Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (27 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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He thrust deep again. In and out.

Marie slipped her hand from Ty’s cock to Zeke’s shoulder. Ty stroked his own cock while he watched Zeke thrust into Marie. She moaned and he reached down and flicked her clit with his fingers. She clung tight to his shoulders, her breathing fast and hard. He drove into her. Deeper. Harder. Enveloped by her hot silky-smooth canal.

She gasped, then wailed as she exploded in orgasm. He plunged into her several more times, then erupted inside her.

He held her tight against his body, reluctant to let her go. Finally, he released her and she flopped back on the couch, smiling at him.

“Hey, man.” Ty nudged him.

Usually, Zeke would move away to give Ty his turn, but Zeke didn’t want to. But he had no real choice. He pushed away and sat on the couch beside her as Ty positioned himself in front of her. Zeke watched in fascination as Ty’s huge cockhead pressed against her pussy, then stretched her as it slid inside. Once her body swallowed that huge bulbous head, Ty leaned forward and kissed her, then he slowly pressed the rest of his shaft inside her. The smile on her face and the sheer look of rapture on Ty’s reminded Zeke that they loved each other. Zeke was a mere accessory, as Ty had called the second man position not too long ago.

Ty drove deep into Marie and she moaned. That huge cock must feel amazing inside her. Ty began to move. Deep, long thrusts. She clung to him and within moments, moaned her pleasure. She tightened her arms around him and her moans turned to a long, trailing wail. Ty pounded into her, driving her pleasure higher. Then Ty groaned his own climax.

God, Zeke realized what Marie and Ty shared was magnificent. Ty gave her such pleasure with that huge cock of his. That paired with the love they shared … God, how could Zeke compete with that?

God damn it, what was wrong with him? He wasn’t supposed to be competing with it. Marie belonged with Ty, not Zeke. It was time for Zeke to walk away gracefully.

*   *   *


Zeke awoke to the feel of Marie’s soft warm body snuggled against him, her cheek pressed against his chest, her delicate breath fluttering against his skin. He stroked her hair, loving the softness of it against his fingers, then wrapped his arms a little tighter around her.

Moonlight washed across her features, so relaxed in sleep. His heart ached for her. He wanted her in his life. Just the two of them. His gaze shifted to the pillow behind her … and Ty’s sleeping face.

Ty lay on the other side of Marie, his sandy hair tousled, his cheeks shadowed with whiskers. While Zeke stared at Ty, he had to fight the urge to reach out and stroke Ty’s whisker-roughened cheek. This crazy attraction he had toward Ty still threw him off balance, but Zeke couldn’t deny how incredibly sexy Ty looked lying there, his square jaw resting against the black pillowcase, his handsome face relaxed in sleep. No wonder Marie found him so attractive.

His gut clenched. God damn it, he should hate the guy for stealing his woman … but he couldn’t hate Ty—his best friend since childhood. Ty had always seen the positive in Zeke when others labeled him as bad news. That’s why, as much as Zeke loved Marie, he wouldn’t challenge Ty for her.

Even if Zeke stood a chance—which he didn’t—he wouldn’t steal away Ty’s happiness.

Anyway, Ty was the better man for Marie. He would fit better in her life.

But right now, he couldn’t stand to be here. In the same bed with them. Knowing they loved each other. That he was just an extra complication in the relationship now, rather than Marie’s true love.

Zeke carefully eased away from Marie’s warmth and slipped off the side of the bed. He strolled to his duffel bag in the corner and grabbed some boxers and pulled them on, then tugged a T-shirt over his head. His jeans and jacket were still upstairs in the living room where he’d discarded them earlier. He grabbed a pair of socks and turned toward the door.

“Where are you going?”

Ty stood in front of him, a softly illuminated shadow between Zeke and the door.

Zeke glanced at Marie, still sound asleep. He jerked his head toward the stairs and Ty nodded, then turned and walked upstairs. Zeke followed him. Once in the living room, Ty crossed his arms.

“So what’s up?”

Zeke shrugged. “I thought I’d leave you two to it.”

“You were just going to take off in the middle of the night?”

“Why not? It seems pretty clear Marie has chosen you … or is going to.” He shrugged again. “And that’s the way it should be. You saw her first.”

Ty leaned back against the desk and crossed his arms. “Are you doing this to make up for what happened with Ashley? Because you don’t have to do that. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Zeke glanced at him warily. He’d wanted so much to convince Ty of that years ago, but Ty wouldn’t listen.

“I know it was Ashley who caused the problem.
. I chose not to believe it at the time because…” He sighed. “There was something else that was really bothering me.”

Zeke nodded. So Ty had felt this thing between them even back then.

Ty uncrossed his arms. “You know, we really should figure out what’s going on between you and me. Especially if we want to keep our friendship alive. Otherwise it’ll just get in the way.”

Zeke’s gut clenched. He paced across the room, then turned back to face Ty. “As much as I want our friendship to work, I don’t know how it can with this situation with Marie. I overheard you tell her you’re in love with her. And she said she loves you, too.”

Ty’s eyebrows quirked. “What about you? You’re in love with her, too, aren’t you?”

“Of course, I am.”

“Did you tell her?”

Zeke banged his fist on his thigh. “Damn it, I tried not to fall in love with her, because I knew you were. But … damn, when she told me she loved me … I couldn’t help but tell her back.”

Ty raised an eyebrow. “Now that you know she loves me, you figure she’ll choose me?”

“Of course she will.”

Ty smiled at him. “My question is, why does she have to choose?”



Marie opened her eyes to see Ty place a tray beside the bed.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Mm. Breakfast in bed.”

Marie sat up and he placed the tray over her lap. He fluffed her pillow, then tucked a second behind her. She smiled, then took a forkful of the herb omelette.

“It’s delicious.” She took another bite.

He poured cream into the full coffee mug on the tray, then added a spoonful of sugar and stirred. She took a sip. He turned and walked toward the door.

“You’re not joining me?” she asked.

He smiled. “You enjoy. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Once she finished her omelette, she leaned back against the pillows and relaxed while she drank her coffee. Ty returned a few moments later.

“Where’s Zeke?” she asked.

“Well, I have bad news for you.”

Her gaze darted to him, her heart stammering, as he took the tray from her lap and placed it on a table by the door.

“What is it?”

“Zeke’s in jail.”

Her eyes widened. “Why? What happened?”

“I caught him trying to escape, so I locked him up.”

Oh, a role-playing game.
She sighed in relief. But she wasn’t sure of her role. Was she supposed to be a guard? Or a policewoman? Or was she supposed to try and escape, too? Then he could capture her and lock her up. Or use
again. Her heart stammered. Or hang her from the ceiling by her wrists.

She licked her lips. “Are you going to throw me in jail, too?”

He sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms, capturing her lips with a fervor. His hands roamed up and down her back as his tongue dove between her lips and undulated against her tongue. Then he sucked until it pulsed into his mouth. Her heart thundered in her chest at the passion of his kiss. Finally, he released her, leaving her breathless.

“Do you want to escape?” he asked, his voice husky.

With wide eyes, she shook her head, and drew in a deep lungful of air.

He smiled. “You don’t seem too sure. Maybe I will have to lock you up.”

“Yes, Master.”

He chuckled. “Very well. Let’s go.” He stood up, waiting for her to follow.

She grasped the covers to throw them aside, then paused. “But, Master, I’m totally naked.”

He tugged at the covers playfully, grinning as they drew away from her breasts. Her nipples puckered, as much from his heated gaze as from the cool air. He pulled more firmly, dragging the covers from the rest of her.

“There’s only one way I like to see my sub rather than naked.”

He walked to the big wooden wardrobe, opened the door, and pulled out leather straps and chains. “Come here.”

She walked toward him, totally conscious of her nudity as his gaze roamed over her. Her nipples ached as they hardened even more.

The leather straps and chains he held turned out to be an outfit of sorts.

He attached a collar around her neck with three leather straps dangling from it. He adjusted one to lie down the center of her torso, to just below her breasts, and the other two went alongside each breast and around to the back. He turned her around and fastened them behind her. Between the center strap and each side strap hung a series of cascading chains, some draping over her breasts and several below, leaving her breasts totally visible.

“Turn this way. Let me see you.”

“Yes, Master.” She turned to face him.

He tugged one of the chains so the cold metal links brushed across her nipple. Tingles danced through her, straight to her crotch.

“Lovely.” He admired her straining nipples.

He turned to the wardrobe again, then dangled a patch of leather and chains in front of her with a grin and she realized it was her … thong. He swirled his finger around, indicating she should turn her back to him again. She turned and he wrapped the leather strap around her hips, then buckled it behind her.

“Open your legs.”

She shivered at his words. “Yes, Master.”

She positioned her feet wider apart. The back of his hand brushed against her inner thigh as he reached between her legs to catch the leather strap dangling from the patch covering her crotch. He lifted the thin strip, pressing it between her cheeks, then attached it to the hip strap.

He pulled some shiny black boots from the wardrobe, peered at the soles, then handed them to her.

“I think these are your size. Put them on.”

She pulled on the boots and zipped them up. They fit perfectly. Each had a tall spike heel and a ring attached to each side of the ankle with short chains that draped down the back of the heel.

He reached into the wardrobe again, then wrapped heavy, black leather cuffs lined with a thick, almost furry, fleece around her wrists. The leather extended along her hands, attached to heavy-duty steel D-rings.

“Good. Now you’re ready.”

He grabbed a leash from the cupboard and hooked it onto her collar, then held it a few inches from her neck as he led her to the jail door with the concrete walls behind. He unlocked the barred door then opened it with a metallic creak. He stepped inside, drawing her behind him.

She glanced first to the cot, which was empty. She’d expected to find Zeke lying on it, but she glanced around the large space and saw him against the wall, with a studded leather collar around his neck and thick leather straps around his wrists, attached to hooks on the wall with thick chains, holding his muscular arms above his head. They hung from the chains, his elbows bent. All he wore, besides the wrist straps, were black leather briefs. The rest of his fine body was totally naked.

Her gaze glided over his broad, sculpted chest, with the sexy dragon across one side, down his stomach, then over the zipper that ran down the front of the leather briefs.

“Zeke wanted to leave because he believes you are going to choose between the two of us,” Ty said.

Her gaze darted to Ty. Of course she’d have to choose between them, but she was hoping to wait until after the weekend. The truth was, she had no idea which one she would pick. Both men had told her they loved her. And she loved both men. Zeke was extremely sexy and had attracted her right from the beginning because of his overpowering masculine aura. Ty had come off as a Mr.-Nice-Guy type, but after being dominated by him, she knew that was just a façade. Now, his authoritative manner sent her insides quivering. That, added to the deep connection they’d developed as friends, made a powerful combination.

Maybe that meant that she should pick Ty. Her gaze fell on Zeke’s semi-naked form. But she wanted Zeke, too.

Ty led Marie to the bed, then attached the leash handle to a hook on the wall, essentially tying her to the bed like a pet.

Ty strolled over to Zeke. “Zeke believes you’ll pick me, but I’m not so sure about that.” He ran his hand along the tattoo on Zeke’s arm, then over his shoulder and down his chest.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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