Playing for Keeps (13 page)

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Authors: Glenda Horsfall

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #BDSM, #Romance

BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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Cassie only just smothered her laughter; good God, Matt would get a shock when he came across them. It was not the type of lingerie she had envisioned wearing.

“Can’t I just wear my own underwear under the outfit? After all it’s not as if anyone is going to see it.” Cassie asked.

“No, the whole outfit must be in keeping with the period.” Madam’s voice was firm and unequivocal. There would be no deviation from the Victorian theme.

“Well they don’t look very sexy to me. I can’t imagine what Matt will think when he sees them.”

Mistress de Silva eyed her critically. “Master Matt asked for the full works, the full works it will be.” Her lips pinched with disapproval as she looked Cassie over.

Cassie shrugged her shoulders. Well he had asked for it – it was his own fault if he was disappointed.

Cassie was then asked to sit before being handed stockings of the finest silk. However, when she questioned the need for suspenders, she was handed instead two red and black lace garters; one to hold each stocking in place.

When Madam stood in front of her and held the pantaloons for her to step into, Cassie realized they were not as innocent as they had first looked. Made of silk the gathered drawers tied at the front with ribbon; however, each leg was separate and did not join in the middle. Shit! They were Victorian crotchless knickers. She saw Madam give a wide smile as she noted her surprise.

“Remember your lessons. Always available to your Master,” she said.

Cassie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Right, always available – oh my.

“Hold up your arms, Cassie.” Madam opened up the lace corset and held it against her chest before walking around to her back to fasten the laces. To Cassie’s surprise, the front looked almost indecently low. From behind her, Madam instructed her to walk over to the opposite wall. “Put your hands together up on the wall and breathe in,” she started to lace the corset from the top down, cinching in her waist and making it look impossibly small.

“I won’t be able to breathe in this,” Cassie complained.

“Yes you will. Small shallow breaths, just relax,” she returned. “Right, turn around and step into the skirt.”

Cassie did as she was told before turning to survey herself in the mirrors once again. Shit – the top of the corset was low. Her ample breasts were pushed together and upwards, the edges of her areolas were visible. She tried to hitch it up a bit, but was startled when Madam struck her hands sharply and told her not to fidget.

Looking in the mirror, she saw that the dark red of the corset with its black lace trim really suited her coloring. Dark red made her skin look brighter and her hair darker. The cinched-in waist made the flair of her hips more dramatic in the full black silk skirt, and she felt deliciously naughty knowing that she wore silk stockings with crotchless pants. Oh my, what was Matt going to make of the outfit she wondered.

When she stepped into short, butter soft leather boots with laces up the front, her outfit was complete.

Cassie was taken along to a make-up room where her hair was swept up with ribbons and curls in a design reminiscent of Victorian hairstyles. Make-up was applied, a tad heavier than she would normally wear. Her eyes were outlined in dark kohl and her lips were coated with a dramatic red lipstick before being slicked with gloss.

She pouted at her reflection. She really did look like a saloon girl, a girl who plied her trade with her looks. She couldn’t wait to see Matt’s reaction to her new look; so completely different from her usual attire. When they had attended parties together in the past she had always relied on her little black dress and minimum make-up. He was in for a shock when he saw this get up! She was slightly nervous about leaving the premises dressed as she was. She need not have worried, as Mistress de Silva provided her with a long black coat, before escorting her back to the lounge to await Matt who was apparently on his way to collect her.

She heard Matt arrive at the front door, but it was some ten minutes or more before he came into the lounge to greet her.

“All okay?” he asked.

Feeling a little unsure of herself, she replied, “Fine yes. Well, I got my outfit. Did you get yours?”

Matt was watching her closely, and she felt herself squirming under his gaze. He had obviously been to visit Madam de Silva before he came to collect her and she wondered whether she had told him about the incident in the bathroom. If she had, was he cross? He didn’t look cross, only slightly puzzled as if he was trying to figure something out. He carried a carrier bag with de Silva written on the outside. She wondered if it was his own outfit for the evening that he had collected.

“Mine’s back at the hotel, it will only take me a few minutes to change after dinner.” He continued, “I have ordered room service, as I thought maybe you would want to eat before we go to the party. Is that alright?”

“Yep, I think I’m ready for something to eat now.” Unable to contain her curiosity, she indicated the bag he was carrying, “What’s in the bag?”

“You’ll find out. Later.” He gave the bag at his side a cursory glance and he didn’t look very happy. Suddenly she felt very unsettled.

“What? You’re not going to show me what you bought?” She deliberately stuck out her bottom lip, attempting to tease him into revealing the contents.

“Keep that up,” he looked pointedly at her pouting lips, “and you’re going to get a lot more than you bargained for.”

“Promises, promises.”

“I still have that paddle, you know.” At her indrawn breath, he grinned as he walked towards her.

The very thought of being spanked had turned her on so fast she was taken by surprise.

“Are you going to show me your outfit or keep covered up all night?” His eyes were alight with humor and something else. He looked excited.

“I’ll show you when we get back to the hotel,” she replied huskily. She doubted her outfit was going to be anything like he expected.

On the return trip to the hotel she tried to remember all the things Madam had told her, about how she must behave – after all her behavior reflected on Matt – and even though she hadn’t planned for this kind of weekend she was enjoying herself and didn’t want to disappoint him. She must remember not to look any other Doms in the eye – apparently that was taken as a ‘come on’ and she certainly didn’t want that. It also, apparently, showed her lack of respect for her Master. She nibbled her bottom lip nervously and caught Matt watching her from the corner of his eye.


“Don’t what?” she asked.

“Nibble on your lip. It’s driving me wild. Makes me want to nibble on it myself, and I can’t do that and drive at the same time. Feel.” He grabbed her hand and placed it over his groin where the swell of his erection was clearly visible.

Cassie caressed his straining erection. “God, you know how to pick your moments. Now I’m getting turned on. How long before we are back at the hotel?” she asked.

“Ten minutes, so behave until then,” he said as he firmly returned her hand to her own lap. A couple of minutes passed before he let out a groan, “I have to know. How turned on are you?” “Very,” she teased.

“Let me see.”

“How?” she queried, on a gasp.

“Undo that bloody long coat and open your legs,” he commanded, practically growling at her.

The air in the car was ripe with sexual tension. She saw the tension in him, his hands tightly gripped the steering wheel and he was holding himself rigid. Slowly she unbuttoned the coat from her feet up to her waist.

“Hitch up your skirt.” His voice was now husky. She did as he asked, pulling her skirt up to mid-thigh, wondering what the hell he was going to make of the long pantaloons.

“Sexy,” he joked. He was grinning like an idiot and looked like he was trying hard not to laugh.

“Well, if you’re no longer in the mood to appreciate them...” She pulled her skirt back down.

“Oh, I didn’t say that.” He pulled her skirt back up and ran his hand over the red silk aiming towards the top of her thighs. His hand stalled when he felt the garter and he looked at her questioningly.

“Silk stockings and garters.” She answered his unspoken question. At his sharply indrawn breath, she looked at his face. The tension was back. he almost looked like he was in pain.

“You… are going to be the death of me.” His hand continued its travels and he discovered the fact that the pantaloons were crotchless. “Oh shit!”

“Pardon?” she asked.

“You’re killing me here,” he said, “and it’s not funny!” He scolded when she giggled.

Killing him, that’s funny. He’s killing me, she thought. She hadn’t realized until that moment just how much of a turn on it would be to know that he wanted her, and wanted her badly by the look on his face.

His fingers had now reached their goal and she saw him struggle to swallow when he realized that she was bare, that all her hair had been removed. He looked sharply at her, his eyes narrowed as he parted her folds and slipped his fingers between. She was so turned on by this time she smelled her own arousal, just as much as she was sure he felt the slickness between her legs.

“Oh kitten, you really are ready for me.” He thrust two fingers inside her as his thumb carefully stroked her clit.

She threw her head back against the seat rest and closed her eyes, the feeling of his hand playing with her almost too much to bear. He withdrew his fingers. She opened her eyes in protest, but before she could voice her disapproval, he traced her lips with fingers coated in her own essence.

“Suck,” he ordered.

She did as he said, tasting her own juices on his fingers as she kept her eyes on him. He seemed to be having trouble breathing.

“It’s a damn good job I’m driving, or I’d lay you over my knee and paddle your backside for teasing me like you’ve done today.” She couldn’t contain her moan of desire and he groaned deep in his throat. “You will pay for that when we get back to our room,” he promised her softly.

Hallelujah! Cassie relaxed back into her seat, trying to appear calm. Serene was the last thing she was feeling.

As they continued back to the hotel, the atmosphere in the car was heavy with sexual need. Cassie wondered what delicious treat was in store for her. He had promised to make her pay for teasing him. What form of punishment would he come up with? She squirmed in her seat. Highly aroused, she craved his touch. She needed to come with him buried deep inside her. The sooner, the better.

“Keep still!” Matt barked. “I have to concentrate on traffic here – but believe me,” he promised, “I will sort you out when we get there.” His voice was harsh and his breathing erratic. She had never seen him this aroused, nor heard him sound so masterful.

The haste with which Matt hurried her through the reception area to the lift was almost comical. Dean and Jake, their guides from the previous night were at the entrance welcoming guests for the evening party. Matt hardly acknowledged their greeting and Cassie was embarrassed by their knowing grins. His chagrin at finding the lift occupied had her in fits of giggles, and the look he tossed her way said he was not amused. Sexual frustration was obviously interfering with his sense of humor.

Matt couldn’t wait to get her alone and he hustled her quickly to their suite. The door had no sooner closed when he spun her around and pinned her body back against the door with his own. He was amazed they had made it back to the hotel in one piece. Driving with a hard on was no easy feat. The thought of being able to bury his cock within her heat had nearly driven him mad. At one point he had even considered pulling the car over, so desperate had he been to feel her pulse around him. It had taken more will power than he’d known he possessed to keep driving and get them back to the hotel before he claimed his reward.

“Witch,” he whispered, before his lips came down hard upon hers. His mouth never left hers as his tongue worked its way thoroughly around her mouth, teasing her lips, her palate and the insides of her cheeks. His hands took on a life of their own as he unbuttoned her coat and dragged it from her shoulders. She had put her arms around his neck and was hanging on to him as if she never intended letting him go. Christ, what was she doing to him? He felt his erection pushing up against her belly and his gut clenched in eager anticipation of being stroked by her internal muscles. He wanted to touch her everywhere, feel her everywhere. He pulled her closer, tight against his crotch, as he ground her mound against his steely erection. Oh God, he wanted her. He needed to bury himself deep inside her.

“Matt, hurry…. Please Matt.”

“I know, baby, I know….” He kissed the side of her neck, raining kisses around her throat forced her to throw her head back against the door to ease his access.

“Trust me?” he queried.

“I do,” she replied breathlessly. “Hurry!”

He hitched up her skirt and his palms skimmed the outside of her thighs until they clasped her firmly underneath her bottom. “I’m going to lift you, hold on to me. I won’t let you fall.”

He lifted her and spread her legs supporting them on his hips. He leaned his weight against her effectively pinning her against the door. He quickly undid his zip and pushed his trousers and boxers down with one hand. Her eyes had widened and she looked surprised, as he barely gave her time to catch her breath before he lowered and impaled her on his rigid and throbbing cock. Oh God, she felt so good. She felt so tight he found himself fighting for control and he was forced to lock his knees and ceased all movement for a moment as he made himself slow down. The feel of her internal muscles as they rippled and caressed the length of him was amazing. When she started to move, slowly rotating her pelvis and flexing her internal muscles against him, he nearly lost his load.

“Don’t move.” He ordered, through gritted teeth.

He was so close to climax that trying to hold back was causing him physical pain. He had to close his eyes as he battled to control the urge for release.

He couldn’t look at her any longer, not if he wanted to stay in control. Cassie’s face was glazed with passion. Her joy was his joy and he wanted to make it last. He needed to make it good for her. She wriggled gently against him, trying to get him to move. She rubbed her clitoris up against the apex of his thighs as she sought her own release.

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