Playing for Keeps (16 page)

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Authors: Glenda Horsfall

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #BDSM, #Romance

BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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She felt guilty because it was obvious she had hurt his feelings. She wanted to throw her arms around him and give him comfort, but that was impossible the way she was positioned on her stomach. She pressed her forehead into the sofa, frustrated with the situation she herself had created.

“I want your promise that you will be more open in future, no matter how hard you find it.”

She was full of remorse for upsetting him, “Yes, Matt.”

“You call me Master!” he shouted and reinforced his order with a hard smack to her behind.

Oh, God. She loved it when he came over all dominant. Her pussy clenched in anticipation and need. “Yes, Master.” She hurriedly agreed, praying that he would get on with it. As soon as he had mentioned spanking, her inner muscles had started to quiver and she felt her juices begin to flow.

She lifted her head as he stretched his arm over the back of the sofa and watched as he fetched the bag he had brought back that afternoon from Mistress de Silva’s. She couldn’t see what was in the bag, but she could hear him rummaging purposely through its contents while he retrieved what he was looking for.

“Still trust me?” he asked, as his hands slowly travelled the length of her legs up to the apex of her thighs.

“Yes, Master.” She sighed with pleasure as his hands continued to caress. She thought about all he had done for her over the weekend and how well he had taken care of her needs. He had even put aside his own feelings to ensure that her desires had been fulfilled. A warm rush of love swept over her and left her shaken as she acknowledged how well he took care of her. She knew instinctively that she could trust him never to hurt her.

He turned her over gently so that she was once again facing him. The arm of the sofa supported her head and her bottom rested between his open legs.

“Do you know what this is?” He held up his hand showing her an object that looked a bit like a large baby’s pacifier. It looked to be made of metal.

“No. What is it?” She was intrigued.

“This is my other present to you. This is a butt plug, it’s going to stretch that randy little asshole of yours, and, later tonight I’m going to fill it completely!”

She was startled. Although she had agreed to some anal play with him, she hadn’t expected him to want to try anything tonight before they went to the show. Urgently she tried to rise. “You wouldn’t!”

She was no match for his strength and he easily pushed her back onto her back.

“Oh I would, and I will,” Matt said. “I told you earlier, I’m going to claim what’s mine. Not yours, not some other man’s, but mine! Don’t you realize yet that all your pleasure belongs to me?”

The passion in his voice called to her. She didn’t want to play with anyone other than him, and, she admitted to herself, she would probably never have revealed her secret desires to anyone else. He filled needs she hadn’t even been aware of having. How could she resist giving into the temptation that was Matt? Being dominated by him was her biggest fantasy come to life.

Holding an arm across her chest to keep her down, he threw up her skirt and dived with his other hand between her legs. “Let’s see how ready you are now.”

The hand between her legs worked its magic against her mound, his knowledgeable fingers sought out her clitoris, which he rubbed and teased mercilessly, until she was crying out in frustration. She needed more, she needed him.

“Matt, please ….” she moaned.

“Master, kitten. You are to call me Master.” His fingers continued to tease her, taking her to the brink of climax over and over, but never giving her quite enough pressure to allow her to come.

“Master, please. I’m begging.” Her hips were bucking wildly upon his lap.

“What are you begging for, kitten?” It was amazing how good she became at verbalizing her wants when she was aroused.

“I need,” she panted, “I need to come, Master, please…” she begged.

Suddenly she wasn’t so sure she wanted to come, she felt something cool and hard at the entrance to her pussy. Matt was stroking up and down between her lips with the butt plug. She tensed as she wondered what he intended to do next.

“Oh no, you don’t,” he said, “You’re going to enjoy this baby, you really will.”

He rubbed her clitoris vigorously with his thumb until she was once again bucking around on his lap, then he stroked her inside and out with the butt plug, coating the plug in her juices.

She could feel the plug, but it felt small against her vaginal wall, smaller than it had looked when he had held it up in his hand for her to see. He withdrew the plug and skimmed it around to her backside where she felt it probing at the entrance to her ass. Shit! No! She was mortified and felt the fiery blush that stole across her cheeks as she turned her gaze away from him.

Unable to give voice to her objections, she was confidently turned over. Matt was at her back. He pushed her knees forward positioning her backside in the air. Her skirt was thrown up over her back and Matt held her in position with a firm hand in the middle of her back. In the other hand, he held the butt plug that he slid into her pussy, coating the metal and lubricating it with her juices. She tried to pull away as he slipped the plug towards her asshole, but Matt held her firmly in place.

“Breathe, baby, take a deep breath.”

She tried to clench her bottom and was rewarded with a sound slap to her cheeks, as he slowly twirled the butt plug around her puckered entrance, before gently nudging it past the tight ring of muscle and into her. She felt incredibly full as he twirled it around several times before he started pulling and pushing, working it deeper inside her. Cassie let go of her breath with a whoosh, it felt strange and very tight. She felt fuller than she would have believed possible, but also more turned on than she had ever been in her life. She had thought it was going to hurt, but it didn’t, not really – it was just strange having the butt plug where nothing or no one had been before. She didn’t really count the finger she had received earlier in the day from Lee.

She wanted to dissolve in a puddle of need when Matt whispered in her ear how much he admired the view of her backside with the butt plug stretching her asshole. As his fingers tested between her legs and found her soaking, he bent and kissed her behind her ear.

“Your ass looks so damn sexy, I can hardly wait,” he whispered.

As she heard the rasp of his zipper, her excitement mounted. She waited for him to release himself. She had felt his erection straining to be free from his trousers ever since he had pulled her across his lap. She was unable to contain her moan of pleasure as he entered her pussy. He was buried deep with one strong thrust.

Oh, shit! Cassie couldn’t believe how full and tight she felt. Without further preliminaries, Matt pounded into her from behind, riding her hard and fast. The butt plug moved in time with his thrusts. It was almost she imagined what it would feel like to be taken by two men at once, the very thought of which took her over the edge and tumbling into her climax. She screamed and would have collapsed flat onto her face had Matt not been holding her hips. As he pulled her tightly back towards him to meet his final thrust, the hot release of his climax poured into her and her vaginal walls continued to spasm until she had sucked him dry.

She was feeling euphoric; life just couldn’t get much better than this. It took her a few moments to realize the butt plug was still in place and as Matt helped her to stand up; she twisted to try to remove it.

Matt slapped her hand. “Ouch!”

“Leave it,” he told her. “You will wear that until the end of the evening.”

“You are joking, right?” she asked him, askance at his command. “You don’t really expect me to go downstairs wearing a butt plug?”

“I’m not asking, Cassie, I’m telling. That plug will stay where it is until I remove it, and” he winked, “I replace it, as promised.” His tone was uncompromising and sent a shiver of excitement through her. Although she was uncomfortable with the thought of going to a party wearing a butt plug, she felt safe in the knowledge that no one else would know.

She gave Matt a nod of agreement and felt suitably chastised for her behavior earlier in the day. Without fuss, she retired to the bathroom for a quick clean up, before they headed downstairs for the Burlesque show.


Chapter 10

The lift opened directly into the great room and the throng of patrons who had arrived before them immediately swallowed them up. Noise bombarded them from every direction. It looked like they were in for a great night’s entertainment, if he could believe the snippets of excited chatter he overheard.

He sensed Cassie’s surprise at the number of people already gathered in the great room when they arrived. As the club was obviously expensive and exclusive he suspected that she had thought there would be fewer patrons. They made their way through the crowd to a secluded booth that had been reserved for them for the evening. Matt was thrilled with the deep set back seating and the illusion of privacy it offered. It would suit his plans perfectly. They were directly opposite the small stage and should have a perfect view of the night’s activities. The air was heavy with women’s scent and everywhere he looked, he spied glorious outfits redolent of the Victorian period. There was a general buzz of excitement throughout the room as people waited for the floorshow to start.

He stood aside to let Cassie enter the booth, indicating that she should sit toward the center of the banquette sofa. He watched as Cassie sat down gingerly, sitting sideways in order that she didn’t sit directly on the butt plug. He couldn’t help but be amused; she was obviously hoping no one else would guess that she was wearing it. She looked around curiously taking a good look at the other members as they took their seats. She appeared embarrassed to see other subs sat at their Masters’ feet, not sitting alongside them as she was with Matt.

“Should I be doing that?” She looked at Matt, as she surreptitiously nodded toward the couple in the booth across the stage from them.

“Doing what?” Matt was confused.

“Sitting at your feet.”

“Stay where you are, you’re fine.” Matt told her warmly. He put his arm around her as he drew her close to say quietly, “I want you up close.”

What he didn’t tell her was that he wanted her up close in order that he could judge her reactions to the show. In order that he could have her close enough to touch when the need for her, that rode him, became too strong to be contained. He had known for a while, that he was in love with her. This weekend together exploring her need to submit had only cemented his feelings and he needed to know, now more than ever, what she needed to make her happy.

He had been aware for a while that she was holding something back. She’d asked for role-play sure enough, but the roles she chose for him to play had been those of some sleazy character manipulating her into sex. He now realized that what she’d wanted, but had been either unable or unwilling to ask for, had been dominance. The elusive link was now out in the open and he had no intention, of ever trying to bury it or deny her. If she needed domination to make her complete, then he would make her submit in every way possible; she wouldn’t be allowed to breathe without his say so, if that is what it took to claim her as his own.

The first hour or so of entertainment passed normally enough, the MC entertained the crowd with jokes and innuendo as he introduced the various acts on the evening program. The crowd was relaxed and in a jovial mood as leather clad staff wondered among them handing out canapés and soft drinks. Matt fed her morsels of food as she sat watching the show. She joined in the laughter at the comedy acts, and blushed prettily when the dancers appeared wearing no more than thongs to captivate the audience with a dance based on bondage. The look on her face told him that she was also turned on. Her pupils were dilated and there was a slight sheen of perspiration on her forehead. He would bet his last dollar that she was wet between the folds at the apex of her legs; the temptation to feel for himself had him straining to control the urge.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Masters and Mistresses,” the MC began to a drum roll and fanfare, “the highlight of our evening is about to begin. Will you all please take your seats and face the stage.”

The lights dimmed and a spotlight appeared at the center of the stage. Cassie snuggled up close to Matt on the curved seat, her eyes glued to the stage, she was obviously curious about the upcoming act. Matt knew exactly what was coming as he had questioned his friends earlier. He was looking forward to the show, not for the show per se but to see Cassie’s reaction. He hoped that if he watched her closely, he would be in a better position to judge how she would react to him and the plans he had already told her he had in mind.

“Please put your hands together for Master Jake Maddock and his partner Sabrina.” The MC encouraged the audience to show their appreciation for the act about to begin. “Please bear in mind that what you are about to see is consensual. Sabrina has exhibitionist tendencies and her Master is about to control her pleasure for your delight!”

Matt watched quietly as Cassie listened to the announcement. Cassie wriggled in her seat, obviously uncomfortable with his new toy. She moved restlessly as she tried to position herself so she could sit without sitting on the plug. He needed to stop her fidgeting; the very act reminded him why she couldn’t get comfortable and his stomach muscles tightened. He put an arm around her and hauled her onto his lap. Whilst under cover of the darkness in the room he lifted her wide skirt and spread it out across his legs. He opened his legs and positioned her so that she sat suspended between his thighs with her legs astride him. He kissed her hard to muffle her sound of surprise as he grabbed her hands and positioned them on the table in front of them.

“Support yourself on your forearms, you’ll be more comfortable.” He whispered in her ear, “Watch and enjoy!”

The spotlight highlighted the couple in the center of the stage. Master Maddock was barefoot, but wearing black leather trousers. Sabrina, who stood to his side, was completely naked. Matt watched Cassie taking it all in, a faint blush rising as she surveyed the naked girl on the stage.

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