbone, then rested her head against his chest, his dragon staring her in the eye. She closed her eyes and snuggled. His cock continued to glide inside her. She squeezed him, knowing if this went on long enough, she would orgasm again. But for now, she enjoyed the gentle glow of being so close and intimate.

He kept moving inside her. Slow and gentle. She squeezed him, moving with him. Feeling the mellow pleasure building. He lowered his head to hers and nuzzled her hair. She tipped her chin up and he captured her lips. She felt so close to him.

“Zeke, what Ty said about me choosing him over you…” She gazed up at him. “It’s not true.”


Ty’s voice caught her off guard. She heard the barred door creak open. Seconds later, she felt Ty’s presence behind her.

“So does that mean you’ve decided to choose Zeke over me?” Ty asked.

“I didn’t say that.”

His hands slid around her body and cupped her breasts.

“So I still have a chance.”

Ty caressed her nipples, then pressed the chains against them and stroked the metal over her hard nubs. She whimpered at the intense sensation.

He pressed his hot naked body close to her back, his hard cock pressing between her buttocks and along her lower back. He eased back and pressed forward, essentially pushing Zeke’s cock into her. He pivoted his hips so his cock glided up and down between her butt cheeks while he pressed her forward and back against Zeke, all the while his fingers stimulating her nipples with the hard steel links. In fact, as he dragged the chain links up and down, they caught against Zeke’s nipples, too.

Ty cupped her breasts and stroked, then released her wrists from Zeke’s chains. He drew her back and kissed her, then took her hand and led her a few paces along the wall.

“Chain me to the wall.” Ty handed her two carabiner clips, then held his fisted hands in front of her. He wore thick black leather wristbands. And nothing else.

“Yes, Master.”

She took the clips and attached them to the rings on the bands. He lifted his arms to within reach of another set of chains attached to the walls. Pushing herself on her tiptoes, she grabbed the end of one of the chains and clipped his wrist to it. Then the other. She stepped back and stared at him.

Now what?

“Unchain Zeke and use him as your slave.”

She raised her eyebrows. “So I am the Mistress now?”

“To Zeke. I am still your Master.”

“But you’re chained up. Helpless to my will.”

“Come here and suck my cock.”

Without even thinking, she dropped to her knees in front of him and wrapped her fingers around his big cock, then took it in her mouth and sucked on his hard flesh.

His commands were irresistible.

She tightened her hand around the base of his cock, then released him from her mouth and licked down the shaft. He was right. He was her Master no matter what the situation. Cupping his balls, she lifted them, then drew one into her mouth and swirled her tongue over it. She was vulnerable to his authority.

Pumping up and down on his shaft, she kept his cock warm and stimulated while she drew his other ball into her mouth. Of course, he was just as vulnerable to her submission. She licked him and then squeezed, smiling at his moan of pleasure.

“Oh yeah, sweetheart.”

As long as she followed his commands, she owned him.

She released his balls and sucked his cock into her mouth again and bobbed up and down. He arched his hips forward, his breathing accelerating.


She hesitated, then ignored his command and squeezed, enjoying her small rebellion. He groaned, then sucked in a breath.

“I said, stop!” he commanded through gritted teeth.

This time she stopped, then stood up.

“Unchain Zeke and use him as your slave.”

She smiled. “Yes, Master.”

Zeke watched as she walked toward him. As soon as she freed his arms, he tugged her against his hard body and kissed her, his tongue undulating inside her mouth.

Finally, he released her. She sucked in air.

“Um … you are my slave now.”

“Yes, Mistress. What may I do to please you?”

She grinned and glanced toward Ty, chained against the wall.

“Show Ty how much you like my breasts.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

He knelt in front of her and stroked her breasts. Her nipples pushed forward. His lips brushed against one as his fingertips stroked over the other. She moaned as he licked her nipple, then took it into his hot mouth. When he sucked on her, she moaned. Delightful sensations danced through her.

“Okay, now stand up.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She glanced toward Ty. It had been an extreme turn-on watching Ty touch Zeke. And it showed that Ty was coming to terms with his attraction to Zeke. Was Zeke, too? This was a good opportunity to find out.

“I … want you to go and touch Ty.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

He walked toward Ty and Marie expected him to touch Ty’s shoulder or something innocuous like that. But he didn’t. He stroked his fingertips over Ty’s nipples. Lightly over each tight bud. Then he leaned down and took one in his mouth and began to suck. Ty moaned, his eyelids falling closed.

“Are … uh … are you enjoying that, Zeke?” she asked. Her fingers trailed over her own hard nipples. She certainly was.

He lifted his mouth from Ty’s nipple. “Yes, Mistress.”

He pushed out his tongue and dragged the tip down Ty’s tight abs, then wrapped his hand around Ty’s cock and licked the tip. She felt moisture pool between her legs as she watched Zeke licking Ty’s huge cockhead. He began to stroke the shaft.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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