Playing for Keeps (11 page)

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Authors: Glenda Horsfall

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #BDSM, #Romance

BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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“Right, first things first,” she said, “We need to get you bathed and shaved before we start looking for a suitable outfit.”

The Mistress looked pointedly at the juncture of her thighs, and at Cassie’s gasp of surprise, she continued, “No self-respecting sub has pubic hair. You need to be totally clean and open to your Master. Why Master Matt has even allowed you to go around as you are is beyond me. He has obviously been far too lenient with you.”


Chapter 7

Was she so lacking? Humiliation washed over her as she thought about how Matt saw her. Was she a failure as a submissive? Was that why he had arranged her training? She felt like a student who had been rebuked by her teacher.

Walking toward the door, Mistress barked out, “Follow me.” She cast her eyes back over her shoulder, “As you are. Forget the clothes you won’t need them in the bathroom.”

What? She was expected to leave this room wearing only her underwear. I don’t think so, she thought. She ignored Katherine and turned to remove her dress from its hanger. She was very surprised when her hand was stopped mid flight as the Dominatrix grabbed her wrist tightly.

“I said, ‘forget the clothes’.” Her tone was uncompromising as she proceeded to drag Cassie from the room.

Cassie struggled to free her arm from the vice-like grip to no avail, as she was lead out of the room, pulled along behind the stronger Dominatrix.

“Behave yourself,” the Mistress warned, “or I’ll paddle your behind.”

She wouldn’t dare! Would she? Cassie was shocked. No one had threatened to paddle her behind since she was knee high. As a child, she had been spanked when naughty and her cheeks stung with the remembered humiliation. What the hell did she mean she’d paddle her behind? She couldn’t get away with that. It was assault!

She was going to kill Matt when she got her hands on him. Thoughts of Matt reminded her of why she was there in the first place. He wanted her to be trained. She wanted to please him. Her anger abated as she thought of him. She reminded herself how much he had done to please her over the weekend. Now it was her turn to do something for him. She gave a deep sigh, peace returning, as she vowed to herself that she would behave in a way that made him proud of her. She would endure whatever it took to achieve the knowledge she required to make him happy.

As they continued down the corridor, Mistress de Silva went on to explain that as time was short she would give Cassie instructions on the correct behavior of a submissive as they went about what had to be done. She led Cassie, feeling extremely uncomfortable wandering around wearing only her underwear, down a long corridor towards the back of the building. Mistress de Silva pushed open the double doors at the end of the long corridor with a flourish and finally released her wrist, as she bade Cassie to enter before her.

Cassie stood on the threshold with trepidation. The bathroom was nothing like she had ever seen before. The room was huge with tiled floors and tiled walls that depicted various sexual acts. The space contained several types of bath. There was a large sunken bath with seating which looked more than large enough to accommodate at least a dozen people, there was a Jacuzzi tub on a raised dais, there was a standard roll top bath set off to one side on its own and next to that an old fashioned slipper style bath. Around the perimeter of the room, there were vanity units, mirrors and several chairs. Not the usual type of chairs found in a beauty parlor, more the type of chairs you would find in a physician or dentist’s office. In one corner there was an enclosed glass shower, again bigger than those you would find in a normal house, in another corner padded tables like those used by a masseuse. Overall, it was very hedonistic and Cassie now felt more nervous than ever. Her stomach churned and she hoped she could stop herself from being sick.

“Don’t look so worried, you are not going to be hurt.” Mistress de Silva spoke softly. “Don’t you like your Master? Do you not want to please him?” she asked curiously.

The compassionate tone took her by surprise. She had been ready to bolt and run all the way back to the hotel if necessary. She only realized how tense she had been holding herself when her breath escaped on a whoosh and left her feeling light headed. Unable to trust herself to answer coherently Cassie nodded in reply. Of course, she liked him. She loved him and yes, she did want to please him.

“Let’s get you ready. We will make him proud of you this evening.” She took Cassie’s hand and led her over to a chair by the side of a vanity units. “Remove your underwear and sit.”

Feeling very wary and not at all sure of what she was about to do, Cassie reasoned with herself. They were both women and she had no need to be shy. Pretend you are in a normal beauty parlor she told herself as she slowly removed her panties and handed them over to Mistress de Silva’s outstretched hand.

“Now your bra.” As Cassie looked quickly at her, “You will want to shower afterwards and will not want to be wearing that.” Cassie could only agree with her reasoning and handed over her bra.

Cassie sat down in the middle of the chair, her legs still planted firmly on the floor. Mistress de Silva looked pointedly at her.

“Twist.” she said quietly but firmly, “Legs up on the footrest, head back, relax.”

Cassie gave a strangled laugh. Relax. How in hell was she meant to relax under these circumstances? Feeling more anxious by the minute, Cassie complied.

“Now I am going to fasten you to the chair.”

Cassie was outraged. Why the hell did she have to be fastened down? Suddenly she felt vulnerable and very unsure about the whole procedure.

“It is for your own good. I don’t want you to move whilst you are being shaved. Master Matt would never forgive me if you were to be cut.”

She gently put pressure on Cassie’s shoulder to ease her back into the chair. At the mention of Matt she did relax slightly. She had to trust that he knew what he was doing. If he had entrusted the Mistress with her training, then she needed to trust her also.

“Put your arms on the armrests.”

When Cassie did as she requested her arms were quickly bound to the armrests at just above elbow height. Without speaking Mistress de Silva walked to the bottom of the chair and just as efficiently bound Cassie’s ankles, one to each side of the chair’s footrest. Her trepidation rose.

“There now, you are just about ready.”

She leaned over Cassie and pulled on a restraint that Cassie hadn’t spotted earlier. She fastened the new restraint around Cassie’s middle almost like a seat belt.

Standing off to the side of the chair, she grabbed a remote and raised the chair up from the floor while at the same time the rear of the chair reclined. Cassie was now laid flat out at, around waist height of Mistress de Silva. With another press on her remote the chair legs parted. Cassie’s legs separated at the same time, she was spread wide with her pussy open to view. Mistress de Silva moved around the chair and came to stand between Cassie’s legs. She looked down at her mound and Cassie felt the embarrassed flush that rose from her chest up her neck and face. She bit her lip, too mortified to know what to say as the Mistress surveyed her girly bits. Mistress de Silva merely smiled. She trailed the fingertips of one hand along Cassie’s smooth thigh, and Cassie was glad she had visited the beauty parlor for a leg wax before coming away for the weekend.

Uncomfortable with the other woman touching her Cassie eyed her warily. Mistress de Silva stepped back but briefly patted her mound before doing so. Cassie’s immediate reaction was to try to close her legs, impossible when she was bound at the ankle and her legs were forced open by the position of the chair.

“Keep still.” Mistress de Silva said, her gaze narrowed and focused on Cassie’s face, “If you are going to make a good submissive, you must learn to do as you are told, and you must submit to your Dom.”

“But, you’re not my Dom,” Cassie replied warily, confused and at this point very worried. She was bound and vulnerable with a woman she didn’t know.

“Your Dom trusts me not to harm you.” It was almost as if Mistress de Silva could read her mind.

“Now let us proceed. As you are new to this, I will explain what is going to happen.”

She paced around the chair, her eyes never leaving Cassie’s face as she continued, “You will be washed, lathered and wet shaved to remove all your pubic hair. While this is being done, I will give you instructions on the proper behavior of a good submissive. Are you paying attention?”

It crossed Cassie’s mind that maybe Matt was testing her. Perhaps he wanted to see if she would submit to another dominant. She had to wonder what outcome he wanted. Did he want her to submit or was he expecting her to demand to be returned to the hotel? They hadn’t really talked about his desires, only her own. What would he want? She didn’t want to disappoint him. She still felt nervous about being shaved by the Mistress. Nevertheless, she had to assume that this was what Matt wanted. Otherwise, why would he have left her there? Inexplicably she felt tearful. Unable to trust her voice, Cassie could only nod in response.

“Right, let’s begin.”

Mistress de Silva clapped her hands and two males appeared from nowhere and stood in Cassie’s line of vision; she had no idea how long they had been standing there or what they were going to do. She twisted frantically in the chair trying to cover herself, her eyes seeking Mistress de Silva. What was going on? Whatever else he may have arranged she was sure that Matt wouldn’t have planned for this. Only last evening he had told her that he would never let any other man touch her.

“Meet Niall and Lee, my personal subs,” Mistress de Silva said. “They will shave you whilst I give you instructions on being a good submissive.”

“Like hell they will,” Cassie shouted. It would have been embarrassing enough being shaved by another woman, no way was she going to submit to being shaved by a man.

“Be quiet!” Mistress de Silva replied, her retort swift and hard. “You will do as you are told – the first rule of a submissive. Not because I say so, but because Matt your Master instructed you to.”

It crossed Cassie’s mind that Matt hadn’t actually given her any instructions, other than to behave. Cassie was horrified, she couldn’t believe what was happening. Surely Matt had not known strange men would be placing their hands on her most private parts? She felt defenseless and angry that she had allowed herself to be placed in such a vulnerable position. She wasn’t sure who she was madder at, herself or Matt.

Mistress de Silva pulled a stool over to the side of Cassie’s chair so that she was level with Cassie’s face.

“Don’t think about what they are doing,” she instructed, “just listen to me. Listen and learn in order that you don’t embarrass your Master this evening. This is a very important event that he has invited you to – you should be honored to be accompanying him.”

If I accompany him, more like, Cassie thought bitterly. He had dumped her here without discussion. Her hands balled into fists as her frustration at his actions began to grow. How was she supposed to act? What did he want her to do? She was confused and unhappy at the position she found herself in. While Mistress de Silva was talking Cassie was aware that the chair was once again being manipulated by remote. Her head was lowered slightly and her legs and bottom were raised higher into the air, her legs were pulled further apart and she heard the sound of running water and a stool being dragged across the tiles. The man introduced as Lee took up position between her legs. She felt his warm breath on her mound and closed her eyes. She was mortified.

“Look at me.” Mistress de Silva commanded, “Keep your eyes on my face and forget what they are doing.”

Easier said than done!

“First and foremost, as a submissive it is your duty to submit to your Master. You will do what is asked of you, when it is asked of you, and without question.”

Her heart raced a little and she started to feel excited. She couldn’t explain, even to herself, why the idea of submission aroused her, she just knew that it did. The thought of Matt taking charge and making decisions for them as a couple excited her further. She trembled slightly when she remembered how he had controlled her responses the previous night. She snapped out of her reverie as Madam continued with her lecture.

“You will be obedient at all times. You will keep your eyes downcast and not look at your Master unless spoken to. You will never look into the eyes of another Dom unless your Master gives you permission. You will keep yourself clean and presentable at all times. You will keep yourself free of hair. You will keep your pussy wet and ready for your Master at all times – after all your pussy belongs to him. You will not masturbate; all your pleasure belongs to your Master – you shall only have pleasure when he deems. You will not have sexual relations with any person, male or female, other than your Master without his permission.”

Christ! The rules the Mistress laid down were a lot more detailed than Cassie had anticipated. Never look at another Dom. Free of hair. Pussy wet. And what in hell did she mean no sex with someone else unless Matt gave her permission. She couldn’t imagine that Matt would ever expect her to have sex with anyone else and it certainly wasn’t something she had ever considered. Allowing Matt to dominate her was for their mutual enjoyment. Nowhere had she signed up for sex with another partner.

Cassie could hardly believe what she was hearing. She was an intelligent, career orientated professional, a financially independent woman, yet she was expected to submit to all these rules. All the time? Not in this lifetime! She was more than happy to submit to Matt in the bedroom anytime he wanted. However, she wasn’t about to give up her independence. She realized that if they were going to carry on down the path of role-play, with their dominant and submissive roles, she was going to have to have a serious talk with him. She would have to overcome her embarrassment and tell him exactly what it was she did, and more importantly, did not want.

“In return,” Mistress de Silva continued, almost without stopping for breath, “your Master will ensure that your every need, emotional and physical is taken care of.”

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