Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (23 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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Ty groaned and twitched inside her, claiming her lips as he joined her in ecstasy.

After a moment, his cock slipped from her. Before she could catch her breath, Zeke’s cock slid inside her from behind. He wrapped his hands around her hips and drew her back against him, filling her sex with his hard cock. Ty slid down and caressed her breasts, then captured one of her nipples in his mouth as Zeke began to thrust. Barely finished with one orgasm, she felt another blazing through her. She gasped and squeezed Zeke as he thrust again and again. She moaned as the pleasure erupted inside her again. Zeke kissed her neck, then groaned as he filled her with liquid heat.

Ty rested his head on the pillow again and smiled. He leaned forward and kissed her. Zeke’s cock still filled her. Zeke nuzzled the back of her neck, then kissed her cheek. His cock slipped free and he draped a hand around her waist.

Within moments, she heard a soft snoring behind her. She glanced at Ty and realized he’d fallen asleep, too.

She gazed at his sleeping face, felt Zeke’s breath on her back, and thought about the guilt she’d felt making love with Ty a few moments ago. They were in a threesome. Why would she suddenly feel guilty?

But she knew the answer. She was in love with Ty. In fact, she had been in love with him all along, she’d simply convinced herself it wasn’t true. She hadn’t wanted to chance losing him as a friend, and convincing herself he couldn’t dominate her the way she wanted … the way Zeke could … had allowed her to keep a distance. When he’d completely and unequivocally dominated her last night … she’d lost that last excuse. And the tender way he’d made love to her just now …

Her heart ached. She really did love Ty.

And she loved Zeke, too. And now she really did feel that she’d cheated on Zeke. Because she could no longer treat Ty as a casual addition to their relationship.

She would have to choose between the two men. Someone was going to be hurt.

Her stomach clenched. What a mess.

She disengaged herself from Zeke’s arm, being careful not to wake him, then she slipped from the bed.



Ty awoke to a warm body pressed against him.

Firm. Hard. And solid.

It wasn’t Marie.

Ty’s arm was loosely draped around Zeke’s waist as Zeke’s muscular back pressed against Ty’s chest. Ty’s cock was hard and pressed against Zeke’s backside.

Ty knew he should pull away … but it felt … cozy. He liked being close to Zeke.

Deep down inside, he
to be close to Zeke.

Zeke shifted and Ty’s cock expanded a little more. Was Zeke awake?

Zeke drew in a deep breath … then snored a little.

Ty relaxed, allowing himself to enjoy the experience of Zeke’s body pressed close to his. Marie must have slipped away and he’d simply grabbed on to Zeke in his sleep. Nothing wrong with that.

Zeke murmured something in his sleep, then shifted back a little, pressing his backside closer against Ty’s cock.

“You two look pretty comfortable.”

At Marie’s voice, Ty snatched his arm away from Zeke and rolled to a sitting position, careful to hide his erection.

Beside him, Zeke shifted, then rolled onto his back. “Morning.”

“Where did you go?” Ty asked Marie.

“I wanted to get a little air. It’s a beautiful morning. Sunny. And warm for September.”

*   *   *


Marie hadn’t missed the fact that Ty had a huge erection … or the fact that he was trying to hide it. When she’d walked into the room, the two men had been spooning cozily. She had noticed lingering looks between them during their three-way sexual adventures. Was there more to their relationship than friendship?

Judging from Ty’s discomfort with the situation, she could tell he was struggling with some kind of attraction to Zeke.

Could it be that Ty was in this three-way more to be with Zeke than with her?

But she and Ty had been close before Zeke came into the picture.

Close … but he’d never asked her out. Or showed any kind of romantic interest.

Aw, damn, was she really in love with a man who was in love with another man? And what about Zeke? Did he return Ty’s interest?

If the three of them continued as they’d been going, would the two men finally embrace their attraction for each other and she’d find herself out on her butt?

She would rather find out sooner than later.

If the two men were unsure of their feelings for each other … or outright ignoring them … maybe it was time she gave them a push.

“I put on a pot of coffee. I’m going to go take a shower, but I thought maybe you two could be the slaves and make breakfast for me. What do you say?”

Zeke grinned. “I say, yes, Mistress.” He pushed the covers aside and stood up, totally naked, his big cock semi-erect.

She cupped her hand around her ear. “What was that you said?”

Zeke’s grin widened. “I said, ‘yes, Mistress.’ ”

She grinned. “I like that.” She gazed at Ty. “And what about you?”

Ty smiled, too. “Yes, Mistress.”

He stood up and his cock stood fully erect. Her insides tingled at the thought of dropping to the floor and feasting on that. Better yet, at him pushing her down on the bed and impaling her with it.

“I’d like eggs, bacon, and toast with honey.” She turned toward the door and strolled out, then entered the bathroom. She hung her robe on a hook outside the shower and turned on the water.

When she opened the door after her shower, she could smell the bacon cooking. She returned to the bedroom. Actually, the only bed in the cottage was in the basement dungeon. Only a kitchen, living room, and another bathroom were upstairs, plus a spectacular deck around two sides of the building overlooking the lake.

She sat down at a round wrought-iron table in the corner and opened a folder on the table. Inside, she found some information sheets that listed the various equipment included in the cottage. Specifically, in the dungeon. She glanced at the wall to see several chains and leather straps hanging there. According to the lists, the large dresser along the wall and the big armoire held several toys, like vibrators, floggers, et cetera. Even costumes and props. The information sheets also gave instructions on how to use the items, along with some creative suggestions for playful scenarios. Also included was a collection of stories to further spur the guests’ imaginations.

*   *   *


Ty buttered the last piece of toast and placed it on top of the others on the plate, then sliced through the stack. He turned at the clicking sound of heels on the wooden floor.

When he saw Marie standing in the doorway, he nearly dropped the butter knife. She stood in shiny black patent leather from neck to toe. The tight catsuit clung to her slim, well-proportioned body. Silver laces crisscrossed the torso, pulling the outfit snug around her waist, accentuating her full breasts, and the spike heels made her legs look exceptionally long and slender.

Although her body was almost totally covered, her breasts were pushed up high, and the plunging neckline showed off the swell of her round creamy breasts. Round cutouts totally exposed her nipples, which were hardening under his gaze.

“Wow,” Zeke replied, gaping at her with a wide smile.

“Is breakfast ready yet?” Marie asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” Ty replied.

“Good. Serve it to me in the dining room.”

She turned and walked away. Ty couldn’t drag his gaze from her delightfully swaying ass.

Zeke spooned scrambled eggs from the frying pan to a large bowl as Ty retrieved the tray of bacon from the oven where he’d put it to stay warm. He placed the bacon onto a platter and handed it to Zeke, then grabbed the honey and the plate of toast and followed Zeke into the dining room where Marie sat at the table sipping orange juice. Ty had set one place only—for the Mistress. Zeke set down the plates, then refilled her glass from the pitcher of juice sitting on the table. Ty and Zeke both took a position on either side of the table, standing behind the chairs. Both he and Zeke wore only their boxers, assuming their mistress would appreciate the view of their naked torsos. Ty glanced at the dragon tattooed across Zeke’s sculpted chest and down one muscular arm. Ty certainly appreciated it.

Zeke dropped his gaze, as a good sub should, and so did Ty.

Marie ate in silence, then when she was done, she sat back.

“More coffee.”

Zeke reached for the white insulated coffee jug on the table and filled her mug. Ty added a spoonful of sugar and poured in a little cream, just as she liked it.

“Good. Now take away the rest. Both of you eat quickly. I have plans.”

Ty and Zeke cleared the table, then stood in the kitchen and ate the leftover eggs and bacon. About ten minutes later, Marie strolled into the kitchen and smiled.

“It’s such a lovely day, I think I’d like to go for a ride.”

Did she mean on the Harley? Or could she mean…?

She grinned wickedly. “After all, I have two such studly stallions at my disposal.” She turned. “Follow me.”

Ty glanced at Zeke, who grinned broadly.

“Yes, Mistress,” Ty said at the same time as Zeke.

When they walked into the living room, she picked up a leather harness from a chair and handed it to Zeke.

“I want you to prepare my other stallion. Put on Ty’s harness.” She turned to Ty. “Take off your boxers.”

Ty dropped his shorts. Zeke took the harness, then walked toward Ty. Zeke draped the straps over Ty’s shoulders, then wrapped a strap around his chest and buckled it, then wrapped one around his waist and buckled it. The touch of Zeke’s fingertips playing along Ty’s skin as he adjusted the straps and fastened the buckles sent tingles flashing across his skin. His cock hardened as Zeke grabbed the strap hanging from his waist and slid the metal cock ring over Ty’s cockhead, the cold metal brushing his sensitive skin. Zeke tucked his fingers under Ty’s balls and drew them through the ring, then drew the leather strap under his crotch and up behind him, then attached it to the waist strap.

“Lovely.” Marie’s gaze wandered over him.

His cock swelled within the grip of the cock ring.

“Now I want you to brush him down.” Marie handed Zeke an oval wooden brush with white bristles.

“Yes, Mistress.”

Zeke took the brush and slipped his fingers through the black leather strap on the back and pressed it against Ty’s chest, then began rubbing the soft bristles over Ty’s skin in a circular motion. Round and round across his chest. Zeke’s other hand trailed over the newly stimulated skin as the brush moved on. Over Ty’s shoulders … down his back. Then lower. The soft bristles circled over his butt, then down his thighs.

Ty’s cock rose at the stimulating sensations spiraling through him.

“Good.” Marie walked toward Ty as Zeke stopped brushing and stepped back. She stroked her hand along Ty’s heavily shadowed cheek. “My stallion looks quite handsome.” She took the brush from Zeke and handed it to Ty. “Now you prepare my other stallion.”

Oh God, the thought of touching Zeke like he’d just touched Ty heated his insides … and sent panic skittering through him. But his skin still tingled from Zeke’s thorough attention. And Ty didn’t want to disobey his Mistress.

He took the brush and walked to the chair where the other harness lay in a heap and picked it up.

Marie turned to Zeke. “Take off your boxers.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

As Zeke dropped his boxers to the floor, Ty noticed Zeke’s cock was fully erect, too. He was just as turned on as Ty.

Ty attached the harness around Zeke’s broad chest. His fingers brushed across Zeke’s well-defined muscles as he attached the buckle. He fastened all the other body straps and buckled them, then lifted the lower strap with trepidation. Gingerly, he placed the metal cock ring over Zeke’s cockhead and slid it down the shaft. Zeke’s cock twitched. As a result, it bounced against Ty’s fingertips. He reached the bottom, then pushed his fingers through the ring and tucked them under Zeke’s balls, then gently pulled them through the ring.

Ty stepped behind Zeke and grasped the strap dangling from the cock ring and drew it behind him and up to the waistband, then buckled it into place. He tried to ignore how the strap enhanced the sexy view of Zeke’s tight butt … and his desire to stroke his hand along those muscled cheeks.

He picked up the brush and began to rub it in circular strokes over Zeke’s back, just as Zeke had done to Ty. Round and round over Zeke’s dragon tattoo, then over his shoulders. He moved to face Zeke and brushed over his chest and toward the center, following the front dragon, his other hand following the brush in a soothing caress after the stimulation of the bristles. He moved down over Zeke’s stomach, ignoring the hard erection below, then over his hips to his tight butt cheeks. Stroking the hard, tight flesh with his hand as he followed the brush sent heat through his groin. God, he couldn’t believe how hard he was.

“Good. Now put the brush on the table.” Marie stepped toward Zeke and stroked his cheek. “You’re a beautiful stallion, too,” she murmured to Zeke.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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